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afa5842 Nada de lo que nosotros hagamos, sea justo o injusto, podra compararse a lo que se ha hecho contra el pueblo judio. Nada de lo que hagan los Macabeos podra ser considerado una injusticia en comparacion con mil anos de asesinatos. Leon Uris
2e292c9 Truth is only what people want to believe and nothing more. Leon Uris
3fe8050 permanent positions. Joint Fighters shrank Leon Uris
6560625 Mirror, Standard, Telegraph, Birmingham Post, Sketch, all careful to report accurately the events without editorial comment. Unlike some countries, the British press must be exceedingly careful not to try a man in the newspapers and magazines before he comes to court. In such cases when a newspaper becomes an accuser or prejudger, turning public sentiment, the paper can be named as a defendant to the action. It keeps journalism honest. Leon Uris
1aabddb believed Leon Uris
98e3d07 waved his hand palm down with Leon Uris
ba17fff Aqui es donde Dios quiere que este su pueblo... en la frontera, sosteniendo y guardando sus Mandamientos, que son la piedra angular de la existencia moral del hombre. ?En que otro sitio podemos estar? Leon Uris
4bb7ad3 Cayo como caen los valientes, Imperterrito hasta el fin, Y hoy la muerte le ha reunido Con los viejos heroes de la antigua Erin Leon Uris
eb89924 Era corriente que los craneos bien formados fueran recuperados y vendidos a los guardias alemanes, que los utilizaban como pisapapeles. Leon Uris
fd99532 Tampoco era raro que hallasen algun nino de pecho oculto entre la ropa, y entonces lo guardaban para la <>. Leon Uris
2121274 But once you allow yourself to think that there are some people, because of their race, their color, or religion, who are really not human beings you have established a justification for imposing every sort of humiliation on them. Leon Uris
5bff395 France was the first country in Europe to grant Jews the full rights of citizenship without qualification. Their position was further enhanced by Napoleon, according to whom Judaism was a religion, not a nationality. So long as French Jews regarded it only as a religion and gave their loyalty to France, they ought to be granted full Leon Uris
bd993de Habian arrancado el alambre de espino, las camaras y los hornos crematorios habian desaparecido, pero los recuerdos no le abandonarian nunca. Leon Uris
9cc6b15 which had been Leon Uris
07ea3ec Desde el momento en que pisaban el suelo de Israel, aquellos que habian vivido despreciados, pisoteados, disfrutaban de una libertad y una consideracion humana que la mayoria jamas habian conocido, y verse iguales a sus semejantes les infundia un valor y una decision que no tenian equivalente en toda la historia de la humanidad. Leon Uris
dfcb672 Shoshanna, el primer kibutz de Palestina, parecia ser la solucion que desde tantisimo tiempo aguardaba el sionismo. Leon Uris
b62f962 Aquel pueblo avanzaba con una decision que arrastraba consigo todas las simpatias del mundo civilizado. La joven Israel se alzaba como un faro para la humanidad, demostrando cuanto se podia conseguir con fuerza de voluntad y amor. Leon Uris
999ce2c sobre la estela de este arrebato, la generacion joven y curtida de los sabras dio lugar a otra generacion que no habia de saber jamas lo que era verse humillado por haber nacido judio. Leon Uris
284afca Mediterranean. Leon Uris
f26b77d Karen se hundio en un pesar todavia mas profundo que antes. El espiritu intrepido que la habia mantenido en pie desaparecio. Sintio que la maldicion de haber nacido judia la habia conducido a la locura de abandonar Dinamarca. Leon Uris
5525f3e Buscamos a tientas la pared, como los ciegos; andamos a tientas como si no tuvieramos ojos; tropezamos en el mediodia como si fuera de noche; nos encontramos en lugares desolados como si hubieramos muerto. Rugimos como osos y gemimos doloridos como tortolas...; Leon Uris
e641888 Mira desde los cielos y ve como nos hemos convertido en el desprecio y la burla de las naciones; somos contados como ganado y llevados al matadero para ser degollados y destruidos o para ser golpeados y acusados. Sin embargo, a pesar de todo esto, no hemos olvidado Tu nombre; te lo imploramos: no nos olvides...>> Leon Uris
820a4b9 sides of Leon Uris
d0fea84 Asi nacio la Declaracion Balfour, la Carta Magna del pueblo judio! Once La policia de Yemal Pacha encontro a Sarah Ben Canaan en el kibutz de Shoshanna, dos semanas antes de que se cumpliera el plazo para el nacimiento del nino. Leon Uris
fae65e7 Red Mass Leon Uris
b8e7f90 Francia fue el primer pais en europeo que concedio a los judios la plenitud de derechos de ciudadania, sin discriminacion ninguna. Leon Uris
6ba7b54 shvartze Leon Uris
e89378f El mayor problema de Birkenau era la dificultad para desembarazarse de los cadaveres. Al principio los llevaban directamente desde las camaras de gas a grandes zanjas donde los cubrian con cal. Pero el hedor era insoportable. Leon Uris
5477592 The good Lord has been wonderful to our republic. He has given us the wisdom to fight wars with no thought of personal gain. But this time we cannot pack up and go home. We have come of age. We have inherited both the power and the responsibility of the world without seeking or wishing it. Leon Uris
cdd6d94 A combination of many stupidities can end up being a worthy man if he learns from his stupidities. Leon Uris
1845069 Il senso di calore che avvertii la prima volta che tenni un libro in mano, prima ancora di aprirlo, non mi ha mai abbandonato. Cominciai a leggere voracemente, tutto e di tutto, e poco dopo aver finito un libro ne iniziavo un altro. Passavo da Beatrix Potter a A.A. Milne e a J.D. Salinger; da Harold Robbins a Hemingway e Dostoevskij; da Anna Frank a John Steinbeck e Proust; da Leon Uris a Isaac Bashevis Singer e Gertrude Stein, ad infinitum.. reading libri Bernice Eisenstein
77c90dc It's clear. Leon Uris
3cf62e9 Gold! I knew it! Just think of it, Queen. Six bags of gold!" trilled the King. Ruth Stiles Gannett
1e2d10f glasses. Ruth Stiles Gannett
63c6957 the way around the beginning Ruth Stiles Gannett
28ac796 It's the life force of angels. It's hope. It's faith. It's all those good things in life that give people the strength to get up each day and cope with what they have. It's the blood that flows through me. Stephanie Rowe
a86a6c1 I don't think you can appreciate the simplicity of freedom until you've suffered." She" Stephanie Rowe
c255fe6 The chaos indicates you're smart enough to spend your time fighting for what matters, instead of wasting time adhering to society's useless mores about what a home should look like. Speaks to your power. Stephanie Rowe
6dc1a8c That's why I was able to manifest these. I used the pain to make myself stronger than my destiny. Stephanie Rowe
4bd88e7 Love might be beautiful, but it had a razor edge of pain that hurt more than anything she'd ever felt before. Stephanie Rowe
175b7af Clare, there's no chance in hell I would ever believe you're frigid." Her heart began to race. "No?" His gaze went to her mouth, and then back to her eyes. "Not with the way you look at me." She swallowed, her body vibrating at the intensity of his gaze, and the weight of his hand as he caressed her neck. "How do I look at you?" she whispered, her voice too breathy. "Exactly how I want you to." Stephanie Rowe
e1b1c6a What in Satan's slightly misguided obsession with Journey happened to this office?" Astrid demanded" Stephanie Rowe
e2e10b5 Thano just grinned and held out his arms. "You can stop pretending you don't want to hug me. I can do the man-hug thing without losing my raw, manly sex appeal. Everything is beautiful, and all that, right?" Stephanie Rowe
24dd03f Randy rolled his eyes. "Oh sure. She said 'bork dee jork de spork' a few times. Of course it was difficult to get all of that, being as it was in an ancient Swedish chef language and all. It took me back to my Muppet watching days. Not to mention it was being shouted by one of those dementors from Harry Potter. The damned thing probably showed up here because it's out of work, ever since that series ended." Stephanie Rowe