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d2df7c4 In a very real sense we have two minds, one that thinks and one that feels. Daniel Goleman
3c92e55 la preocupacion es la esencia de los efectos perniciosos de la ansiedad sobre todo tipo de actividad mental. La preocupacion es, en cierto modo, una respuesta util aunque desencaminada, una especie de ensayo mental ante la prevision de una amenaza. Pero este ensayo mental se convierte en un autentico desastre cognitivo cuando nuestra mente se queda atrapada en una rutina obsoleta que captura nuestra atencion e impide todo intento de focaliz.. Daniel Goleman
0cb0127 Research by Harvard's Howard Gardner, Stanford's William Damon, and Claremont's Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi zeroed in on what they call "good work," a potent mix of what people are excellent at, what engages them, and their ethics--what they believe matters.18 Those are more likely to be high-absorption callings: people love what they are doing. Full absorption in what we do feels good, and pleasure is the emotional marker for flow." Daniel Goleman
50c5b93 Segun Damasio, para tomar una buena decision tenemos que aplicar sentimientos a los pensamientos, Daniel Goleman
c2bf58b las creencias de las personas sobre sus propias habilidades tienen un profundo efecto sobre estas. La habilidad no es un atributo fijo sino que, en este sentido, existe una extraordinaria variabilidad. Las personas que se sienten eficaces se recuperan prontamente de los fracasos y no se preocupan tanto por el hecho de que las cosas puedan salir mal sino que se aproximan a ellas buscando el modo de manejarlas>>. Daniel Goleman
ff30516 The emotional/rational dichotomy approximates the folk distinction between "heart" and "head"; knowing something is right "in your heart" is a different order of conviction - somehow a deeper kind of certainty - than thinking so with your rational mind." Daniel Goleman
5c4df63 El liderazgo no tiene que ver con el control de los demas sino con el arte de persuadirles para colaborar en la construccion de un objetivo comun. Daniel Goleman
4652809 Cuando, despues de recuperarse, mi amigo fue a la universidad local, descubrio una vocacion que movilizo su talento creativo, la direccion cinematografica. Siguiendo esa llamada, se matriculo en una escuela de cine y filmo, a modo de proyecto de fin de carrera, una pelicula que llamo la atencion de un director de Hollywood, que le contrato como ayudante y le propuso que trabajase con el en un proyecto de una pelicula de bajo presupuesto. Es.. Daniel Goleman
ed6d909 El liderazgo no es sinonimo de dominacion, sino el arte de convencer a la gente de que colabore para alcanzar un objetivo comun. Daniel Goleman
799900b los modelos de competencia ponen claramente de relieve el gran peso que desempenan cuestiones no academicas como la empatia, Daniel Goleman
8b7de6b Es la combinacion entre el talento razonable y la capacidad de perseverar ante el fracaso lo que conduce al exito. Daniel Goleman
a7e86dd It seems no one is guaranteed a job anywhere anymore. These are troubled times for workers. The creeping sense that no one's job is safe, even as the companies they work for are thriving, means the spread of fear, apprehension, and confusion. One sign of this growing unease: An American headhunting firm reported that more than half of callers making inquiries about jobs were still employed--but were so fearful of losing those jobs that they.. Daniel Goleman
6ddcd4f What typically escalates to conflict begins, as Vargo puts it, with "not communicating, making assumptions, and jumping to conclusions, sending a 'hard' message in ways that make it tough for people to hear what you're saying." Students" -- Daniel Goleman
ca0be48 Benjamin Franklin put it well: "Anger is never without a reason, but seldom a good one." There" Daniel Goleman
bcfe9b0 darse cuenta de los propios sentimientos en el mismo momento en que estos tienen lugar- constituye Daniel Goleman
fd87d0b In 80 percent of airline crashes, pilots make mistakes that could have been prevented, particularly if the crew worked together more harmoniously. Teamwork, open lines of communication, cooperation, listening, and speaking one's mind--rudiments of social intelligence--are now emphasized in training pilots, along with technical prowess. The Daniel Goleman
36739f6 shapes those feelings. Daniel Goleman
7ec119a Todos somos mas inteligentes que cualquiera de nosotros aisladamente considerado>>. Daniel Goleman
a3725ba What seems to set apart those at the very top of competitive pursuits from others of roughly equal ability is the degree to which, beginning early in life, they can pursue an arduous practice routine for years and years. And that doggedness depends on emotional traits--enthusiasm and persistence in the face of setbacks--above all else. The Daniel Goleman
d47f339 enfadarse con la persona adecuada, en el grado exacto, en el momento oportuno, con el proposito justo y del modo correcto, eso, ciertamente, no resulta tan sencillo. Aristoteles, Etica a Nicomaco. Daniel Goleman
e88f2c9 What distinguishes leaders in medicine goes far beyond that knowledge, into interpersonal skills like empathy, conflict resolution, and people development. Daniel Goleman
5906666 Carol Gilligan points to as a key disparity between the sexes: boys take pride in a lone, tough-minded independence and autonomy, while girls see themselves as part of a web of connectedness. Thus boys are threatened by anything that might challenge their independence, while girls are more threatened by a rupture in their relationships. Daniel Goleman
7aef1ad There is perhaps no psychological skill more fundamental than resisting impulse. It is the root of all emotional self-control, since all emotions, by their very nature, lead to one or another impulse to act. Daniel Goleman
6cc800e If you want to make a real difference for psychiatric illness like depression, you have to do something before the kids get sick in the first place," Kovacs commented. "The real solution is a psychological inoculation." EATING" Daniel Goleman
e54e657 Character, writes Amitai Etzioni, the George Washington University social theorist, is "the psychological muscle that moral conduct requires."14" Daniel Goleman
9ae879e Empathy, as we have seen, leads to caring, altruism, and compassion. Seeing things from another's perspective breaks down biased stereotypes, and so breeds tolerance and acceptance of differences. Daniel Goleman
45a5455 Todos formamos parte de la caja de herramientas del otro para el cambio emocional, para bien o para mal. Daniel Goleman
cd7840d One rule of thumb used in communications research is that 90 percent or more of an emotional message is nonverbal. Daniel Goleman
2e55f71 Jupiter has bestowed far more passion than reason--you could calculate the ratio as 24 to one. He set up two raging tyrants in opposition to Reason's solitary power: anger and lust. How far Reason can prevail against the combined forces of these two the common life of man makes quite clear. Reason does the only thing she can and shouts herself hoarse, repeating formulas of virtue, while the other two bid her go hang herself, and are increas.. Daniel Goleman
57d958a the Visuddhimagga. This fifth-century text, which means Path to Purification in Pali (the language of Buddhism's earliest canon), Daniel Goleman
405ad64 Hope, in a technical sense, is more than the sunny view that everything will turn out all right. Snyder defines it with more specificity as "believing you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals, whatever they may be." People" Daniel Goleman
6784c49 De todas las dimensiones de la inteligencia emocional, la empatia es la que se reconoce con mayor facilidad. Daniel Goleman
69b907b She had moved to Los Angeles from the Midwest, lured by a job with a publisher. But the publisher was bought by another soon after, and she was left without a job. Turning to freelance writing, an erratic marketplace, she found herself either swamped with work or unable to pay her rent. She often had to ration phone calls, and for the first time was without health insurance. This lack of coverage was particularly distressing: she found hers.. Daniel Goleman
d6a3940 El mapa cerebral del cuerpo Despues de haber sido diagnosticado del cancer de higado que, anos despues, acabaria con su vida, Steve Jobs pronuncio una charla muy inspiradora a una clase de graduados de Stanford. Su consejo fue el siguiente: < Daniel Goleman
abed11c el poeta escoces Robert Burns expreso perfectamente en el siguiente poema: !Ah, si nos fuera dado el poder de vernos como los demas nos ven! De cuantos disparates y necedades nos librariamos. Daniel Goleman
2bda13a La transicion no provendra de los decretos gubernamentales si no de las mejoras que el individuo intente lograr y que otros apoyen espontaneamente. - Dalai Lama Daniel Goleman
6850df8 most students reported a state of total involvement in what was being taught, he would rate the moment "inspired." The inspired moments of learning shared the same active ingredients: a potent combination of full attention, enthusiastic interest, and positive emotional intensity. The joy in learning comes during these moments. Such joyous moments, says University of Southern California neuroscientist Antonio Damasio, signify "optimal physio.. Daniel Goleman
4ae39cf The goal of attunement is not simply continual meshing, with an utter entrainment of every thought and feeling; it also includes giving each other space to be alone as needed. This cycle of connectedness strikes a balance between the individual's needs and the couple's. As one family therapist put it, "The more a couple can be apart, the more they can be together." Daniel Goleman
8eecf28 The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant," Albert Einstein" Daniel Goleman
a2e01b6 liderazgo no es sinonimo de dominacion, sino el arte de convencer a la gente de que colabore para alcanzar un objetivo comun. Daniel Goleman
0f6bcb0 CI se ocupa solo de una estrecha franja de habilidades linguisticas y matematicas, y que tener un elevado CI tal vez pueda predecir adecuadamente quien va a tener exito en el aula o quien va a llegar a ser un buen profesor, pero no tiene nada que decir con respecto al camino que seguira la persona una vez concluida su educacion. Daniel Goleman
bc9c88a academic intelligence offers virtually no preparation for the turmoil--or opportunity--life's vicissitudes bring. Daniel Goleman
ae6c786 La gente tiende a ser muy eficiente en la gestion de las relaciones cuando logra comprender y controlar sus emociones y demostrar empatia por las de los demas. Daniel Goleman
3687a1b Existe una clara evidencia de que las personas emocionalmente desarrolladas, es decir, las personas que gobiernan adecuadamente sus sentimientos, y asimismo saben interpretar y relacionarse efectivamente con los sentimientos de los demas, disfrutan de una situacion ventajosa en todos los dominios de la vida, desde el noviazgo y las relaciones intimas hasta la comprension de las reglas tacitas que gobiernan el exito en el seno de una organiz.. Daniel Goleman
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