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0551b3a What if the primary work of education was the transforming of our imagination rather than the saturation of our intellect? James K.A. Smith
1e0069f too often we look for the Spirit in the extraordinary when God has promised to be present in the ordinary.5 James K.A. Smith
4c0e89a learning what seems insignificant can be training us for (and about) what's essential--that what's ultimate can unwittingly be at stake in what appears to be innocuous. James K.A. Smith
6fd1da8 The soul therefore needs three things: eyes which it can use aright, looking, and seeing. James K.A. Smith
05d85e8 worship is not primarily a venue for innovative creativity but a place for discerning reception and faithful repetition. That James K.A. Smith
4624378 ethical knowledge is "the emplotment of one's life in the theological narrative" James K.A. Smith
e5cb975 One could say of Augustine what Leslie Jamison notes about Don Gately in Infinite Jest: He's "no saint. That's why he made salvation seem possible." James K.A. Smith
d092671 What draws people away from traditional, institutional religion is largely the success of consumer culture -- the "stronger form of magic" found in the ever-new glow of consumer products" James K.A. Smith
f01cfe5 When we gather, we are responding to a call to worship; that call is an echo and renewal of the call of creation to be God's image bearers for the world, and we fulfill the mission of being God's image bearers by undertaking the work of culture making. James K.A. Smith
323f688 He ran long at the White House, and arrived late to his next meeting with Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan and Frank Ruggiero--their first major strategy session on Taliban talks after the secret meeting with A-Rod. She was waiting in her outer office, a spacious room paneled in white and gilt wood, with tasseled blue and pink curtains and an array of colorfully upholstered chairs and couches. In my time reporting to her later, I only ever sa.. Ronan Farrow
ba70f9f I'd hate to see the look on my face when that mask came down and I saw the face behind it. Thinner than I remember. Paler. The eyes sunk deep into their sockets, kind of glazed over, like he's sick or hurt, but I recognize it, I know whose face was hidden behind that mask. I just can't process it. Here, in this place. A thousand years later and a million miles from the halls of George Barnard High School. Here, in the belly of the beast at .. ben-parish cassie-sullivan meet recognize shocked Rick Yancey
6dbed8f Just as smiles often follow tears, the sun rose full and bright on the morning.. franklin georgina romantic suzan Georgina Grey
d189229 He'd died his blond hair purple in honor of his best friend's wedding, and he wore skinny white jeans, a red shirt, and Mary Kay Andrews
f3e84f0 You don't have to be Southern to have good manners. And you don't have to be a Yankee to make a total ass of yourself. Mary Kay Andrews
841bf00 Sometimes the people we think we know the best are the ones with secrets we can't even fathom. Mary Kay Andrews
39f6287 Car la encore ces hommes se livraient a quelque chose de grotesque lorsqu'ils embetaient leur famille pour qu'elle leur achete un costume tout neuf pour leur proces. Les tribunaux ne prenaient jamais en consideration la tenue des inculpes. Ils auraient pu comparaitre dans des sacs a pommes de terre, les juges n'en avaient rien a faire. La seule chose qui comptait etait la couleur de leur peau et les chefs d'accusation. Donald Goines
459df1b In return, the Vatican gave Hitler the formal endorsement he wanted. Article 16 of the Reichskonkordat required German bishops and cardinals to swear an oath of loyalty to the Third Reich. Gerald Posner
acc3c07 God's Bankers cuts through the masses of misinformation to present an unvarnished account of the quest for money and power in the Roman Catholic Church. No embellishment is needed. That real tale is shocking enough. Gerald Posner
baabeda A poem by Rudyard Kipling says derisively of people who despise soldiers and police that they make 'mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep.' You are likely to have a strong reaction pro or con to this sentiment and how Kipling expressed it, but you will not be able to defend your view with arguments that would convince someone who has the opposite reaction. If you are intellectually sophisticated you mare recognize that your convic.. tommy unreliable-witnesses Richard A. Posner
41df34a It is not the practice of the Holy See to disclose information on the religious discipline of members of the clergy or religious according to canon law. Gerald Posner
0cf1aeb Two days after he had appointed the special oversight commission, sixty-one-year-old Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, an APSA senior accountant, was arrested. Prosecutors charged he was the mastermind in helping friends avoid taxes on $26.2 million, some of it cash flown to Italy on a private jet from Switzerland. Gerald Posner
cb5b987 the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne published the results of an extensive study of international money laundering.9 The authors compared the banking systems of two hundred countries. The Vatican ranked in the top ten money laundering havens, behind Luxembourg, Switzerland, the Cayman Islands, and Liechtenstein, but ahead of Singapore. Gerald Posner
3b6b0bc Berry's investigation was a searing indictment of how church officials in Louisiana buried reports of sexual abuse of minors and did their best to pay off victims to keep them silent. By the time his story ran, the tiny Lafayette diocese in which Gauthe had committed his crimes was deeply in the red from $4.2 million in confidential settlements to the families of nine victims, and $114 million in pending claims in another eleven lawsuits. Gerald Posner
ca47e06 The small group of Benedict supporters gathered that night were not simply upset at money matters gone awry. There was, as they discussed that evening, something that made most of them squirm. They had seen the proof of what one called a "gay lobby." The common bond for the gay clerics at the highest positions of the Curia was that they had abandoned their celibacy vows. The problem, the small group agreed, was that they often used sex as a.. Gerald Posner
40c9488 When Ali Agca, a Turk, shot Pope John Paul II in 1981, both the target and the would-be killer were well within Vatican territory," wrote George Armstrong, the respected Rome correspondent for London's Guardian. "The Vatican was happy to have him arrested, tried and sentenced in Italy, and under Italian law, and his life sentence will be at the expense of the Italian taxpayer. The Vatican becomes another country only when it chooses to be." Gerald Posner
cdabb03 And a popular priest, Father Dyonisy Juricev, wrote in a leading newspaper that it was no longer a sin to kill Serbs or Jews so long as they were at least seven years old. Gerald Posner
e8b2d47 A supplementary 180-page U.S. government report issued that spring (June 2, 1998) provided more evidence that neutral countries, including the Vatican, had profited by hiding Nazi gold in their central banks.50 Gerald Posner
28fc0be The same year as the Peron visit, American counterintelligence concluded that the Vatican as an institution--not merely as a group of scattered, rogue clerics--was helping high-ranking Nazis escape justice.94 Gerald Posner
e0d556b Now at this hour, when the cirrus clouds stretched like crimson ribbons high across the southwest sky, in such a hush that not even a playful eddy dared stir moss or palm fronds, the day died in calm and in beauty. Pat Frank
dcb425d Everybody cursed the Bolsheviks but nobody was prepared to do anything about them. russian-revolution Orlando Figes
5f0e9e1 The 'noble savage' whom the Populists had seen in the simple peasant was, as Gorky now concluded, no more than a romantic illusion. And the more he experienced the everyday life of the peasant, the more he denounced them as savage and barbaric. Orlando Figes
b9985c0 Only a few miles from any city centre one would find oneself already in the backwoods, where there were bandits living in the forests, where roads turned into muddy bogs in spring, and where the external signs of life in the remote hamlets had remained essentially unchanged since the Middle Ages. Yet, despite living so close to the peasants, the educated classes of the cities knew next to nothing about their world. It was as exotic and alie.. russia Orlando Figes
99351dc There is no sadder symbol of the crippling poverty in which millions of peasants were forced to live than the image of a peasant and his son struggling to drag a plough through the mud. ploughing poverty russia Orlando Figes
716be51 The peasant also found another use for this sacred object. 'He says of the icon: "It's good for praying -- and you can cover the pots with it too." Orlando Figes
93cd44d To the less privileged it was this arbitrariness that made the regime's power feel so oppressive. There were no clear principles or regulations which enabled the individual to challenge authority or the state. Orlando Figes
dfcfde2 Whereas in Western countries the constitution merely had to guarantee the rights of a per-existing civil society and culture, in Russia it also had to create these. It had to educate society - and the state itself - into the values and ideas of liberal constitutionalism. Orlando Figes
cfa14a8 The currents of modern civilization had somehow passed it by, and as he returned to it now, fresh from the sides of England and France, Sergei Semenov saw only familiar signs of backwardness and decay. Orlando Figes
b7f0519 The Provisional Government had lost effective military control of the capital a full two days before the armed uprising began. This was the essential fact of the whole insurrection: without it one cannot explain the ease of the Bolshevik victory. insurrection russian-revolution Orlando Figes
f78ac59 The remarkable thing about the Bolshevik insurrection is that hardly any of the Bolshevik leaders had wanted it to happen until a few hours before it began. insurrection russian-revolution Orlando Figes
f5eefc5 The word 'soviet' means 'council' in Russian (there was nothing particularly Communist about it until after 1917). Orlando Figes
4f143d6 Lenin's Personal life was extraordinarily dull. He dressed and lived like a middle-aged provincial clerk, with precisely fixed hours for meals, sleep, work and leisure. He liked everything to be neat and orderly. dull lenin marxism provinvial-clerk russian-revolution Orlando Figes
3d41786 Pavlik denounced his father's crimes, and when Trofim shouted out, 'It's me, your father,' the boy told the judge: 'Yes, he used to be my father, but I no longer consider him my father. I am not acting as a son, but as a Pioneer. Orlando Figes
0411c97 The only way, they argued, to prevent a revolution was to rule Russia with an iron hand. This meant defending the autocratic principle, the unchecked powers of the police, the hegemony of the nobility, and the moral domination of the Church, against the liberal and secular challenges of the urban-industrialize order. Orlando Figes
ca07124 Gorky called for the building of a monument to the young martyr, who, the writer said, had 'understood that a relative by blood may also be an enemy of the spirit, and that such a person is not to be spared'.69 Orlando Figes