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0f02166 | Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension, by Kilgore Trout. | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
a9e33b3 | That is kind of like what I do," she said. She was demure about what she did. What she did was make people comfortable while she killed them." | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
0f4431b | The therapist, after a deeply upsetting investigation of normality at this time and place, was bound to conclude that a normal person, functioning well on the upper levels of a prosperous, industrialized society, can hardly hear his conscience at all. | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
95e0aa9 | I spoke one time at the Library of Congress, in 1972, or so. A man stood up in the middle of the audience, when I was about halfway through, and he said, "What right have you, as leader of America's young people, to make those people so cynical and pessimistic?" I had no good answer, so I left the stage. Talk about profiles in courage!" | youth leadership pessimism | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | |
26984ba | No respecter of evidence has ever found the least clue as to what life is all about, and what people should do with it. Oh, there have been lots of brilliant guesses. But honest, educated people have to identify with them as such--as guesses. What are guesses worth? Scientifically and legally, they are not worth doodley-squat. As the saying goes: "Your guess is as good as mine." The guesses we like best, as with so many things we like best,.. | secular-education life wisdom theories meaning-of-life skepticism | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | |
6886ff6 | Be warned: If you allow yourself to see dignity in someone, you have doomed yourself to wanting to understand and help whoever it is. "If you see dignity in anything, in fact--it doesn't have to be human--you will still want to understand it and help it. Many people are now seeing dignity in the lower animals and the plant world and waterfalls and deserts--and even in the entire planet and its atmosphere. And now they are helpless not to wa.. | understanding empathy | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | |
6e23917 | I don't know whether I agree or not. I just have trouble understanding how truth, all by itself, could be enough for a person. | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
3d014be | While the British colonel set Lazzaro's broken arm and mixed plaster for the cast, the German major translated out loud passages from Howard W. Campbell, Jr.'s monograph. Campbell had been a fairly well-known playwright at one time. His opening line was this one: America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, "It ain't no.. | Kurt Vonnegut | ||
c9a65b8 | I tried to write a story about a reunion between my father and myself in heaven one time. An early draft of this book in fact began that way. I hoped in the story to become a really good friend of his. But the story turned out perversely, as stories about real people we have known often do. It seemed that in heaven people could be any age they liked, just so long as they had experienced that age on Earth. Thus, John D. Rockefeller, for exam.. | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
80020a3 | Das Reich der Zwei, the nation of two my Helga and I had--its territory, the territory we defended so jealously, didn't go much beyond the bounds of our great double bed. Flat, tufted, springy little country, with my Helga and me for mountains. And, with nothing in my life making sense but love, what a student of geography I was! What a map I could draw for a tourist a micron high, a submicroscopic Wandervogel bicycling between a mole and a.. | Kurt Vonnegut Jr. | ||
c604d81 | while people and circumstances certainly matter, what's even more important is what we think about those people and circumstances. | Michael Neill | ||
542a89c | Great living is not all output of thought and work. A man has to have intake as well. I don't know what you call it, but I call it religion, prayer, or God." O'Neill" | Michael Keane | ||
8648b9c | Cuando el sol y la luna habian nacido en Teotihuacan, habian sacado a los hombres de la oscuridad. Ella sabia por sus antepasados que la luz que emiten esos astros no es solo fisica sino espiritual y que su transito por los cielos servia para unificar en el pensamiento de los hombres el ciclo de tiempo y espacio. La contemplacion de los cielos, como en un juego de espejos, se convertia en una contemplacion interna, se volvia un instrumento .. | Laura Esquivel | ||
6849ec2 | Mi abuela tenia una teoria muy interesante, decia que si bien todos nacemos con una caja de cerillos en nuestro interior, no los podemos encender solo, necesitamos, como en le experimento, oxigeno y la ayuda de una vela. Solo que en este caso el oxigeno tiene que provenir, por ejemplo, del aliento de la persona amada; la vela puede ser cualquier tipo do alimento, musica, caricia, palabra o sonido que haga disparar el detonador y asi encende.. | Laura Esquivel | ||
af4b5ea | dr zndgy mwrdy pysh my ayd khh gr ss mwDw` r tGyyr ndhd, nbyd chndn jdy grfth shwd. | Laura Esquivel | ||
276c0e0 | gr adm mytwnst bwh w mzhhy khnh mdry r hrj khh dlsh mykhwst bbrd, zndgy shyryntr mybwd | Laura Esquivel | ||
5394946 | Estos grandes astros han sobrevivido millones de anos gracias a que se cuidan mucho de no absorber los rayos ardientes que los amantes de todo el mundo les lanzan noche tras noche. | Laura Esquivel | ||
b060640 | Que orgullosa se sentia de ver a Esperanza tan segura de si misma, tan inteligente, tan preparada, tan feliz, tan capaz, pero al mismo tiempo, tan femenina y tan mujer en el mas amplio sentido de la palabra. | woman feminism feminismo | Laura Esquivel | |
d0a2339 | Si por una emocion muy fuerte se llegan a encender todos los cerillos que llevamos en nuestro interior de un solo golpe, se produce un resplandor tan fuerte que ilumina mas alla de lo que podemos ver normalmente y entonces ante nuestros ojos aparece un tunel esplendoroso que nos muestra el camino que olvidamos al momento de nacer y que nos llama a reencontrar nuestro perdido origen divino. El alma desea reintegrarse al lugar de donde provie.. | Laura Esquivel | ||
785e9f2 | Que baile, que ria, que nada le impida galopar hasta la locura, que los ladridos de los perros no detengan su andar, que nunca tenga que elegir entre amar o vivir. | Laura Esquivel | ||
f5c561d | Siento que deje pasar el amor. Que no lo cuide. No lo pode. No le quite las hojas muertas. Lo vi nacer, crecer y dar un bello fruto que no tuve la precaucion de cuidar para que se reprodujera para siempre. No, lo deje caer en la tierra y permiti que se pudriera. | Laura Esquivel | ||
9ea1259 | Senor, no es por vicio ni por fornicio sino por dar un hijo a tu servicio. | Laura Esquivel | ||
657e5cb | Y entendio que, antes de que encarnara dentro de su vientre, ella y su hijo ya eran lo mismo, y lo seguian siendo. Nunca habia habido perdida ni separacion. Nunca habia habido cuerpos diferenciados entre madre e hijo. | Laura Esquivel | ||
fd954ff | There really is no place like the one you find between the pages of a book. | Emma Hart | ||
ba4082d | La vida siempre nos ofrece dos posibilidades: el dia y la noche; el aguila o la serpiente, la construccion o la destruccion, el castigo o el perdon, pero siempre hay una tercera posibilidad oculta que unifica a las dos: descubrela. Despues | Laura Esquivel | ||
976667a | Nothing had spared her from being mocked for wetting her pants, not even the fact that she had rushed to the delegado's aid. | Laura Esquivel | ||
7ab3ef2 | Mi abuela tenia una teoria muy interesante, decia que si bien todos nacemos con una caja de cerillos en nuestro interior, no los podemos encender solos, necesitamos [...] oxigeno y la ayuda de una vela. Solo que en este caso el oxigeno tiene que provenir, por ejemplo, del aliento de la persona amada; la vela puede ser cualquier tipo de alimento, musica, caricia, palabra o sonido que haga disparar el detonador y asi encender uno de los ceril.. | Laura Esquivel | ||
7ead029 | La vida seria mucho mas agradable si uno pudiera llevarse a donde quiera que fuera los sabores y los olores de la casa materna. | Laura Esquivel | ||
0d38536 | Surely the heart is not a fitting place to house hatred. But where is its place? I don't know. That is one of the universe's Unknowns. It would seem that the God's truly delight in messing things up, for in not having created a particular spot to house hatred, they have provoked eternal chaos. Hatred us forever hunting down a refuge, poking it's nose where it shouldn't, taking over sites reserved for others, invariably forcing out love. | love wise-words | Laura Esquivel | |
281af5b | Parecia que los dos habian olvidado las mas elementales reglas de urbanidad, que dicen que en una reunion social no hay que sacar a colacion cuestiones sobre personalidades, sobre temas tristes o hechos infortunados, sobre religion o sobre politica. | Laura Esquivel | ||
fc9bbe8 | Los mayas decian que el universo no es otra cosa que una matriz resonante a la cual nos podemos conectar | Laura Esquivel | ||
3576763 | En la vida real cuando uno rompe los vinculos que lo mantienen unido en la trama de la vida, tambien deja un hueco, un hueco enorme, pero eso no significa que no se le pueda rescatar, si se puede, pero antes es necesario que uno reconozca cuales son los hilos invisibles que nos mantienen unidos a los demas. Cuales son nuestros puntos de union. Nuestros puntos de contacto. | Laura Esquivel | ||
086798f | Lupita thought that people who didn't dance were selfish and lonely. | loneliness | Laura Esquivel | |
b2b5381 | Look ma'am, those narcos that mutilate, torture, and kill others are no longer a part of us. They're no longer part of any family or community; they act against everyone. They are worth nothing. But when you bury a narco, you allow him to be a part of you again. He becomes dust, food, our brother once more. His body--dissolved in the earth--now sustains life again, instead of destroying it. | Laura Esquivel | ||
f63c83c | Ojala que a Rosaura la boca se le hiciera chicharron! Y que nunca hubiera dejado escapar esas repugnantes, malolientes, incoherentes, pestilentes, indecentes y repelentes palabras. Mas valia que se las hubiera tragado y guardado en el fondo de sus entranas hasta que se le pudrieran y agusanaran. Y ojala que ella viviera lo suficiente como para impedir que su hermana llevara a cabo tan nefastas intenciones. | words palabras shit hurt | Laura Esquivel | |
08e53c9 | Ponerse un huipil era toda una iniciacion, al hacerlo uno repetia diariamente el viaje interior hacie el exterior. Al meter la cabeza por el orificio del huipil, uno transitaba entre el mundo de suenos que esta reflejado en el bordado hacia la vida que aparece en cuanto uno saca la cabeza.Ese despertar a la realidad es un acto ritual matutino que recuerda dia a dia el significado del nacimiento.Los huipiles la mantienen a una con la cabeza .. | tradición méxico | Laura Esquivel | |
1697285 | Todas las aves tomaron del fuegosu figura. El pensamiento tambien tiene su origen en el fuego. Las lenguas de fuego pronuncian palabras tan frias y exactas como la verdad mas calida que puedan tener los labios. Recuerda que las palabras pueden crear de nuevo el universo. Cada vez que te sientas confundida contempla el fuego y entregale tu mente. | palabra lenguaje | Laura Esquivel | |
4ac8640 | Buyukannemin ilginc bir teorisi vardi: Hepimiz icimizde bir kutu kibritle dogariz. Ama tek basimiza bunu yakamayiz. Deneyde goruldugu gibi oksijene ve mum alevine ihtiyacimiz vardir. Ornegin, oksijen, sevdiginiz insanin nefesinden gelebilir. Mum aleviyse guzel bir yemek,muzik, oksamalar ya da guzel sozlerdir. Bunlarda biri patlamaya neden olur ve icimizdeki kibritlerin birini yakar. Bir an yogun bir heyecan hissederiz. Icimizde cok hos bir .. | Laura Esquivel | ||
fa2f656 | Bir tek gercek vardir, o da gercek diye bir sey olmadigidir! Gercek, herkesin baktigi noktaya gore degisir. | Laura Esquivel | ||
9d851ca | Ironing was an act of annihilation in which wrinkles would die and give way to order: something she required more than anything. | Laura Esquivel | ||
cb292d3 | But there was nothing more transparent to her than the fear of not being loved, the fear of being unseen, of being ignored. | Laura Esquivel | ||
e04375d | Hija mia, vienes del agua, y el agua habla. Vienes del tiempo, y tu palabra estara en el viento y seras sembrada en la tierra. Tu palabra sera el fuego que transforma todas las cosas. Tu palabra estara en el agua y sera espejo de la lengua. Tu palabra tendra ojos y mirara, tendra oidos y escuchara, tendra tacto para mentir con la verdad y dira verdades que pareceran mentiras. Y con tu palabra podras regresar a la quietud, al principio donde.. | Laura Esquivel | ||
c14b700 | She said that each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves; just as in the experiment, we need oxygen and a candle to help. In this case, the oxygen, for example, would come from the breath of the person you love; the candle could be any kind of food, music, caress, words, or sound that engenders the explosion that lights one of the matches. For a moment we are dazzled by an intense emotion. A.. | soul | Laura Esquivel | |
6a889dc | She felt love: real Love. The kind of love that makes no distinction, that doesn't separate, that is not contained within a body. She cried from so much love. | Laura Esquivel |