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0dfe4a3 Each of the scars, the chipped teeth and broken claws, the mutilated tail--they weren't the markings of a victim. Oh, no. They were the trophies of a survivor. Abraxos was a warrior who'd had all the odds stacked against him and survived. Learned from it. Triumphed. manon-blackbeak strength-of-character Sarah J. Maas
5d2c103 And will you come with me; On this adventure - and all the rest?" "Always" Sarah J. Maas
4ba3559 I love you. There is no limit to what I can give to you, no time I need. Even when this world is forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will love you. rowaelin empire-of-storms rowan throne-of-glass rowan-whitethorn celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
2c0f511 I found him carefully studying me, his lips in a thin line. "Has anyone ever taken care of you?" he asked quietly. "No." I'd long since stopped feeling sorry for myself about it." love tamlin taking-care protection Sarah J. Maas
6367b5a She won't understand. And when she goes over the edge, there will be nothing to pull her back." "She will find her way back. She always does." Tears formed, but the princess blinked them away. "For all our sakes, I hope you're right." Sarah J. Maas
86ea8c8 She knew he meant it. He'd burn the library, the city or the whole world to ashes if she asked him. It was their bond, marked by blood and scent and something else she couldn't place. A tether as strong as the one that bound her to her parents. Stronger, in some ways. bound tether ties-bigger-than-life aelin-galathynius heir-of-fire celaena-sardothien bond Sarah J. Maas
4f6a5e7 Males are horrible creatures, aren't they? amren acomaf males Sarah J. Maas
953dca3 When my mate died, it took me a very, very long time to come back." It took her a moment to think of what to say. "How long?" "Two hundred three years, twenty-seven days ago." Sarah J. Maas
f294783 She sucked in a shuddering breath, and he pulled back far enough for them to share breath. Her fingers shook as she brushed them against his mouth, and his control nearly shredded apart right there. 'What are you waiting for?' he said, the words near guttural. 'Bastard,' she murmured, and kissed him. Her mouth was soft and warm, and he bit back a groan. His body went still--his entire world went still--at that whisper of a kiss, the answer .. rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
c4d6940 The great joy and honour of my life has been to know you. To call you my family. And I am grateful - more than I can possibly say - that I was given this time with you all fiction fantasy court-of-dreams rhysand new-adult rhys Sarah J. Maas
8a95a93 What's the point in having a mind if you don't use it to make judgements? mind judgamental judgement Sarah J. Maas
92d5d52 It's Aelin now," she snapped as loudly as she dared. "Celaena Sardothien doesn't exist anymore." Sarah J. Maas
3bdf3c5 It would all be fine, even if it went to hell, so long as he was here with her. rowaelin rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
357e521 In every way that counted, I failed him. crown-of-midnight chaol-westfall failure Sarah J. Maas
730a832 Fireheart," he said onto her mouth. "Buzzard," she murmured onto his." Sarah J. Maas
7a0e66b Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all. Sarah J. Maas
6311444 And at long last, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was home. queen-of-terrasen terrasen aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
5827552 I turned. "I was asking about Jurian, the king, the queens, and the Cauldron, but I'm glad to know I have so many options where our relationship stands. And that you'll do whatever I want. I must have you wrapped completely around my finger." His eyes danced with feline amusement. "Cruel, beautiful thing." -- rhysand Sarah J. Maas
f1fd475 Leave this world... a better place than how you found it. Sarah J. Maas
0c0c1f9 You might be my mate, he said, but you remain your own person. You decide your fate - your choices. Not me. You chose yesterday. You choose every day. Forever. Sarah J. Maas
3279ab3 Let's make this a fight worthy of a song. throne-of-glass sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
3015536 But he had no idea what sort of darkness lurked inside her, or what sort of monster she was willing to become in order to make things right. Sarah J. Maas
088853c I sipped from my wine. "And if he had grabbed me?" There was nothing but uncompromising will in his eyes. "Then I would have torn apart the world to get you back." rhysand feyre Sarah J. Maas
48127e1 And then," Ress was saying, his boyish face set with fiendish delight, "just as he got her into bed, stark naked as the day he was born, her father walked in"- winces and groans came from the guards, even Chaol himself-"and he dragged him out of bed by his feet, took him down the hall, and dumped him down the stairs. He was shrieking like a pig the whole time." Chaol leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "You would be, too, if someon.. crown-of-midnight chaol-westfall throne-of-glass sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
3a82a4d He wouldn't let his servants change the sheets on his bed because they still smelled like her, because he went to sleep dreaming that she was still lying beside him. Sarah J. Maas
0716a84 Don't you ever do anything other than read?" said Chaol." reading Sarah J. Maas
091e0d3 When Rhys came back, after Amarantha, he was a ghost. He pretended he wasn't, but he was. You made him come alive again. Sarah J. Maas
25c556f These days, I am very glad to be a mortal, and to only have to endure this life once. These days, I don't envy you at all." "And before?" It was her turn to stare toward the horizon. "I used to wish I had a chance to see it all- and hated that I never would." rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
9bd6f5c Words could be just as deadly as steel. Sarah J. Maas
b7aa11a Aelin was insane, Dorian realized. Brilliant and wicked, but insane. dorian Sarah J. Maas
89bd508 I'm happy for you, my friend." Celaena smiled back. "I think... I think I'm happy for me, too." And she was. For the first time in years, she was truly ." Sarah J. Maas
f4a44f8 But I'll always make time for you. Sarah J. Maas
c5735ee Rowan's always looking for an excuse to show off. Dramatic rescues give him purpose and fulfillment in his dull, immortal life." There" Sarah J. Maas
d60a20b Do not be afraid of what makes you shine brightly. Sarah J. Maas
7c95131 Everyone sounded the same when they died. death Sarah J. Maas
d11535e it is the family you make, not the one you are born into, that matters. Sarah J. Maas
0cb494d Thank you for the oil," he added. "My skin was a little dry." arobynn-hamel throne-of-glass rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
6c535f2 I hate women like that. They're so desperate for the attention of men that they'd willingly betray and harm members of their own sex. And we claim men cannot think with their brains! At least men are direct about it. Sarah J. Maas
876c2e3 Rowan stood with his queen in the rain, breathing in her scent, and let her steal his warmth for as long as she needed. rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
740350d It had filled my time - given me quiet, steadfast company with those characters, who did not exist and never would, but somehow made me feel less ... alone. reading lonely Sarah J. Maas
0ec5de4 I stepped out of the shelter of my savior's arm and turned to thank him. Standing before me was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Sarah J. Maas
27fc24c Would you like to dance with me?" He laughed. "With you? No." She looked at the marble floor, her chest tight. "You needn't be so cruel." "Cruel? Celaena, Perrington is just over there. I'm sure he's not happy about you being here, so I wouldn't risk drawing his attention any more than necessary." "Coward." Chaol's eyes softened. "If he weren't here, I would have said yes." (...) "Anyway," Chaol added, jerking his chin at Dorian, "I think y.. Sarah J. Maas
bf6c840 I spent centuries wandering the world, from empires to kingdoms to wastelands, never settling, never stopping--not for one moment. I was always looking toward the horizon, always wondering what waited across the next ocean, over the next mountain. But I think ... I think that whole time, all those centuries, I was just looking for you. rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
eb2a83b That I will bow before no one and nothing but my crown. Sarah J. Maas