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294f192 But the arbitrary cuts, edits, and other changes the studio bosses made before releasing that movie were a bitter lesson for my friend, who valued creative control of his work as paramount. When he went on to make a movie based on another script of his own, a big Hollywood studio offered him a standard deal whereby the studio financed the project and held the power to change the film before its release. He refused the deal--his artistic int.. Daniel Goleman
d7c8275 apunta: <> Daniel Goleman
027231a Eso supone, por ejemplo, que, en el caso de una discusion, la persona agraviada deberia alejarse durante un tiempo de la persona causante del enojo y frenar la escalada de pensamientos hostiles tratando de distraerse. Como ha descubierto Zillmann, las distracciones son un recurso sumamente eficaz para modificar nuestro estado de animo por la sencilla razon de que es dificil seguir enfadado cuando uno se lo esta pasando bien. Daniel Goleman
dbebaff el neocortex puede aprender a inhibir el funcionamiento de la amigdala. Daniel Goleman
69f484e At the very highest levels, competence models for leadership typically consist of anywhere from 80 to 100 percent EI-based abilities. Daniel Goleman
ab43ebd CEOs are hired for their intellect and business expertise--and fired for a lack of emotional intelligence. Daniel Goleman
d4edb60 The hippocampus is crucial in recognizing a face as that of your cousin. But it is the amygdala that adds you don't really like her. Daniel Goleman
0e723f9 To know that a person is a valedictorian is to know only that he or she is exceedingly good at achievement as measured by grades. It tells you nothing about how they react to the vicissitudes of life."6" Daniel Goleman
8ca52d1 emotional aptitude is a meta-ability, determining how well we can use whatever other skills we have, including raw intellect. Daniel Goleman
6f13fa6 The single most important contribution education can make to a child's development is to help him toward a field where his talents best suit him, where he will be satisfied and competent. Daniel Goleman
4231d23 Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand other people: what motivates them, how they work, how to work cooperatively with them. Successful salespeople, politicians, teachers, clinicians, and religious leaders are all likely to be individuals with high degrees of interpersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence ... is a correlative ability, turned inward. It is a capacity to form an accurate, veridical model of oneself a.. Daniel Goleman
5fd0f3b Las personas con alta autoestima -afirma Epstein- llevan, en efecto, en su interior un padre orgulloso de los exitos de su hijo y tolerante con sus fracasos. Esta clase de individuos tiende a tener una vision optimista de la vida y es capaz de tolerar el estres sin llegar a sentirse excesivamente ansiosa. Y aunque pueden desilusionarse y deprimirse ante experiencias puntuales, las personas con una adecuada autoestima se recuperan rapidament.. Daniel Goleman
ef57b12 porque constituye el vinculo entre los sentimientos, el caracter y los impulsos morales. Daniel Goleman
0b19c12 Podriamos decir que quienes se hallan a merced de sus impulsos -quienes carecen de autocontrol- adolecen de una deficiencia moral porque la capacidad de controlar los impulsos constituye el fundamento mismo de la voluntad y del caracter. Por Daniel Goleman
3e921ee As poet Charles Bukowski put it, "It's not the big things that send us to the madhouse, not the loss of a love, but the shoelace that breaks when there's no time left." Daniel Goleman
915507d Except for the financially desperate, people do not work for money alone. What also fuels their passion for work is a larger sense of purpose or passion. Given the opportunity, people gravitate to what gives them meaning, to what engages to the fullest their commitment, talent, energy, and skill. Daniel Goleman
1a2a2fd Choices made in keeping with this inner rudder, on the other hand, are energizing. They not only feel right but maximize the attention and energy available for pursuing them. Daniel Goleman
a3ac7b6 Without missing a beat, Andrews passes out a mimeographed worksheet. In one column are faces of boys and girls, each displaying one of the six basic emotions--happy, sad, angry, surprised, afraid, disgusted--and a description of the facial muscle activity underlying each, for example: AFRAID: * The mouth is open and drawn back. * The eyes are open and the inner corners go up. * The eyebrows are raised and drawn together. * There are wrinkle.. Daniel Goleman
c9bcacb This lesson comes straight from Paul Ekman's research on facial expression; as such, it Daniel Goleman
fe1213e There is much to be said for the constructive contribution to creative and spiritual life; suffering can temper the soul. Daniel Goleman
c88c409 There is much to be said for the constructive contribution of suffering to creative and spiritual life; suffering can temper the soul. Daniel Goleman
c6a4149 Conta um velho conto japones que, certo dia, um aguerrido samurai desafiou um mestre de zen a explicar-lhe os conceitos de Ceu e Inferno. Mas o monge respondeu-lhe, trocista: "Nao passas de um estupido e eu nao posso perder tempo com gente da tua laia!" Ofendido na sua honra, o samurai encheu-se de raiva e, puxando da espada, gritou: "Podia matar-te pela tu impertinencia"."Isto", replicou calmamente o monge, "e o Inferno". Sobressaltado ao .. Daniel Goleman
29d4c92 Las intuiciones creativas florecen mejor cuando las personas tienen objetivos claros y libertad tambien en el modo de alcanzarlos. Y, lo mas importante todavia, tienen suficiente tiempo libre para pensar. Ese es el entorno mas favorable para incubar la creatividad. Daniel Goleman
4772e01 The debris that buried Steve saved his life as the plane's fuselage exploded, Daniel Goleman
88f4ba3 perished.1 Andrea's story, of parents whose last heroic act is to ensure their child's survival, captures a moment of almost mythic courage. Without doubt such incidents of parental sacrifice for their progeny have been repeated countless times in human history and prehistory, and countless more in the larger course of evolution of our species.2 Seen from the perspective of evolutionary biologists, such parental self-sacrifice is in the ser.. Daniel Goleman
5a25092 Anyone can become angry--that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way--that is not easy. Daniel Goleman
dfccd18 Motive and emotion share the same Latin root, motere, "to move." Emotions are, literally, what move us to pursue our goals; they fuel our motivations, and our motives in turn drive our perceptions and shape our actions." Daniel Goleman
aa3e39f As Freud observed, "Mortals can keep no secret. If their lips are silent, they gossip with their fingertips; betrayal forces its way through every pore." Daniel Goleman
b77164c A wealth of information means a poverty of attention. Daniel Goleman
b8bb297 Like an amulet that wards off some anticipated evil, the worry psychologically gets the credit for preventing the danger it obsesses about. Daniel Goleman
664c579 En una empresa todo el mundo forma parte del sistema, de modo que las reacciones de los demas son el alma del conjunto: el intercambio de informacion permite a los individuos saber si el trabajo que hacen va bien o necesita ajustes, mejoras o un cambio total de direccion. Daniel Goleman
e3aef7e The key to resilience is trying really hard, then stopping, recovering, and then trying again. Daniel Goleman
424eca4 los psicopatas no se preocupen por las posibles consecuencias de sus actos. Y su incapacidad de experimentar el miedo es la que da cuenta de su ausencia de toda empatia -o compasion- hacia el dolor y el miedo de sus victimas. Daniel Goleman
1fd2c9b la raiz de la colera se asienta en la vertiente beligerante de la respuesta de lucha-o-huida, Daniel Goleman
59250de el detonante universal del enfado sea la sensacion de hallarse amenazado. Daniel Goleman
4b0d3f0 Estos avances hacia la apertura resultan muy alentadores porque sugieren que, en cierto modo, hasta las mismas pautas emocionales innatas pueden cambiar. Daniel Goleman
018590e la gente que prospera en la vida (que tiene relaciones positivas y un trabajo gratificante, que considera que su existencia tiene sentido) experimenta al menos tres acontecimientos emocionales positivos por cada uno negativo. Daniel Goleman
f099bef A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, "You're nothing but a lout--I can't waste my time with the likes of you!" His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, "I could kill you for your impertinence." "That," the monk calmly replied, "is hell." Startled at seeing the tr.. Daniel Goleman
b67b465 la Universidad de Duke.10 Por ejemplo, Williams descubrio que los medicos que obtuvieron las puntuaciones mas elevadas en un test de hostilidad realizado cuando todavia eran estudiantes mostraban, alrededor de los cincuenta anos, un indice de mortalidad siete veces mayor que quienes habian obtenido puntuaciones mas bajas. Daniel Goleman
8330c56 Las ideas creativas son como un capullo delicado: hay que mimarlas para que florezcan. Daniel Goleman
f049fec A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, "You're nothing but a lout-- I can't waste my time with the likes of you!" His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, "I could kill you for your impertinence.""That," the monk calmly replied, "is hell." Daniel Goleman
fd0573e A belligerent samurai, an old Japanese tale goes, once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of heaven and hell. But the monk replied with scorn, "You're nothing but a lout-- I can't waste my time with the likes of you!" His very honor attacked, the samurai flew into a rage and, pulling his sword from its scabbard, yelled, "I could kill you for your impertinence.""That," the monk calmly replied, "is hell." Startled at seeing the tr.. Daniel Goleman
e5635da Cada vez es mayor la evidencia de que los pacientes deprimidos que se hallan aquejados de una enfermedad grave tambien deberian recibir tratamiento para su depresion. Daniel Goleman
7b1b034 La ansiedad y la irritabilidad cronicas vuelven a las personas mas susceptibles a la accion de un amplio abanico de enfermedades, y aunque la depresion no constituya la causa directa de la enfermedad, si que parece interferir, en cambio, en el curso de su recuperacion y aumentar el riesgo de mortalidad, especialmente en el caso de los pacientes aquejados de enfermedades graves. Daniel Goleman
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