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91fbe59 Why did everyone keep demanding "evidence" and "facts"? I swear, cop and courtroom dramas were ruining the good name of gut instinct." Chloe Neill
cfd8dad The GP appeared in its typical V formation. "Goose on the lawn," Luc said. "Goose?" I asked. "That V formation. I like to use derogatory terms to describe the GP whenever possible." Chloe Neill
2f999f2 Of course I have a sly plan. I am a Merit, after all. Chloe Neill
0c4ed0f Immortality affords you the opportunity to witness history in the making. Humanity's triumphs and its cruelties, both. It is both a high price to pay and a priceless gift, to carry the weight of that knowledge. Chloe Neill
7b7fc12 His lips so soft, yet so stern, he pressed his mouth to mine. "I will have both of you," he said. "My Sentinel and my city. And the GP will learn exactly how stubborn we both can be." ethan kissing lips merit sentinel vampires Chloe Neill
a63e11f Ethan arched an eyebrow and began to lean in.... Then he reached around to pluck something from the table behind me. When he pulled back, folder in hand, I rolled my eyes at my reaction. The man just unbalanced me. merit Chloe Neill
080c6e0 Ethan scrubbed his hands over his face. "I hate it when you're right." I bit back a grin that only would have gotten me into trouble, and let my mouth do it for me. "Then you must hate me often." I disappeared into the bathroom before Ethan could throttle me." merit Chloe Neill
2734491 Tu ne peux pas avoir peur du noir, tu sais. Ce n'est pas envisageable pour un vampire. Chloe Neill
f195761 He wants you," Lindsey said. "Physically and otherwise. Maybe you only need to remind him that you can handle yourself." "How?" "Girl, you're the Sentinel of this House, and you've been trained by Catcher and Luc and Ethan. He's in the training room right now. Get down there and kick his ass." I smiled slyly. Now, that was a plan that made sense." lindsey merit Chloe Neill
a7bb743 I hated him at first," she said. "And I think you did, too. He was overbearing, and he didn't sympathize with your situation. And then you let yourself be vulnerable, and then he invited another girl to your House. And then he took a stake for you, and he proved himself." Chloe Neill
496817d I managed to move a fallen angel off his target and sweet-talk a cop into giving me back my sword. Chloe Neill
54e5408 As Morpheus would say, quit trying to hit me and hit me. Chloe Neill
8f7a9af Life was a smorgasbord! Chloe Neill
e5fd18e There's an entirely new world opening up for you right now. A dangerous and occasionally sickening and cruel world, but a world filled with Cajun bounty hunters and lively conversation about peanut butter." "You do make it sound so glamorous, what with the peanut butter and all." Chloe Neill
020d5c6 It's not about how easy or hard they are to manage. It's about keeping out people who require management. I prefer a drama-free existence. Chloe Neill
384dd3b I wasn't sure whether he was a grad student, poet, actor, stripper, or brilliant combination of all those things. But the man knew Lord Byron, and he knew words. He knew the rise and fall of sentences, the way to pause, the moment to look up, catch our gazes, smile. He knew emphasis and speed, pacing and clarity. He was a prince of poetry, and he had us mesmerized. Champagne was uncorked and dunked into gleaming silver chalices of ice, the.. Chloe Neill
6eeca17 Rising tides lift all boats, Chloe Neill
130a3ff people fear what they don't understand. Chloe Neill
690c5f8 You are heart and recklessness and fire. The drama just came along for the ride. Chloe Neill
81e1850 popularity invites criticism, fuels jealousy. It is, for better or worse, human nature. Chloe Neill
4929e82 You undo me, Merit. Wholly and completely. You don't take me at my word. You challenge me at every opportunity. And that means when I'm with you, I am less than the head of this House . . . and I am more than the head of this House. I am a man." He stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "In my very, very long life, I need you more than I have ever needed anything." This" Chloe Neill
2c08447 The thumbs have been pricked, at least proverbially. Chloe Neill
d62ca05 My smart and kind and beautiful girl." He liked to say that, had been saying it for years, and had always put "beautiful" last. Whether it was true or not, he'd tell me it was the least important of the three. "You are smart," he'd say. "You should be kind. And if you are, you'll always be beautiful." raising-girls smart-before-beautiful Chloe Neill
4fdec62 I knew the point wasn't the victory, but pulling yourself together and crawling your way back. That was life. survival Chloe Neill
555721c Ditto," Ethan said, a surprising amount of venom in his voice. I bit back a proud smile; he seemed to be adopting a little of my snark." Chloe Neill
b5a13a8 the work of protecting others is in convincing them they need protection in the first place. Chloe Neill
2c3fdd2 Doubt is part of life," I said. "And so is hope. Life is about taking chances. You just have to hope that the chance is worth the risk." Chloe Neill
33e80a9 I'm still alive," Gabriel pointed out. "Nick is also still alive, as is Merit. Everybody wave." -- Chloe Neill
1b78b25 Write down the things you wish to remember, and keep those records close. Secured. It's surprising how much you forget as the years go on. Chloe Neill
d09032a Doubt was a debilitating, frightening thing. Chloe Neill
5c81aa3 I also used to think only he could trigger the connection between us. Apparently, he'd just been ignoring me. Chloe Neill
5018261 But when I gave bl0w jobs to my ex, I secretly hated it. What's pleasant about sucking on a stiff, veiny appendage that spurts pee and sperm? Daria Snadowsky
254fca6 The other big con is whether having sex could cause me to more than just like like Guy. But that could happen even if we don't sleep together. You don't even need to date a boy to dream about marrying him. sex Daria Snadowsky
7ef7781 In my experience all boys can be classified as either assholes or bores, unless they're both. Daria Snadowsky
840278a Did things get a lot hooter between you tow? A little stove-top stuffing in the kitchen?" -Amy" Daria Snadowsky
1a5161b A boy sees a girl topless for the first time only once, and the anticipation of the big reveal is really exciting. I feel like I'm a present being unwrapped. Daria Snadowsky
31b43ea I realize that I'm far less familiar with my own privates than with Guy's, and I've seen his only twice! I guess that's to be expected, since girls can't really look at ourselves without a reflection, whereas nothing's hidden with boys. It seems unfair, but there's also something neat about it being shrouded in secrecy. Daria Snadowsky
0d1e54a I can't be happy going out if it's not . . . going anywhere. Daria Snadowsky
614606b There's nothing like feeling like sh_t to kill your libido. Daria Snadowsky
f21ee43 In some ways therapists have it harder than surgeons, who can often correct the issue with one operation. There's no quick fix for emotional trauma. Daria Snadowsky
8cebb53 Nothing bonds people more than going through sh_t together, right? Daria Snadowsky
5819249 For me, at least, feeling something, even something bad, is better than feeling nothing. Daria Snadowsky
4995ece A month ago it would have been my dream just to be in his bedroom watching a movie, but now it's torture because I want so much more. It's like my entire conscious state has been reduced to this toxic blend of hope and uncertainty. I hate that I have to act cool and almost pretend I don't like him when in fact I do, because, God forbid, I come across as desperate for attention or a little clingy, which everyone should know are perfectly nat.. clinging dating desperation emotions feelings love lust Daria Snadowsky
95dda77 When did you stop caring for me? Certainly not before Thanksgiving. You certainly wouldn't accept a blow job from someone if you were thinking about breaking up with her. Daria Snadowsky