Did you learn?" The face in the corner watched the flames. "I did." There was a considerable pause. "Until I was nine. At that age, my mother sold the music studio and stopped teaching. SHe kept only the one instrument but gave up on me not long after I resisted the learning. I was foolish." "No," Papa said. "You were a boy."
Markus Zusak |
I guess humans like to watch a little destruction. Sand castles, houses of cards, that's where they begin. Their great skill is their capacity to escalate.
Markus Zusak |
For a long time, she sat and saw. She had seen her brother die with one eye open, on still in a dream. She had said goodbye to her mother and imagined her lonely wait for a train back home to oblivion. A woman of wire had laid herself down, her scream traveling the street, till it fell sideways like a rolling coin starved of momentum. A young man was hung by a rope made of Stalingrad snow. She had watched a bomber pilot die in a metal case...
Markus Zusak |
Now I've changed things. I've left my own fingerprints on the world, no matter how small, and it's upset the equilibrium of us
Markus Zusak |
He was into the skating culture now and I was into, well, I'm not sure what I was into. I was into roaming around on my own, and I enjoyed it.
Markus Zusak |
Don't think, I told myself. Think nothingness. But even nothingness was something. It was a thought.
Markus Zusak |
I am all bluster- I am not violent. I am not malicious- I am a result.
Markus Zusak |
Sin embargo, un dia conocio a un hombre despreciado por su patria a pesar de haber nacido en ella. Se hicieron buenos amigos y, cuando el hombre enfermo, la recolectora de palabras dejo caer una de sus lagrimas sobre el rostro del hombre. La lagrima estaba hecha de amistad --una sola palabra-- y al secarse se convirtio en una semilla. La siguiente vez que fue al bosque, la nina planto la semilla entre los otros arboles. La regaba cada dia.
Markus Zusak |
Don't make me happy. Please, don't fill me up and let me think that something good can come of any of this. Look at my bruises. Look at this graze. Do you see the graze inside me? Do you see it growing before your very eyes, eroding me? I don't want to hope for anything anymore. I don't want to pray that Max is alive and safe. Or Alex Steiner. Because the world does not deserve them.
Markus Zusak |
I'd wanted to stay on that porch with him until the sun shone bright on both of us, but I didn't. I stood up and walked down the steps. I'd rather chase the sun than wait for it.
Markus Zusak |
E nao sou muito boa nessa historia de consolar, especialmente quando tenho as maos frias e a cama e quente. Carreguei-o com delicadeza pela rua destrocada, com sal nos olhos e o coracao mortalmente pesado. Observei por um instante o conteudo de sua alma, e vi um menino pintado de preto, gritando o nome de Jesse Owens ao cruzar uma fita de chegada imaginaria. Vi-o afundado ate os quadris em agua gelada, perseguindo um livro, e vi um garoto d..
Markus Zusak |
Living was living. The price was guilt and shame.
Markus Zusak |
The flyscreen door is torn at the edges. Fraying. I open it and knock on the wood. The sound rhymes with my heartbeat.
Markus Zusak |
It's the person, Ma, not the place. If you left here, you'd have been the same anywhere else.'(...)'If I ever leave this place' - I swallow - 'I'll make sure I'm better here first.
Markus Zusak |
una prueba mas de lo contradictorio que es el ser humano. Una pizca de bondad, una pizca de maldad y solo falta anadirle agua.
Markus Zusak |
I don't really know that this story has a whole lot of things happen in it. It doesn't really. It's just a record of how things were in my life during this last winter. I guess things happened, but nothing out of the ordinary.
Markus Zusak |
los libros y las palabras no solo comenzaron a tener algun significado, sino que lo significaban todo.
Markus Zusak |
The Keys To Happiness 1.Finishing the Grave Digger's Handbook.
Markus Zusak |
A last note from your narrator: I am haunted by humans.
Markus Zusak |
God damn, you were so beautiful, Mama.
Markus Zusak |
All my life, I've been scared of men standing over me... It makes me understand that the best standover man I've ever known is not a man at all...
Markus Zusak |
When I found it amongst the book thief's words, I realised that we passed each other once in a while during that period, though neither of us scheduled a meeting. Personally, I had a lot of work to do. As for Hans, I think he was doing his best to avoid me.
Markus Zusak |
We don't need a point, son. We're juvenile, we're dirty, we don't have girls, we have noses full of snot, throats sore as hell, we've got scabs on us, we suffer bouts of acne, we've got no girls ... What more reasons do we need?
Markus Zusak |
I deliberately seek out the colors to keep my mind off them, but now and then, I witness the ones who are left behind, crumbling among the jigsaw puzzle of realization, despair and surprise.
Markus Zusak |
When Tommy walked forlornly home a short while later, Rudy tried what appeared to be a masterful new tactic. Pity. On the step, he perused the mud that had dried as a crusty sheet on his uniform, then looked Liesel hopelessly in the face. "What about it, Saumensch?" "What about what?" "You know. . . ." Liesel responded in the usual fashion. "Saukerl," she laughed, and she walked the short distance home. A disconcerting mixture of mud and pi..
Markus Zusak |
a young man was hung by a rope made of Stalingrad snow
Markus Zusak |
Hasta la muerte tiene corazon.
Markus Zusak |
We expressed love for this dog by ... knowing without showing that we cared for him.
Markus Zusak |
I could smell something. Fear. I could taste it now. It tasted like blood in my mouth, and I could feel it slide through me and open me up when I saw him ...
Markus Zusak |
Eres mi mejor amigo, Ed. --Lo se. Se puede matar a un hombre con esas palabras. Sin necesidad de pistola. Sin necesidad de balas. Solo palabras y una chica.
Markus Zusak |
UN PENSAMIENTO AGRADABLE" Ella era una ladrona de libros. El asaltaba el cielo."
Markus Zusak |
Oh, how the clouds stumbled in and assembled stupidly in the sky. Great obese clouds. Dark and plump. Bumping into each other. Apologizing. Moving on and finding room.
Markus Zusak |
Mire, solo unos segundos. Hacia 22 meses que no veia el mundo exterior. -?Que aspecto tenia? - Habia estrellas. Me quemaron los ojos.
Markus Zusak |
I tell me: Let these words be footsteps, because I have a long way to travel. Let the words walk the dirty streets. Let them make their way across the crying grass. Let them stand and breathe and pant smoke in winter evenings. And when they're tired and have fallen down, let them buckle to their feet ad arc around me, watchful. I want these words to be actions. Give them flesh and bones, I say to me, and eyes of hunger and desire, so they c..
Markus Zusak |
Lo cierto es que durante los anos que duro la hegemonia de Hitler, nadie logro servir al Fuhrer con mayor lealtad que yo. El corazon de los humanos no es como el mio. El de los humanos es una linea, mientras que el mio es un circulo y poseo la infinita habilidad de estar en el lugar apropiado en el momento oportuno. La consecuencia es que siempre encuentro humanos en su mejor y en su peor momento. Veo su fealdad y su belleza y me pregunto c..
Markus Zusak |
Then came Hitler.
Markus Zusak |
Un nino y una nina se entrelazaban en Munchenstrasse. Se retorcian, incomodos, en el asfalto. Juntos, vieron desaparecer a los humanos. Los vieron disolverse en el aire humedo como si fueran grageas en movimiento.
Markus Zusak |
Life had altered in the wildest possible way, but it was imperative that they act as if nothing at all had happened.
Markus Zusak |
I never did get around to praying for myself, did I? Maybe that's what was behind it, though. Myself. Maybe the only reason I'd prayed for others to begin with was to bring myself good fortune. Was that true? Was it?
Markus Zusak |
El chico del avion, pense. El del oso de peluche. ?Donde estaba el ultimo consuelo de Rudy? ?Donde estaba esa persona que consolarle de que le robaran la vida? ?Quien estaba alli para tranquilizarlo cuando le arrancaron la alfombra de la vida bajo los pies dormidos? Nadie. Alli solo estaba yo. Y lo de consolar a la gente no es que se me de muy bien que digamos, sobre todo con las manos frias y estando la cama tan caliente. Cargue con el, c..
Markus Zusak |
God, there were so many of them. So many sets of dying eyes and scuffing feet.
Markus Zusak |
It amazes me what humans can do, even when streams are flowing down their faces and they stagger on...
Markus Zusak |
Believe it or not - it takes a lot of love to hate you like this.
Markus Zusak |
I thought for a moment about the dog. Miffy. I guess no matter how much Rube and I complained about him, we knew we'd sort of miss him if something happened to him. It's funny how there are things in this world that do nothing but annoy you, but you know you'd miss them when they're gone. Miffy, the Pomeranian wonderdog, was one such thing.
Markus Zusak |