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fa312c6 She sounded dazed. He felt movement and managed to turn his head toward her and pry open one eye. She lifted her head and looked pointedly at his soft cock with a small smile. "You're feeling optimistic, aren't you?" she said aloud, laughter in her voice. His fingers found her hair, wrapping a length around his fist. He gave a gentle tug and made an effort to find his voice. "That's a challenge, woman, and all good soldiers find a way to m.. Christine Feehan
c095e35 Stop strokin' that gun, Kyle," Gator said. "You're makin' me nervous. I'm thinkin' you're about to make love to the damn thing." "She is purty," Kyle said, giving the gun one last caress, his eye watching the truck ahead. "Slow down a little, and let them get ahead of us, Gator." "What if they put up a roadblock?" Jonas asked. Ryland opened one eye. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Can the chatter and let me sleep. We've got swi.. Christine Feehan
8396c1d Debriefing was a lot of bullshit. Sam wanted to leap out of his seat and go find his woman. He'd never actually had a woman to come home to, and now that he did, he had to sit like a kindergartener, wiggling around his chair, anxious to see her--inspect her--and make certain she didn't have so much as a scratch on her. Fucking Whitney, attacking the compound when there were just a few men and women to defend it. She wasn't hurt . . . "Sam, .. Christine Feehan
e92311f Nicolas felt awkward. If she needed him to shoot someone for her, he was her man, but comforting her was something altogether different. He didn't like feeling uncertain; it was foreign to his nature. Men didn't pet women like dogs, did they? He put his arm around her, drew her closer to him. Christine Feehan
7fb6be7 Desari reached up to trace his lips. "You have a perfect mouth, Julian. An amazingly perfect mouth." He arched an eyebrow at her. "Just my mouth is amazing?" "You are such a man." Her eyes laughed at him. "You need constant reassurance that you are magnificent." He nodded. "Magnificent.I like that. I could live with magnificent. Good choice of words,lifemate." She circled his neck with her arms. "Arrogant male. Darius is right, you know.You.. Christine Feehan
05fbefd I steal things." "You do what?" She wanted to smile at the incredulous tone. "Is stealing worse than killing? I thought it was all bad." "You just surprised me." He didn't flinch at her candid assessment of what he did, but it bothered him--and people's opinions didn't bother him. He had his own moral code, a code of strict honor. It shouldn't matter what she said . . . but it did. She wasn't accusing or even judgmental, just matter-of-fact.. Christine Feehan
a45ed0c Even so, the two of us look memorable in these clothes. And your shirt is transparent. I don't think I can take a bunch of men ogling you." He didn't look up as he took his rifle apart and carefully wrapped it around before putting it in his pack. The ammunition belt followed, along with every other visible weapon. Dahlia gasped and crossed her arms over her breasts. "You could have said something." "I didn't want to embarrassed you." This .. Christine Feehan
f22179e All the while, he was conscious of the sound of water. Dahlia was taking a shower. No matter how hard he tried to prevent it, his imagined insisted on conjuring up a vivid picture of Dahlia naked, wet, her hair slick and her face turned up to the hot spray. He closed his eyes against the image and groaned softly. Where had all his self-discipline gone? His tremendous control? He couldn't blame energy, sexual or otherwise, for his fantasies... Christine Feehan
4e6ffb9 Coffee. It was decisive. Without their women, their chosen drink would always be what it had been. Christine Feehan
f06ab2b You grow sleepy, ," Julian whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehea. "We should go to your brother's chamber. I will check him once more before we go to ground." Desari refused to open her eyes. She made a soft purring sound, completely contented to lie in his arms. "Not yet, Julian," she protested softly. "I do not want to leave this place for a little while longer." "I can feel how tired you are, my love. I can do no other than-" "Do n.. Christine Feehan
0f6b86e Go take a shower. Use cold water, it will help." It took him a moment to control the urgent demands of his body. As he stepped away from her, the pad of his finger slipped down her throat and trailed over the swell of her breast before he dropped his hand to his side. Dahlia shivered at his touch. She remained still, only inches from him, refusing to back away . . . or move forward. "Fortunately, Jesse stashed some clothes here for me. He'.. Christine Feehan
3a23e91 She gave a little delicate sniff. "You're supposed to be explaining yourself. When one's lifemate refuses to claim his woman, there should be a reasonable explanation." "You have no desire for me to claim you," he pointed out. Christine Feehan
2770002 This is my lifemate, who remains unclaimed and quite happy about it. Christine Feehan
f8a38ee Well I'm not. Jumping for joy, I mean,that you're my lifemate. I can't have a lifemate right now. I've got issues. Christine Feehan
3bec4f1 Contractions. Kane's stomach dropped right out of his body. He stared down at her, his mind going fuzzy. That was one of those words like menstruation, period, or female products . The list just wasn't uttered in male company. Contractions fit right in there. God. This was not happening. He forced his brain under control, ignoring the pounding in his head and the roaring in his ears. He studied Rose's body carefully. She wasn't due for anot.. Christine Feehan
5ff4faa She didn't take her eyes off him, and that expression on her scowling face demanded an answer. He cast about desperately in his mind and then hit on a way out. He shrugged, trying to look casual as well as impressed. "You managed such a great illusion, looking slim earlier, it was hard to remember it was an illusion." There. A compliment. He hadn't stepped into the mud and sunk--yet. She was still looking at him, hands on her hips, waiting .. Christine Feehan
03fe95b Te avio palafertiilam. You are my lifemate. Entolam kuulua, avio palafertiilam. I claim you as my lifemate. Ted kuuluak, kacad, kojed. I belong to you. Elidamet andam. I offer my life for you. Pesamet andam. I give you my protection. Uskolfertiilamet andam. I give you my allegiance. Sivamet andam. I give you my heart. Sielamet andam. I give you my soul. Ainamet andam. I give you my body. Sivamet kuuluak kaik etta a ted. I ta.. Christine Feehan
0e37fc6 Beside the kit she'd put together were several books, and because he was reluctant to open the sealed plastic container and look at the contents, he browsed through the books. The titles told him a lot about Rose. She planned well for things. One book was on natural childbirth, another focused on nutrition for the pregnant woman. Both books had been read many times. The pages were worn and dog-eared. Another book on parenting caught his att.. Christine Feehan
a583df1 Just those of us with sisters-in-laws who bounce off walls. I feel like I am watching a Ping-Pong ball. Settle down. jacques raven sister-in-law Christine Feehan
43c2272 For the first time in his life, his body chose. He chose. His choice was her. Anya Rafferty. Christine Feehan
66432b4 Lexi frowned again, a little distracted, trying to follow what they were all saying. She knew they were trying to divert her attention. She tried to remember who Uri Sorbacov was. He was the son of the man who had murdered the Prakenskiis' parents and abducted all seven brothers, separating them and forcing them into schools to become covert operatives and worse. He also had been the one to order a hit on most of the Prakenskii brothers and.. Christine Feehan
d249a73 Tempest liked the feeling of strength in Darius's hand, the heat of his body warming hers, the easy, fluid way he moved with the suggestion of tightly leashed power. Most of all she loved the way his eyes burned possessively over her, the way his chiseled, perfect mouth tempted her. Christine Feehan
7e32c38 He never used a last name if he could help it because the only name that mattered to him was not his own, and unless he found a lifemate, he would not chance ever dishonoring it. -Andre Christine Feehan
8f49cde As if reading his mind, she smiled happily up at him. "Gary really came through for us, didn't he?" "Absolutely, . And Beau LaRue was not so bad either. Come, we cannot leave the poor man pacing the swamp. He will think we are engaging in something other than conversation." Wickedly Savannah moved her body against his, her hands sliding provocatively, enticingly, over the rigid thickness straining his trousers. "Aren't we?" she asked wit.. gregori-and-savannah wicked Christine Feehan
151297d I know of your fears, . I know your every thought. The bond between us is strong enough to cross oceans. We can deal with your fears together." -Gregori" Christine Feehan
aa4c77b You love family and are loyal to them no matter the circumstances. I am the same way. I want that trait in my wife. I want that instilled in my children. Christine Feehan
9d164fa He whispered her name as he pressed his forehead against hers. "So this is what love feels like." His fingers tightened possessively around the back of her neck, the pad of his thumb of his thumb caressing her soft skin. Her lashes fluttered, eyes going a vibrant green. Her mouth curved into a soft smile. "You say the most beautiful things, Gavriil. You should have been a poet." He brushed a kiss over each eye and slipped his gun into the w.. Christine Feehan
cb78fee Through the open doorway suddenly stepped a small woman, long ebony hair braided intricately, huge blue eyes flashing at Mikhail. As Byron shouldered his way inside behind her, she gave him a friendly smile and stood on her toes to brush his chin with a kiss. Mikhail stiffened, then immediately wrapped a possessive arm around her waist. "Carpathian women do not do that kind of thing," he reprimanded her. She tilted her chin at him, in no .. byron gregori jacques-and-shea mikhail-and-raven you-owe-me-one Christine Feehan
2af338e Her enormous eyes were staring straight into his silver ones. He couldn't look away, couldn't let go of her hand. He couldn't have moved if his life depended on it. He was lost in those blue-violet eyes, somewhere in their mysterious, haunting, sexy depths. What was it he had decided? Decreed? He was not going to allow her anywhere near Peter's funeral. Why was his resolve fading away to nothing? He had reasons, good reasons. He was certai.. gregori-and-savannah Christine Feehan
3b4b543 Am I going to crave blood, raw steak, that kind of thing?" Gary asked, straight-faced. "Well, actually..." Savannah started. "I do not have rabies." Gregori silenced her with a look. "I am not contagious." "All the books say if you drink my blood, I get to drink your blood, and then I'm like you." Gary sounded slightly disappointed. "Some people grow bat wings," Savannah admitted, her teeth tugging at her lower lip. "That's where Batman.. epidemic gary gets-worse gregori-and-savannah Christine Feehan
f39f050 She went to move around Jacques, strongly objecting to the label. She did have a name. She was a person. She had a feeling they all thought her the hysterical type. She certainly hadn't managed to show them her normal calm self. Jacques stepped backward and his arm swept behind him to pin her against the wall. He never took his eyes from the trio before them. He knew he was unstable, still fighting to hold on to reason when his every ins.. cavemen civilized jacques-and-shea mikhail-and-raven Christine Feehan
8d59ad1 His black eyes smoldered, a velvet seduction. She backed away from him, holding a palm outward to ward him off. "Just you keep your ideas to yourself," she warned. "You have that devil's look, the one that says no woman is safe." he denied, the hard edge of his mouth softening into temptation. " only-you Christine Feehan
ecb002f I'm taking a shower." Oh, God. She was killing him. Making him want to laugh out loud. Where had his sense of self-preservation gone? He didn't feel emotion-- that was far too dangerous. He shivered beneath the blankets, suddenly afraid for her. For himself. "You're still cold. I should have thought to rub you down with some warm oil. Lexi makes it and I use it sometimes when I come in from a dive. It warms you up fast. Can you roll over,.. massage Christine Feehan
743aa8c Your lifemate is either not born or"-- she smirked at him mischievously--" she's probably one of Gregori's daughters." He groaned and slapped his forehead with his palm. "A curse on you forever for uttering those words, for putting that thought out into the universe. Don't even think that, let alone say it aloud. Can you imagine Gregori Daratrazanoff as a father-in-law? Sheesh, Skyler, you really do want me dead." skyler Christine Feehan
3f93a0a Cullen's eyebrows shot up. "Darius? He must be the bodyguard. I'll admit the man is good, but it won't matter how good he is. They'll get you. They'll find you and kidnap you. You don't understand--these people are dead serious." She leaned forward to stare directly into his eyes so that he would know she spoke the absolute truth. "No, Cullen, you're the one who doesn't understand. They don't understand. Darius would come for me. No one cou.. Christine Feehan
bf933e3 The last child is secure. The phrase to remove him from the safety circle is Curious George likes his bike. paranormal-romance Christine Feehan
bc9e7f9 Emma, I'll never be easy. I won't. I'm not going to pretend your life will be a bed of roses, but I can tell you that no man will ever need you more, or want you more, or love you more than I will. romance shifter Christine Feehan
abb0a64 them. I am Torpedo Ink. If you love me, you love the club. It's really that simple. Christine Feehan
b852cfb Your family is one of the most powerful families of our people." He frowned. "Which reminds me, why don't you ever refer to Gregori as your uncle? He's a brother to Lucian and Gabriel, so technically, he is your uncle." "I guess I never thought about it. I don't know him. We're in London, and he's here in the Carpathian Mountains and he's never shown a tremendous amount of interest in me." "He's a Daratrazanoff, believe me, Sky, he's inte.. Christine Feehan
48b761b He wouldn't give up on her. He was prepared to do anything, fight any battle. No matter if the act was forbidden or not, if he could get her back, he would humble himself, put himself in any kind of jeopardy or fight any battle to save her. Christine Feehan
289d7e9 Her heart was so full, she was afraid it might burst. She had never dared to dream she would have a home and a family. She had never conceived of having friends. Life might never be perfect, but she had Nicolae, and he would always understand those terrible moments when the memories crept out from behind the doors in her mind. He would be there to hold her and help her. Christine Feehan
b367561 Zev patted his sword. "No problem then. I can take on the entire Lycan world for you, with a kid no less, just so you can get your beauty sleep." "My lifemate is Tatijana and you see what she looks like. I can't risk looking like I'm Dracula." Zev laughed softly. "I don't know what that woman sees in you." "Quite frankly, neither do I." fen-and-zev haha Christine Feehan
f1592de Your shadow touches mine and I know all I need to know about you. I know you have that same knowledge when they touch. -Giovanni to Sasha. Christine Feehan
b0b8055 I will go with you wherever you wish to go, even if that means back to your former life in the city. Christine Feehan