Sitting in the wicker rocking chair with her interrupted work in her lap, Amaranta watched Aureliano Jose, his chin covered with foam, stropping his razor to give himself his first shave. His blackheads bled and he cut his upper lip as he tried to shape a mustache of blond fuzz, and when it was all over he looked the same as before, but the laborious process gave Amaranta the feeling that she had begun to grow old at that moment.
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Let me soap you," he murmured. "Thank you for your good intentions," she said, "but my two hands are quite enough." "Even if it's just your back," the foreigner begged. "That would be silly," she said. "People never soap their backs."
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The world is divided into those who screw and those who do not.
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Tired of that hermeneutical delirium, the workers turned away from the authorities in Macondo and brought their complaints up to the higher courts. It was there that the sleight-of-hand lawyers proved that the demands lacked all validity for the simple reason that the banana company did not have, never had had, and never would have any workers in its service because they were all hired on a temporary and occasional basis. So that the fable ..
Gabriel García Márquez |
he did not dare to play forbidden games with a woman who had proven too many times that she knew the dark side of the moon
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I adore you because you made me a whore.
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he was shaken by the overwhelming revelation that the headlong race between his misfortunes and his dreams was at that moment reaching the finish line. The rest was darkness. "Damn it," he sighed. "How will I ever get out of this labyrinth!"
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It is life, more than death, which has no limits
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I reach my end, for artless I surrendered to one who is my undoing and my end
Gabriel García Márquez |
'n sr lshykhwkh@ ls`yd@ lys l fy `qd tfq shryf m` lwHd@
Gabriel García Márquez |
love was an emotion contra natura that condemned two strangers to a base and unhealthy dependence, and the more intense it was, the more ephemeral.
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Delaura was aware of his own awkwardness with women. To him they seemed endowed with an untransferable use of reason that allowed them to navigate without difficulty among the hazards of reality.
Gabriel García Márquez |
wlyn an h r bh drkhty bstnd w akhryn an h T`mh mwrchgn my shwd.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Her name was Pilar Ternera. She had been part of the exodus that ended with the founding of Macondo, dragged along by her family in order to separate her from the man who had raped her at fourteen and had continued to love her until she was twenty-two, but who never made up his mind to make the situation public because he was a man apart. He promised to follow her to the ends of the earth, but only later on, when he put his affairs in order..
Gabriel García Márquez |
But now it was he, not they, who crossed the street, so they would not see the tears he could no longer hold back, not his midnight tears, as he thought, but other tears: the ones he had been swallowing for fifty-one years, nine months and four days.
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She made a visual inventory of the disaster and confirmed that the girl was curled up like a snail, her head hidden between her arms: terrified but intact. "My God!" Rosa Cabarcas exclaimed. "What I wouldn't have given for a love like this!"
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Sone que asistia a mi propio entierro, a pie, caminando entre un grupo de amigos vestidos de luto solemne, pero con un animo de fiesta. Todos pareciamos dichosos de estar juntos. Y yo mas que nadie, por aquella grata oportunidad que me daba la muerte para estar con mis amigos de America Latina, los mas antiguos, los mas queridos, los que no veia desde hacia mas tiempo. Al final de la ceremonia, cuando empezaron a irse, yo intente acompanarl..
Gabriel García Márquez |
The best friend a person has," he would say at that time, "is one who has just died."
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Meme recordaba los detalles sin arrepentimiento y hablaba de las cosas mas extravagantes con un irreprimible deseo de vivirlas de nuevo o con el dolor que le proporcionaba la evidencia de que no las volveria a vivir.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Insanin oturdugu topraklarin altinda oluleri yoksa, o adam o topragin insani degildir.
Gabriel García Márquez |
IT WAS INEVITABLE: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love.
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The only thing that [Amaranta] did not keep in mind in her fearsome plan was that in spite of her pleas to God she might die before Rebeca. That was, in fact, what happened. At the final moment, however, Amaranta did not feel frustrated, but, on the contrary, free of all bitterness because death had awarded her the privilege of announcing itself several years ahead of time. She saw it on one burning afternoon sewing with her on the porch a ..
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What did you expect?" he murmured. "Time passes."
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Love is the only thing that interests me.
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There he was, just as she saw him: the shadow of someone she had never met.
Gabriel García Márquez |
swf nfny hn , wntHwl l~ trb fy hdh lbyt ldh~ lm ybq fyh rjl wlknn ln nd` lhdhh lbldh lnkdh frSh llshmth bn wrw'yh dmw`n
Gabriel García Márquez |
la busqueda de las cosas perdidas esta entorpecida por los habitos rutinarios, y es por eso que cuesta tanto trabajo encontrarlas.
Gabriel García Márquez |
l tqwly wd`an.. l tst`Tfy 'Hdan wl tnHny 'mm nsn.. tSwry .'nhm '`dmwny mndh md@
Gabriel García Márquez |
Havia achado, sempre, que morrer de amor nao era outra coisa alem de licenca poetica. Naquela tarde, de regresso para casa, outra vez, sem o gato e sem ela, comprovei que nao apenas era possivel, mas que eu mesmo, velho e sem ninguem, estava morrendo de amor. E tambem percebi que era valida a verdade contraria: nao trocaria por nada neste mundo as delicias de meu desassossego.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lkl shy mn l'shy Hyth lkhS@.. wlmsl'@ bbsT@ hy b`th lyqZ@ fy 'rwHh.
Gabriel García Márquez |
znaeshe oshche ot nachaloto, che go l'zhat, za da mu napraviat udovolstvie, che vzemat pari, za da go laskaiat, che zad'rzhat s's silata na or'zhieto mnozhestvoto, koeto se s'birashe po p'tia mu s likuvashchi vikove i izmamni plakati za d'l'g zhivot na velikolepniia, koito e po-star ot v'zrastta si, no toi se nauchi da zhivee s tezi i vsichki drugi mizerii na slavata, i dokato minavakha bezbroinite mu godini, razbra, che l'zhata e po-udobna..
Gabriel García Márquez |
We men are the miserable slaves of prejudice,
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Sexul e consolarea care-ti mai ramane cand nu-ti ajunge dragostea.
Gabriel García Márquez |
tedio de mis horas libres encontro remedio por una razon del corazon: el que no canta no puede imaginarse lo que es el placer de cantar.
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The only regret I have in dying is if it is not for love.
Gabriel García Márquez |
En la plenitud de sus relaciones, Florentino Ariza se habia preguntado cual de los dos estados seria el amor, el de la cama turbulenta o el de las tardes apacibles de los domingos, y Sara Noriega lo tranquilizo con el argumento sencillo de que todo lo que hicieran desnudos era amor.
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Estaba convencido en la soledad de su alma de haber amado en silencio mucho mas que nadie jamas en este mundo.
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Era como hablarle a un muerto, porque Jose Arcadio Buendia estaba ya fuera del alcance de toda preocupacion. Pero ella insistio. Lo veia tan manso, tan indiferente a todo, que decidio soltarlo. El ni siquiera se movio del banquito. Siguio expuesto al sol y la lluvia, como si las sogas fueran innecesarias, porque un dominio superior a cualquier atadura visible lo mantenia amarrado al tronco del castano.
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One nail draws another.
Gabriel García Márquez |
To hell with a fan when the wind is blowing.
Gabriel García Márquez |
Sjecaj me se s ruzom - rekao joj je.
Gabriel García Márquez |
lm ykn y`rD `lyh sw~ mksb dnywy@: l'mn, lnZm, ls`d@, w hy 'rqm m 'n tjm` l~ b`Dh Ht~ ttHwl mbshr@ l~ shy klHb: lHb tqryb. w lknh lyst lHb
Gabriel García Márquez |
n sh`rt ywm 'ny mryD, fswf 'rmy bnfsy fy Sndwq lqmm@, wln 'mkn 'Hd mn l`bth by
Gabriel García Márquez |
That dawn he officiated at the daily mass of his ablutions with more frenetic severity than usual, trying to purge his body and spirit of twenty years of fruitless wars and the disillusionments of power.
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