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4931e32 You're safe with me, Blythe," he whispered. "I swear to you, I'm only yours. For good or bad, I'm with you." -- Christine Feehan
a3efe44 Know this, sivamet-this child will be mine. I will take Vadim's blood from you and exchange it for mine. Eventually, over time, she will be ours. My child and yours. My blood will change her cells. her organs, reshaping and repairing any damage. 'The healer-" - Dragomir to Emeline" christine-feehan crime dark-27 dark-legacy fantasy mystery paranormal romance vampires Christine Feehan
115d402 Staying strong for our people. Staying strong to keep the demon inside. Staying strong for her. Only her." Those last two words of his code- his vow- said everything. Every wound he had suffered in battle, every time he had to kill an old friend or relative, every night he'd risen and endured the gray void, was for her." lifemate paranormal-romance Christine Feehan
6f76813 The Torpedo Ink club members were lost, wandering through a world they didn't fit into. They needed direction. Christine Feehan
2b25e79 You have the white knight syndrome in spades," she murmured. "Don't kid yourself, baby, there's nothing white knight about me." Christine Feehan
3b3d747 never want you to think for one moment that I don't love you. That I'm with you for my leopard, Ashe. I'm with you for me. Christine Feehan
ab6ca8b She was the woman who would center him. Be the center of his world. Hell. Who was he kidding? She already was. Christine Feehan
ab21887 She had the mad desire to circle his waist with her arms and just hold on to all that solid muscle. He was a rock when her world felt built on sand. Christine Feehan
c5ea51f He liked her little glare. It made him feel as if they were a couple who had been together for a long time and she felt comfortable with him. If he didn't live through the following day, he had this with her. paranormal-romance Christine Feehan
ffc7f25 Gregori approached the tiny being cautiously. The extent of the trauma was enormous. The baby was fading as blood gushed from its mother's body. He could feel its willingness to slide away from the pain and outrage of the assault. He could only hope Shea would stop the bleeding quickly, as he had to concentrate on the child. She was so tiny, almost nonexistent, yet he could feel her pain and her puzzlement. She knew fear before she was born.. Christine Feehan
036e8f8 You are safe, Lorraine. You will always be safe from me. You are the one person in this world I could never harm for any reason. The things I told you about myself are true. I am Carpathian, not vampire. I hunt the undead. paranormal-romance Christine Feehan
f6a54b1 Think of me. Let me tell you who I am, what I am. What I need and want. I want to know everything about you and your family. Talk to me. Christine Feehan
22dc1b2 So now I'm supposed to believe you haven't been with another woman for five years. Get. Out Christine Feehan
b923f30 She wasn't certain what he was going to work on, being a caveman all the time, or trying not to be a caveman most of the time. Christine Feehan
2cd1bbe Dragomir laughed softly. "I see I am going to have an eternity of my woman challenging me. Do not worry, sivamet, I welcome the skirmishes." Christine Feehan
3c6c2e0 Stay with me, Ashe," he whispered enticingly. "Take a chance on me." Christine Feehan
e3ed2be No one will ever need you more than I do, Ashe. And no man will ever work harder to make certain you're happy. I can promise those two things. Christine Feehan
6e4c50d Looking into Ricco's eyes, she knew she was safe with him. She felt safe. More she felt free. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
e33ce46 It was strange, that feeling of freedom, as if by tying her, he released her spirit--beaten down, so encased in the beliefs of others, what was right, what was wrong, what she was-- so that she could just be. Simply be. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
5cf037a She had no idea she could feel so protected. So beautiful. So cherished. He made her feel all those things. She could give him his art- and it was beautiful. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
85ecee6 He was waiting and she had to answer. Take that last irrevocable step. [...] She'd do whatever was necessary, but it had to be the right thing, no mistakes. What she was doing was very, very dangerous, but she had no choice. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
ee53dda You mean his kisses." Hannah corrected her. Jonas narrowed his gaze. "You seem obsessed with his kisses, Hannah." She shrugged. "It's been a while. I'm looking for a little action." His eyebrow shot up. "Oh, really?" Jonas leaned down, his hand twisting in her hair, holding her head perfectly still as his mouth took possession of hers. Libby gasped in shock. The kiss seemed to go on and on forever. And there was definitely tongue. Hannah no.. jonas Christine Feehan
fbb1c24 Never think for one moment that you are not my choice. That you are not in my heart. I cannot see anything or anyone but you. Christine Feehan
961a73c You are now my family. Your brother and sister have become my family. Christine Feehan
926056c Tell me about yourself. Everything you can think of. Look only at me. Look into my eyes. See me. Only me. Christine Feehan
a18787a Only you can teach me the right way to be part of something I have never had the chance to experience. Christine Feehan
ae9c685 Spend several lifetimes with me, an eternity. Be with me. Say you want me that much. Let me be part of your family. Christine Feehan
1c46832 He remained silent, and the compulsion to look at him grew until she couldn't stand it. Her gaze met his and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Those eyes were every bit as hypnotic as his voice. paranormal-romance Christine Feehan
7ee1449 She's my Anya. My Blythe. She always was. It wasn't some bullshit white-knight rescue-her thing. Christine Feehan
5b24f6c You are fierce and passionate and fiery and I love all those things about you. In a fight, I can count on you to keep your head and get the job done, even if you're afraid. There's no need to be anything other than who you are, who you're meant to be. Christine Feehan
478087d Excitement had her blood rushing through her veins and her heart beating wildly. That was it. All of it. He made her feel alive. Every second she was with him, no matter the emotion. She felt intensely alive. paranormal-romance shifter Christine Feehan
94ed53b I belong to you, devochka moya. Everything I am and will ever be. My heart. My body. I belong to you and I want you to be familiar with what is yours. Christine Feehan
3169265 We clearly were on the same team. You killed over a dozen of the bastards and I wasn't about to reward you by killing you. They deserved it. paranormal romance science-fiction Christine Feehan
63f8593 Fear wasn't the problem, she could deal with nerves, it was the excitement welling up in her that frightened her most. The unfamiliar emotion was too strong. Too needy. Too everything she was unprepared to deal with. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
c76578c She wanted a family. She loved that the Ferraros were so tight-knit, but she barely knew them. She didn't even really know what Stefano did for a living. There was just a little bit of fear when she was around them all. Power clung to them. They were their wealth so easily, like a second skin. More than that, they were a cloak of pure danger. When any of the Ferraros walked into a room, there was stunned silence- a collective gasp from any .. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
a5863b3 He preferred smaller knives, but when you wanted to make a statement, you did it big. He wanted this man cowed and willing to talk. paranormal romance science-fiction Christine Feehan
924323a Two F-bombs in under a second. He was more than furious. She had no choice but to lift her chin, but she kept her eyes childishly shut tight, afraid if she looked at him, she'd be lost. romance shadow-rider-series suspense Christine Feehan
c1d5cd6 Joe] was the sort of man who stayed cool under the most embarrassing situations and having Shylah RIP him a new one in front of an audience had to be right up there. paranormal romance science-fiction Christine Feehan
1d55942 Draden stepped back and saluted his friend and commanding officer. [...] Its been an honor to serve with you, sir. Their GhostWalker unit didnt stand on formality as a rule.[...]He felt it was important for Joe Spagnola to know how he felt about the man. Joe looked stricken, but his back was ramrod stiff. "Fight, Draden.[...]" paranormal romance science-fiction Christine Feehan
9b3ee54 Nonny has this way about her. She made me realize that there was good people in the world. She made me see that we were a family of sorts--the GhostWalkers in my unit--and that we had extended family in the other GhostWalker units. I liked that. paranormal romance science-fiction Christine Feehan
8dfc689 You were not born too late, my love. Accept what is and what has been given to us. A great gift, a priceless treasure. I am with you now and for all time. Christine Feehan
3a8cf10 Damn it, Ken. I'm so fucking in love with her. This isn't part of Whitney's experiment; he couldn't make me feel like this no matter what he planted between us. Christine Feehan
09d5159 And right at this moment, Ken, you're protecting what I hold most dear. I'll never be able to repay you for what you've done this day. Christine Feehan
239e1ee You know, baby," he said, just to see her catch fire, "I think we should try again with the spanking. I could make it erotic. Make you love it." "I could hit you over the head with a frying pan in your sleep too," she said. "Make you love that." Christine Feehan