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e075c36 There was a time when people valued honor and loyalty -- when serving a ruler wasn't about obedience and fear. Sarah J. Maas
850f0ff Dorian could only stare at her. This was different from the feral creature she'd become the night Nehemia had died. What she was right now, the edge on which she was balancing... Wyrd help them all. But than Chaol was at her chair, grasping her elbow. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Celaena looked up at him and smiled sweetly. "Your job, apparently." She shook off his grip with a thrash, then got up from her seat, stalking around.. chaol dorian Sarah J. Maas
447226b Please," I gasped out. He just brushed his lips against my jaw, my neck, my mouth. "Tamlin," I begged. He palmed my breast, his thumb flicking over my nipple. I cried out, and he buried himself in me with a mighty stroke. For a moment, I was nothing, no one. Then we were fused, two hearts beating as one, and I promised myself it always would be that way as he pulled out a few inches, the muscles of his back flexing beneath my hands, and the.. sex erotic-scenes fake-marketing new-adult-fantasy new-adult-lit new-adult-paranormal-romance new-adult-romance-and-suspense not-for-readers-under-18 sex-scenes smut-books new-adult-romance smut erotism new-adult erotic erotic-romance erotica Sarah J. Maas
df67075 He chuckled. Even as he said my most private thoughts, even as I burned with outrage and shame, I trembled at the grip still on my mind. Rhysand turned to the High Lord. "I'm curious: Why did she wonder if it would feel good to have you bite her breast the way you bit her neck?" "Let. Her. Go." Tamlin's face was twisted with such feral rage that it struck a different, deeper chord of terror in me. "If it's any consolation," Rhysand confided.. high-fae rhysand tamlin rhys Sarah J. Maas
0da2093 For him, I had done this-for him I'd gladly wrecked myself and my immortal soul. And now I had an eternity to live with it. young-adult sacrifice sarah-j-maas feyre tamlin immortal Sarah J. Maas
8a00ad5 It's a rare day indeed when someone thanks you for bringing them to their death. Sarah J. Maas
6912753 And Manon understood in that moment that there were forces greater than obedience, and discipline, and brutality. Understood that she had not been born soulless; she had not been born without a heart. For there were both, begging her not to swing that blade. Sarah J. Maas
515f8aa I have better things to do than care about whether you live or die. Sarah J. Maas
18942f1 Arobynn told me that second place was just a nice title for the first loser throne-of-glass Sarah J. Maas
7018e68 We held each other in silence for minutes. Hours. Two souls, twining in the dark. Sarah J. Maas
123ebe1 The game had been played, and she had lost. Sarah J. Maas
f1246d1 She didn't want to go out into a world where he didn't exist. So she watched the light shift and change, and let the world pass by without her. Sarah J. Maas
1a13060 Here's a lesson for you Weapons Master," she said, stalking past him. "Give me real men to fight. Then maybe I'll bother trying." -- Sarah J. Maas
9f0cae2 I know you are tired, Fireheart. I know that the burden on your shoulders is more than anyone should endure. But we'll face this together. Erawan, the Lock, all of it. We'll face it together... We'll face it together. And if the cost of it truly is you, then we'll pay it together. As one soul in two bodies. fireheart rowan-whitethorn kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
43b4539 There was good in people - deep down, there was always a shred of good. Sarah J. Maas
19177ce At least if you're going to hell," he said, the vibrations in his chest rumbling against her, "then we'll be there together." Sarah J. Maas
5a0b916 To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys." He picked up his glass, his gaze so piercing that I wondered why I had bothered blushing at all for Tarquin. Rhys clinked his glass against mine. "To the stars who listen--and the dreams that are answered." Sarah J. Maas
4aa563a A cluster of giggling women sat nearby, tittering about how the Crown Prince was gone on holiday to the Sorian coast, and how they wished they could join the prince and his dashing friends, and on and on until Celaena contemplated chucking her spoon at them. Sarah J. Maas
7268f22 You're a little taller than I'd imagined, but no one's perfect. Sarah J. Maas
8bca31a Be the bridge, be the light. When iron melts, when flowers spring from fields of blood--let the land be witness, and return home. Sarah J. Maas
e2d70f7 She tore off his grip, and then she was walking out the kitchen door, across the courtyard, through the ward-stones, and along the invisible barrier- until she found a spot just out of sight of the fortress. The world was full of screaming and wailing, so loud she drowned in it. Celaena did not utter a sound as she unleashed her magic on the barrier, a blast that shook the trees and set the earth rumbling. She fed her power into the invisib.. Sarah J. Maas
0b598cb But they wove a tapestry of dreams, all begging for one thing... a better world. Sarah J. Maas
65f4665 You are my people. Whether my grandmother decrees it or not, you are my people, and always will be. But I will fly against you, if need be, to ensure that there is a future for those who cannot fight for it themselves. Too long have we preyed on the weak, relished doing so. It is time that we became better than our foremothers." The words she had given the Thirteen months ago. "There is a better world out there," she said again. "And I will.. the-thirteen manon-blackbeak kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
0a30028 Arobynn continued to pin her with that lover's gaze. "Nothing is without a price." He brushed a kiss against her cheekbone, his lips soft and warm. She fought the shudder that trembled through her, and made herself lean into him as he brought his mouth against her ear and whispered, "Tell me what I must do to atone; tell me to crawl over hot coals, to sleep on a bed of nails, to carve up my flesh. Say the word, and it is done. But let me ca.. arobynn-hamel Sarah J. Maas
4c2be6c Why does anything cling to something? Maybe they love wherever they're going so much that it's worth it. Maybe they'll keep coming back, until there's only one star left. Maybe that one star will make the trip forever, out of the hope that someday--if it keeps coming back often enough--another star will find it again. fiction fantasy velaris rhysand feyre rhys Sarah J. Maas
5ac8205 So what if you burned a few books? Those librarians deserve it. When we're older, maybe we'll burn it to the ground together." She knew he meant it. He'd burn the library, the city, or the whole world to ashes if she asked him. It was their bond, marked by blood and scent and something else she couldn't place. A tether as strong as the one that bound her to her parents, stronger in some ways." family-ties bonded Sarah J. Maas
f968725 Do not get distracted. Do not linger. You are a warrior, and warriors know when to pick their fights.' I nodded, our breath mingling. Rhys growled. 'They took what is ours. And we do not allow those crimes to go unpunished.' His power rippled and swirled around me. 'You do not fear,' Rhys breathed. 'You do not falter. You do not yield. You go in, you get her, and you come out again.' I nodded again, holding his stare. 'Remember that you a.. Sarah J. Maas
3a18a9c She didn't know what to do with it, that rage. It still burned and hunted her, still made her want to rip and roar and rend the world into pieces. She felt it all--too keenly, too sharply. Hated and cared and loved and dreaded, more than other people, she sometimes thought. cassian nesta sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
e75be13 My father will hunt you for taking his power if he finds out," he said into the frigid dark. "And kill you for learning how to wield it." "He can get in line," was all I said." Sarah J. Maas
f2616bb The ship began moving. And Chaol--the man she hated and loved so much that she could hardly think around him--just stood there, watching her go. Sarah J. Maas
8d8442e I want to live first. With you. I want to see things and have adventures. I want to learn what is it to be immortal, to be your mate, to be part of your family. I want to be ... ready for them. And I selfishly want to have you all to myself for a while. Sarah J. Maas
7f0c5d1 For this week? I want you to learn how to read. Sarah J. Maas
bfaefd1 No lady, beautiful or plain, young or old, deserved to be gawked at. tower-of-dawn Sarah J. Maas
e21f8f7 I inclined my head slightly, and lowered my shield only long enough to say down the bond: A heartbeat later a sensual caress trailed along my mental shields--a polite request. I let it drop, let him in, and his voice filled my head. pg361 rhysand Sarah J. Maas
61ad803 With each day, he felt the barriers melting. He let them melt. Because of her genuine laugh, because he caught her one afternoon sleeping with her face in the middle of a book, because he knew that she would win. She was a criminal--a prodigy at killing, a Queen of the Underworld--and yet . . . yet she was just a girl, sent at seventeen to Endovier. It made him sick every time he thought about it. He'd been training with the guards at seven.. Sarah J. Maas
191992e Every time you lot leave me at home, someone manages to get gutted. Sarah J. Maas
bd1c2e1 It was easier to not have to explain, anyway. To not have to tell him that though I'd freed him, saved his people and all of Prythian from Amarantha... I'd broken myself apart. And I didn't think even eternity would be long enough to fix me. sarah-j-maas feyre new-adult-romance emotional heartbreaking Sarah J. Maas
a5e3b7a And she was snarling, snarling like some kind of animal as she snapped for his neck. He reared back, throwing her against the marble floor again. " " But the Celaena he knew was gone. The girl he'd imagined as his wife, the girl he'd shared a bed with for the past week, was utterly gone. Her clothes and hands were caked with the blood of the men in the warehouse." chaol Sarah J. Maas
157cd79 I intercepted Chaol, and he informed me of your 'condition.' You'd think a man in his position wouldn't be so squeamish, especially after examining all of those corpses." Calaena opened an eye and frowned as Dorian sat on her bed. "I'm in a state of absolute agony and I can't be bothered." "It can't be that bad," he said, fishing a deck of cards from his jacket. "Want to play?" "I already told you that I don't feel well." "You look fine to .. Sarah J. Maas
30a161b This war," she said quietly, "is but the second movement in a game that has been played since those ancient days across the sea." Sarah J. Maas
1da7607 I love you," Sam said. Celaena wrapped her arms around him and held him close, breathing his scent. Her only reply was, "I hate packing." Sarah J. Maas
5470fa6 You're welcome, you know." "For what?" Rhys paused less than a foot away, sliding his hands into his pockets. The night didn't seem to ripple from him here--and he appeared, despite his perfection, almost normal. "For saving you when asked." Sarah J. Maas
370a2bd As you wish." friendship heartbroken Sarah J. Maas
bbe0f26 You're free," Mor said tightly. "You're free." Not safe. Not protected. Free." pg125 Sarah J. Maas