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f928f3e have been degraded and humiliated in so many ways, for so many years," she said, voice shaking. Not from fear, but from the tidal wave that swept up everything inside her, burning alongside the wound in her leg. "But I have never felt as humiliated as I did when you threw me into the snow. When you called me a lying bitch in front of our friends and allies. Never." She hated the angry tears that stung her eyes. "I was once forced to crawl b.. Sarah J. Maas
fc22ca8 When you give your master his letter, also give him this. And tell him that in the Red Desert, we do not abuse our disciples. the-master Sarah J. Maas
eb1753f Your fussy nursemaid of a wyvern is fine, by the way. I don't know how you wound up with a sweet thing like that for a mount, but he's content to sprawl in the sun on the foredeck. Can't say it makes the sailors particularly happy - especially cleaning up after him." Find somewhere safe, she'd told Abraxos. Had he somehow found the queen? Somehow known this was the only place she might stand a chance of surviving?" manon-blackbeak aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
09b12d8 She would not go quietly. Sarah J. Maas
15c6182 For the first time in a long while, she heard the song of a northern wind, calling her home. And she was not afraid. Sarah J. Maas
4c42d18 Sand whispered behind him as Lorcan stepped up to his side. "I will go with you. I will help you get her back." Gavriel rasped, "We'll find her." Aedion at last looked away from Lysandra at that. But he said nothing to his father--had said nothing to him at all since they'd landed on the beach. Elide took a limping step closer, her voice as raw as Gavriel's. "Together. We'll go together." Lorcan gave the Lady of Perranth an assessing look t.. Sarah J. Maas
7a181b8 He calls himself the Prince of Merchants... He told me that he's got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time. Sarah J. Maas
7445aa0 What's the point in having a heart if you don't use it to spare others from the harsh judgments of your mind? Sarah J. Maas
7680b17 I have so many things to deal with that I'm sometimes tempted to unleash my power across the world and wipe the board clean. Just to buy me some damned peace. Sarah J. Maas
3cae977 So Chaol brushed away her tears, lifted her chin, and kissed her. Sarah J. Maas
c453125 Given all that had been done to her and all Sarah J. Maas
0452cee You're afraid. Of yourself more than anyone else in the world. fear kingdom-of-ash self Sarah J. Maas
5da8788 I think I preferred it when you wanted to kill me." "Sometimes I think so, too." Sarah J. Maas
31e4ebd She was shaking so badly that she tucked her hands into her pockets and clamped her lips together to lock up the words. But they danced in her skull anyway, around and around. You should have gotten Dorian and Sorscha out the day the king butchered those slaves. Did you learn nothing from Nehemia's death? Did you somehow think you could win with your honor intact, without sacrificing something? You shouldn't have left him; how could you .. throne-of-glass-series chaol-westfall dorian-havilliard queen-of-shadows inner-thoughts Sarah J. Maas
b35dc23 Well, I'm late for something incredibly important," Lucien said, and before I could call him on his outright lie or beg him to stay, the fox-masked faerie vanished." tamlin lucien Sarah J. Maas
1e95d5b Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stay the course, but also plot another one. Adapt. Sarah J. Maas
674a15f Murtaugh Allsbrook and his riders spread the news like wildfire. Down every road, over every river, to the north and south and west, through snow and rain and mist, their hooves churning up the dust of each kingdom. And for every town they told, every tavern and secret meeting, more riders went out. More and more, until there was not a road they had not covered, until there was not one soul who did not know that Aelin Galathynius was alive-.. Sarah J. Maas
f81ea47 And the city would have a library, too. A great, wonderful library. Or a bookshop with a knowledgeable owner who could make sure her thirst for books was always sated. Sarah J. Maas
4d59246 Centre yourself. Fear will get you killed as easily as a weapon. fear yrene-towers Sarah J. Maas
2969df8 If he was truly as old as she suspected, she was likely little more than a speck of dust to him, a fizzle of life in the long-burning fire of his immortality. Sarah J. Maas
32cdd32 Bastard," she murmured, and kissed him. Her mouth was soft and warm, and he bit back a groan. His body went still--his entire world went still--at that whisper of a kiss, the answer to a question he'd asked for centuries. He realized he was staring only when she withdrew slightly. His fingers tightened at her waist. "Again," he breathed. She slid out of his grip. "If we live through tomorrow, you'll get the rest." He didn't know whether to .. Sarah J. Maas
016cfe5 She didn't know which one of them moved first, but then Rowan's mouth was on hers, and Aelin gripped his shirt, pulling him closer, claiming him as he claimed her. His arms wrapped tighter around her, but gently--so careful of the wounds that ached. He brushed his tongue against hers, and she opened her mouth to him. Each movement of their lips was a whisper of what was to come once they were both healed, and a promise. The kiss was slow--t.. Sarah J. Maas
ac3f48e Handsome was a light way of describing what Aedion was. Overwhelming was more like it. Towering and heavily muscled, Aedion was every inch the warrior rumor claimed him to be. Sarah J. Maas
7abf798 Even before I knew who you were, Aelin, I knew that what you were working toward . . . It was worth it." "What is?" Her throat tightened. "A world where people like me don't have to hide." pg315 lysandra shapeshifter Sarah J. Maas
ef66cab Who do you wish to be? he asked the barely woven tapestry within himself. Let the threads and knots take form, crafting the picture within his mind. Starting small. Sarah J. Maas
68cd6e9 She had often wished for adventure, for old spells and wicked kings. But she hadn't realized it would be like this--a fight for her freedom. And she'd always imagined that there'd be someone to help her--a loyal friend or a one-armed soldier or something. She hadn't imagined she would be so ... alone. Sarah J. Maas
038c629 My name is Wind," she whispered. "And Rain. And Bone and Dust. My name is a snippet of a half-remembered song." Sarah J. Maas
18ab413 Wait," I repeated. The darkness vanished, leaving Rhysand in his solid form as he grinned. "Yes?" I raised my chin as high as I could manage. "Just two weeks?" "Just two weeks," he purred, and knelt before me. "Two teensy, tiny weeks with me every month is all I ask." "Why? And what are to ... to be the terms?" I said, fighting past the dizziness. "Ah," he said, adjusting the lapel of his obsidian tunic. "If I told you those things, there'd.. deal high-fae high-lord rhysand feyre price faerie Sarah J. Maas
5060f55 Petrah held up a hand. "I am not finished, Iskra Yellowlegs." Sarah J. Maas
f3ae312 Would this be her life, then? Wretched people, always looking out for themselves, every kindness coming at a cost? Would her own queen at least gaze at her with warmth in her eyes? Would Aelin even remember her? Sarah J. Maas
651abf4 Unmade and Made; Made and Unmade--that is the cycle. Like calls to like. Sarah J. Maas
d618c61 And she had married Whitethorn ... so Terrasen could have a king. Perhaps had been spurred into action because she knew Lorcan had already betrayed her, that Maeve was coming ... And Lorcan had not helped her. Whitethorn's wife. His mate. Aelin had let them whip and chain her, had gone willingly with Maeve, so Elide didn't enter Cairn's clutches. Sarah J. Maas
b334e05 He lifted the lavender soap to his hair, and she squeaked. "You don't use that in your hair," she hissed, jolting from her perch to reach for one of the many hair tonics lining the little shelf above the bath. "Rose, lemon verbena, or ..." She sniffed the glass bottle. "Jasmine." She squinted down at him. celeana-sardothien rowan-whitethorn queen-of-shadows sarah-j-maas Sarah J Maas
ede42af All I wanted was to return to - to the people around me. I wanted it badly enough I didn't have room for fear. The worst had happened, and the darkness was calm and quiet. It did not seem like a bad thing to fade into. But I wanted to go home. fear home Sarah J. Maas
191ea05 But then she snapped your neck." Tears rolled down his face. "And I felt you die," he whispered. Sarah J. Maas
cec517f I want you to know," I whispered, "that I am broken and healing, but every piece of my heart belongs to you. And I am honored-- to be your mate." love rhysand Sarah J. Maas
1a3953a Maybe it was some shred of courage, or recklessness, or I was so high above everything that no one save Rhys and the wind could hear, but I said, "I'm thinking that I must have been a fool in love to allow myself to be shown so little of the Spring Court. I'm thinking there's a great deal of that territory I was never allowed to see or hear about and maybe I would have lived in ignorance forever like some pet. I'm thinking..." The words bec.. Sarah J. Maas
af69cc9 These beasts, despite their dark master, are capable of love. Sarah J. Maas
66d6875 I watched the water swirl away entirely before I twisted my head to look at him. His fingers were gentle, but firm where he'd fisted them in my hair. "You never failed them," I rasped. "I did ... horrible things to ensure that." Those violet eyes near-glowed in the dim light. "So did I." My sweat clung like blood--the blood of those two faeries-- I pivoted, barely turning in time. His other hand stroked long, soothing lines down the curve o.. Sarah J. Maas
278c349 Whatever you do," I said quietly, "don't marry Tomas Mandray. His father beats his wife, and none of his sons do anything to stop it." Nesta's eyes widened, but I added, "Bruises are harder to conceal than poverty." Sarah J. Maas
eb5d175 Will it ever stop?" he mused, more to himself than me as another finger joined the one sliding in and out of me with taunting, indolent strokes. "Wanting you--every hour, every breath. I don't think I can stand a thousand years of this." My hips moved with him, driving him deeper. "Think of how my productivity will plummet." Sarah J. Maas
7d87ba8 I'll try," he breathed. "I'll try to be better. I don't ... I can't control it sometimes. The rage. Today was just ... today was bad. With the Tithe, with all of it. Today--let's forget it, let's just move past it. Please." Sarah J. Maas
4142573 It was during those infinite hours that she would fix her stare on her companion. Not the queen's hunter, who could draw out pain like a musician coaxing a melody from an instrument. But the massive white wolf, chained by invisible bonds. Forced to witness this. Sarah J. Maas
d8b5d37 Celaena knew where she was before she awoke. And she didn't care. She was living the same story again and again. The night she'd been captured, she'd also snapped, and come to killing the person she most wanted to destroy before someone knocked her out and she awoke in a rotting dungeon. She smiled bitterly as she opened her eyes. It was always the same story, the same loss. loss death pg240 sam-cortland nehemia-s-death nehemia-ytger Sarah J. Maas