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c16b385 Los ninos de hoy en dia crecen en una nueva realidad, una realidad en la que estan muy desconectados de sus semejantes y mucho mas conectados que nunca, por el contrario, con las maquinas, una situacion que, por razones muy diversas, resulta inquietante. Daniel Goleman
acc3e61 Un estudiante universitario observa la soledad y el aislamiento que acompanan al hecho de vivir en un mundo virtual de tuits, actualizaciones de perfil y "subir fotos de la cena"." Daniel Goleman
ad5f026 World Health Organization estimates that outdoor air pollution causes about 3.2 million deaths yearly worldwide.15 Daniel Goleman
74ee506 Todo padre sabe que, desde el momento de su nacimiento, un nino es tranquilo y placido o, en cambio, irritable y dificil. Daniel Goleman
7a30678 The ability of the powerful to dismiss inconvenient people (and inconvenient truths) by paying no attention has become the focus of social psychologists, who are finding relationships between power and the people we pay most and least attention to.4 Daniel Goleman
a83447a frazzle; Daniel Goleman
99d1a28 A mais antiga raiz de nossa vida emocional esta no sentido do olfato, ou, mais precisamente, no lobo olfativo, celulas que absorvem e analisam o cheiro. Daniel Goleman
de64821 los adultos con TDA presentan una elevada tasa de pensamiento original y mayores logros creativos. Daniel Goleman
81f8734 Segun Huxley, el eterno ahora alberga todo lo que necesitamos para vivir una vida plena. Pero la capacidad humana de pensar en cosas que no estan presentes en el ahora eterno es un requisito para todos los logros de nuestra especie que requieren planificacion, imaginacion o habilidades logisticas. Y todos esos son logros especificamente humanos. Daniel Goleman
3f9012d An epidemic exemplifies system dynamics. The more you can think systemically, the more you can follow the path of coins, art, religion, or disease. Understanding how coins travel along trade routes parallels analyzing the spread of a virus. Daniel Goleman
43d99be In the twenty-first century, the most successful leaders will focus on sustaining superior performance by aligning people around mission and values, and empowering leaders at all levels, while concentrating on serving customers and collaborating throughout the organization. Daniel Goleman
c69160e La mente del lector suele divagar entre el 20 y 40% del tiempo que dedica a la lectura. No es sorprendente que esto tenga, para los estudiantes, un coste muy elevado, porque la comprension es inversamente proporcional a la distraccion. [8] Daniel Goleman
7153440 como dicen los japoneses: <>. Daniel Goleman
a3b8d9f Psychologists use the rather ponderous term metacognition to refer to an awareness of thought process, and metamood to mean awareness of one's own emotions. I prefer the term self-awareness, in the sense of an ongoing attention to one's internal states. Daniel Goleman
fa47998 Leadership at its essence is about serving. But it's not only people serving you. You're serving them. We're joined together to serve the customer. At Medtronic, we're trying to serve the patient. We're trying to restore people to full life and health. Everyone that I know wants to do that job well, and so we need to re-conceptualize how we in management serve the employees who are doing the work, who are closest to the customers, and make .. Daniel Goleman
5688de2 The organizations that compete internally will not be successful in the future. Daniel Goleman
ba6bc2d The dimension of time is a huge problem--if the pace of global warming were accelerated to a few years instead of over centuries, people would pay more attention. But it's like the national debt: I'll leave it to my grandchildren--I'm sure they'll think of some solution. Daniel Goleman
85396d0 Durante los primeros anos de esta decada, el numero de mensajes de texto mensuales por adolescente era, por termino medio, de 3.417, el doble exacto que unos pocos anos antes, al tiempo que caia en picado el tiempo que pasaban al telefono. [5] Los adolescentes estadounidenses envian y reciben hoy un promedio de mas de 100 mensajes de texto al dia, unos 10 por cada hora que pasan despiertos. He llegado a ver a un nino enviando un mensaje mie.. Daniel Goleman
1b0ce71 Una organizacion centrada en su mundo interno puede funcionar muy bien, pero cuando no se adapta al mundo mayor en el que opera, su rendimiento puede acabar sirviendo a una estrategia fracasada. Daniel Goleman
9453492 Resposta: a inteligencia academica pouco tem a ver com a vida emocional. Daniel Goleman
399ffc8 Authoritative leaders mobilize people toward a vision. Affiliative leaders create emotional bonds and harmony. Democratic leaders build consensus through participation. Pacesetting leaders expect excellence and self- direction. Coaching leaders develop people for the future. And coercive leaders demand immediate compliance. Daniel Goleman
395d05c Para acercar al trabajador desmotivado al estado de flujo es necesario intensificar la motivacion y el entusiasmo, evocar una sensacion de objetivo y agregar una pizca de presion. Daniel Goleman
ac46b2a And one of the paradoxes is that leaders, the higher they go, the less vertical feedback they get on how they're actually doing, because people are afraid to tell them. So leaders can go off in a direction thinking they're doing fine, not realizing they're not, Daniel Goleman
2df214d Posner's group proposes that attention training should be part of the education of every child, giving a boost in learning across the board. Daniel Goleman
c612301 Good work involves the intertwining of three features: excellence, engagement, and ethics. Good work is technically excellent work--people know what they're doing. It's personally engaging and meaningful. They want to do it. They look forward to going to work. They don't dread it. And it's carried out in an ethical way. Daniel Goleman
5538db2 Moral sentiments derive from empathy, and moral reflections take thinking and focus. One cost of the frenetic stream of distractions we face today, some fear, is an erosion of empathy and compassion.19 The more distracted we are, the less we can exhibit attunement and caring. Daniel Goleman
b52bffd Researchers find that the prevalence of obesity in the United States over the last thirty years tracks the explosion of computers and tech gadgets in people's lives--and suspect this is no accidental correlation. Daniel Goleman
e9062bf Cuando los lideres encauzan las emociones en una direccion positiva (...) movilizan lo mejor de las personas y provocan un efecto al que llamamos resonancia Daniel Goleman Richard Boyatzis Annie McKee
e18897c A business leader who exemplified good work would be somebody who understood himself or herself, understood the corporation or company that they were in very well, knew something about their history, understood the domain--the sector in which they're working, which could be anything from transportation to widgets--and had some sense of the mega-trends going on in the world. You cannot be an excellent leader unless you've thought about this .. Daniel Goleman
907bb64 Tania Singer, director of the social neuroscience department at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany, has studied empathy and self-awareness Daniel Goleman
b45fbd9 El pensamiento profundo requiere de una mente concentrada. Daniel Goleman
7124534 A reader's mind typically wanders anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of the time while perusing a text. Daniel Goleman
f4872d5 El liderazgo gira en torno a la necesidad de captar y dirigir eficazmente la atencion colectiva. Daniel Goleman
81c91e6 elementos basicos da inteligencia emocional: aprender a reconhecer, controlar e canalizar os sentimentos; ter empatia e lidar com os sentimentos que afloram em seus relacionamentos. Daniel Goleman
b1a417b When people feel good, they work at their best. Feeling good lubricates mental efficiency, making people better at understanding information and using decision rules in complex judgments, as well as more flexible in their thinking.38 Daniel Goleman
879325f las emociones descontroladas pueden convertir en estupida a la gente mas inteligente. Daniel Goleman
c444728 El secuestro neuronal ?Que es lo primero que ve usted cuando entra en el despacho de alguien? La respuesta a esa pregunta es la clave de lo que, en ese momento, esta movilizando su foco ascendente. Es muy probable que, si sus intereses son de tipo financiero, lo primero que llame su atencion sea el grafico de beneficios de la pantalla del ordenador mientras que, si padece de aracnofobia, se fije en esa polvorienta tela de arana del rincon d.. Daniel Goleman
7e90a47 Los entornos mas relajados se hallan, en opinion de Stephen Kaplan, de la Universidad de Michigan, en la naturaleza, debido a lo que el denomina "teoria de recuperacion de la atencion"." Daniel Goleman
bf2b4d3 You need the negative focus to survive, but a positive one to thrive, Daniel Goleman
e289128 A mente intuitiva e um dom sagrado e a mente racional, um servo fiel", disse um dia Albert Einstein. "Criamos uma sociedade que honra o servo e se esqueceu do dom."12" Daniel Goleman
95ae71e It takes a panoramic attention to appreciate system-level interactions, Daniel Goleman
04e2110 En resumen, pues, el reaprendizaje emocional -una tarea que, ciertamente, no concluye nunca- puede remodelar hasta los habitos emocionales mas profundamente arraigados de nuestra infancia. Daniel Goleman
0048e27 para conseguir que hagamos lo que le interesa, la naturaleza lo convierte en un placer>>. Daniel Goleman
af9e2d4 Indeed, laughter may be the shortest distance between two brains, an unstoppable infectious spread that builds an instant social bond. Daniel Goleman
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