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0f10133 | It seemed to her many years since he had begun to prepare her mind for "the place," as she always called it. Her mother had died when she was born, so she had never known or missed her. Her young, handsome, rich, petting father seemed to be the only relation she had in the world. They had always played together and been fond of each other. She only knew he was rich because she had heard people say so when they thought she was not listening,.. | Frances Hodgson Burnett | ||
85c7c18 | All that I do is right--for me. I make it so by doing it. Do you think that I am conquered by the laws that other women crouch and whine before, because they dare not break them, though they long to do so? I am my own law--and the law of some others. | Frances Hodgson Burnett | ||
d75f030 | Uno de los descubrimientos mas extraordinarios de este siglo ha sido el que los pensamientos son tan poderosos como las pilas electricas, tan buenos como la luz y tan peligrosos como el veneno. si permitimos que un pensamiento triste o malo se introduzca en nuestra mente es tan arriesgado como dejar que un virus se apodere de nuestro cuerpo. Si se le permite quedarse, es posible que no podamos desprendernos nunca mas de el. | frances-hodgson-burnett | Frances Hodgson Burnett | |
91ceb6e | People who want special taxes or subsidies for particular things seem not to understand that what they are really asking for is for the prices to misstate the relative scarcities of things and the relative values that the users of these things put on them. One | Thomas Sowell | ||
d1b0790 | ideology. . . is an instrument of power; a defense mechanism against information; a pretext for eluding moral constraints in doing or approving evil with a clean conscience; and finally, a way of banning the criterion of experience, that is, of completely eliminating or indefinitely postponing the pragmatic criteria of success and failure. --Jean-Francois Revel1 | Thomas Sowell | ||
01ed9ff | Have you gone crazy, Lefty?" "No. On the contrary, I have become educated." "Sometimes that's worse, these days." | Thomas Sowell | ||
7c929ce | The really painful surprise is that so many people based their hopes on his words, rather than on the record of his deeds. What that means is that, even if we somehow manage to survive this man's reckless economic policies at home and his potentially fatal foreign policy actions and inactions, the gullibility and fecklessness of those voters who put him in the White House will still be there to be exploited by the next master of glib demago.. | Thomas Sowell | ||
e4cd34f | Electric cars may be fun at amusement parks, where they don't have to go very far or very fast. But if the consuming public wanted electric cars for regular use, Detroit would be manufacturing them by the millions. Only people infatuated with their own wonderful specialness would think that their job is to coerce both the manufacturers and the consuming public into something that neither of them wants. | Thomas Sowell | ||
e3ac169 | President Obama keeps telling us that he is "creating jobs." But more and more Americans have no jobs. The unemployment rate has declined slightly, but only because many people have stopped looking for jobs. You are only counted as unemployed if you are still looking for a job." -- | Thomas Sowell | ||
0ab0a60 | Many have blamed the gasoline shortages and long lines at filling stations in 1973 on the Arab Oil embargo of that year. However, the shortages and long lines began months before the Arab oil embargo, right after price controls were imposed. | oil | Thomas Sowell | |
1b577e6 | Misconceptions of business are almost inevitable in a society where most people have neither studied nor run businesses. In a society where most people are employees and consumers, it is easy to think of businesses as "them" - as impersonal organizations, whose internal operations are largely unknown and whose sums of money may sometimes be so huge as to be unfathomable." | Thomas Sowell | ||
bd059df | What is called "planning" in political rhetoric is the government's suppression of other people's plans by superimposing on them a collective plan, created by third parties, armed with the power of government and exempted from paying the costs that these collective plans impose on others." | Thomas Sowell | ||
3b81693 | Gun control zealots compare the United States and England to show that murder rates are lower where restrictions on ownership of firearms are more severe. But you could just as easily compare Switzerland and Germany, the Swiss having lower murder rates than the Germans, even though gun ownership is three times higher in Switzerland. Other countries with high rates of gun ownership and low murder rates include Israel, New Zealand, and Finlan.. | Thomas Sowell | ||
264e758 | Failure is part of the natural cycle of business. Companies are born, companies die, capitalism moves forward. Fortunemagazine{115} | Thomas Sowell | ||
0712e0b | the very commonness of common sense makes it unlikely to have any appeal to the anointed. How can they be wiser and nobler than everyone else while agreeing with everyone else? | common-sense elite | Thomas Sowell | |
382bed2 | Freedom must be distinguished from democracy, with which it is often confused. | Thomas Sowell | ||
103beec | Today, there are more people of Irish ancestry in the United States than in Ireland, more Jews than in Israel, more blacks than in most African countries. There are more people of Polish ancestry in Detroit than in most of the leading cities in Poland, and more than twice as many people of Italian ancestry in New York as in Venice. | Thomas Sowell | ||
5bdda05 | The media are less a window on reality, than a stage on which officials and journalists perform self-scripted, self-serving fictions. | fake-news journalism media news propaganda truth | Thomas Sowell | |
0ba50c5 | Suppose you are wrong? How would you know? How would you test for that possibility? | Thomas Sowell | ||
f1eb0d3 | Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can | Yann Martel | ||
54abc1b | There were letters for her at the bureau-one from her brother, full of athletics and biology; one from her mother, delightful as only mother's letters could be. She had read in it of the crocuses which had been bought for yellow and were coming up puce, of the new parlour-maid, who had watered the ferns with essence of lemonade... | E.M. Forster | ||
c55b642 | He longed for smut, but heard little and contributed less, and his chief indecencies were solitary. | E.M. Forster | ||
5861a78 | I feel to you as Pippa to her fiance, only far more nobly, far more deeply, body and soul, no starved medievalism of course, only a - a particular harmony of body and soul that I don't think women have even guessed. But you know. | E.M. Forster | ||
a0372cb | Not out of them are the shows of history erected: the world would be a grey, bloodless place were it composed entirely of Miss Schlegels. But the world being what it is, perhaps they shine out in it like stars. | E.M. Forster | ||
4111627 | All invitations must proceed from heaven perhaps; perhaps it is futile for men to initiate their own unity, they do but widen the gulfs between them by the attempt. So at all events thought old Mr. Graysford and young Mr. Sorley, the devoted missionaries who lived out beyond the slaughterhouses, always travelled third on the railways, and never came to the club. In our Father's house are many mansions, they taught, and there alone will the.. | E.M. Forster | ||
ccfacf0 | Because a thing is going strong now, it need not go strong for ever,' she said. 'This craze for motion has only set in during the last hundred years. It may be followed by a civilization that won't be a movement, because it will rest on the earth. All the signs are against it now, but I can't help hoping. | E.M. Forster | ||
a612593 | Don't you think there are two great things in life that we ought to aim at--truth and kindness? Let's have both if we can, but let's be sure of having one or the other. | truth | E.M. Forster | |
01dd0fe | Boys are marvellous creatures. Perhaps they will sink below the brutes; perhaps they will attain to a woman's tenderness. | E.M. Forster | ||
baf292b | She had not died there. A funeral is not death, any more than baptism is birth or marriage union. All three are the clumsy devices, coming now too late, now too early, by which society would measure the quick motions of man. | E.M. Forster | ||
fc81af7 | Nonsense of this type is more difficult to combat than a solid lie. It hides in rubbish heaps and moves when no one is looking. | E.M. Forster | ||
809b598 | I believe in aristocracy. . . -- if that is the right word, and if a democrat may use it. Not an aristocracy of power, based upon rank and influence, but an aristocracy of the sensitive, the considerate and the plucky. Its members are to be found in all nations and classes, and all through the ages, and there is a secret understanding between them when they meet. They represent the true human tradition, the one permanent victory of our quee.. | E. M. Forster | ||
9f95c98 | He did not know, but presently he would know. Great is information, and she shall prevail. | E.M. Forster | ||
c452ec6 | Yet complicated people were getting wet - not only the shepherds. For instance, the piano-tuner was sopping. So was the vicar's wife. So were the lieutenant and the peevish damsels in his Battlesden car. Gallantry, charity, and art pursued their various missions, perspiring and muddy, while out on the slopes beyond them stood the eternal man and the eternal dog, guarding eternal sheep until the world is vegetarian. | wet | E.M. Forster | |
835f7a8 | So never give in," continued the girl, and restated again and again the vague yet convincing plea that the Invisible lodges against the Visible. Her excitement grew as she tried to cut the rope that fastened Leonard to the earth. Woven of bitter experience, it resisted her. Presently the waitress entered and gave her a letter from Margaret. Another note, addressed to Leonard, was inside. They read them, listening to the murmurings of the ri.. | letter resistance river water | E.M. Forster | |
ccb7111 | For that little incident had impressed the three women more than might be supposed. It remained as a goblin footfall, as a hint that all is not for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and that beneath these superstructures of wealth and art there wanders an ill-fed boy, who has recovered his umbrella indeed, but who has left no address behind him, and no name. | E.M. Forster | ||
edaa008 | Give me life, with its struggles and victories, with its failures and hatreds, with its deep moral meaning and its unknown goal! | E.M. Forster | ||
5562c37 | What is the good of your stars and trees, your sunrise and the wind, if they do not enter into our daily lives? | E.M. Forster | ||
3620248 | Secrecy has this disadvantage: we lose the sense of proportion; we cannot tell whether our secret is important or not. | E.M. Forster | ||
918b53a | One. Margaret's own faith held firm. She knew the human soul will be merged, if it be merged at all, with the stars and the sea. | E.M. Forster | ||
22990c8 | The present flowed by them like a stream. The tree rustled. It had made music before they were born, and would continue after their deaths, but its song was of the moment. The moment had passed. The tree rustled again. Their senses were sharpened, and they seemed to apprehend life. Life passed. The tree rustled again. | E.M. Forster | ||
abb7a37 | It's better to be fooled than to be suspicious. | E.M. Forster | ||
efc45e6 | Trying to imagine , who found indecorous, at a London performance of --to which in fact he was once taken. Trying to imagine the same for a time-transported --who during his first visit to Europe was even shocked by the profusion of naked statues. | lenny-bruce nathaniel-hawthorne norms puritanism | David Markson | |
3aca489 | But let yourself go. You are inclined to get muddled, if I may judge from last night. Let yourself go. Pull out from the depths those thoughts that you do not understand, and spread them out in the sunlight and know the meaning of them. By understanding George you may learn to understand yourself. It will be good for both of you. | E.M. Forster | ||
aa8dc14 | E. M. Forster never gets any further than warming the teapot. He's a rare fine hand at that. Feel this teapot. Is it not beautifully warm? Yes, but there ain't going to be no tea. | Katherine Mansfield |