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70f74c7 Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on their help. Miyamoto Musashi
4747654 You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour. Miyamoto Musashi
43eb85d Never stray from the Way. Miyamoto Musashi
27fd892 I am the Universe. Morihei Ueshiba
a89614c Recognize your value, gifts and potential before you expect the world to do that. Mmakgosi Anita Tau
d1c4f66 My life is a composition of God's gifts bundled up to serve humanity. Mmakgosi Anita Tau
2b6e06c Art is the truth that enables me to live through words and create works that change lives. Mmakgosi Anita Tau
b5ea712 As a tool for social advocacy, poetry is an art that attracts those waging wars on social ills. Mmakgosi Anita Tau
201b40b I am a firm believer in my intentional God and know that my life is ordered by His authority. Mmakgosi Anita Tau
894de3b Young people should look at how other people had achieved what they have. Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba
6373e3c The mob shouts with one big mouth and eats with a thousand little ones. Mob
1ca66dd Call me a nerd if you like, but I do find it hard to leave home without my laptop and a good book. Moby
c66479b The spirit, Sir, is one of mockery. Mockery
deedb2f Art without content is like sex without intimacy: technically sufficient, but emotionally empty. Modernism
f4039da True modesty avoids everything that is criminal; false modesty everything that is unfashionable. Modesty
07db2ca Forgetting that their pride of spirit, Modesty
61f63c8 Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Modesty
ac93069 When presumptuousness comes, dishonor will follow, but wisdom is with the modest ones. Modesty
0829fe4 Not stepping o'er the bounds of modesty. Modesty
14b1474 Modesty is that feeling by which honorable shame acquires a valuable and lasting authority. Modesty
37e5faf Immodest words admit of no defence;For want of decency is want of sense. Modesty
38874aa Nineteen forty-five marked the nadir of Western Civilization. Modris Eksteins
b0c2aee First of all, "moe" must meet the following conditions Moe (slang)
631c32f I will be a true and faithful prime minister, so help me God. Moeketsi Majoro
5a4ba69 Make sure that nobody is following you. Mohamed Atta
084220b To consider one's creed as superior to that of every non-Muslim is the duty of a Mussalman. Mohammad Ali Jauhar
13a0e6d Muslims (companions) misunderstood the speech of the Prophet on the day of Ghadeer. Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
75e7aff Female masturbation is permissible unconditionally. Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
83de880 Shaking hands with the strangers of opposite sex is forbidden Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah
c2bc04a The art of a diplomat is to conceal all turbulence behind his smile." Mohammad Javad Zarif
1798e4e One cannot reach paradise by creating Hell for others. Mohammad Khatami
5b04883 The moral aspect of oil nationalization is more important than its economic aspect. Mohammad Mosaddegh
3cb9a3f Islam cannot accept that a group of people congregate and decide to initiate laws for themselves Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi
10a8f9b Ethic is the core of humanity and the foundation of civilization. Mohammed Alkobaisi
318d3e3 Islam considers Ethics & Morals as a way to attain rewards and entitlement to Heavens. Mohammed Alkobaisi
e17c1c4 The real concept of morality is benefiting people and avoiding harming them. Mohammed Alkobaisi
8294861 Any intentional inequitable harm is a danger zone! Mohammed Alkobaisi
a5e609b Goodness is not only required in action, but also in speech. Mohammed Alkobaisi
572f761 Goodness is required even in thoughts and desires. Mohammed Alkobaisi
818e8f4 Evil must not be countered with another evil but, rather, repelled by an act of goodness. Mohammed Alkobaisi
648f987 Foil hatred with goodness and love and make those enemy your true friends! Mohammed Alkobaisi
47ea19d There is always room for improvement in our lives. Are we willing to try?! Are we going to try?! Mohammed Alkobaisi
4b25eff Many leaders promise, we deliver. Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum
eee926e Try to achieve the impossible and direct your people to ways of achieving it. Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum