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e340391 He'd want privacy for his Change and that wasn't vanity. I'm curious about many things, but witnessing the human-to-wolf transformation isn't one of them. "I'm going to try picking up visions," I said. "So try to keep the screams of agony to a minimum, okay?" A muttered epithet. I grinned and walked to the sofa." the-change Kelley Armstrong
188d089 Too bad Guy interrupted," I said as we snuck around the rear of the building. "Otherwise, I could have just walked you down here before you changed back." His look said he wasn't dignifying that with a retort. "I always wanted a dog," I said, nearly running to keep up with his long strides. "My brothers were both allergic. Have I told you that?" "Once or twice." "Maybe, someday, you could humor me and-- "Don't finish that sentence." werewolf Kelley Armstrong
7ce9b28 I think you intentionally overreacted. Like killing a fly with a baseball bat, just to make sure it never bothers you again. Kelley Armstrong
94d7069 After a few moments of silence, he said, He moved down to the end of the couch, though there'd already been plenty of room. He put his arm along the back. He tried for a smile and didn't really manage it, but my heart still did a little flip. He's sorry, Chloe. He really is a sweet guy. Don't be a bitch about this. And don't screw it up. Just go over there. Give him a chance and, in no time, you'll forget everything else. And that's exact.. sorry-for chloe derek Kelley Armstrong
7fa5127 Still, I shouldered part of the blame, maybe because it gave me some sense of control in an uncontrollable situation. Kelley Armstrong
114f533 I needed to make choices for me, whoever I was. I'd say I needed to find myself, if that didn't sound like I was heading into the Himalayas, taking only a backpack stuffed with angst and clean underwear life sarcastic Kelley Armstrong
f079f52 Take off that cloak before you melt," he said. "It wasn't disguising you." "Nor is that" - she waved at his peasant outfit - "disguising you." "It isn't supposed to. It merely conveys the message that I'm attempting to pass incognito." "That makes absolutely no sense." Kelley Armstrong
dab140d Simon said. I glanced back at him. Simon chuckled. pissed-off derek jealous simon flirting Kelley Armstrong
7cc30d4 Blast him," Ronan hissed as they surveyed the empty space behind the roadside shop. "He may tell us not to treat him as a prince, but he cannot stop acting like one. He does as he pleases." "Only when it's in my best interests," Tyrus said as he rounded the shop. Ronan glowered. "Which is anytime you don't like what you're told to do." Tyrus grinned. "True." Kelley Armstrong
5ee345a Yeah, I worry what will happen when we stop running. When we go back to school. When she meets other boys. Boys who don't argue and snap at her. Boys who don't obsessively worry about her. Boys that could take her to a movie and stay right until the end, not have to leave halfway through because he started turning into a wolf. But she wouldn't pick up some random guy in the mall. Ever. So why was I over-reacting? I don't know. I saw the guy.. other-boys derek worry Kelley Armstrong
2794e23 She pointed at the text as if it was a piece of rotten meat. I said. I picked the book up and double checked the title, to make sure I hadn't misidentified the subject. I said. I looked up to see she'd already left the room. Simon pointed at the text, grinned and faked a yawn. I said, striding after her. humor chloe derek simon physics Kelley Armstrong
29066cf she asked. I gave a soft growl at the last one and she laughed. she said. fetch derek wolf Kelley Armstrong
bdc1030 I walked over to the paper and bent as the pencil began scribbling across it. A stupid question. Liz was the only poltergeist I knew. But if she was here, that meant. My heart started thudding again. I took a deep breath. I watched the paper. Nothing happened. No, she didn't. We hadn't taken them into the forest. If Chloe had managed to follow me straight from there ... I swore. humor liz message Kelley Armstrong
6eba2c1 Something hit the floor with a crack. Nate turned and looked down to see his cell phone on the floor. He patted his back pockets, as if to be sure it was his, then swore and reached down. The phone slid across the floor. he muttered. It slid faster now, scraping and bumping along. Nate growled. As he took off after the phone, I looked out the bathroom door to see it rise a foot off the ground, then fall with a crack. Nate swore and picke.. prank phone Kelley Armstrong
57c11f7 Her eyes widened in panic. I paused. She smiled. She blushed and lifted on her tiptoes to kiss me. chloe derek sweet Kelley Armstrong
3b208f5 Now I was standing in a forest grove with a witch, a half-demon, a vampire, and a shaman, planning to put an end to a nefarious plot to usurp our powers and alter the path of humankind. Talk about your conspiracy theories. Kelley Armstrong
365eacd As a vampire, you must accept that every person you ever know will die, and you are the only constant in your life, the only person you can--and should--rely on. vampire Kelley Armstrong
9005b96 People today work as hard, if not harder, than they did thirty years ago. The only difference is the quality of the work they perform. They no longer accomplish anything of value. They only service the machines. Kelley Armstrong
6cab28d So what are the other routes?" His lips curved. "Did I say there were any?" "You implied it." "Perhaps. And the next time you wish to leave, you have only to tell me, and I will show you ... and go with you." "I'm quite safe in the city." "But is the city safe when you are in it? That's the question." Kelley Armstrong
05d93d0 The bracelet--an heirloom, I presume." "So you didn't mistake it for a 'cheap bauble' after all. And you still didn't try to nick it. I'm shocked." He glowered as he got to his feet. "What?" I said. "I've offended you? I should be ashamed of myself. Those pieces in your pocket just fell in there, didn't they? Damn museum displays. Stuff just drops off them--" Kelley Armstrong
9df75aa Mmm, not sure I'd call Paige. Remember what you tried to do when you were possessed?" "That was not me. And don't remind me. I'm still creeped out." Kelley Armstrong
d707b63 They say all roads led to the imperial city. Of course that was true - all roads linked up with other roads and would ultimately take you anyplace you wished to go. This road did in fact become the Imperial Way, though, and was busy enough that they could follow Tyrus unnoticed. "Oh, he's noticed," Ronan said when Ashyn commented. "But he hasn't looked back once." "No, we haven't him look back. He's a prince and a warrior, Ash. He's not g.. Kelley Armstrong
c7bc6bc As the abyss widens, though, I begin to fear that coming back to the surface may, someday, not be under my control. Because at the bottom of my abyss is not death, it's madness. Kelley Armstrong
555387d I...I still--" "Can't believe it?" Rafe shrugged. "I'm guessing a regular person wouldn't have survived. But we're part cat so maybe falls aren't so bad. I think I lost one of my nine lives though." He twisted to look at the stab wound. "Maybe two." I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him, and when I did, I knew he was real--the heat of him, the smell of him, the feel of him, the taste of him so incredibly real that it surpassed anyt.. Kelley Armstrong
fcc8f99 Your one and possibly only chance to get the answer to every question in the universe, and you'll ask, 'Why are bats furry? Kelley Armstrong
7c43f34 You have no idea, do you?" "No, but that sounded good when they said it on Star Trek." Kelley Armstrong
0473156 Tyrus pushed the mummy off him and rose, whisking sloughed bits of dried flesh from his tunic. "Well, that wasn't at all humiliating," he said. "Please tell me I didn't shriek. And if I did? Remember I am of imperial lineage. Lie to me." "You didn't shriek," Moria said. "Still, it is a shame Simeon wasn't here to record the encounter for posterity. Prince Tyrus, attacked by a mummified monk. Truly though, it looked more like a monkey. A cra.. Kelley Armstrong
0bac621 Ghost hunters can be the most ingenious breed when it comes to inventing ghastly tales, but ask them to think up a name for the ghost of a woman dressed in white, and they give you "the White Lady." Kelley Armstrong
98261a6 Where the hell did the Pack find you two? At a beach volleyball tournament? Great tan. Love those curls." LeBlanc shook his head. "He's not even as big as I am. He's what, six foot nothing? Two hundred pounds in steel-toed boots? Christ. I'm expecting some ugly bruiser bigger than Cain and what do I find? The next star. Looks like his IQ would be low enough. Can he chew gum and tie his shoes at the same time?" Clay stopped playing with hi.. Kelley Armstrong
1f00c5d I am going," I said. "Not without me." "Fine." "But I'm not going. So neither are you." Kelley Armstrong
0e32096 Faith was a strange thing, Moria reflected as she walked over to Tyrus. No one would argue that the ancestors did not watch over them and could not influence the living world, but customs changed, and openly calling on spirits for support and guidance these days was often seen as a sign of weakness. Which was foolish, in her opinion. Whether an amulet band worked or not, it couldn't hurt. As their father would say, what often counted was wh.. Kelley Armstrong
4a4a708 I suppose infatuation is infatuation at any age, and maybe even worse when you're old enough to recognize the symptoms, be mortified by your reaction, and still not be able to do anything about it. Kelley Armstrong
ac46d88 I envied it; not the idea of having so much money that you could throw it away, but the thought of growing up in a world where someone cared so much about your happiness and so little about what you accomplished in life. Kelley Armstrong
d18984e One life per year. It seemed so moderate a price... until you looked back and realized you could fill a movie theater with your victims. vampires Kelley Armstrong
34f6a1a Okay, now things got tough. In the movies, heroes always get into seemingly impenetrable buildings through a heating duct or ventilation shaft or service entrance. In real life, if someone goes through all the hassle of creating an elaborate security system, they don't have a 3 3 ventilation shaft secured only by a metal grate and four screws. Unless they're really, really stupid. Kelley Armstrong
1e5d106 I ran my tongue along the top of his underwear, letting it slide underneath. Then i shifted my body forward, lips moving back up his chest, until i was straddling him again. witches shifters Kelley Armstrong
cf64bf8 ti0re Kelley Armstrong
88ac66e My heart seized, and I stared as if he were holding out a vial of poison. Kelley Armstrong
3494667 Sunt ca un catelus pe care i l-a lasat cineva pe care l-a iubit foarte mult si se cazneste sa faca tot ce trebuie, chiar daca el unul nu se da in vant dupa catei. Kelley Armstrong
a3853b6 Her sister lifted her hands. 'No, I shouldn't. It's a private message for you.' B'it's for both of us,' she said, and pressed it into Moria's hand. Kelley Armstrong
80cb21a So, we're discussing the issue of Fairview." "No, we are not. This is a private conversation." Ronan sputtered and shot her looks of alarm. She ignored him. She'd spent enough time with Tyrus to take liberties - and to know he'd allow them, even enjoyed the informality. "How can the meeting be private," Tyrus said. "If you're holding it in a public place?" "Because I don't have a private place. Not even my suite. I was bathing yesterday and.. Kelley Armstrong
f0d939e She shifted the light to the next section. "Huh. He was brought to Lyle House by a children's services agency. No mention of that father they're always talking about. If child services is involved, then you can bet he's no dad of the year. Oh, here it is. Diagnosis ... antisocial personality disorder." She snorted a laugh. "Yeah? Tell me something I didn't know. Is that really an illness? Being rude? What kind of meds do they give you for t.. Kelley Armstrong
3317527 Erau frati vitregi, dar mai strans legati decat oricare alti frati de sange pe care-i cumosteam eu. Kelley Armstrong
5e4e7f2 Ochii lui se incrucisara cu ai mei, si am privit in ei, si am simtit ... nu stiu ce am simtit. Ceva staniu , greu de denumit , despre care nici nu-mi puteam da seama daca era ceva bun sau ceva rau, doar il simteam in maruntaie, tresaltand si rasucindu-se , pana cand mi-am intors capul si m-am uitat spre padure. Kelley Armstrong