Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
1d47ab9 | l'n 'bh kn yw'mn b'n ljhl hw lDmn@ lkhDw` lns wlfqr .. wknt t`rf bmshq@ mbd~ lktb@ wlHsb , fhy lm tqr' ktban wHdanfy Hyth wtHsb `mlyt ljm` `l~ 'Sb`h - lm tkn tTrH qT - wlkn kl mtlmsh ydh ytHwl l~ thrw@ ; trddt `l~ lbyt mjmw`@ mn lm`lmyn ;kn `dd mnhm khn@ mst`dyn lt`lymy mqbl lmnH lskhyW@ lty tqdmh jdty ljm`ythm ldyny@ .. wqd knt mHZwZ@ dh t`mlw m`y btshl ;l'nhm mknw yntZrwn mn dmGy 'n ystw`b mthl 'dmG@ ldhkwr .. 'm ( dwn khwn rybyrw ) blmq.. | Isabel Allende | ||
cfd4e22 | Like my maestro, Juan Ribero, she believed that photography and painting are not competing arts but basically different: the painter interpets reality, and the camera captures it. In the former everything is fiction, while the second is the sum of the real plus the sensibility of the photographer. Ribero never allowed me sentimental or exhibitionist tricks-none of this arranging objects or models to look like paintings. He was the enemy of .. | Isabel Allende | ||
73bfec2 | Y en ese instante, como si lo supiera todo, ella le dijo que el miedo es mas fuerte que el deseo, el amor, el odio, la culpa, la rabia, mas fuerte que la lealtad | Isabel Allende | ||
249391e | Aprendio a masticar sus penas sola y con dignidad, convencida de que a nadie le importan los problemas ajenos y que los dolores callados acaban por diluirse. | Isabel Allende | ||
8ff4e1f | Estoy encontrando nuevas fuerzas en mi, que tal vez siempre tuve, pero no conocia porque hasta ahora no habia necesitado ejercerlas. No se en que vuelta del camino se me perdio la persona que yo antes | Isabel Allende | ||
315cefa | As Sancho said, money does not buy happiness but it does buy nearly everything else. | money | Isabel Allende | |
49aaab6 | rftu 'n lrHl@ `br l'lm tnth~ bfrG mTlq. | Isabel Allende | ||
50236f2 | Cada pieza tiene una razon de ser tal como es. [...] La memoria es fragil y el transcurso de una vida es muy breve y sucede todo tan deprisa, que no alcanzamos a ver la relacion entre los acontecimientos, no podemos medir la consecuencia de los actos, creemos en la ficcion del tiempo, en el presente, el pasado y el futuro, pero puede ser tambien que todo ocurre simultaneamente. | Isabel Allende | ||
38a71bf | He said that knowledge was of little use without wisdom, and that there was no wisdom without spirituality, and that true spirituality always included service to others. As he explained many times, the essence of a good physician consisted of a capacity for compassion and a sense of the ethical, without which qualities the sacred art of healing degenerated into simple charlatanism. | healing knowledge spirituality wisdom | Isabel Allende | |
37ca9a3 | Entonces deje de examinarme en el espejo para compararme con las mujeres perfectas del cine y las revistas y decidi que era bella por la simple razon de que tenia ganas de serlo. | Isabel Allende | ||
36f9ca8 | El afecto del comienzo evoluciono en la medida en que maduraban, pero nunca hablaban de eso. Carecian de palabras para describir ese sentimiento y temian que al hacerlo se rompiera como el cristal. Expresar su relacion en palabras significaba definirla, ponerle limites, reducirla; si no se mencionaba permanecia libre e incontaminada. | Isabel Allende | ||
728a772 | El cuento de que los ninos merecen felicidad lo invento Walt Disney para ganar plata. | Isabel Allende | ||
a397142 | rnstw ykhl` strth wymr bh `l~ ydyk lmtybstyn qy'lan: lmsy y bwl. hdh 'n, whdhh hy lstr@ lty tfDlynh, hl t`rft `lyh? lqd sjaWl rsy'l sry@ ytrkh fy sm`t `l~ 'dhnyk lky tsm`y Swth w'nt wHyd@. whw y'ty bqT`@ qTn mDmkh@ b`Trh wyD`h tHt wsdtk lky tbq~ ry'Hth m`k. | Isabel Allende | ||
eaadd4c | l'mrykywn lshmlywn tsHrhm lHrb mdmt lyst `l~ 'rDhm | Isabel Allende | ||
d0dc1a4 | Todo esto es tuyo, abuelo? - Todo, desde la carretera panamericana hasta la punta de esos cerros. ?Los ves? - ?Por que, abuelo? - !Como que por que! !Porque soy el dueno, claro! - Si, ?pero por que eres el dueno? - Porque era de mi familia. - ?Por que? - Porque se la compararon a los indios. - Y los inquilinos, los que tambien han vivido aqui siempre, ?por que no son ellos los duenos? | Isabel Allende | ||
dbc5803 | Si escribo algo, temo que suceda, si amo demasiado a alguien temo perderlo; sin embargo no puedo dejar de escribir ni de amar... | Isabel Allende | ||
dba7453 | Love is a condition that tends to cloud men's reason, but it is not fatal. Usually all the patient needs is to have his love returned, and he will snap out of it and begin to sniff the air in search of new prey | Isabel Allende | ||
1178eb8 | se enamoro de su porte aristocratico, su apellido y el ambiente que lo rodeaba. | Isabel Allende | ||
70ebc6f | Nunca se podra encontrar a quien no quiere ser encontrado. | Isabel Allende | ||
95239bd | Se encerraba en su habitacion a escuchar sus sinfonias predilectas y deleitarse en su propia tristeza | Isabel Allende | ||
57ddc82 | So firm did Nivea's determination become that she wrote in her diary that she would give up marriage in order to devote herself completely to the struggle for women's suffrage. She was not aware that such a sacrifice would not be necessary, and that she would marry a man for love who would back her up in her political goals. | Isabel Allende | ||
75fe9d6 | A escrita e uma longa introspeccao, e uma viagem ate as cavernas mais obscuras da consciencia, uma lenta meditacao. Escrevo as apalpadelas no silencio e pelo caminho descubro particulas de verdade, pequenos cristais que cabem na palma da mao e justificam a minha passagem por este mundo.(...) | Isabel Allende | ||
2c03464 | En todas las clases sociales, menos las privilegiadas por el dinero, la abnegacion y el trabajo se consideran las maximas virtudes femeninas; el espiritu de sacrificio es una cuestion de honor, mientras mas sufren por la familia, mas orgullosas se sienten. Se acostumbran desde temprano a considerar al companero como un hijo bobalicon, a quien perdonan graves defectos, desde ebriedad hasta violencia domestica, porque es hombre. | Isabel Allende | ||
36060f9 | l`bd ldhy yrqS hw `bdun Hr Tlm hw yrqS | Isabel Allende | ||
f73abaa | l ymkn llnsn 'n yHy dwn dhkryt . | Isabel Allende | ||
fe0d0d4 | El hombre del amor calcinante, de los inventos eroticos, de la risa, las bromas y los juegos entre las sabanas, de la urgencia y la voracidad y la alegria, de las confidencias susurradas en la pausa entre dos abrazos, de los besos interminables y la intimidad mas delirante, ese hombre solo existia para ella. | Isabel Allende | ||
e68ccc1 | Tenia la ternura torpe de quien nunca ha sido amado y debe improvisar. | Isabel Allende | ||
52c17f4 | The only cure for so much misfortune is love. It's not the force of gravity that keeps the universe in balance, but the binding power of love. | Isabel Allende | ||
5ef1a3b | km hw mmt` lHb ldhy yGfr kl shy | Isabel Allende | ||
7e2d480 | Era ella quien se abria como una sandia madura, roja, jugosa, tibia, ella quien sudaba esa fragancia penetrante de mariscos, ella quien lo mordia, lo aranaba, lo chupaba, gemia, agonizaba de sofoco y de placer. Era en su carne compasiva donde se sumergia hasta perder el aliento y volverse esponja, medusa, estrella de altamar. | love luxury sex | Isabel Allende | |
2bea513 | nature as a whole was an exceptionally fine illustration of science. | science | Yann Martel | |
d49e592 | If you become sick yourself, don't waste your vomit by sending it overboard. Vomit makes an excellent border guard. Puke on the edges of your territory. | Yann Martel | ||
9bbc998 | What a terrible thing it is to botch a farewell. | Yann Martel | ||
fa761cc | Kalau kita, para warga negara, tidak memberikan dukungan kepada seniman-seniman kita, berarti kita telah mengorbankan imajinasi kita di altas realitas yang kejam, dan pada akhirnya kita jadi tidak percaya pada apapun, dan mimpi-mimpi kita tidak lagi berarti. | imajinasi mimpi percaya seniman warga-negara | Yann Martel | |
097ee0e | Strach to jedyny prawdziwy przeciwnik zycia. | Yann Martel | ||
847652d | I have nothing to say of my working life, only that a tie is a noose, and inverted though it is, it will hang a man nonetheless if he's not careful. | Yann Martel | ||
f511e07 | The men nodded vigorously at me. When they took hold of me and lifted me in their strong arms, I thought nothing of it. I thought they were helping me. I was so full of trust in them that I felt grateful as they carried me in the air. Only when they threw me overboard did I begin to have doubts. | shipwrecks | Yann Martel | |
863a43b | But I want to pray to Allah. I want to be a Christian. | christianity life-of-pi religion | Yann Martel | |
ec9770b | I'm just trying to help" "Do your uncle's bonsai eat meat?" "I don't think so" "Have you ever been bitten by one of his bonsai?" "No." "In that case, your uncle's bonsai are not helping us" | Yann Martel | ||
fee0a2d | Henry had written a novel because there was a hole in him that needed filling, a question that needed answering, a patch of canvas that needed painting--that blend of anxiety, curiosity and joy that is at the origin of art--and he had filled the hole, answered the question, splashed colour on the canvas, all done for himself, because he had to. Then complete strangers told him that his book had filled a hole in them, had answered a question.. | book creativity curiosity inspirational joy life painting strangers writer writers-on-writing writing writing-life | Yann Martel | |
4f58a48 | I thought I would run out of paper. It was the pens that ran out. | Yann Martel | ||
12b056b | the senile, lecherous expression of a camel. | yann martel | ||
2fe8a5c | The reason death sticks do closely to life isn't biological necessity-it"s envy. Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous possessive love that grabs at what it can. But life leaps over oblivion lightly, losing only an thing or two of no importance, and gloom is but the passing shadow of a cloud." | Yann Martel | ||
be8efaa | It begins in your mind, always. One moment you are feeling calm, self-possessed, happy. Then fear, disguised in the garb of mild-mannered doubt, slips into your mind like a spy. Doubt meets disbelief and disbelief tries to push it out. But disbelief is a poorly armed foot soldier. Doubt does away with with little trouble. You become anxious. Reason comes to do battle for you. You are reassured. Reason is fully equipped with the latest weapo.. | Yann Martel |