Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
fdb61a1 | am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for in the prayer from the Phaedrus when he said, "May the outward and inward man be at one." | Anne Morrow Lindbergh | ||
409d626 | But I want first of all--in fact, as an end to these other desires--to be at peace with myself. I want a singleness of eye, a purity of intention, a central core to my life that will enable me to carry out these obligations and activities as well as I can. I want, in fact--to borrow from the language of the saints--to live "in grace" as much of the time as possible. I am not using this term in a strictly theological sense. By grace I mean a.. | Anne Morrow Lindbergh | ||
2da83e1 | Growth in awareness has always been painful [...] But it does lead to greater independence and, eventually, cooperation in action. For the enormous problems that face the world today, in both the private and public sphere, cannot be solved by women - and men - alone. They can only be surmounted by men and women side by side. | awareness-quotes cooperation men-and-women men-and-women-quote | Anne Morrow Lindbergh | |
a415fd9 | It was during this terrible night that the three wounded died, and the jeeps froze solid. | korean-war war | Pat Frank | |
510f610 | Cook with butter in the North, olive oil in the South. | culture culture-identity france french-culture olive-oil | Alain Bremond-Torrent | |
bf315bc | The scientific study of the relationship between brain and mind began in 1861, when Broca, in France, found that specific difficulties in the expressive use of speech, aphasia, consistently followed damage to a particular portion of the left hemisphere of the brain. | Oliver Sacks | ||
59e7ba3 | POMMAROLA Tomato Sauce 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 small onion, minced 1 28-ounce can of whole tomatoes, or 6-8 firm fresh tomatoes, peeled 1/2 cup basil leaves, chopped Salt and pepper Heat oil and add onion. After 5 minutes over medium heat, add tomatoes and break them up with a spoon. Add basil and salt and pepper to taste. Cook for 10 minutes on high heat, uncovered, to reduce it. Makes 3 cups. | Frances Mayes | ||
dbac892 | Noriega wound up like a baseball pitcher on top of the bed and hurled the small gun, but was low and outside for a ball. His tight-fitting house dress was bunched up high on his chubby thighs, exposing olive drab underwear. I see London, I see France, I see a crazy dictator's underpants! Chase's thoughts raced. | espionage fiction literary panama spy thriller | Cole Alpaugh | |
ca0f6c6 | Were you and Hope the only ones at that school to have normal names? What was with those people--Buffy, Kiki, Dede, Muffin?' 'Well, dear, they'd already used up the good names for the dogs,' Faith countered archly, and turned off the light. | names nicknames wealthy | Katherine Hall Page | |
18b1642 | And you punched him in the restaurant?" I grinned. "No, I punched him when he told me my only purpose was to bear his children and then stuck a hand up my shirt." Patrick grinned. "You land the punch?" "Broke his nose." "Good" | Chloe Neill | ||
cd0012b | How are you finding vampiredom?" "If it were a house," I answered after some serious consideration, "I'd call it a fixer-upper." | Chloe Neill | ||
1d0c504 | He wasn't supposed to know at all, but he certainly shouldn't find out from her. | Chloe Neill | ||
363a7bb | As we left the kitchen, I asked, "Can I hold your sword today?" Catcher glanced back over his shoulder and lifted a brow. "The sword," I corrected. "The sword." | Chloe Neill | ||
b19859d | I believe there's something you'll need, Sentinel." Ethan slid from his chair, dropped to one knee on the carpet. My mind had to race to keep up, but my heart pounded madly. Ethan looked up at me, grinned. "That thing, of course, is this." He held up a small dessert fork. "You dropped your fork, Sentinel." My blood pounded in my ears. I stood up, swatted his arms with slaps. "You are a jerk." He roared with laughter. "Ah, Sentinel. The look.. | merit | Chloe Neill | |
c334244 | Gabe had faced pissed-off shifters, irritated vampires, and worse. But spiders were his mortal enemies. To be fair, the basement's spiders were large and in charge. "We" | Chloe Neill | ||
db64e74 | We were friends because we were connected together, because something in our souls called to each other, understood each other. | Chloe Neill | ||
db8b77c | There are those amongst us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave. -Gabriel Keene, Pack Apex, pp. 37 | magic | Chloe Neill | |
f1945f2 | There are those amongst us who have erred, deeply and significantly. Who have wounded the world and broken themselves. The worst of them lose themselves in their errors. The best of them crawl back, one foot at a time, and seek to amend their breaches. That is the way of the brave. | life-lessons magic | Chloe Neill | |
8d30ceb | Burada ki gizem avcisi benim ama onlar ne yapiyorlar? Gidip senin gibi Ingiliz Edebiyatiyla kafayi bozmus anti-sosyal kisiligi vampire donusturuyorlar! Dizideki vampir avcisi Buffy'nin bile yuregi ciz etmistir.Gerci..." deyip degerlendiren gozle beni suzdu. "Senden cok iyi arastirma malzemesi, olurdu." | bazı-kızlar-ısırır komik vampir | Chloe Neill | |
f77f2ad | It's a big world," I said. "I like to fly because it reminds me how huge the planet is and how small we are by comparison. I like that idea--that we're inconsequential, so our troubles are inconsequential, too." A corner of his mouth lifted. "You could never be inconsequential, Merit." He glanced out his window, traced a knuckle across the glass. "But I take your point. Living in darkness reduces our visibility, seems to narrow the world. U.. | Chloe Neill | ||
982b871 | Every time I breathe, I breathe for you. Every time I speak, I speak for you. And every time I howl, I howl for you." He pressed his lips to mine, so softly. "This isn't over," he said, and walked inside." | Chloe Neill | ||
e47aedb | True. But anyway, the rioters get all riled up, and they chant: 'What do we want? Brains! When do we want them? Brains! | Chloe Neill | ||
a03649c | Like they say, you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone. | Chloe Neill | ||
2198e59 | Gaslight Goods. Let us be your light in the midst of life's darkness, the sunlight in your foggy day, the candle in your wind. This is Kite. How can I help you today?" I grimaced. That was their opener?" | Chloe Neill | ||
954a018 | There are days when I would love to pull the cover over my head and say to hell with it. "But I don't do that. And most people don't do that. Most people get up and do their jobs and work their asses off for no reward at all--but just so they can get up the next day and do the whole thing over again. The world isn't perfect, and some days it wears you down. You can either accept that, and face it, and be a help to others instead of a hindra.. | Chloe Neill | ||
4f2567e | Holy toast. | Chloe Neill | ||
ba5d05c | Late-night prejudice was apparently exhausting. | Chloe Neill | ||
9bd799e | And he is at his best when he is with you. That, I think, is the best kind of love. Love doesn't guarantee happiness or wealth or success. But if you're willing to commit to it, to work at it, it guarantees partnership. So that no matter the trials or tribulations, no matter the joy or loss, you are not alone. | Chloe Neill | ||
6f4363b | Phones on, and stay alert," Luc said. "And tell Jonah we said hello." "Lucas," Ethan politely said, "kiss my ass." | luc | Chloe Neill | |
a7f2357 | Dear God," I said, dodging a pair of zombie cheerleaders to cross the busy pathway to the "Hunkiest" table, staring down at the assortment of pink, white, and pale blue panties, Ethan's green eyes staring out from the front triangle." | Chloe Neill | ||
21b97d7 | I knew there were Web sites devoted to Ethan. I might, in a moment of curious weakness, have visited Ethan SullivanIsMyMaster.net and smiled at the bloggers' obvious adoration. But underwear? Underwear! "Pretty hot, isn't he?" asked the clerk. I was bewildered. Of course he was hot. But he was my hot." | merit | Chloe Neill | |
0cf17c8 | I frowned with disappointment. I'm not sure what I'd expected to see, although a short, dark-haired man standing beneath a floating neon arrow that read BAD GUY HERE would have been nice. A suspect and quick confession wouldn't have been amiss, either. This was a lot harder than in the movies. | Chloe Neill | ||
a528583 | You'll be careful out there?" Ethan asked. A line of worry appeared between his eyes. "I will. But we're just going for pizza. And Luc knows where I'll be, just in case of a zombie apocalypse." | merit | Chloe Neill | |
64f99f5 | The assholes took their toll." "Assholes often do." "That's a Billboard Top Forty song waiting to happen." "Sung to the tune of 'There'll Be Sad Songs,'" I suggested, then offered up a lyric. "'There'll be assholes, to make you cry.'" "'Assholes often dooo,'" Mallory sang." | merit | Chloe Neill | |
94b76dd | You didn't have to adjust under the watchful eye of Gabriel Keene." "You're right. I only had to adjust under the watchful eye of Ethan Sullivan. That was an utter cakewalk." | merit | Chloe Neill | |
22f2c9a | The supernatural threat is my boot up his ass," Lindsey muttered." | Chloe Neill | ||
39b3968 | Ethan groaned. "To business already, Sentinel? So much for, 'Good morning, Liege. I love you, Liege.'" He managed a remarkably bad imitation of my voice, then feigned sweeping hair over his shoulder. "I don't do that." "You do," he said, grinning. "But my larger point still stands." I rolled my eyes but sat up, sheet strategically around my breasts, and smiled at him. "Good morning, Liege," I said in a husky voice. "I love you, Liege." "Tha.. | merit | Chloe Neill | |
2f225cc | I called the Ops Room, hoping to get Luc, and possibly Ethan, on the phone. "Jimmy's House of Vampires," Luc answered, in a really poor Bronx accent." | Chloe Neill | ||
61100c3 | And so it began, I thought, the first wave of a revolution against oppression, fought with corn syrup and chocolate. | Chloe Neill | ||
0dcda16 | You and Ethan had some kind of something?" "You're fishing. And we didn't have something or anything. We're just bummed it's Valentine's Day and I'm spending it with you guys." "Yeah, well, tone down the magic. You're giving me split ends." | merit | Chloe Neill | |
c1530fd | Now, that is interesting. It's shitty evidence, but it's interesting." "I live to infotain." | Chloe Neill | ||
8b22c63 | Sullivan may have a heart of coal, but I bet he looks really good in orange. And stripes. Rawr," she said, curling her fingers like a cat." | mallory-carmichael merit | Chloe Neill | |