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7ba4920 There is a little good in the worst of us and a little bad in the best of us and it ill behoves any of us to criticize the rest of us. Philippa Carr
817b58e His oldest child from his second marriage, Matthew, stayed up all the night before he was buried, putting his father's history on a wooden tombstone. He began with his father's name on the first line, and on the next, he put the years ofhis father's coming and going. Then all the things he knew his father had been. Husband. Father. Farmer. Grandfather. Patroller. Tobacco Man. Tree Maker. The letters ofthe words got smaller and smaller as th.. Edward P. Jones
4bca003 Risk management seemed to have completed its transformation into pure entertainment. Dudley seemed the epitome of a risk manager who would drown crossing a river that was 12 inches in depth . risk Satyajit Das
4e7cfbb If you surrender, you have already lost. If you refuse to give up, though, no matter the odds against you, at least you have succeeded in trying. Brian Herbert
fb78940 A piece of writing has to start somewhere, go somewhere, and sit down when it gets there. John McPhee
f57d09a The sea is not all that responds to the moon. Twice a day the solid earth bobs up and down, as much as a foot. That kind of force and that kind of distance are more than enough to break hard rock. Wells will flow faster during lunar high tides. John McPhee
7c2f51d There is no reality -- only our own order imposed on everything. Brian Herbert
40f7c51 It is said that there is nothing firm, nothing balanced, nothing durable in all the universe -- that nothing remains in its original state, that each day, each hour, each moment, there is change. Brian Herbert
6c70f23 Even victories take their toll on a man. Brian Herbert
5bcb3b5 Humans are different in private than in the presence of others. While the private persona merges into the social persona in varying degrees, the union is never complete. Something is always held back. Brian Herbert
982fecf Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live. Brian Herbert
e83f645 No one has yet determined the power of the human species . . . what it may perform by instinct, and what it may accomplish with rational determination. Brian Herbert
246955b We create our own future by our own beliefs, which control our actions. A strong enough belief system, a sufficiently powerful conviction, can make anything happen. This is how we create our consensus reality, including our gods. religion universe Brian Herbert
14c7367 Once you have explored a fear, it becomes less terrifying. Part of courage comes from extending our knowledge. Brian Herbert
17ba1fa I'm a thinker. That is what I do, in great depth and detail, every waking moment of the day. I like to believe it's worthwhile. And yet, I can't help but recall something ... said to me once when I was young: "All of these things with which we occupy ourselves don't amount to much in the cosmic scale of things, do they? No matter how extensively we ponder any particular topic, there is really very little there"--Gilbertus Albans, " -- Brian Herbert
2318b10 In adverse circumstances, every creature becomes something else, evolving or devolving. What makes us human is that we know what we once were, and, let us hope, we remember how to change back. stress Brian Herbert
82002ee Freedom is an elusive concept. Some men hold themselves prisoner even when they have the power to do as they please and go where they choose, while others are free in their hearts, even as shackles restrain them. Brian Herbert & Kevin Anderson
4ec0d15 The expectations of civilized society should afford all the protection a person needs. But that armor is rendered as thin as a tissue when one is dealing with the uncivilized. -Bene Gesserit Archives Brian Herbert Kevin Anderson
1549501 Every hammer has the innate capacity to strike a nail. Every human mind has the innate capacity for greatness. But not every hammer is properly used, nor is every human mind. Brian Herbert
9214559 One of the early reasons for Atherton's devotion to Slider had been that Slider had never, from the first meeting, looked at him askance. Slider had his countryman father's view that God had made all creatures different for His own purposes. A horse was not a cat and a cat was not a dog, and only a fool would want them to be. Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
8614d92 Children were quick to grasp the subtleties of emotions around them, to see through evasions and quickly identify prevarication. Charles Todd
3c4a8d0 When you learn to force yourself to go to the gym or start your homework or eat a salad instead of a hamburger, part of what's happening is that you're changing how you think," said Todd Heatherton, a researcher at Dartmouth who has worked on willpower studies.5.11 "People get better at regulating their impulses. They learn how to distract themselves from temptations. And once you've gotten into that willpower groove, your brain is" Charles Duhigg
23e9247 Words are empty until you fill them, and how you fill them shapes the world. Daniel Abraham
715bfbc I think the world is often like that." "Like what?" "Comic, but only at the right distance." Daniel Abraham
fa36477 It is winter. Ravens are standing on a pile of bones -- black typeface on white paper picking an idea clean. It's what I do each time I sit down to write. What else are we to do with our obsessions? Do they feed us? Or are we simply scavenging our memories for one gleaming image to tell the truth of what is hunting us? 'To write,' Marguerite Duras remarked, 'is also not to speak. It is to keep silent. It is to howl noiselessly. Terry Tempest Williams
62f0432 Ella dormiria, dice el actor. Pareceria hacerlo, dormir. Esta en el centro de la habitacion vacia, sobre sabanas blancas extendidas en el mismo suelo. El esta sentado junto a ella. La mira intermitentemente. Tampoco hay sillas en esta habitacion. Sin duda el ha traido las sabanas y luego, acto seguido, una a una, puerta tras puerta, ha cerrado las demas habitaciones de la casa. Esta habitacion da al mar y a la playa. No hay jardin. Ha dejad.. Marguerite Duras
1b62f97 I think about you but I don't say it anymore. Marguerite Duras
aedf5f7 I want to take Helene Lagonelle with me to where every evening, my eyes shut, I have imparted to me the pleasure that makes you cry out. I'd like to give Helene Lagonelle to the man who does that to me, so he may do it in turn to her. I want it to happen in my presence, I want her to do it as I wish, I want her to give herself where I give myself. It's via Helene Lagonelle's body, through it, that the ultimate pleasure would pass from him t.. Marguerite Duras
2719f9b Toute communaute, qu'elle soit familiale ou autre, nous est haissable, degradante. Nous sommes ensemble dans une honte de principe d'avoir a vivre la vie. C'est la que nous sommes au plus profond de notre histoire commune, celle d'etre tous les trois des enfants de cette personne de bonne foi, notre mere, que la societe a assassinee. Nous sommes du cote de cette societe qui a reduit ma mere au desespoir. A cause de ce qu'on a fait a notre m.. Marguerite Duras
efb0c93 Que c'est tandis qu'elle se vit que la vie est immortelle, tandis qu'elle est en vie. Que l'immortalite ce n'est pas une question de plus ou moins de temps, que ce n'est pas une question d'immortalite, que c'est une question d'autre chose qui reste ignore. Que c'est aussi faux de dire qu'elle est sans commencement ni fin que de dire qu'elle commence et qu'elle finit avec la vie de l'esprit du moment que c'est de l'esprit qu'elle participe e.. Marguerite Duras
8e80c4b Il se taisait toujours sur les images qu'il voyait derriere ses yeux fermes. On aurait dit qu'il aimait cette douleur, qu'il l'aimait comme il m'avait aimee, tres fort, jusqu'a mourir peut-etre, et que maintenant il la preferait a moi. >> Marguerite Duras
55d72d4 Yes, the heat lacerated the heart. And alone she resisted it, entire, virgin, the envy of the sea. Marguerite Duras
217f85c Il faut eviter de penser a ces difficultes que presente le monde. Sans ca, il deviendrait tout a fait irrespirable. Marguerite Duras
ab30fc7 Oh, how good it is to be with someone, sometimes. content couple happiness hiroshima-mon-amour loneliness longing-for-love love marguerite-duras Marguerite Duras
ece768a Et la jeune fille s'etait dressee comme pour aller a son tour se tuer, se jeter a son tour dans la mer et apres elle avait pleure parce qu'elle avait pense a cet homme de Cholen et elle n'avait pas ete sure tout a coup de ne pas l'avoir aime d'un amour qu'elle n'avait pas vu parce qu'il s'etait perdu dans l'histoire comme l'eau dans le sable et qu'elle le retrouvait seulement maintenant a cet instant de la musique jetee a travers la mer. C.. Marguerite Duras
7ea308a Writing was the only thing that populated my life and made it magic. magic populated thing writing Marguerite Duras
96e9489 You ask: Why is the malady of death fatal? She answers: Because whoever has it doesn't know he's a carrier, of death. And also because he's like to die without any life to die to, and without even knowing that's what he's doing. living-death Marguerite Duras
20f26cf Ma vie est un film double, mal monte, mal interprete, mal ajuste, une erreur en somme. Marguerite Duras
05fb566 l'db hw fn mwjh ltHsyn hdh l`lm Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
4d24fae Jose Arcadio's companion asked them to leave them alone, and the couple lay down on the ground, close to the bed. The passion of the others woke up Jose Arcadio's fervor. On the first contact the bones of the girl seemed to become disjointed with a disorderly crunch like the sound of a box of dominoes, and her skin broke out into a pale sweat and her eyes filled with tears as her whole body exhaled a lugubrious lament and a vague smell of m.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5bbe544 But if they had learned anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
07aee60 He was weary of the uncertainty, of the vicious circle of that eternal war that always found him in the same place, but always older, wearier, even more in the position of not knowing why, or how, or even when. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
b568771 In a sudden inspiration, Florentino Ariza opened a can of red paint that was within reach of the bunk, wet his index finger, and painted the pubis of the beautiful pigeon fancier with an arrow of blood pointing south, and on her belly the words: This pussy is mine. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
facf29f That is not true, but we lack the moral authority to endorse them (acts of euthanasia). What we do instead is what you have just seen. We commend the dying to Saint Hubert and tie them to a pillar in order to prolong and intensify their suffering. faith mercy-killing Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez