Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
801ac98 | Deep inside where he was hard and cold and carved of stone, he felt a curious shifting, melting, a softening he couldn't explain, and it scared the hell out of him. | Christine Feehan | ||
0ca36c6 | She'd never had a breakdown before. That had been scary, to cry without the ability to stop it. Crying on Draden should have been humiliating, but it had been comforting. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
893c4d0 | The air was hot and humid. Sultry. Her body seemed to have caught some of the intensity of the storm. She felt a little wild and out of sorts. Edgy. On the verge of something big. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
814ed97 | Draden. Who knew there were men like him in the world? He made it exciting to wake up in the morning. She looked forward to the day. To their shared laughter. Their conversations. The intense attraction between them. Who wouldn't fall in love with him? | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
717d02b | There it was. His woman. Laying it out for him. Giving him truth and making him feel like he was the luckiest man on earth. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
c9fca88 | There was something about those cold, cold eyes that set off sparks in her. Not just sparks. A timber fire. He found something deep inside her that had never been touched before and it ignited just for him. | eyes paranormal-romance shifter | Christine Feehan | |
92985a9 | Once he had told her he wanted her to stay, she'd been lost in the wonder of that. No one ever wanted her. No one. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
ad153f0 | She didn't want to see the condemnation in his eyes, but she had to warn him. [...] She would lose everything. She would lose him. His family. This place. Her hideout. Most of all, she would lose an important ally. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
7a86bad | She wasn't asking his permission either. He wasn't in charge. She'd made that clear more than once. Shylah was an independent thinker, was used to working alone. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
a5c1e8e | A part of him felt she would always have been a mystery to him, elusive and enigmatic, but at the same time, she was comfortable as if they had been together for years. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
4940301 | He wasn't worried about being alone. He was used to it. He'd been alone most of his life, even in the midst of a crowd. He could handle that, no problem. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
0cd5025 | Above all other things, GhostWalkers were enhanced to be able to disappear into the night, fade into darkness and remain undetected by an enemy no matter how close they got to him- or her. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
a756ece | His strength was enormous, and so was the burning need to kill this man. He'd felt this way on more than one occasion. The drive was an actual need, like breathing, consuming him, almost taking him out of his body so that the rage was a separate entity. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
6862420 | He was a machine, not feeling the grueling effects on his muscles as he made the slow crawl between targets, but the longer he was in the field, moving from kill to kill, the more he felt eyes on him. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
732ca52 | He had to be a GhostWalker. She was looking at a legitimate GhostWalker. The real deal. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
2b3e967 | her mouth curved into that smile that always teased every one of his senses. Amusement. She could feel it and give him that sense of playfulness and joy that she seemed to have in abundance. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
ede70a4 | That was the first time I realized that some people had something truly beautiful and it was called family. I wanted that for myself-and that tea set. It was elegant and beautiful, and it represented that bond they has as well as their connection to the past. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
14cba59 | The examinations had taken much longer than necessary because they were paying more attention to learning each other's bodies than searching for telltale symptoms of the virus. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
0a10cac | Family isn't always blood, baby," he said, I was lucky enough to have a woman take me as her child and teach me what family really is. We didnt have much, but we had each other." | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
1f43f36 | Whitney plants viruses in us to force us to return home. [...] I knew sooner or later I wouldn't return, and I'd die from whatever they put in me. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
31a2bd3 | His team consisted of a group of mavericks. They were cohesive when they needed to be, but their strength was their individual thinking. Many of their enhancements enabled them to do their jobs better alone then in a group. The idea had been that the GhostWalkers easily could do teamwork or perform alone. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
566ce3b | He liked that she gave the questions thought. That she actually saw the mysteries and worked at solving them. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
d0488f6 | There was kindness in her and compassion. Two characteristics he didn't have. Or at least, not in abundance. He was the perfect killing machine. He didn't need to feel bad. Once unleashed, set on a course, he followed it until it was done. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
3b2d07f | He pulled her into his arms and kissed her like she was his and had been for years. Like he was a man dying and she was his greatest love. He felt like she was. Shylah Cosmos. His only little peony. His delicate flower. Dependable. Long-lived. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
7a2caf7 | She had the faint taste of sass and sweet. Lethal and home. The combination was deadly to a man like him. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
cd0e166 | He'd been lucky enough to find a home with Team Four of the GhostWalkers in the Pararescue Unit. In his life, those men had been the first he'd ever given his allegiance to, and that had been hard-won. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
8b3d0ec | He wanted Shylah to see past his physical appearance to 'him'. He needed her to care who he was. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
b6629ed | He'd missed her. Really missed her. It was strange to think of a woman night and day, to worry about her and look forward to being with her. To inhale the scent of her and know you were home. To crave her body like an addiction and need the sound of her laughter and sight of her smile. He'd never had that before and now it seemed as natural to him as breathing. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
1ac065b | It stems from hundreds of years ago, a law handed down in our family generations ago. The Saldi family in Sicily murdered the Ferraro family, killing as many members, men women and children, as they could. The decree that we don't all gathering one place was passed down by those surviving that massacre. It was a long time ago, just history really, but we still abide by that rule. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
13e3865 | Marry me, be my wife. Be my partner. Take the risk with me. I need you in a way I've never needed anything or anyone." He was giving himself up to her. He'd never felt more vulnerable. Never felt more terrified. "Every fucking word I said to you is the truth." | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
54228f7 | Do you think I am too old, Savannah?" he asked softly, taking strands of her hair into his mouth. So soft. So much like silk but even better. "Not old, Gregori," she corrected gently. "Just old-fashioned. You have a tendency to believe women should always do as they're told." He found himself laughing. "Not that you do." | old old-fashioned | Christine Feehan | |
654bca1 | He took her breath away. He was solid, all muscle and she could see, even with the veil of gray rain, that his muscles rippled deliciously as he ran. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
d52e20b | She liked that little nod of approval he'd given her as if she were his equal just because she hadn't given into the hysteria welling up. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
8a9133c | Where the fuck is your coat?" His voice was pitched low. Soft. It sounded menacing, as if all his anger was directed at her because she didn't have on a coat." | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
3b3c99f | In his quest to find the perfect supersoldier, he experimented on the girls and when he thought he perfected what he was looking for, he psychically and genetically enhanced the soldiers in his GhostWalker program. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
ac181ef | He glanced back at her over his shoulder, his incredible eyes moving over her face. Seeing her. Focusing on her. The way he looked at her made her heart begin to accelerate. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
4847f55 | That fantasy mouth smiled. The kind of smile that could melt the panties off a nun. Holy Cow. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
1af8bc5 | Stefano's the oldest. He has four brothers, equally hot. One sister, totally beautiful. When they walk around together, people just stare at them. That's how hot they are. Each one is supercool as well, which makes them scorching hot. I'm a little in love with them, including their sister. That's how totally gorgeous they are. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
0c1cbf0 | He stared down into her eyes, holding her there like he could, just with his gaze, mesmerizing her. Keeping her captive, under his spell. A slow smile transformed the hard edges of his handsome face. He was so beautiful to her. A gorgeous man and she was falling more and more in love with him. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
5aa0c41 | He pulled out of her mind abruptly. She knew because she felt bereft. Starkly alone. The feeling was raw and ugly after having him there with her. She wanted him back, and that wasn't an intelligent response. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
7ea1f4d | Every moment I'm with you, bambina, I fall harder. It's difficult for mr to believe you're real. You aren't the only one a little terrified. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
f379c94 | There was a sense of comfort being wrapped up in his arms. He was calm in the middle of a terrifying experience. He was a rock she could cling to. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
976f514 | In that moment he knew she could shatter him. Break him into a million pieces and he'd never recover. Not in this lifetime. He realized all the lore in his family was truth. Ferraro men. When then found the right woman, loved her with everything in them and they did it only once. Francesca was his once. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
3ae2441 | Bottom line, dolce core, that's who I am. When the cops can't do something to protect citizens, it's my turn. You have to decide if you can live with who I am. The real me. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan |