The experience taught him [Salvador Allende] too late that a system cannot be changed from the government but from the power.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lsn nHn m`shr lrjl swy `byd mskyn llwhm .m Hyn tqrr mr'h mDj`@ 'Hd lrjl, flys hnk mn Hjz l wtjtzh , wl HSn l wtHTmh , wl `tbr 'khlqy l wtkwn mst`dh lkhrqh mn 'ssh ,wlys thm@ rb ynf`
Gabriel García Márquez |
La clandestinidad compartida con un hombre que nunca fue suyo por completo, y en la que mas de una vez conocieron la explosion instantanea de la felicidad, no le parecio una condicion indeseable.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She was able to draw no conclusions because her husband's patients, except for mutual friends, were part of his private domain; they were people without identity, known not by their faces but by their pains, not by the colour of their eyes or the evasions of their hearts but by the size of their livers, the coating on their tongues, the blood in their urine, the hallucinations of their feverish nights.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Ursula fu l'ultima della sfilata. La dignita del suo lutto, il peso del suo nome, la convincente veemenza della sua dichiarazione fecero vacillare per un attimo la bilancia della giustizia. "Voi avete preso molto sul serio questo gioco spaventoso, e avete fatto bene, perche state facendo il vostro dovere" disse ai membri del tribunale. "Ma non dimenticate che finche Dio ci da vita, noi continueremo a essere madri, e che, rivoluzionari o no,..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Daca detest ceva pe lumea asta sunt sarbatorile obligatorii in care lumea plange fiindca e fericita, focurile de artificii, colindele aiurite, ghirlandele de hartie creponata fara nici o legatura cu un Prunc care s a nascut acum doua mii de ani intr un staul sarman.
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Come siamo lontani!>> sospiro. <> <> disse il vescovo.
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lianas sangrantes y salamandras doradas
Gabriel García Márquez |
Macondo Esta palabra me habia llamado la atencion desde los primeros viajes con mi abuelo, pero solo de adulto descubri que me gustaba su resonancia poetica.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The move to Arcata was seen by my grandparents as a journey into forgetting.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The colonel, pursued by sinister remorse for having killed a man in an affair of honor, brought everything necessary for recreating the past as far away as possible from his bad memories
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Mondja meg neki - mosolyodott el az ezredes -, hogy az ember nem akkor hal meg, amikor szeret, hanem amikor lehet.
Gabriel García Márquez |
tZhr bjhl m y`rfnh klhm , w m y`rf kl mnhm 'n lakhr y`rfh
Gabriel García Márquez |
Each thing, just by looking at it, aroused in me an irresistible longing to write so I would not die. I had suffered this on other occasions, but only on that morning did I recognize it as a crisis of inspiration, that word, abominable but so real, that demolishes everything in its path in order to reach its ashes in time.
Gabriel García Márquez |
No: that fear had been inside him for many years, it had lived with him, it had been another shadow cast over his own shadow ever since the night he awoke, shaken by a bad dream, and realized that death was not only a permanent probability, as he had always believed, but an immediate reality.
Gabriel García Márquez |
For years it seemed to me that this period had become a recurrent nightmare that I had almost every night, because I would wake in the morning feeling the same terror I had felt in the room with the saint. During my adolescence, when I was a student at an icy boarding school in the Andes, I would wake up crying in the middle of the night. I needed old age without remorse to understand that the misfortune of my grandparents in the house in C..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Until I discovered the miracle that all things that sound are music, including dishes and silverware in the dishwasher, as long as they fulfill the illusion of showing us where life is heading.
Gabriel García Márquez |
elle ne pensait plus a lui comme le fiance impossible mais comme a l'epoux certain a qui elle se devait tout entiere.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Los anos de ahora ya no vienen como los de antes.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Elle avait supplie Dieu de lui conceder au moins un instant afin qu'il ne s'en allat pas sans savoir combien elle l'avait aime par-dela leurs doutes a tous les deux, et senti un desir irresistible de recommencer sa vie avec lui depuis le debut afin qu'ils pussent se dire tout ce qu'autrefois ils avaient peut-etre mal fait.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The mayor informed General Petronio San Roman of the episode, down to the last literal phrase, in an alarming telegram. General San Roman must have followed his son's wishes to the letter, because he didn't come for him, but sent his wife with their daughters and two other older women who seemed to be her sisters. They came on a cargo boat, locked in mourning up to their necks because of Bayardo San Roman's misfortunes, and with their hair ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Merikes phores ton sunantouse okhi san phantasma, para olozontano, opou pragmatika tes eleipe. Ten entharrune e bebaioteta pos ekeinos briskotan ekei, zontanos akoma, alla khoris tes antrikes tou idiotropies, khoris tis patriarkhikes tou apaiteseis, khoris ten exantletike anagkaioteta na ton agapaei me ten idia teletourgia apo parakaira philia kai truphera logia me ta opoia ekeinos ten agapouse. Giati tote ton katalabaine kalutera ap' oti o..
Gabriel García Márquez |
Escaped the torments of memory with the aromatic fumes of gold cyanide
Gabriel García Márquez |
Am ajuns sa fiu constient ca forta invincibila care a impins lumea inainte nu e iubirea fericita, ci aceea neimplinita.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Hombres de mala ley, decia en voz muy baja, animales de mierda que no son capaces de hacer nada que no sean desgracias.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mother gives birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.
Gabriel García Márquez |
que se empenaba en ser util precisamente donde mas estorbaba.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lkdhb hw 'nsb bkthyr mn lshk km 'nh 'nf` mn lHb w'bq~ mn lHqy'q.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Later, given political changes and the deterioration of the world, nobody in the government thought about either arts or letters.
Gabriel García Márquez |
kl m`n@ 'Hdn ... kl tlk lm`n@, mn 'jl 'n y'ty st@ mkhnthyn lyqtlwh dwn 'n ytmkn mn `ml 'y shy
Gabriel García Márquez |
Lo que me preocupa --agrego-- es que de tanto odiar a los militares, de tanto combatirlos, de tanto pensar en ellos, has terminado por ser igual a ellos. Y no hay un ideal en la vida que merezca tanta abyeccion.>>
Gabriel García Márquez |
Su risa era triste y taciturna, como si no fuera el resultado de un sentimiento actual, sino como si la tuviera guardada en la gaveta y no la sacara sino en los momentos indispensables, pero usandola sin ninguna propiedad, como si el uso poco frecuente de la sonrisa le hubiera hecho olvidar la manera normal de utilizarla.
Gabriel García Márquez |
The feverish excitement of twenty had been something very noble, very beautiful, but it had not been love.
Gabriel García Márquez |
What happens is that you don't feel it on the inside, but from the outside everybody can see it.
Gabriel García Márquez |
l ywjd dw yshfy m l tshfyh ls`d@
Gabriel García Márquez |
ystfyd l`dw mn dhky'n 'kthr mn stfdth mn 'khTy'n
Gabriel García Márquez |
For you was I born, for you do I have life, for you will I die, for you am I now dying.
Gabriel García Márquez |
She led him by the hand to the bed as if he were a blind beggar on the street, and she cut him into pieces with malicious tenderness; she added salt to taste, pepper, a clove of garlic, chopped onion, lemon juice, bay leaf, until he was seasoned and on the platter, and the oven was heated to the right temperature.
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escarbo tan profundamente en los sentimientos de ella, que buscando el interes encontro el amor, porque tratando de que ella lo quisiera termino por quererla.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lkhwf mn lmwt hw rmd ls`dh.
Gabriel García Márquez |
At eighty-one years of age he had enough lucidity to realize that he was attached to this world by a few slender threads that could break painlessly with a simple change of position while he slept, and if he did all he could to keep those threads intact, it was because of his terror of not finding God in the darkness of death
Gabriel García Márquez |
She answered him sincerely that she would never marry a man who was so simple that he had wasted almost an hour and even went without lunch just to see a woman taking a bath.
Gabriel García Márquez |
she had found peace in that house where memories materialized through the strength of implacable evocation and walked like human beings through the cloistered rooms
Gabriel García Márquez |
She had helped him to endure the suffering as lovingly as she had helped him to discover happiness.
Gabriel García Márquez |