Igual que en el momento de venir al mundo, al morir tenemos miedo de lo desconocido. Pero el miedo es algo interior que no tiene nada que ver con la realidad.
Isabel Allende |
Te quitabas la faja de la cintura, te arrancabas las sandalias, tirabas a un rincon tu amplia falda, de algodon, me parece, y te soltabas el nudo que te retenia el pelo en una cola. Tenias la piel erizada y te reias. Estabamos tan proximos que no podiamos vernos, ambos absortos en este rito urgente, envueltos en el calor y el olor que haciamos juntos. Me abria paso por tus caminos, mis manos en tu cintura encabritada y las tuyas impacientes..
Isabel Allende |
ella se iba desprendiendo de mi abrazo, y su espiritu, cada vez mas etereo, ya no me pesaba como antes. A los cinco dias ella dio sus primeros pasos por los alrededores, mientras yo dormitaba, pero no estaba lista para seguir su viaje sola y volvio a mi lado
Isabel Allende |
Dicen que las mujeres muy bellas son inolvidables, espero que aprendas a vivir sin ella, aunque no la olvides.
Isabel Allende |
Con estas fotografias y estas paginas mantengo vivos los recuerdos; ellas son mi asidero a una verdad fugitiva, pero verdad de todos modos, ellas prueban que estos eventos sucedieron y estos personajes pasaron por mi destino.
Isabel Allende |
mn lmstHyl lrjw` fy lzmn, yjb 'l nnZr l~ lwr, wlknny l 'stTy` ltkhly `n lnZr l~ lwr m` dhlk.
Isabel Allende |
ljmy` yndmwn fym b`d `l~ rsy'l lHb lty ktbwh
Isabel Allende |
Nuestros pensamientos forman lo que suponemos que es la realidad
Isabel Allende |
Mas o menos cada diez anos echo una mirada hacia el pasado y puedo ver el mapa de mi viaje, si es que eso puede llamarse un mapa; parece mas bien un plato de tallarines. Si uno vive lo suficiente y mira para atras, es obvio que no hacemos mas que andar en circulos.
Isabel Allende |
He armado la idea de mi pais como un rompecabezas, seleccionando aquellas piezas que se ajustan a mi diseno e ignorando las demas.
Isabel Allende |
That was the beginning of the revolution. Many years have gone by and blood keeps running, soaking the soil of Haiti, but I am not there to weep.
Isabel Allende |
La vida costaba demasiado trabajo, no valia la pena levantarse por la manana y ver arrastrarse las horas sin una finalidad. Descansar. Morir. Ser o no ser, como Hamlet. "No pienses, Maya, trata de mantenerte ocupada"
Isabel Allende |
A los ocho anos se habia enamorado de Ichimei con la intensidad de los amores de la infancia y de Nathaniel con el amor sereno de la vejez.
Isabel Allende |
La felicidad no es exuberante ni bulliciosa, como el placer o la alegria. Es silenciosa, tranquila, suave, es como un estado interno de satisfaccion que empieza por amarse a si mismo. Tu deberias quererte como te quiero yo y como te quieren todos los que te conocen...
Isabel Allende |
Captain John Sommers joined his brother and sister in the library, "Do you remember Jacob Todd? -The cad who defrauded us with that yarn about missions in Tierra del Fuego? asked Jeremy Sommers. -The same... He changed his name. Now he calls himself Jacob Freemont, and he's a newspaperman in San Francisco. -Egad! So it is true that in the United States any scoundrel may begin a new life? -Jacob Todd paid for his offense several times over. ..
Isabel Allende |
mientras mas profunda la herida mas privado era el dolor.
Isabel Allende |
'n jml 'wly'k l'bTl lkhylyyn fy lHkyt lys lh 'y qym@ , bl ymkn lh 'n ytHwl l~ mbrr lltfh@
Isabel Allende |
lsnwn tmDy btktm `l~ rw'ws 'Sb`h skhr@an bSwtin hms wfj'@an tr`bn fy lmra@ tDrb fj'@ rkbn 'w tGmd khnjran fy Zhrn lshykhwkh@ thjmn ywman b`d ywm lknh ttkshf bwDwH m` ktml kl `qd
Isabel Allende |
Hijo mio, la Santa Madre Iglesia esta a la derecha, pero Jesucristo siempre estuvo a la izquierda
Isabel Allende |
lnqwd ltshtry ls`d@, wlknh tshtry kl m`d dhlk tqryban
Isabel Allende |
no podia imaginar el coraje que se requiere para envejecer sin asustarse demasiado;
Isabel Allende |
abandono la idea de ser su dueno absoluto, como pretendio en la juventud, y solo entonces pudo abrazarla en terminos de igualdad.
Isabel Allende |
Mozhe bi idvame na tozi sviat,za da t'rsim liubovta,za da ia namerim i posle da ia izgubim,i posle otnovo i otnovo vse s'shchoto.S vsiaka nova liubov se razhdame povtorno,i s vsiaka liubov,koiato prikliuchva,v s'rtsata ni se otvaria rana.Az s'm pokrita s gordi belezi.
Isabel Allende |
Bog ne ni izprashcha stradaniia,bez sila,za da gi ponesem.
Isabel Allende |
Me gustaria volar en una escoba y danzar con otras brujas paganas en el bosque a la luz de la luna, invocando las fuerzas de la tierra y ahuyentando demonios, quiero convertirme en una vieja sabia, aprender antiguos encantamientos y secretos de curandero. No es poco lo que pretendo. Las hechiceras, como los santos, son estrellas solitarias que brillan con luz propia, no dependen de nada ni de nadie, por eso carecen de miedo y pueden lanzars..
Isabel Allende |
A slave lacks incentives; for him it is better to work slowly and badly, since his effort benefits only the master, but free people work hard to save and get ahead,, that is their incentive.
Isabel Allende |
nadie le importan los problemas ajenos y que los dolores callados acaban por diluirse.
Isabel Allende |
The property adjoined the bay, and when the tide came in it was possible to go kayaking, which some of the residents not yet disabled by their infirmities were happy to do. This is how I would like to live, thought Irina, taking deep breaths of the sweet aroma of pines and laurels.
Isabel Allende |
Si nada me duele, es que amaneci muerta
Isabel Allende |
Happiness is slippery, it slithers away between your fingers, but problems are something you can hold on to, they've got handles, they're rough and hard.
Isabel Allende |
El feminismo no me alcanzo para repartir las tareas domesticas, en verdad esa idea no me paso por la cabeza, creia que la liberacion consistia en salir al mundo y echarme encima los deberes masculinos, pero no pense que tambien se trataba de delegar parte de mi carga. El
Isabel Allende |
When she was eight she had fallen in love with Ichimei with all the intensity of childhood passions; with Nathaniel it was the calm love of later years. The two of them fulfilled different roles in her heart, but they were equally indispensable: she was sure that without Ichimei and Nathaniel she wouldn't survive. She had loved the former vehemently; she needed to see him all the time, to run off with him to the Sea Cliff garden, which was ..
Isabel Allende |
October 22, 2002 Yesterday, Alma, when at last we could meet to celebrate our birthdays, I could see you were in a bad mood. You said that all of a sudden, without us realizing it, we have turned seventy. You are afraid our bodies will fail us, and of what you call the ugliness of age, even though you are more beautiful now than you were at twenty-three. We're not old because we are seventy. We start to grow old as soon as we are born, we c..
Isabel Allende |
I felt the strength of his desire, his hands at my waist, at the back of my neck, in my hair, his lips on my face and neck; I caught his young man's scent, heard his voice murmuring my name, and I felt blessed. How could I in less than a minute go from the sadness of having been abandoned to the joy of feeling loved?
Isabel Allende |
lm ykn yqdm nSy'H l'nh 'ktshf mn khll tjrbh 'nh D`@ llwqt, fkl shkhS yrtkb 'khTh wyt`lm mnh
Isabel Allende |
know what helps most in misfortune, Irina? To talk. Nobody can go around in this world all alone. Why do you think I set up the pain clinic? Because shared pain is more bearable. The clinic is useful for the patients but is even more useful to me. We all have demons in the dark recesses of our soul, but if we bring them out into the light, they grow smaller and weaker, they fall silent and eventually leave us in peace." Irina tried to free ..
Isabel Allende |
The simple recipe for success that Mendel had instilled in his children from the cradle on consisted in never complaining, never asking for anything, striving to be the best in everything you do, and never trusting anyone. Alma had to carry this heavy weight on her back for several decades, until love helped her shed some of it. Her stoic attitude contributed to the air of mystery surrounding her, long before she had any secrets to keep.
Isabel Allende |
el dolor es inevitable en el paso por esta vida, pero dicen que casi siempre es tolerable si no se le opone resistencia y no se agregan miedo y angustia.
Isabel Allende |
La felicidad es jabonosa, se escurre entre los dedos, pero a los problemas uno puede aferrarse, tienen asidero, son asperos, duros.
Isabel Allende |
How would I run with my bad leg? And what would become of the people who need my care? Besides, it doesn't mean anything for me to be free and everyone else slaves," the healer answered. Tete hadn't thought of that, and it kept buzzing around her brain like a bottlefly. She talked about it with her godmother many times, but she was never able to accept the idea that her freedom was irreparably bound to that of the other slaves."
Isabel Allende |
In that respect women are really thick. They're the daughters of rigidity. They need a man to feel secure but they don't realize that the one thing they should be afraid of is men. They don't know how to run their lives. They have to sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone else.
Isabel Allende |
there was only one aristocracy, that of decency, and that this was not inherited or bought with money or titles, but was only gained through good deeds.
Isabel Allende |
Habia tenido que tejer el amor con recuerdos...
Isabel Allende |
Memory is fragile and capricious; each of us remembers and forgets according to what is convenient. The past is a notebook with many leaves on which we jot down our lives with ink that changes according to our state of mind.
Isabel Allende |