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3da32bd The night she'd been captured, she'd also snapped, and come SO CLOSE to killing the person she most wanted to destroy before someone knocked her out and she awoke in a rotting dungeon. She smiled bitterly as she opened her eyes. It was always the same story, the same loss. Sarah J. Maas
a489e5f The prince's eyes shone with amusement at her brashness but lingered a bit too long on her body. Sarah J. Maas
7a76864 At least if you're going to hell," he said, the vibrations in his chest rumbling against her, "then we'll be there together." "I feel bad for the dark god already." Sarah J. Maas
bc0d255 Five hundred years ago, I fought on battlefields not far from this house. I fought beside human and faerie alike, bled beside them. I will stand on that battlefield again, Nesta Archeron, to protect this house--your people. I can think of no better way to end my existence than to defend those who need it most." I" Sarah J. Maas
19627c3 Prick, Sarah J. Maas
05b3497 Fight it. We get to come back. Sarah J. Maas
0252f1f She slung an arm around his waist, unwilling to let go of him lest he turn into wind and vanish. Sarah J. Maas
d136c1f He opened his mouth, but stopped as he beheld her smile. Though she had no regrets about her choice, she felt something strangely like disappointment when he said, "As you wish." freedom friends dorian Sarah J. Maas
31ee9d1 She was too stunned to object as her mother slipped the chain over her head and arranged the amulet down her front. It hung almost to her navel, a warm, heavy weight. "Never take it off. Never lose it." Her mother kissed her brow. "Wear it, and know that you are loved, Fireheart--that you are safe, and it is the strength of this"--she placed a hand on her heart--"that matters. Wherever you go, Aelin," she whispered, "no matter how far, this.. pg460 Sarah J. Maas
3bc9551 She forgot about time as she drifted between pieces, voicing the unspeakable, opening old wounds, playing and playing as the sound forgave and saved her. Sarah J. Maas
5c57575 No, the quest did not end here. Not even close. Dorian slid the keys into his pocket. And the road that now sprawled before him, curving into unknown, awaiting shadow . . . it did not frighten him. pg676 Sarah J. Maas
8d49406 She'd forgotten the name she'd been given, but it made no difference. She had only one name now: Death, devourer of worlds. pg443 Sarah J. Maas
59e75bc So," Mikhail said, shattering her thoughts as he pointed a fork at her, "when your master beat the living daylights out of you, did you actually deserve it?" Ansel shot him a dark look, and Celaena straightened. Even Ilias was now listening, his lovely eyes fixed on her face. But Celaena stared right at Mikhail. "I suppose it depends on who is telling the story." Ansel chuckled. "If Arobynn Hamel is telling the story, then yes, I suppose I .. Sarah J. Maas
860ef1b but you remain your own person. You decide your fate--your choices. Not me. You chose yesterday. You choose every day. Forever. Sarah J. Maas
b04e2e2 The gods had vanished, her mother had once claimed. But had they? Had it been some god who had visited tonight, clothed in the skin of a battered young woman? Or had it merely been their distant whispers that prompted the stranger to walk down that alley? She would never know, she supposed. And maybe that was the whole point. the-assassin-and-the-healer yrene-towers Sarah J. Maas
4655b5e There's a grave I need to visit. Sarah J. Maas
b9d1fec No." Chaol thought he had not heard it, the word that cleaved through the air just before the guard's sword did. One blow from that mighty sword. That was all it took to sever Sorscha's head. The scream that erupted out of Dorian was the worst sound that Chaol had ever heard. Worse even than the wet, heavy thud of her head hitting the red marble. Aedion began roaring--roaring and cursing at the king, thrashing against his chains, but the g.. dorian sorscha Sarah J. Maas
5186fe6 That's thirty," Ansel said. "We can count," Rolfe snipped. Ansel lifted a wine-red brow. "Can you really?" Despite the army marching on them, Lysandra's mouth twitched upward. Rolfe just rolled his eyes and went back to watching the approaching army." Sarah J. Maas
bdee0c2 Dorian offered a lazy grin in return, believe it or not, this ship has an unnatural number of attractive men and women on board. You'll fit right in, and fit in with the cranky immortals, I suppose. series Sarah J. Maas
0ba9bf0 I do not accept this. Sarah J. Maas
6ea58a2 How much had I missed in these months of despair and numbness? numbness Sarah J. Maas
c737295 She has the most delicious thoughts about you, Tamlin," he said. "She's wondered about the feeling of your fingers on her thighs--between them, too." He chuckled. Even as he said my most private thoughts, even as I burned with outrage and shame, I trembled at the grip still on my mind. Rhysand turned to the High Lord. "I'm curious: Why did she wonder if it would feel good to have you bite her breast the way you bit her neck?" "Let. Her. Go... rage mad thoughts let-her-go high-lord rhysand tamlin intimate read-minds Sarah J. Maas
8b1dd09 It was hope that stood beside him, hidden and protected these years in this city, and in the years before it, spirited across the earth by the gods themselves, concealed from the forces poised to destroy her. Sarah J. Maas
843e7a6 She was not ashamed of the truth before her. She was not afraid. Manon's grandmother led the attack, her maneuvers the deadliest. It was from her that the first slice of pain appeared. A rip of iron nails through Manon's shoulder. But Manon swung her sword, again and again, iron on steel ringing out across the icy peaks. No, she was not afraid at all. Sarah J. Maas
5402729 Your remind me of what the world ought to be; what the world can be. Sarah J. Maas
91f923d Cadre, yet more than that. Brothers - the warriors fighting at his side were his brothers. Had stayed with him through all of it. And would continue to do so now. rowan-whitethorn kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
9aeca95 A door opened at the far end of the hall, followed by rushing, light steps. He rose a heartbeat before a joyous "Aedion!" sang over the stones. Evangeline was beaming, clad head to toe in green woolen clothes bordered with white fur, her red-gold hair hanging in two plaits. Like the mountain girls of Terrasen. Her scars stretched wide as she grinned, and Aedion threw open his arms just before she launched herself on him. "They said you arri.. Sarah J. Maas
1779992 Rowan wriggled his fingers in silent reminder. Shall we? Aelin scowled and took his hand, letting him haul her to her feet. So pushy. Rowan slid an arm around her shoulders. That's the most polite thing you've ever said about me. Sarah J. Maas
8cc372b Celaena couldn't recall a time when she didn't want to beat in the girl's face with a brick. Sarah J. Maas
8127dd7 Aelin would come back, and when she did . . . With every breath, Aedion felt that lingering scent wrapping tighter around his heart and soul. When she came back, he was never letting her go. pg215 aelin-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
5462290 I like music,' she said slowly, 'because when I hear it, I...I lose myself within myself if that makes any sense. I become empty and full all at once. ya Sarah J. Maas
c061739 For a heartbeat, the silence peeled back long enough for that question to worm its way into her skull, into her skin, into her breath and bones. And in the dark, she remembered. sam-cortland the-assassin-s-blade throne-of-glass Sarah J. Maas
695fcaa If it's any consolation, cousin, I behaved rather poorly the other day." "Is he dead?" "No." "Then I'd say you controlled yourself admirably." Sarah J. Maas
dc0fded The assassin pivoted around the table and took aim again. She missed. Gritting her teeth, she considered snapping the cue in half across her knee. But she'd been attempting to play for only an hour. She'd be incredible by midnight! She'd master this ridiculous game or she'd turn the table into firewood. And use it to burn Cain alive. Sarah J. Maas
ba844ac Then, holding Manon's gaze, Aelin sheathed her mighty blade across her back, the giant ruby in the pommel catching in the midday light. "Swords are boring," the queen said, and palmed two fighting knives. Manon sheathed Wind-Cleaver along her own back. She flicked her wrists, the iron nails shooting out. She cracked her jaw, and her fangs descended, "Indeed". The queen looked at the nails, the teeth, and grinned. Honestly---it was a shame .. throne-of-glass manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
cef01ea That was when they noticed that every musician on the stage was wearing mourning black. That was when they shut up. And when the conductor raised his arms, it was not a symphony that filled the cavernous space. It was the Song of Eyllwe. Then the Song of Fenharrow. And Melisande. And Terrasen. Each nation that had people in those labor camps. And finally, not for pomp or triumph, but to mourn what they had become, they played the Song of Ad.. Sarah J. Maas
749d346 Lucien kept rubbing at his temples as he ate, unusually silent, and I hid my smile as I asked him, "And where were you last night?" Lucien's metal eye narrowed on me. "I'll have you know that while you two were dancing with the spirits, I was stuck on border patrol." Tamlin gave a pointed cough, and Lucien added, "With some company." He gave me a sly grin. "Rumor has it you two didn't come back until after dawn." I glanced at Tamlin, biting.. feyre tamlin intimate nothing reaction lucien Sarah J. Maas
ee0462c When Sam had died, she had tucked him into her heart, tucked him alongside her other beloved dead, whose names she kept so secret she sometimes forgot them. But Nehemia--Nehemia wouldn't fit. It was as if her heart was too full of the dead, too full of those lives that had ended well before their time. pg325 nehemia-s-death nehemia-ytger Sarah J. Maas
a6606c4 No longer would they be locked away in her heart. No longer would she be ashamed. Sarah J. Maas
b2f7793 Te amo --susurro y me beso la frente--. Con espinas y todo.>> Sarah J. Maas
8bbf97e She couldn't blame them; the dress was spectacular. And she was spectacular in it. Sarah J. Maas
4dc56fb He'd followed. She'd known it in her bones, her blood. He'd kept high in the skies, but he'd followed until she'd entered the building. She knew he was now waiting on a nearby rooftop to see her light kindle. Twin instincts warred within her: to leave the faelight untouched and make him wait in the freezing dark, or to ignite that bowl and just get rid of his presence. Get rid of everything he was. cassian nessian nesta Sarah J. Maas
6e9b1c9 The Mute Master had told her that people dealt with their pain in different ways--that some chose to drown it, some chose to love it, and some chose to let it turn into rage. Sarah J. Maas
b249ebc She didn't want to recall how Nehemia had been used--had used --against her, to force her to act. Wanted to pretend she wasn't starting to forget what Nehemia had looked like. "Shift again," Rowan ordered, jerking his chin at her. "This time, try to--" She was forgetting what Nehemia looked like. The shade of her eyes, the curve of her lips, the smell of her. Her laugh. The roaring in Celaena's head went quiet, silenced by that familiar no.. depression pg162 nehemia-ytger Sarah J. Maas