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96b02fe Here the only one who has the right to prohibit anything is the government, we live in a democracy. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9183d5c The city drowned in memories. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
a9ca202 w'HasWat b'nh syWad@ nfsh llmr@ l'wl~ , w'Hst b'nh murfaqa@ wmaHmiyW@ , w'n ry'tyh mmtly'tn bhw Hury@ '`d lh lTm'nyn@ wrd@ lHy@ .. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
f3eeaf9 It's like a firstborn son: you spend your life working for him, sacrificing everything for him, and at the moment of truth, he does just as he pleases. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
efe952f But if they had learnt anything together, it was that wisdom comes to us when it can no longer do any good. wisdom Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9665292 Zimata vr'khletia v'rkhu ni edna nedelia, kogato izlizakhme ot ts'rkva. V s'bota prez noshchta beshe zadushno. No dori v nedelia sutrinta nikoi ne misleshe, che mozhe da zavali. Sled liturgiiata nie, zhenite, oshche ne biakhme uspeli da otvorim chad'rite si za sl'ntse, kogato zadukha edin g'st, mrachen viat'r, zav'rtia se v shirok kr'g i pomete prakha i sukhite koravi lista na mai. Niakoi do mene reche: ,,Na voda mirishe tozi viat'r". A p'k.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
5d01241 At eighty-one years of age he had enough lucidity to realize that he was attached to this world by a few slender threads that could break painlessly with a simple change of position while he slept, and if he did all he could to keep those threads intact, it was because of his terror of not finding God in the darkness of death. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
d7da653 If you have to go crazy, please go crazy all by yourself!" Ursula shouted." Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
c7030c1 Let me be, he said. Despair is the health of the damned. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9e07cd4 We men are the miserable slaves of prejudice. But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral consideration she will not ignore at its very root: there is no God worth worrying about. sex woman women-and-men Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
fd4d0f2 in his opinion a Liberal president was exactly the same as a Conservative president, but not as well dressed. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
80cf8ad The only certainty was that they took everything with them: money, December breezes, the bread knife, thunder at 3 in the afternoon, the scent of jasmines, love. All that remained were the dusty almond trees, the reverberating streets, the houses of wood and roofs of rusting tin with their taciturn inhabitants, devastated by memories. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
ca78b81 Go away," she said voicelessly. Aureliano, smiled, picked her up by the waist with both hands like a pot of begonias, and dropped her on her back on the bed. With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz, and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms. Amaranta Ursula defended herself sincerely with the a.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
d8c283d Creian ser felices, y tal vez lo eran, hasta que uno de los dos decia una palabra de mas, o daba un paso de menos, y la noche se pudria en un pleito de vandalos que desmoralizaba los mastines. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
4109fb6 They entrenched themselves in their preferences, their beliefs, their prejudices, and closed ranks against everything that was different Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
a706ace The truth is that Dr. Juvenal Urbino's suit had never been undertaken in the name of love, and it was curious, to say the least, that a militant Catholic like him would offer her only worldly goods: security, order, happiness, contiguous numbers that, once they were added together, might resemble love, almost be love. But they were not love, and these doubts increased her confusion, because she was also not convinced that love was really wh.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
d6eb1a4 Kader bizleri gorunmez kilar. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
fe0d25e as he was combing his hair in front of the mirror...only then did he understand that a man knows when he is growing older because he begins to look like his father. genetics resemblance Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
7837d45 Khose-Arkadio, po-golemiiat ot detsata, beshe nav'rshil chetirinaiset godini. Imashe chetv'rtitata glava, shchr'knalata kosa i prikhvatnichaviia kharakter na bashcha si. Makar i da noseshe s'shchiia poriv za rastene i fizicheska sila, oshche ottogava beshe ochevidno, che e lishen ot v'obrazhenie. Be zachenat i roden v m'chitelnoto p'tuvane prez planinata, predi osnovavaneto na Makondo, i roditelite mu blagodarikha na nebeto, shchom stana ia.. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
54bd464 No tengo que decirlo, porque se me distingue a leguas: soy feo, timido y anacronico. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0ac8a4c The human body is not made to endure all the years that one may live Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
921f267 Es el demonio, padre mio", le dijo Delaura. "El mas terrible de todos." Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
0e023ce and yet we didn't believe it now that it was, and not because we really didn't believe it but because we no longer wanted it to be true, we had ended up not understanding what would become of us without him, what would become of our lives after him, Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
abdc55d Someone had told the General that when a dog died it had to be replaced without delay by another just like it, and with the same name, so you could go on believing it was the same animal. He did not agree. He always wanted them to be distinctive so he could remember them all with their own identities, their yearning eyes and eager spirits, and could mourn their deaths. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
8eff2f8 And nevertheless, when they watched him leave the house, this man they themselves had urged to conquer the world, then they were the ones left with the terror that he would never return. That was their life. Love, if it existed, was something separate: another life. love marriage Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
65e5165 El coronel comprobo que cuarenta anos de vida comun, de hambre comun, de sufrimientos comunes, no le habian bastado para conocer a su esposa. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
38e780f O coracao tem mais quartos que uma casa de putas. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
a429686 El mundo era tan reciente, que muchas cosas carecian de nombre, y para mencionarlas habia que senalarlas con el dedo. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
8d38aa4 fear of death is the amber of happiness Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
446468c The ancient priest who had taken Father Angel's place and whose name no one had bothered to find out awaited God's mercy stretched out casually in a hammock, tortured by arthritis and the insomnia of doubt while the lizards and rats fought over the inheritance of the nearby church. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
4e79adb There is no innocence more dangerous than the innocence of age. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
a5e7040 a woman who was washing clothes in the river during the hottest time of the day ran screaming down the main street in an alarming state of commotion. "It's coming," she finally explained. "Something frightful, like a kitchen dragging a village behind it." Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
6bf6074 lfrq lwHyd byn llybrlywn w lmHfZwn , hw 'n llybrlyyn ydhhbwn l~ qds ls`@ lthlth@ bynm ydhhb lmHfZwn l~ qds lthmn@ سياسة Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
1470762 At that instant the smoking mouths of the rifles were aimed at him and letter by letter he heard the encyclicals that Mequiades had chanted and he heart the lost steps of Santa Sofia de la Piedad, a virgin, in the classroom, and in his nose he felt the same icy hardness that had drawn his attention in the nostrils of the corpse of Remedios. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
11f77cb El amor se hace mas grande y noble en la calamidad. calamidad Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
208c4eb La vida le habia dado muchos motivos para estar alerta, pero ninguno para estar asustado. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
d145ceb Nu exista pe lume leac care sa tamaduiasca ceea ce nu tamaduieste fericirea/ There is no cure in this world which heals what happiness does not heal. healing Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
46a54d4 The symptoms of love are the same as those of cholera. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
26a5585 The air was so damp that fish could have come in through doors and swum out the windows, floating through the atmosphere in the rooms. One morning Ursula woke up feeling that she was reaching her end in a placid swoon and she had already asked them to take her to Father Antonio Isabel, when Santa Sofia de la Piedad discovered that her back was paved with leeches. She took them off one by one, crushing them with a firebrand before they bled .. magic-realism Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
c0263d9 Digale --sonrio el coronel-- que uno no se muere cuando debe, sino cuando puede. Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
af16ff7 We have still not had a death. A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground." he said. "If I have to die for the rest of you to stay here, I will die" replied Ursula with a soft firmness." Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
9162085 How awful," he said, "the way time passes!" Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
62f6228 Because she was looking down and focusing her attention so precisely, Alice lost track of time and of herself. She wouldn't be able to put it into words, except to say she felt removed from the world. Or just at its edge. At the edge of the wild and beautiful world. She felt small, too. But part of something large. She was happy. interconnectedness nature Kevin Henkes
5515559 Cowgirl Interlude (Bonanza Jellybean) She is lying on the family sofa in flannel pajamas. There is Kansas City mud on the tips and heels of her boots, boots that have yet to savor real manure. Fourteen, she knows she ought to remove her boots, yet she refuses. A Maverick rerun is on TV; she is eating beef jerky, occasionally slurping. On her upper stomach, where her pajama top has ridden up, is a small deep scar. She tells everyone, includi.. Tom Robbins