One study of children's friendships found that three-year-olds say about half their friends are of the opposite sex; for five-year-olds it's about 20 percent, and by age seven almost no boys or girls say they have a best friend of the opposite sex.3
Daniel Goleman |
It's not the highs along the way that matter. It's who you become.
Daniel Goleman |
we learn the emotional habits that can undermine our best intentions, as well as what we can do to subdue our more destructive or self-defeating emotional impulses. Most important, the neurological data suggest a window of opportunity for shaping our children's emotional habits.
Daniel Goleman |
Ordinarily, small children learn much about emotions by looking at the other person's eyes, while those with autism avoid the eyes and so fail to get those lessons.
Daniel Goleman |
Etica para un nuevo milenio. Si
Daniel Goleman |
Although you set your goal of getting a B, when your first exam score, worth 30% of your final grade is returned, you have received a D. It is now one week after you have learned about the D grade. What do you do?19 Hope made all the difference. The response by students with high levels of hope was to work harder and think of a range of things they might try that could bolster their final grade. Students with moderate levels of hope thought..
Daniel Goleman |
Television, as the poet T. S. Eliot warned in 1963, when the then-new medium was spreading into homes, "permits millions of people to listen to the same joke at the same time, and yet remain lonesome."
Daniel Goleman |
The subcortical circuits that know such gut truths before we have words for them include the amygdala and the insula. A scholarly review of gut intuitions concludes that using feelings as information is a "generally sensible judgmental strategy," rather than a perennial source of error, as the hyperrational might argue.1 Tuning in to our feelings as a source of information taps into a vast amount of decision rules that the mind gathers unco..
Daniel Goleman |
Un estudio de la Escuela de Direccion de Empresas de la Universidad de Yale descubrio que en los grupos de trabajo la alegria y la cordialidad son lo que se transmite con mas rapidez, mientras que la irritabilidad es menos contagiosa y la depresion practicamente no se propaga
Daniel Goleman |
classic model of the stages of creativity roughly translates to three modes of focus: orienting, where we search out and immerse ourselves in all kinds of inputs; selective attention on the specific creative challenge; and open awareness, where we associate freely to let the solution emerge--then home in on the solution.
Daniel Goleman |
Segun el estudio de Yale, el animo influye en la eficiencia de los trabajadores; si es positivo fomenta la cooperacion, la imparcialidad y el rendimiento laboral.
Daniel Goleman |
In a complex world where almost everyone has access to the same information, new value arises from the original synthesis, from putting ideas together in novel ways, and from smart questions that open up untapped potential. Creative insights entail joining elements in a useful, fresh way.
Daniel Goleman |
la guia con que cuentan estos para aprender a controlar sus propios impulsos y el ejercicio de la empatia constituyen elementos fundamentales del desarrollo emocional. Por el mismo motivo, el descuido, el abuso, la falta de sintonia, la brutalidad y la indiferencia pueden dejar su negativa impronta profundamente grabada en los circuitos nerviosos de la emocion.15
Daniel Goleman |
Think of attention as a mental muscle that we can strengthen by a workout. Memorization works that muscle, as does concentration. The mental analog of lifting a free weight over and over is noticing when our mind wanders and bringing it back to target.
Daniel Goleman |
Mas que cualquier otro individuo, el jefe crea las condiciones que determinan directamente la capacidad de sus subordinados para trabajar bien.
Daniel Goleman |
Writing about the coming information-rich world, he warned that what information consumes is "the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention."9 PART I THE ANATOMY OF ATTENTION"
Daniel Goleman |
La mayor parte de las veces no podemos dictar que emociones vamos a sentir, cuando vamos a sentirlas ni con que fuerza.
Daniel Goleman |
self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion.
Daniel Goleman |
Is it just for me, or for others? For the benefit of the few, or the many? For now, or for the future?
Daniel Goleman |
la experiencia me ha ensenado que los lideres mas eficientes coinciden en un aspecto fundamental: todos poseen un gran nivel de lo que ha dado en llamarse inteligencia emocional
Daniel Goleman |
Good work requires enthusiasm, ethics, and excellence.
Daniel Goleman |
Cualquiera puede enfadarse, eso es algo muy sencillo. Pero enfadarse con la persona adecuada, en el grado exacto, en el momento oportuno, con el proposito justo y del modo correcto, eso, ciertamente, no resulta tan sencillo. Aristoteles, Etica a Nicomaco.
Daniel Goleman |
There are two major streams of self-awareness: "me," which builds narratives about our past and future; and "I," which brings us into the immediate present. The "me," as we've seen, links together what we experience across time. The "I," in stark contrast, exists only in the raw experience of our immediate moment."
Daniel Goleman |
Una persona muy autoconsciente sabe adonde se dirige y por que; asi, por ejemplo, se mostrara firme al rechazar una oferta laboral que resulte tentadora desde un punto de vista economico pero no encaje con sus principios u objetivos a largo plazo.
Daniel Goleman |
Una de las caracteristicas principales de la autoconciencia es un sentido del humor autocritico.
Daniel Goleman |
Life's creative challenges rarely come in the form of well-formulated puzzles. Instead we often have to recognize the very need to find a creative solution in the first place. Chance, as Louis Pasteur put it, favors a prepared mind. Daydreaming incubates creative discovery.
Daniel Goleman |
some studies have found that pessimists smoke and drink more, and exercise less, than optimists, and are generally much more careless about their health
Daniel Goleman |
las capacidades de la IE (mas que el coeficiente intelectual o las habilidades tecnicas) se presentan como la competencia <>
Daniel Goleman |
los remedios mas poderosos para acabar con el enfado consiste en volver a encuadrar la situacion en un marco mas positivo.
Daniel Goleman |
lo que determina la productividad real del colectivo no es su potencial teorico (es decir, su coeficiente intelectual colectivo), sino la forma de coordinar sus esfuerzos.
Daniel Goleman |
People who are optimistic see a failure as due to something that can be changed so that they can succeed next time around, while pessimists take the blame for failure, ascribing it to some lasting characteristic they are helpless to change.
Daniel Goleman |
People's beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities. Ability is not a fixed property; there is a huge variability in how you perform. People who have a sense of self-efficacy bounce back from failures; they approach things in terms of how to handle them rather than worrying about what can go wrong."24 FLOW:"
Daniel Goleman |
Con eso se redefine la labor esencial del lider: ayudar a la gente a alcanzar la zona cerebral donde puede dar lo mejor de si, y a permanecer en ella.
Daniel Goleman |
No podemos controlar lo que vamos a sentir, pero si decidir que hacemos a continuacion.
Daniel Goleman |
As Aristotle saw, the problem is not with emotionality, but with the appropriateness of emotion and its expression.
Daniel Goleman |
El bombardeo continuo de correos electronicos, escritos y facturas -la "catastrofe completa" de la vida- nos arroja a un estado cerebral antitetico"
Daniel Goleman |
In terms of biological design for the basic neural circuitry of emotion, what we are born with is what worked best for the last 50,000 human generations, not the last 500 generations--and certainly not the last five.
Daniel Goleman |
Quisiera imaginar que, algun dia, la educacion incluira en su programa de estudios la ensenanza de habilidades tan esencialmente humanas como el autoconocimiento, el autocontrol, la empatia y el arte de escuchar, resolver conflictos y colaborar con los demas.
Daniel Goleman |
Visionary leaders help people to see how their work fits into the big picture, lending people a clear sense not just that what they do matters, but also why.
Daniel Goleman |
data science requires more than math skills: it also takes people who have a wide-ranging curiosity, and whose innovation is guided by their own experience--not just data.
Daniel Goleman |
el descontrol emocional obstaculiza la labor del intelecto
Daniel Goleman |
las personas muy inteligentes pueden hacer cosas muy estupidas.
Daniel Goleman |
Daniel Goleman |
your personal strengths, as a leader?
Daniel Goleman |