Gods or fate or just pure coincidence and kindness, it was a gift. This was a gift. The world was wide-open--wide-open and hers for the taking, if she dared. She could go to Antica, attend the Torre Cesme, go anywhere she wished. If she dared. Yrene smiled. An hour later, no one stopped Yrene Towers as she walked out of the White Pig and never looked back.
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Kaltain Rompier unleashed her shadowfire upon them all. This was not the ghost of shadowfire they had made her kill with--the reason why they had first approached her, lied to her when they invited her to that glass castle--but the real thing. The fire she had harbored since magic had returned--golden flame turned to black The room became cinders.
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Sam probably folded his undergarments.
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His lips crushed into hers and and he said dropping words more precious than rubies and emeralds and sapphires into her heart, her soul, 'I love you. There is no limit to what I can give you, no time I need. Even when this world is forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will love you.
Sarah J. Maas |
We both knew "fine" was a lie."
Sarah J. Maas |
If you don't stop feeling and start instructing, I'm going to rip out your eyes and replace them with these billiard balls.
Sarah J. Maas |
One arrow, that had been her promise. But she'd also promised Ansel that she had twenty minutes to get out of range. Celaena had fired after twenty-one.
Sarah J. Maas |
His throat bobbed. "I missed you. Every second, every breath. Not just this," he said, shifting his hips for emphasis and dragging a groan from deep in my throat, "but... talking to you. Laughing with you. I missed having you in my bed, but missed having you as my friend even more." "Never again," I promised him, and whispered it over and over as the sunlight drifted across the floor."
Sarah J. Maas |
Why did you do it?" Arobynn's attention drifted back to the wagon, already a small dot in the roiling foothills above Rifthold. "Because I don't like sharing my belongings."
Sarah J. Maas |
She had never contemplated what it would be like--to yield control. And not have it be a weakness, but a freedom.
Sarah J. Maas |
Hello, Celaena," he said as calmly as he could, well aware that two Fae males behind him could hear his thundering heart. Rolfe whipped his head toward him. Because it was Celaena who sat here--for whatever purpose, it was Celaena Sardothien in this room. She jerked her chin at Rolfe. "You've seen better days, but considering half your fleet has abandoned you, I'd say you look decent enough." "Get out of my chair," Rolfe said too quietly. A..
Sarah J. Maas |
Their bodies were lithe and young, the peak of youth and virility. Hips rolled, backs arched, hands twined in the air above them as they began to weave around one another in circles and lines. "I told you," was all Yrene muttered to him. "I think Dorian would enjoy this," he muttered back."
Sarah J. Maas |
You're still lovely," Mor said a bit gently. Elain offered a half smile. "I suppose that war makes wanting things like that unimportant." Mor was quiet for a heartbeat. "Perhaps. But you should not let war steal it from you regardless."
Sarah J. Maas |
Wind-seeker, her mother had once called her. Unable to keep still, always wandering where the wind calls you. Where shall it beckon you to journey one day, my rose? How far the wind had now called her.
Sarah J. Maas |
But if the two hundred slaves that I freed are telling the story, then no, I suppose I didn't deserve it." None of them were smiling anymore. "Holy gods," Ansel whispered. True silence fell over their table for a few heartbeats. Celaena resumed eating. She didn't feel like talking to them after that."
Sarah J. Maas |
She batted her eyelashes & readjusted her shackles as if they were lace gloves.
Sarah J. Maas |
I love you," he whispered in Elide's ear. "I have loved you from the moment you picked up that axe to slay the ilken." Her tears flowed past him in the wind. "And I will be with you ..." His voice broke, but he made himself say the words, the truth in his heart. "I will be with you"
Sarah J. Maas |
Gods, without his magic... Humans were remarkable. To be able to survive without leaning on magic... He had to give them credit.
Sarah J. Maas |
Bitch. The princess was a bitch,
Sarah J. Maas |
Cat-woman was a good way to describe her. The ears on the dark helmet, the oversized lenses, the claws that she'd just retracted after that spectacular jump... Even her steps toward him oozed feline grace.
Sarah J. Maas |
So Dorian let his father rage. He sat in on those meetings and shut down his revulsion and horror when his father sent a third minister to the butchering block. For Sorscha, for the promise of keeping her safe, of someday, perhaps, not having to hide what and who he was, he kept on his well-worn mask, offered banal suggestions about what to do regarding Aelin, and pretended. One last time. When Celaena got back, when she returned as she'd s..
Sarah J. Maas |
So it would be me. Alone. Rhys kissed my brow. "If someone propositions you, tell them we'll both be free in an hour."
Sarah J. Maas |
Then she ripped everything from that well inside her, ripped it out with both hands and her entire raging, hopeless heart. As she fell, hair whipping her face, Celaena thrust her hands toward the skinwalkers. "Surprise," she hissed. The world erupted in blue wildfire."
Sarah J. Maas |
What Maeve didn't understand, what she could never understand, was just how much that little princess in Terrasen had damned them a decade ago, even worse than Maeve herself had. She had damned them all, and then left the world to burn into ash and dust. So Celaena turned away from the stars, nestling under the thread-bare blanket against the frigid cold, and closed her eyes, trying to dream of a different world. A world where she was no on..
Sarah J. Maas |
Lighting gleamed on the blade, a flicker of quicksilver. For Wesley. For Sam. For Aelin. And for herself. For the child she'd been, for the seventeen-year-old on her Bidding night, for the woman she'd become, her heart in shreds, her invisible wound still bleeding. It was so very easy to sit up and slice the knife across Arobynn's throat.
Sarah J. Maas |
You and I have always relished damning the odds.
Sarah J. Maas |
I'm trying to understand. How you could come to love a monster." "Why?" Her eyes were blazing as she hissed, "Because it will help me understand how did the same. Is it a sickness?" she demanded, "Is it something broken within you?"
Sarah J. Maas |
Rhysand laughed--a lover's laugh, low and soft and intimate. "Is that any way to speak to a High Lord of Prythian?" My"
Sarah J. Maas |
This would be her first ball where she wasn't there to kill someone.
Sarah J. Maas |
Y bien? -Esas cicatrices son horribles -respondio el, casi en susurros. Ella ses llevo la mano a la cadera y se encamino al vestidor. -Todos tenemos cicatrices, Dorian. Resulta que las mias son mas visibles que las de la mayoria.
Sarah J. Maas |
the demon hissed.
Sarah J. Maas |
But he'd ... he'd locked me up. Either he so deeply misunderstood me or he'd been so broken by what went on Under the Mountain, but ... he'd locked me up. "I'm not going back." The words rang in me like a death knell. "Not--not until I figure things out." I shoved against the wall of anger and sorrow and outright despair as my thumb brushed over the vacant band of skin where that ring had once sat."
Sarah J. Maas |
It was hard, sometimes, to remember to hate him. To remember the game I was already playing. Ianthe
Sarah J. Maas |
I'm sorry,' I said. 'Sorry? SORRY?' She splayed her arms. Bits of mud flew off. I didn't know what to do with my own-- how to even look her in the eye. I'd seen her mad before, but never...never at me. I'd never had a friend to quarrel with-- who cared enough.
Sarah J. Maas |
She said softly, "You make me want to live, Rowan. Not survive; not exist. Live." --
Sarah J. Maas |
Now she had no choice about what she had to do. What she would do to protect Dorian. It was what she'd realized last night: she did have someone left--one friend. And there was nothing she wouldn't do to keep him safe.
Sarah J. Maas |
The seven Courts of Prythian, each ruled by a High Lord, all of them deadly in their own way. They are not merely powerful-they are Power.
Sarah J. Maas |
A land where two dreamers had found peace between their peoples. Where there was no wall. No iron wards. No ash arrows.
Sarah J. Maas |
The amethyst in her ring glowed in the firelight. "It was a gift." "From whom?" "That's none of your concern." He shrugged, though she knew betterthan to tell him who'd really given it to her - rather, she knew Chaol wouldn't want Dorian to know."I'd like to know who's been giving rings to my Champion." The way the collar of his black jacket lay across his neck made her unnable to sit still. She wanted to touch him, to trace the line betwee..
Sarah J. Maas |
Father, brother, lover -- he'd never really declared himself any of them. Certainly not the lover part, thought if Celaena had been another sort of girl, and if Arobynn had raised her differently , perhaps it might have come to that. He loved her like family, yet he put her in the most dangerous positions. He nurtured and educated her, yet he'd obliterated her innocence the first time he'd made her end a life. He'd given her everything, but..
Sarah J. Maas |
When you shatter the chains of this world and forge the next, remember that art is as vital as food to a kingdom. Without it, a kingdom is nothing, and will be forgotten by time.
Sarah J. Maas |
They stared right back at her, and when they slowly lowered their crossbows, she grinned. She could knock them senseless with a few heavy books.
Sarah J. Maas |
The straw-coated floor crunched beneath her boots, a cool breeze sweeping in from where the roof had been ripped half off thanks to Sorrel's bull. To keep the wyverns from feeling less caged--and so Abraxos could watch the stars, as he liked to do.
Sarah J. Maas |
I will keep getting back up, no matter how many times those butchers shove me down.
Sarah J. Maas |