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72cd223 Secure bases are sources of protection, energy and comfort, allowing us to free our own energy," George Kohlrieser told me. Kohlrieser, a psychologist and professor of leadership at the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland, observes that having a secure base at work is crucial for high performance. Feeling secure, Kohlrieser argues, lets a person focus better on the work at hand, achieve goals, and see obstacles.. Daniel Goleman
7c45598 No child can avoid emotional pain while growing up, and likewise emotional toxicity seems to be a normal by-product of organizational life--people are fired, unfair policies come from headquarters, frustrated employees turn in anger on others. The causes are legion: abusive bosses or unpleasant coworkers, frustrating procedures, chaotic change. Reactions range from anguish and rage, to lost confidence or hopelessness. Perhaps luckily, we do.. Daniel Goleman
ae4e369 Lo que distingue a las estrellas de los demas no es el coeficiente intelectual academico, sino el emocional. Daniel Goleman
f3ffed6 Si quieres cambiar el mundo, primero intenta mejorar, hacer un cambio dentro de ti. Asi contribuiras a cambiar a tu familia y a partir de ahi el cambio se expandira - Dalai Lama. cambio mundo paz Daniel Goleman
3ac8b30 Muchos grandes encestadores de baloncesto, como Hank Aaron, por ejemplo, visionan una y otra vez videos de los pivots del equipo al que estan a punto de enfrentarse para descubrir, en el juego de sus adversarios, indicios que pueden resultarle de alguna utilidad. Daniel Goleman
251feb4 Nuestras emociones tienen una mente propia, una mente cuyas conclusiones pueden ser completamente distintas a las sostenidas por nuestra mente racional. Daniel Goleman
52b4ff4 ser consciente de uno mismo significa <>. Daniel Goleman
5c47e28 Ser consciente de uno mismo, en suma, es estar atento a los estados internos sin reaccionar ante ellos y sin juzgarlos. Daniel Goleman
04fd79d Hay muchos estudios que corroboran la persistencia de la agresividad infantil en chicos como Jimmy.11 Como ya hemos visto en otro lugar, los padres de los ninos agresivos suelen alternar la indiferencia con los castigos duros y arbitrarios, una pauta que, comprensiblemente, fomenta la paranoia y la agresividad. Daniel Goleman
96a7815 using a home computer, or commuting. On average, Daniel Goleman
84eed81 las personas parecen concentrarse mejor cuando se les pide algo mas que lo corriente, en cuyo caso son capaces de ir mas alla de lo normal. Si la demanda es muy inferior a su capacidad, la persona se aburre y si, por el contrario, es excesiva, termina angustiandose. Daniel Goleman
9fe7d69 el enfado es la mas seductora de las emociones negativas porque el monologo interno que lo alienta proporciona argumentos convincentes para justificar el hecho de poder descargarlo sobre alguien. Daniel Goleman
a9b8947 Los CEO son contratados por su capacidad intelectual y su experiencia comercial y despedidos por su falta de inteligencia emocional>>. Daniel Goleman
fcc5c3f la inteligencia emocional destaca especialmente sobre el CI en aquellos dominios "blandos" en los que la relevancia del intelecto para el exito es relativamente menor, es decir, en aquellos dominios en los que habilidades tales como la autorregulacion emocional y la empatia, por ejemplo, son mas decisivas que las competencias estrictamente cognitivas." Daniel Goleman
fb1399c The biological influence passing from person to person suggests a new dimension of a life well lived: conducting ourselves in ways that are beneficial even at this subtle level for those with whom we connect. Daniel Goleman
f8e790b Cualquiera puede enfadarse, eso es algo muy sencillo. Pero enfadarse con la persona adecuada, en el grado exacto, en el momento oportuno, con el proposito justo y del modo correcto, eso, ciertamente, no resulta tan sencillo. Daniel Goleman
8ae1952 Todas las emociones son, en esencia, impulsos que nos llevan a actuar, programas de reaccion automatica con los que nos ha dotado la evolucion. Daniel Goleman
2288c7b Yvonne Sell, the Hay Group's director of the leadership and talent practice in the United Kingdom, who did the study, found such leaders are rare: only 18 percent of executives attained this level. Three-quarters of leaders with three or fewer strengths in people skills created negative climates, where people felt indifferent or demotivated. Lame leadership seems all too prevalent--more than half of leaders fell within this low-impact categ.. Daniel Goleman
fbcedc2 there was one "meta" ability that emerged: self-awareness. Chief executives need this ability to assess their own strengths and weaknesses, and so surround themselves with a team of people whose strengths in those core abilities complement their own." Daniel Goleman
53f5630 tienen suficiente tiempo libre para pensar. Ese es el entorno mas favorable para incubar la creatividad. 5. Daniel Goleman
2322677 Una investigacion realizada por Howard Gardner, de Stanford, William Damon, de Harvard, y Csikszentmihalyi, de Claremont, se centro en lo que ellos llamaban un "buen trabajo", una combinacion entre la etica (es decir, lo que uno cree que le gusta) y aquello en lo que destaca (es decir, lo que realmente le gusta)." Daniel Goleman
f7f404f Around 8 percent of American gamers between ages eight and eighteen seem to meet psychiatry's diagnostic criteria for addiction; brain studies reveal changes in their neural reward system while they game that are akin to those found in alcoholics and drug abusers. Daniel Goleman
c573cab Research by Harvard's Howard Gardner, Stanford's William Damon, and Claremont's Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi zeroed in on what they call "good work," a potent mix of what people are excellent at, what engages them, and their ethics--what they believe matters.18" Daniel Goleman
8f7e151 circuitry. Studies of neurological patients with damaged prefrontal-limbic circuitry confirm that their cognitive capacities may remain intact, while their emotional intelligence abilities are impaired. 11 This neurological fact clearly separates these competencies from purely cognitive abilities like intelligence, technical knowledge, or business expertise, which reside in the neocortex alone. Biologically speaking, then, the art of resona.. Daniel Goleman
91ac0cf se contrata a los directores generales por su intelecto y su pericia empresarial y se los despide por su falta de inteligencia emocional>>. Daniel Goleman
4726fc9 os sentimentos sao essenciais para o pensamento e vice-versa. Mas, quando surgem as paixoes, esse equilibrio se desfaz: e a mente emocional que assume o comando, inundando a mente racional. Daniel Goleman
7923fff alteran la funcion neuroendocrina y provocan desequilibrios de los sistemas inmunitario y nervioso, de modo que somos mas propensos a sufrir enfermedades y nos cuesta pensar con claridad. El ritmo circadiano se trastorna y dormimos mal. Daniel Goleman
db03364 Anyone can become angry--that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way--that is not easy. ARISTOTLE, The Nichomachean Ethics Daniel Goleman
81b7c19 There can be a downside to the achievement drive: some people become workaholics, completely focused on their work goals and neglecting to live a full life. You can see this in students who are "grinds," driven to get the highest grades at the sacrifice of everything else in their lives, just as you see it in those successful executives who work 18-hour days all through the week - and in anyone who has perfectionistic standards." Daniel Goleman
86daef9 A leader tuned out of his internal world will be rudderless; one blind to the world of others will be clueless; those indifferent to the larger systems within which they operate will be blindsided. Daniel Goleman
4385859 el estres atonta a la gente>>. Daniel Goleman
ae22045 The Extraordinary Persons Project In fact, Ekman had been so moved personally--and intrigued scientifically--by his experiments with Oser that he announced at the meeting he was planning on pursuing a systematic program of research studies with others as unusual as Oser. The single criterion for selecting apt subjects was that they be "extraordinary." This announcement was, for modern psychology, an extraordinary moment in itself. Psycholog.. Daniel Goleman
d30c98d Don't underestimate the value of practicing the guitar or keeping that promise to feed the guinea pig and clean its cage. Daniel Goleman
5209e32 las emociones perturbadoras y las relaciones toxicas han sido identificadas como factores de riesgo que favorecen la aparicion de algunas enfermedades. Daniel Goleman
8930a8a Si hay menos mal humor en las altas esferas, tambien lo habra en el resto del escalafon. Daniel Goleman
74f15a9 Los indicadores de la autorregulacion emocional son, por consiguiente, faciles de ver: tendencia a reflexionar y a meditar, comodidad ante la ambiguedad y el cambio, y tambien integridad, es decir, capacidad de reprimir deseos impulsivos. Daniel Goleman
a045e83 But these most visible leadership abilities build not just on empathy, but also on managing ourselves and sensing how what we do affects others. Daniel Goleman
c1bffe9 key competencies match a given organization's reality. Each company and each industry has its own emotional ecology, and the most adaptive traits for workers will differ accordingly. Daniel Goleman
2b0e198 Por ello decimos que el lider desconectado de su mundo interno carece de timon, el indiferente a los sistemas mayores en los que se mueve esta perdido, y el inconsciente ante el mundo interpersonal esta ciego. Daniel Goleman
e857ae7 What allows people to have such a strong inner compass, a North Star that steers them through life according to the dictates of their deepest values and purposes? Daniel Goleman
ab0b955 Transmitimos e captamos modos uns dos outros, algo como uma economia subterranea da psique, em que alguns encontros sao toxicos, outros, revigorantes. Daniel Goleman
cff2fdd Para que Servem as Emocoes? E com o coracao que se ve corretamente; o essencial e invisivel aos olhos. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, O Pequeno Principe Daniel Goleman
e23a45d the difference quite often lies in the abilities called here emotional intelligence, which include self-control, zeal and persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself. Daniel Goleman
382fb31 Leaders who display just the pacesetting or command style--or both--but not any others create a toxic climate, one that dispirits those they lead. Such leaders may get short-term results through personal heroics, like going out and getting a deal themselves, but do so at the expense of building their organizations. Daniel Goleman
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