Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
4996b52 | It was an observation, not a judgment. Shylah liked the way Draden seemed to reserve his conclusions until he had the facts. | paranormal romance science-fiction | Christine Feehan | |
5ccb067 | He knew she was already lost. HIS. He'd never thought he'd really have a chance at finding a woman of his own, one he could love and center his world around, one who would accept him and his fucked-up life, but now that she'd stepped into his world, he knew he wasn't about to let her go. | shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
8075b35 | Francesca was...extraordinary. A gift. A miracle. She just gave herself to him. He was connected to her through their shadows and he knew how she felt. Frightened, bordering on terror. Still, he mattered to her. She saw him, not the Stefano the rest of the world saw, but the man inside who needed. Who didn't want to stand alone. She gave herself to that man. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
c4f1046 | Her wild imagination immediately interpreted his statement as him claiming her, making her his, letting her know no matter what, he would stand for her. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
574d800 | She felt Stefano's body sitting next to her, yet he seemed to take up the room, surrounding her, in front of her, at her back. He was everywhere. Dangerous. Determined. Giving her a feeling of security. How he managed that she didn't know. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
4d6c48e | She loved to see that smile, the way it transformed his face from rugged, dangerous, very masculine beauty to something much softer and approachable. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
1190200 | I'd like you to make an effort to share what you're feeling, good or bad, with me. I'll do the same. If we're honest with each other in our communication this will work for us. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
670d47a | There it was, again, that hurt in his eyes. Maybe hurt. Something. Sadness. That was it. She detested that look. He shouldn't ever feel unhappy. It was more than unhappy. Desolate, as if he was completely alone and she'd taken his last joy from him. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
606e681 | Say yes, Francesca. I didn't think it was possible to feel anything real for a woman. I just couldn't. I tried, but nothing was there. I knew I was capable of loving because I love my sister and brothers fiercely. With everything in me. But what a man feels for a woman, 'the' woman, eluded me until you. Until I saw you. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
a029ffc | He had thought to hold a part of himself back until she made up her mind. Getting his heart broken wasn't on his list of things he wanted to experience. But the effect of her welcoming smile told him it was too late. He'd already fallen. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
7dba819 | He was the devil, but she didn't care. On some level she even knew he was using her own body against her, pitting her innocence against his experience, but she didn't care about that, either. She wanted to leap into the fire with both feet, arms wide, eyes open. She knew his world might be something she would have a difficult time accepting, but he was worth it. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
dfcfd16 | His thoughtful Grace. He liked that trait in her. Te stillness in her. She brought a sense of peace to her surroundings. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
910b427 | You don't do violence, Francesca, not unless it's self-defense or in defense of our family. I won't have that on your soul. You're going to be my wife. The mother of my children. You're about love and softness. Not killing. Never that | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
6496d2b | There you go, getting all protective on me. You're worried about me, aren't you?" His voice practically purred at her, a sensual mixture of possession, desire and something else - affection. "Dio, bambino, I love that." | romance shadow-rider-series suspense | Christine Feehan | |
5b28c13 | She looked down onto his face. So gorgeous. It wasn't just his beautiful, very masculine features, it was the way he was inside. "I'm in love with you. There isn't anything that you can tell me that is going to change that." | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
5442281 | Since I've had to endure your ugliness my entire life, I'm immune to whatever venom you choose to spew. However, and you'd better hear me, Eloisa, I will not tolerate you doing the same thing to my woman. She's my choice. She's always going to be my choice. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
7ad1edf | Grace had filled those lonely places, replacing them with laughter and conversation. She'd given him the purpose he needed there in his home to maintain his balance in a world of stark duty. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
8a5f7a7 | She was...salvation. Everything good. She lit up a room just as she lit up his life. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
f19572b | Il mio piccola bella amore, I can't change the past as much as I'd like to," he said softly. "I can only tell you that you have my future. Only you." | Christine Feehan | ||
90e8e86 | The team leader, Dr. Joe Spagnola, gave him a quick look as well. It pretty much said, "You maggot, if you leave one of my men behind, don't ever go to sleep because I'll be coming for you." At least Barry interpreted the look that way." | fiction ghostwalker-series ghostwalkers paranormal-romance romance-series romantic-suspense team teamwork | Christine Feehan | |
10e6bb0 | Every soldier needs a commander and it looks like I'm yours. You're a soldier. You need a commander. What makes you the boss? I'm bigger than you are, Draden said, his voice just a little arrogant. Shylah refrained from answering. What was the point? He was bigger. | ghostwalker-series ghostwalkers paranormal-romance romance-series romantic-suspense | Christine Feehan | |
6a10269 | The gate, which had been securely locked, stood open in welcome. Everything seemed to be welcoming him. A sense of peace began to steal into his heart. A part of him wanted to sit on one of the benches and soak in the atmosphere. | paranormal romance suspense | Christine Feehan | |
dbc1c5a | Mikhail didn't flinch away from the blade. His black eyes snapped open, blazing with power. Slovensky fell backward, scrambling away on all fours to crouch against the far wall. Fumbling in his coat, he jerked out the gun and held it pointed at Mikhail. The ground rolled almost gently, seemed to swell so that the concrete floor bulged, then cracked. Slovensky grabbed for the wall behind him to steady himself and lost the gun in the process.. | gregori mikhail pain-in-the-neck | Christine Feehan | |
2117911 | He'd always had his family, his brothers and sister, and they had formed a unit so strong, when he was younger, he hadn't thought he would ever need anyone else. Loneliness taught him otherwise. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
f57d5ea | She took away sorrow and anger, replacing it with acceptance and love. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
8e4d4e5 | The rider uses a technique, breaking the neck cleanly, so there is no suffering. That is why it is important not to allow it to be personal if at all possible. You always want the visit to be about justice, not revenge. | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
d224cb3 | Are you absolutely certain that Grace is yours? She's not just a woman who would be suitable because she carries the genetic code we need? Francesca is my world. Your woman needs to be yours." "Grace is my Francesca, " Vittorio assured." | romance shadow-rider-series suspense-thriller | Christine Feehan | |
19a0ab7 | Well, Sara." He said it very softly. "Are you going to save me?" | Christine Feehan | ||
617eaaa | You have to commit to us. Just like you're part of Torpedo Ink, I have to be part of you. You have to be all in. | Christine Feehan | ||
6513a6b | You're so beautiful, Dax. Your heart. Your soul. I don't think I could ever find a better man. | Christine Feehan | ||
e3dd716 | It is generally the trustful and optimistic people who can afford to retreat. The loveless and faithless ones are compelled by their pessimism to attack. Arthur | T.H. White | ||
17b7043 | Ought to be havin' a first-rate eddication, at their age. When I was their age I was doin' all this Latin and stuff | T.H. White | ||
3191f38 | for few people can hate so bitterly and so self-righteously as the members of a ruling caste which is being dispossessed. | T.H. White | ||
95eddcf | Ginger-Dijon Glazed Pork Tenderloin Prep time: 10 minutes * Cook time: 35 minutes Dijon mustard, reduced-fat sour cream, and fresh ginger create a flavorful coating for this tender pork roast. Buy an extra pork loin and slice for lunch the next day. 1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 tablespoon reduced-fat sour cream 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme Salt 1 1/2 pounds pork loin 1 large garlic clove, thinly sliced 1 1/2.. | Arthur Agatston | ||
1984f62 | The two active ingredients to look for in omega-3 or fish-oil supplements are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). | Arthur Agatston | ||
780b871 | On the South Beach Diet, you can eat lean cuts of beef, lamb, and pork; skinless white meat chicken and turkey; game meats; fish and shellfish; soy products; beans and other legumes; eggs; and fat-free and low-fat dairy products. | Arthur Agatston | ||
c2948d8 | Until we're dead, we Service people, the world will always be in danger of another war. We had too good a time in the last one. We'll none of us come out into the open and admit it. It might be better for us if we did. [...] For our generation, the war years were the best time of our lives, not because they were war years but because we were young. The best years of our lives happened to be war years. Everyone looks back at the time when th.. | youth | Nevil Shute | |
0aa485e | You could have done something with newspapers. We didn't do it. No nation did, because we were all too silly. We liked our newspapers with pictures of beach girls and headlines about cases of indecent assault, and no Government was wise enough to stop us having them that way. But something might have been done with newspapers, if we'd been wise enough. | media sex-sells | Nevil Shute | |
8110553 | When you and I are dead, and all the rest of us who served in the last war, in all the countries," she said, "there'll be a chance of world peace. Not till then." | Nevil Shute | ||
4577260 | The surviving human beings there could do nothing but wait for the end to come. They chose different ways to live out their final days. That was the plot.** It was a dark movie offering no hope of salvation. (Though, watching it, Aomame reconfirmed her belief that everyone, deep in their hearts, is waiting for the end of the world to come.) ** On the Beach, the 1959 movie, director: Stanley Kramer, writer: John Paxton, starring: Gregory Pe.. | Haruki Murakami | ||
5242a6e | People who spent the war in prison camps have written a lot of books about what a bad time they had, she said quietly, staring into the embers. they don't know what it was like, not being in a camp. | fiction world-war-2 | Nevil Shute | |
4b551ea | He was one of that great class of Englishmen who love their wives and trust them unquestioningly with their money and their honour, but are apt to hedge a little over their motor-cars. | Nevil Shute | ||
340801d | All those cities, all those fields and farms, with nobody, and nothing left alive. Just nothing there. I simply can't take it in. | Nevil Shute | ||
50214de | it was so beautiful', he said. 'the Three Pagodas Pass must be one of the loveliest places in the world. you've got this broad valley with the river running down it, and the jungle forest, and the mountains....we used to sit by the river and watch the sun setting behind the mountains, sometimes, and say what a marvellous place it would be to come to for a holiday. however terrible a prison camp may be, it makes a difference if its beautiful.. | fiction world-war-2 | Nevil Shute |