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db2fffc The people you love are just weapons used against you. rowan-whitethorn heir-of-fire Sarah J. Maas
6efb074 He leaned forward and kissed me lightly. "Not forever," he said onto my mouth. And though I knew it was a lie, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He pulled me onto his lap, holding me tightly against him as his lips parted mine. I became aware of every pore in my body when his tongue entered my mouth. Though the horror of Rhysand's magic still tore at me, I pushed Tamlin onto the bed, straddling him, pinning him as if it would so.. Sarah J. Maas
d67c11a But I met his stare as I clinked my glass against his, the crystal ringing clear and bright over the crashing sea far below, and said, "To the people who look up at the stars and wish, Rhys." He picked up his glass, his gaze so piercing that I wondered why I had bothered blushing at all for Tarquin. Rhys clinked his glass against mine. "To the stars who listen-and the dreams that are answered." Sarah J. Maas
dc3e2f7 I ever needed them. He'd taken my weapons, Sarah J. Maas
a796f57 Yes, he'd fought for me--but I'd fought harder for him. Again, Sarah J. Maas
024b0cc You can't write, yet you learned to hunt, to survive. How?" I paused with my foot on the threshold. "That's what happens when you're responsible for lives other than your own, isn't it? You do what you have to do." He was still sitting on the table, still straddling that inner line between the here and now and wherever he'd had to go in his mind to endure the fight with the Bogge. I met his feral and glowing stare. "You aren't what I expect.. human high-lord feyre tamlin responsible survive write Sarah J. Maas
33fec9d Porque ya no importaba que futuro hubiera vislumbrado o con quien hubiera previsto compartirlo; no concebia la vida sin ella ni desearia nunca a ninguna otra mujer Sarah J. Maas
e90dc6e There once was a lady most beautiful Spirited, if a little unusual Her friends were few But how did the man queue But to all she gave a refusal Sarah J. Maas
4f5c66f That was when they noticed that every musician on the stage was wearing mourning black. That was when they shut up. And when the conductor raised his arms, it was not a symphony that filled the cavernous space. It was the Song of Eyllwe. Then Song of Fenharrow. And Melisande. And Terrasen. Each nation that had people in those labour camps. And finally, not for pomp or triumph, but to mourn what they had become, they played the Song of Adarl.. rebellion musician music Sarah J Maas
eb33dc8 But Amarantha rolled her eyes and slouched in her throne. "Shatter him, Rhysand." She flicked a hand at the High Lord of the Summer Court. "You may do what you want with the body afterward." The High Lord of the Summer Court bowed--as if he'd been given a gift--and looked to his subject, who had gone still and calm on the floor, hugging his knees. The male faerie was ready--relieved. Rhys slipped a hand out of his pocket, and it dangled at .. mind punish rhysand feyre kill Sarah J. Maas
640e2c0 She didn't let herself finish that thought, though crippling nausea gripped her as she scanned the banks and docks and sewer depositories. He would be waiting for her at home. And then he'd chide her and laugh at her and kiss her. And them she'd dispatch Jayne tonight, and then they'd set sail on this river and then out to the nearby sea, and then be gone. He would be waiting at home. Sarah J. Maas
2f54587 Lucien drawled from his seat along the length of the table, "I told you so, Tamlin." He flicked a glance toward his friend. "Your skills with females have definitely become rusty in recent decades." Tamlin. He glowered at Lucien, shifting in his seat. I tried not to stiffen at the other bit of information Lucien had given away. Decades. Tamlin" Sarah J. Maas
36b9875 Petrah had said. Had smiled as she said it. Manon told herself it was for an alliance. Told herself it was for show. But all she could see was the unconditional love in that dying wyvern's eyes as she unbuckled her harness, stood from the saddle, and leapt off Abraxos. manon-blackbeak pg527 unconditional-love Sarah J. Maas
10cb1e6 I would like to build a garden," she declared. "After all of this... I think the world needs more gardens." My throat was too tight to immediately reply, so I just kissed my sister's cheek before I said, "Yes - I think it does." Sarah J. Maas
57fbd70 The curving stones of the gateway loomed, and she drew the sword from her back with her right hand, her left hand enveloped in flame. Sarah J. Maas
3f40649 He nodded. "And how old are you?" "Eighteen." But he said nothing. "I know," she continued. "It is impressive that I accomplished so much at such an early age." "Crime isn't an accomplishment, Sardothien." Sarah J. Maas
6ad8a73 What Aelin had done ... what she'd lied about ... Some of the blood on the ground had dried. If Aelin was gone, if her life would indeed be the cost if she ever got free ... "Maeve" Sarah J. Maas
520560b He cocked his head. "I've never been with a witch." manon queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
621a95a Men didn't build more armies and forge more weapons without having plans to use them. Sarah J. Maas
dfa5d51 From me," Kaltain said, in a voice that was dead and hollow and yet vicious. "It has always been there--asleep. And now it has been awoken. Shaped anew." pg265 shadowfire Sarah J. Maas
67253dc of seeing her for who she was--not what she was Sarah J. Maas
969c87f Kaltain," her uncle rumbled, a demand and a threat and a promise. The silent young woman--the one who never spoke, who never looked at anything, who had such marks on her. Elide had seen her only a few times. Had seen how little she responded. Or fought back. And then Elide was walking up the stairs." pg277 kaltain-rompier Sarah J. Maas
7b18554 My Most True Assassin, Enclosed are seven books from my personal library that I have recently read and enjoyed immensely. You are, of course, free to read as many of the books in the castle library as you wish, but I command you to read these first so that we might discuss them. I promise they are not dull, for I am not one inclined to sit through pages of nonsense and bloated speech, though perhaps you enjoy works and authors who think ver.. Sarah J. Maas
c45bc52 He saw her face each time he closed his eyes. She haunted his thoughts, made him wish to do grand and wonderful things in her name, made him want to be a man who deserved to wear a crown. Sarah J. Maas
f97fe6c Let these men play at being gods. Sarah J. Maas
690b4e8 Of course I like luxury--you think I don't love these gowns and jewels? But in the end ... they're replaceable. I've come to value the people in my life more. Sarah J. Maas
9e05abe Don't tell me what I do and don't deserve. Don't tell me about tomorrow, or the future, or any of it. rowan-whitehorn Sarah J. Maas
e5f0ff5 Lysandra gazed at the ring, then lifted her eyes to Aelin's face-- and threw her arms around her neck, squeezing tight. She took that as a yes. Aelin grimaced at the dull throb of pain, but held on. "Welcome to the court, Lady." Sarah J. Maas
c818b62 Arobynn looked exactly as he had the last time she'd seen him: a fine-boned aristo face, silky auburn hair that grazed his shoulders, and a deep-blue tunic of exquisite make, unbuttoned with an assumed casualness at the top to reveal the toned chest beneath. No sign at all of a necklace or chain. His long, muscled arm was draped across the back of the bench, and his tanned, scar-flecked fingers drummed a beat in time with the hall music. Sarah J. Maas
c24a6dc The prince inside her did not notice when she began to nibble at him Bit by bit, she stole morsels of the otherworldly creature that had taken her body for its skin, who did such despicable things with it. The creature noticed the day she took a bigger bite--big enough that it screamed in agony. Before it could tell anyone, she leaped upon it, tearing and ripping with her shadowfire until only ashes of malice remained, until it was no more .. pg442 Sarah J. Maas
ea9726e Even as he said my most private thoughts, even as I burned with outrage and shame, I trembled at the grip still on my mind. Rhysand turned to the High Lord. "I'm curious: Why did she wonder if it would feel good to have you bite her breast the way you bit her neck?" "Let. Her. Go." Tamlin's face was twisted with such feral rage that it struck a different, deeper chord of terror in me." -- mind-reading rhysand feyre tamlin private-thoughts rhys mind-control Sarah J. Maas
feda9b7 the way music could break and heal and make everything seem possible and heroic. Sarah J. Maas
8ff736f It is the strength of this that matters. No matter where you are, no matter how far, this will lead you home. Sarah J. Maas
3da50c1 I am Celaena Sardothien,Adarlan's Assasin.If these men knew who i was,they'd stop laughing.I am Celaena Sardothien.I am going to win.I will not be afraid. Sarah J. Maas
1c17811 My bowels turned watery. Sarah J. Maas
a437a0f We do not look back, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on. Sarah J. Maas
49dad4c Moving her to another location--she had once warned a young healer about that. Had told her if an attacker tried to move her, they would most definitely kill her, and she was to make a final stand before they could. Sarah J. Maas
5bb1006 Lysandra sat in bed, face drawn but eyes narrowed at the queen. It was the shifter who purred, "Enjoy your ride?" Aedion didn't dare move and was giving Dorian a warning look to do the same. Rowan bit down against the rage at the sight of other males near his queen, reminding himself that they were his friends, but-- That primal rage stumbled as he felt Aelin's shuddering relief upon finding the shifter mostly healed and lucid. But his quee.. Sarah J. Maas
bbdebb3 If she herself could change so much in two years, perhaps so could Lysandra. And for a moment, she wondered how another young woman's life would have been different if she had stopped to talk to her--really to Kaltain Rompier, instead of dismissing her as a vapid courtier. What would have happened if Nehemia had tried to see past Kaltain's mask, too. kaltain-rompier lysandra pg85 Sarah J. Maas
4e8f219 I see you inherited your father's temper," Darrow sneered. "Is this how you plan to rule? When you don't like someone, you'll threaten them?" Sarah J. Maas
7b2ab99 She would find that love again--one day. And it would be deep and unrelenting and unexpected, the beginning and the end and eternity, the kind that could change history, change the world. Sarah J. Maas
eb14dd3 Cairn groaned as unconsciousness gave way. By the time Cairn awoke, chained to that metal table, Rowan was ready. Cairn beheld who stood over him, the tool in Rowan's tattooed hand, the others he had also laid out on that piece of velvet, and began thrashing. The iron chains held firm. Then Cairn beheld the frozen rage in Rowan's eyes. Understood what he intended to do with that sharp, sharp knife. A dark stain spread across the front of Ca.. Sarah J. Maas
d1dd030 Fine. A man--faerie--of few words. I had killed his friend, was an unwanted guest. I wouldn't want to talk to me, either. Sarah J. Maas