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838a2e7 | it was English, and the wych-elm that she saw from the window was an English tree. No report had prepared her for its peculiar glory. It was neither warrior, nor lover, nor god; in none of these roles do the English excel. It was a comrade bending over the house, strength and adventure in its roots, but in its utmost fingers tenderness, and the girth, that a dozen men could not have spanned, became in the end evanescent, till pale bud clust.. | E.M. Forster | ||
40ea440 | Why has not England a great mythology? Our folklore has never advanced beyond daintiness, and the greater melodies about our country-side have all issued through the pipes of Greece. Deep and true as the native imagination can be, it seems to have failed here. It has stopped with the witches and the fairies. It cannot vivify one fraction of a summer field, or give names to half a dozen stars. England still waits for the supreme moment of he.. | fairies mythology myths poetry tolkien witches | E. M. Forster | |
c7d5887 | My conviction," says the mystic, "gains infinitely the moment another soul will believe in it," and they had agreed that there was something beyond life's daily grey." | E.M. Forster | ||
953f577 | Everyone says that love requires the utmost honesty, but that's not entirely true. Once I knew that my father was suffering for my sake--really suffering--I learned that love, especially the parental kind, requires the heartwarming sacrifice that can only accompany fake enthusiasm. | Sarah Vowell | ||
d530cab | All those adorable towheaded kids in the promotional film are going to turn thirteen. Once a family member hits puberty, odds are that everybody is not going to have the same ideals. Unless everybody gets together and agrees that the new ideals involve turning the front yard into a skate ramp and officially changing Dad's name to Fuckhead. | florida humor parenting | Sarah Vowell | |
64201d3 | Luther's point was that, according to Scripture, salvation is not a bake sale: | Sarah Vowell | ||
3956c9c | This is a sappy way to put it, but the Winthrop who warns Williams is the Winthrop I fell in love with, the Winthrop Cotton Mather celebrates for sharing his firewood with the needy, the Winthrop who scolds Thomas Dudley for overcharging the poor, the Winthrop of 'Christian Charity,' who called for 'enlargement toward others' and 'brotherly affection,' admonishing that 'if thy brother be in want and thou canst help him...if thou lovest God .. | Sarah Vowell | ||
c5fd0d8 | Professor Winthrop delivered an influential lecture at Harvard proposing the earthquake might have been caused by heat and pressure below the surface of the earth. With God's help, of course, but God comes off as an engineer instead of a hothead vigilante.) | Sarah Vowell | ||
4be5bc0 | breathing secondhand smoke, being subject to unfair dairy pricing, and not being able to mime (or lap dance), though they are all tragic, tragic injustices, are not quite as bad as the systematic segregation of public transportation based on skin color. And while fighting for your right to lap dance and mime and breathe just regular pollution is a very fine, very American idea, it is not quite as brave as being middle-aged black woman in Al.. | Sarah Vowell | ||
e1cbb95 | The names of the compact's signers, including Anne Hutchinson's husband, Will, are listed below the text. Here lies the deepest reason why the Woman's Healing Garden strikes me as so forlorn - that Hutchinson is remembered here by pink echinacea in bloom instead of on the Portsmouth Compact plaque, where she belongs. All of the signers were there because of her, because she stood up to Massachusetts and they stood with her. But all the sign.. | Sarah Vowell | ||
7987d8a | The doo-wop stalker love song on a Cincinnati oldies station--you broke up with me because I was an obnoxious jerk and now you're dating him, so I drive by your house and stare in your window every night, thereby proving that I'm an even bigger creep than you thought | Sarah Vowell | ||
3481fd6 | The subject of Peter Gallagher's eyebrows, I realize, is a digression away from the Oneida Community, and yet, I do feel compelled, indeed almost conspiracy theoretically bound to mention that one of the reasons the Oneida Community broke up and turned itself into a corporate teapot factory is that a faction within the group, led by a lawyer named James William Towner, was miffed that the community's most esteemed elders were bogarting the .. | Sarah Vowell | ||
b4d6315 | Then, as if getting blown up is not enough to worry about, after I take a seat on the steps, I get a look at the choir. Thirty singers and from where I'm sitting, it looks like only two of them are black. It's not like I'm saying suburban white people shouldn't sing. Because I love Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher." | Sarah Vowell | ||
dd38e11 | The more history I learn, the more the world fills up with stories. | storytelling | Sarah Vowell | |
9055f0a | In other words, every cent the French government spent on guns for the Americans was another centime it would not have to spend on butter for the starving peasants who would one day storm Versailles. | Sarah Vowell | ||
69c536a | Not until Theodore Roosevelt resigned his prestigious position as assistant secretary of the navy in 1898 to fight with the Rough Riders in the Cuban dirt would there be a rich man as weirdly rabid to join American forces in combat as Lafayette was. The two shared a child's ideal of manly military glory. Though in Lafayette's defense, he was an actual teenager, unlike the thirty-nine-year-old TR. | Sarah Vowell | ||
f712772 | I swear on Peter Stuyvesant's peg leg that the country that became the U.S. bears a closer family resemblance to the devil-may-care merchants of New Amsterdam than it does to Boston's communitarian English majors. | Sarah Vowell | ||
1fc3751 | It was made clear to me that I wasn't supposed to trouble the moody Creator with any pesky questions about the eccentricities of His cosmic system. So when I asked about stuff that confused me, like "How come we're praying for the bar to be shut down when Jesus himself turned water into wine?", I was shushed and told to have faith. Thus my idea of heaven was that I got to spend eternity sitting at the feet of God, grilling Him. "Let me get .. | Sarah Vowell | ||
ed24b1e | Yeah, Rubio," snorts Bear. "If I had a face like yours, I'd appreciate anyone who could make me look good. So shut up." | Gordon Korman | ||
5435177 | Our fans are great; our team is nifty! We're going to get blown out by fifty! | Gordon Korman | ||
641bb85 | Hey, things like that happen at the Academy too," I insisted, almost triumphantly. "Last year the freezers failed so there was no ice for"--the wind went out of my sails as I realized how lame this was going to sound--"the sushi bar." He nodded sympathetically. "You guys should get T-shirts made. You know: I Survived the Sushi Crisis." | Gordon Korman | ||
2c53673 | We're all proud of you, Donnie. Your mother and me, Katie--" "Right," I snorted. "She said I'm dumber than her bladder-challenged dog." | Gordon Korman | ||
5cdca3d | Ono od cega bih hteo da pobegnem ide sa mnom, pre mene stize u mesto koje je cilj mog puta, i docekuje me na stanici, vodi u hotel i prati po gradu. | Ivo Andrić | ||
d93b5e7 | A sto moze da ocekuje od tih ljudi? Mozda sazaljenje? To je jedino sto mu ne treba i sto mu nikad nije trebalo. Saucesce koje su mu ponekad pokazivali rijetki dobri i plemeniti ljudi za njega je samo mjera njegove zle srece i besprimjernog ponizenja. I za pokojnike sazaljenje je tesko i uvredljivo, a kako ga je tek snositi jos zdrav i svjestan svega, ziv gledati u oci zivim ljudima, da bi u njima procitao samo jedno: sazaljenje? | Ivo Andrić | ||
cd137da | Ima takvih ljudi koji se necega plase ili stide, nesto zele da sakriju. I upravo zbog toga oni svojim pogledom stalno nastoje da privuku i zadrze tudi pogled, u zelji da ga vezu za svoje oci i da mu tako ne dopuste da ide dalje i da razgleda i ispituje crte njihova lica ili delove tela ili odecu na njima. | Ivo Andrić | ||
0327182 | But one thing could not happen; it could not be that great and wise men of exalted soul who would raise lasting buildings for the love of God, so that the world should be more beautiful and man live in it better and more easily, should everywhere and for all time vanish from this earth. Should they too vanish, it would mean that the love of God was extinguished and had disappeared from the world. That could not be. | Ivo Andrić | ||
2fb1966 | Mali ljudi, koje mi zovemo "deca", imaju svoje velike bolove i duge patnje, koje posle kao odrasli i mudri ljudi zaboravljaju. Upravo, gube ih iz vida. A kad bismo mogli da se spustimo natrag u detinjstvo, kao u klupu osnovne skole iz koje smo davno izisli, mi bismo ih opet ugledali. Tamo dole, pod tim uglom, ti bolovi i te patnje zive i dalje i postoje kao svaka stvarnost." | Ivo Andrić | ||
8089b59 | Ostade u njemu nesto stisano i zamisljeno. Ono neizrecivo, sto iskusni i napaceni ljudi cuvaju u sebi, kao skrovito dobro, i sto im se, samo pokatkad, nesvesno odrazava u pogledu, kretnji i reci. | Ivo Andrić | ||
be225fb | Cim pocne da zri leto, neka snaga, za koju ne znam da li dolazi iz mene ili iz svetova oko mene, digne me kao vlaga klicu put svetlosti, i ja putujem, vozim se, plovim, letim. Drugim recima, srecan sam, jer ne bih mogao kazati gde sam. | Ivo Andrić | ||
4d7ab71 | Mi i ne znamo kolike snage i kakve sve mogucnosti krije u sebi svako zivo stvorenje. I ne slutimo sta sve umemo. Budemo i prodemo, a ne saznamo sta smo sve mogli biti i uciniti. | Ivo Andrić | ||
86e11fe | Ko obrazom placa ono sto stece, taj je rdav trgovac. | novac | Ivo Andrić | |
595825a | Dan je samo bela hartija na kojoj se sve belezi iispisuje, a racun se placa nocu, na velikim, mracnim i vrelim poljima nesanice. Ali tu se i sve resava ibrise, konacno i nepovratno. Svaka preboljena patnja nestaje tu kao reka ponornica, ili sagori beztraga i spomena. | Ivo Andrić | ||
ebbf285 | All at once, in his dangerous position, Corkan felt himself separated from his companions. He was now like some gigantic monster above them. His first steps were slow and hesitating. His heavy clogs kept slipping on the stones covered with ice. It seemed to him that his legs were failing him, that the depths below attracted him irresistibly, that he must slip and fall, that he was already falling. But his unusual position and the nearness o.. | Ivo Andrić | ||
7827885 | Perhaps you need to look back before you can move ahead. | the-past the-past-looking-to-the-future | Alan Brennert | |
fa86bfa | Prometheus: Yes, I stopped mortals from foreseeing their doom. Chorus: What cure did you discover for that sickness? Prometheus: I sowed in them blind hopes. | David Grene | ||
6d145dd | and all they could do was sit, sleep, eat, and be reminded day after day, night after night, of their disease and eventual death. | Alan Brennert | ||
b3e0435 | la mujer invento el amor sin companero. Aventurandose sola en territorios alucinantes, con la audacia de quien no conoce los riesgos | Isabel Allende | ||
7f8930d | Dance, dance, Zarite, the slave who dances is free...while he is dancing," he told me. I have always danced." | Isabel Allende | ||
db98934 | lrijal hum mthl lkilb wlkhuywl, lbd W min tarwyDhm . | Isabel Allende | ||
c3890cd | We are all born happy. Life gets us dirty along the way, but we can clean it up. Happiness is not exuberant or noisy, like pleasure or joy; it's silent, tranquil, and gentle; it's a feeling of satisfaction inside that begins with self-love | Isabel Allende | ||
99bd955 | His wife...always dressed in mourning for the children who died in infancy and squeezed breathless by the pressure of her corset, her religion, and the husband fate had dealt her | Isabel Allende | ||
044f65f | lmhm hw m yf`lh lmr fy hdhh ldny, wlys kyf j lyh. | Isabel Allende | ||
7ee4699 | l ttSwWr km 'Hsd lrjl mn 'mthlk; wl`lm msrH lhm | Isabel Allende | ||
9017beb | The concept that you could possess land was as unfathomable to them as that of dividing up the sea. | Isabel Allende |