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1c8ef14 Un estudio evaluo el grado de optimismo o pesimismo de ciento veintidos hombres que habian sufrido un primer ataque cardiaco. Ocho anos mas tarde, veintiuno de los veinticinco mas pesimistas habian muerto, mientras que solo habian fallecido seis de los veinticinco mas optimistas. Este Daniel Goleman
fe03fbe The hijacking occurs in an instant, triggering this reaction crucial moments before the neocortex, the thinking brain, has had a chance to glimpse fully what is happening, let alone decide if it is a good idea. The hallmark of such a hijack is that once the moment passes, those so possessed have the sense of not knowing what came over them. These hijacks are by no means isolated, horrific incidents that lead to brutal crimes like the Career.. Daniel Goleman
36876cd THE SEAT OF ALL PASSION Daniel Goleman
2bfa70a What can we change that will help our children fare better in life? Daniel Goleman
4c3aeaf It is in moments such as these--when impulsive feeling overrides the rational--that the newly discovered role for the amygdala is pivotal. Incoming signals from the senses let the amygdala scan every experience for trouble. This puts the amygdala in a powerful post in mental life, something like a psychological sentinel, challenging every situation, every perception, with but one kind of question in mind, the most primitive: "Is this someth.. Daniel Goleman
371fa7c emotional intelligence, which include self-control, zeal and persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself. Daniel Goleman
58f5eb7 In the brain's architecture, the amygdala is poised something like an alarm company where operators stand ready to send out emergency calls to the fire department, police, and a neighbor whenever a home security system signals trouble. Daniel Goleman
46f822a tragedy of errors. Fourteen-year-old Matilda Crabtree was just playing a practical joke on her father: she jumped out of a closet and yelled "Boo!" as her parents came home at one in the morning from visiting friends. But Bobby Crabtree and his wife thought Matilda was staying with friends that night. Hearing noises as he entered the house, Crabtree reached for his .357 caliber pistol and went into Matilda's bedroom to investigate. When his.. Daniel Goleman
3979ee5 impulse is the medium of emotion; the seed of all impulse is a feeling bursting to express itself in action. Those who are at the mercy of impulse--who lack self-control--suffer a moral deficiency: The ability to control impulse is the base of will and character. By the same token, the root of altruism lies in empathy, the ability to read emotions in others; lacking a sense of another's need or despair, there is no caring. And if there are .. Daniel Goleman
e1c53af passions overwhelm reason time and again. Daniel Goleman
26820be All emotions are, in essence, impulses to act, the instant plans for handling life that evolution has instilled in us. The very root of the word emotion is motere, the Latin verb "to move," plus the prefix "e-" to connote "move away," suggesting that a tendency to act is implicit in every emotion. That" Daniel Goleman
39be85f La capacidad emocional, pues, no constituye un dato inmutable puesto que, con el aprendizaje adecuado, puede modificarse. Daniel Goleman
a5a9fb8 largo de un proceso conocido con el nombre de <>, el cerebro va perdiendo las conexiones neuronales menos frecuentadas y fortaleciendo aquellos circuitos sinapticos mas utilizados. De este modo, el <>, al eliminar las sinapsis menos utilizadas, mejora la relacion senal/ruido del cerebro extirpando la causa misma del <>. Daniel Goleman
a80a254 each emotion prepares the body for a very different kind of response:7 Daniel Goleman
199ae37 In many or most moments these minds are exquisitely coordinated; feelings are essential to thought, thought to feeling. But when passions surge the balance tips: it is the emotional mind that captures the upper hand, swamping the rational mind. Daniel Goleman
cfb9ad5 In The Nichomachean Ethics, Aristotle's philosophical enquiry into virtue, character, and the good life, his challenge is to manage our emotional life with intelligence. Our passions, when well exercised, have wisdom; they guide our thinking, our values, our survival. But they can easily go awry, and do so all too often. As Aristotle saw, the problem is not with emotionality, but with the appropriateness of emotion and its expression. Daniel Goleman
61a997f The neocortex is the seat of thought; it contains the centers that put together and comprehend what the senses perceive. It adds to a feeling what we think about it--and allows us to have feelings about ideas, art, symbols, imaginings Daniel Goleman
55fe9a0 Limbic structures generate feelings of pleasure and sexual desire--the emotions that feed sexual passion. But the addition of the neocortex and its connections to the limbic system allowed for the mother-child bond that is the basis of the family unit and the long-term commitment to childrearing that makes human development possible. (Species that have no neocortex, such as reptiles, lack maternal affection; when their young hatch, the newb.. Daniel Goleman
348d6d9 Feelings are self-justifying, with a set of perceptions and "proofs" all their own. Daniel Goleman
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