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1729304 Like completing a run, living today begins with preparation, planning, and prayer. christian faith god living love plan prayer prepare run Elizabeth George
9b0f875 One of the greatest advantages of singleness is the potential for greater focus on Christ and accomplishing work for Him. calling christian god life love marriage potential single singleness work young Elizabeth George
2a4003f Exchange the bad habit of worrying with the excellent habit of trusting God. excellent exchange faith god habit prayer trust worry Elizabeth George
235d371 Allow God to use the difficulties and disappointments in life as polish to transform your faith into a glistening diamond that takes in and reflects His love. daily diamond difficult disappointments faith god life love polish reflective transform walk women Elizabeth George
8ef666b By prolonged and continued fellowship, the sheep who follow nearby enjoy the shepherd's presence and become his familiar companions. To those closest to him, he shares the choicest portions of the food he's gathered. These happy and content sheep are never in danger. Why? Because they are near the shepherd! peace Elizabeth George
7ec9fe6 The two boys stood and looked at each other. There was no amusement and no scorn in Attean's eyes. How very strange, Matt thought. After all the brave deeds he had dreamed of doing to win this boy's respect, he had gained it at last by doing nothing, just by staying here and refusing to leave. Elizabeth George Speare
8a26b3f She rolled over and stretched, blinking up at the blue sky. The tips of the long grasses swished gently in the breeze. The hot sun pressed down on her so that she felt hot and empty. Slowly, the meadow began to fulfill its promise. Elizabeth George Speare
eb420cb The speech of God's beautiful woman is a fountain of life to those around her. christian eyes faith fountain girl god her lady lady-like life nice pretty speech woman Elizabeth George
74f3e14 Begin each day with God. It will change your priorities. change christian day faith god hope joy love priorities start Elizabeth George
1013b32 And now, dear Lord, I acknowledge afresh that You are the God of all peace, my Jehovah-Shalom. My job is to receive. you give me Your peace. My job is to take it. You lead me to Your still waters. My role is to follow. You extend Your hand. My role is to take hold. My I enjoy Your presence and the tranquility of the still waters where You pour out your promise of peace. Amen. spiritual-life Elizabeth George
e7cedac Obedience is a foundational stepping-stone on the path of God's will. god obedience path stone will Elizabeth George
fc77675 The maple tree in front of the doorstep burned like a gigantic red torch. The oaks along the roadway glowed yellow and bronze. The fields stretched like a carpet of jewels, emerald and topaz and garnet. Everywhere she walked the color shouted and sang around her. The dried brown leaves crackled beneath her feet and gave off a delicious smoky fragrance. No one had ever told her about autumn in New England. The excitement of it beat in her bl.. Elizabeth George Speare
e259610 What a blessing to be able to leave the cares of life for a brief period and spend time in the outstretched arms of your Shepherd, rubbing, as it were, your cheek against His face in intimate fellowship through prayer. spiritual-living Elizabeth George
387a966 Your assignment from God is not to change your husband, but to love, follow, assist, and minister to him. assist christian follow god good husband love marriage men minister pure truth wife women Elizabeth George
42f85fc Just as mental toughness and physical energy are the primary traits of an army, they also mark God's beautiful woman. beautiful christian energy eyes god love mental physical strength toughness trait woman women Elizabeth George
3a16c34 Only one life, it will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last. christ christian done faith god jesus last life one past soon Elizabeth George
0a4ae97 We cannot begin to define God's knowledge. We know, simply and profoundly, that nothing is hidden from Him or incomprehensible to Him. comprehend define faith god heart hide knowledge love mind profound simple Elizabeth George
ee19ac4 When we view ourselves through the lens of God's Word, we better understand God's love for us and the worth we have in His eyes. christian eyes god inspire lens love men understand value view women word worth Elizabeth George
05aed40 If you ask me, it's all that schooling. It takes the fun out of life, being cooped up like that day after day...Books, now that's different. There's nothing like a book to keep you company of a long voyage. Elizabeth George Speare
86899e7 A mothers greatest joy in having a child is to give that child fully and freely to God. christian free god joy mom mother woman Elizabeth George
e6f71d5 Dust off that Bible. It has the answers you are looking for, and its delights await you. bible christian daily delight god looking love reading searching woman Elizabeth George
ef8d38e Worry denies the power of God and produces no good results. Worry adds no value to your life. Eliminate it with God's help. free god life love power result value worry Elizabeth George
adbfd9c For every need and issue and decision that must be made in life, the Bible has the answers. Elizabeth George
bd179b6 If you want to live a godly life, then choose to put the things into your mind that lead to living a godly life. god godly life living Elizabeth George
66df5db Wisdom is the God-given ability to see life with rare objectivity and to handle life with rare stability. christian faith god joy life love objectivity peace point-of-view see stability stable view wisdom Elizabeth George
acc4966 The design of redemption is to exhibit the grace of God in such a manner as to fill all hearts with wonder and all lips with praise. bible-study blessings christianity elizabeth-george praise redemption Elizabeth George
4b1c02b We must pay a price if we are to become priceless. christian cost eyes faith gem god love pay price priceless Elizabeth George
e14bd65 It is the hate that is the enemy. Not men. Hate does not die with killing. It only springs up a hundredfold. The only thing stronger than hate is love. love Elizabeth George Speare
c638206 Your ultimate goal for marriage is that both of you--as husband and wife--commit to keep growing spiritually. christian faithfulness goal god grow husband life love marriage married spiritual ultimate wife Elizabeth George
574fae9 No matter what you do each day...or in life...doing things God's way is a matter of the heart. christian god heart mom mother wife Elizabeth George
0b437c2 A God-focused attitude is positive and directs you to better the lives of those you love while giving God the glory. better christian directs focus give glory god lives love positive Elizabeth George
fb8e82a One did not alter lives and simply walk away from the damage. Elizabeth George
2cec383 Pray for God's grace to nurture on the inside what He calls us to live out on the outside. christian faithful god grace inside live nurture outside pray Elizabeth George
ac2df7f Becca took the opportunity to say good-bye to Derric by touching his hand. The heart monitor raced suddenly. She looked from it to Rhonda. Rhonda's expression said what her voice did not. Elizabeth George
af333a9 Each time you turn your life issues over to God and allow Him to lead, you build trust in Him. author build christian god issues lead life over time trust turn Elizabeth George
551ee67 Should I anticipate all future conversations with you to take this bent?" Lynley enquired. "Frankly, I've always thought your appeal lay in your complete indifference to personal grooming." "Those days are past, sir. What c'n I do for you? I reckon this isn't a personal call, made to see if I'm keeping my legs shaved." Elizabeth George
e6b041f True wisdom is marked by willingness to listen and a sense of knowing when to yield. elizabeth-george god truth willingness wisdom yield Elizabeth George
64a06b6 The girl looked about her. "' Tis a pretty room," she said without thinking, and then wondered how that could be, when it was so plain and bare. Perhaps it was only the sunlight on boards that were scrubbed smooth and white, or perhaps it was the feeling of peace that lay across the room as tangibly as the bar of sunshine." Elizabeth George Speare
08e9da5 There is nothing--no circumstance, no trouble, no testing--that can ever touch me until, first of all it has gone past God and past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great purpose, which I may not understand at the moment. But as I refuse to become panicky, as I lift up my eyes to him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever .. Elizabeth George
93cc6e0 Your family will flourish when decisions are guided by the Lord--the head of your household. family flourish guided head household lord love mom parent Elizabeth George
430ce70 He who teaches the Bible is never a scholar; he is always a student. christian god inspiration love preach scholar student study teach truth Elizabeth George
1723b39 For this cause...for this were born--to shine lights into the world for God. elizabeth-george god shine women world Elizabeth George
a929c67 Love may start out as a good feeling, but to love someone long-term is an act of the will. faith family feeling god hope lady love marriage men relationship will women Elizabeth George
89d24ba God begins molding a mother after His own heart on the inside--in the inner woman and her heart--and then works outward. god heart life molding mom mother woman Elizabeth George
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