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73e9c3e At least she speaks well," his father said, sipping from his wine. Chaol clenched his free hand so hard his glove groaned. "Better than that other one--the swaggering assassin." Yrene knew. All of it. She knew every scrap of history, knew whose note she carried in her locket. But it didn't ease the blow, not as his father added, "Who, it turned out, is Queen of Terrasen." A mirthless laugh. "What a prize you might have had then, my son, if .. Sarah J. Maas
749bc54 The power did not belong to the High Lords. Not any longer. It belonged to me--as I belonged to me, as my future was to decide, to forge. Once I discovered and mastered what the others had given me, I could weave them together--into something new, something of every court and none of them. pg451 Sarah J. Maas
5459922 If Elain's mental gates were those of a sleeping garden, Nesta's...They belonged to an ancient fortress, sharp and brutal. The sort I imagined they once impaled people upon. Sarah J. Maas
4cee1e8 From today onward, I want to never be separated from you. Wherever you go, I go. Even if that means going to Hell itself, wherever you are, that's where I want to be. Forever. Sarah J. Maas
8674bb0 Don't be angry, Finnula had said, be smart. smart Sarah J. Maas
17e6271 She took his hand, and he tried not to shudder in relief, tried not to fall to his knees as she slid the ruby ring onto his finger. It fit him perfectly, the ring no doubt forged for the king lying in this barrow. Silently, Rowan grasped her own hand and eased on the emerald ring. "To whatever end," he whispered. Silver lined her eyes. "To whatever end." A reminder--and a vow, more sacred than the wedding oaths they'd sworn on that ship. To.. Sarah J. Maas
4201f87 I wondered, then, with his hands beneath my breasts and between my legs, what Rhys wouldn't give of himself. Wondered if ... if perhaps the arrogance and swagger ... if they masked a male who perhaps thought he wasn't worth very much at all. Sarah J. Maas
035069e And now-now I didn't know where that put me. Knee-deep in trouble seemed like a good place to start. love mischievous relatable trouble Sarah J. Maas
51448b0 Three stones for the faces of the mother, four bones ... for whatever reason the charlatans came up with that I can't be bothered to remember. Sarah J. Maas
b82fa68 Aelin of the Wildfire. Aelin Fireheart. Aelin Light-Bringer. Sarah J. Maas
4e24a85 Eyllwe," Chaol breathed. "Send word to Eyllwe. Tell them to hold on--tell them to prepare." Perhaps it was the light, perhaps it was the cold, but Aedion could have sworn there were tears in the captain's eyes as he said, "Tell them it's time to fight back." -- pg494 chaol-westfall aelin-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
f770a3b I will not be afraid, she vowed, wrapping the familiar words around her heart. Sarah J. Maas
f4c4a3b Manon rubbed at her eyes and braced her elbows on her knees, peering into the drop below. She would have dismissed her, wouldn't have thought twice about it, if it hadn't been for that look in Keelie's eyes as she fell, fighting with every last scrap of strength to save her Petrah. Or for Abraxos's wing, sheltering Manon against icy rain. The wyverns were meant to kill and maim and strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. And yet . ... love pg534 manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
9c7dfac Then let me call you Mine for a dance or two. Sarah J. Maas
b047583 Because what if you did let someone in? And what if they saw everything, and still walked away? Who could blame them--who would want to bother with that sort of mess?" He flinched. The most powerful High Lord in history flinched." feysand rhysand feyre i-can-t-even Sarah J. Maas
9d82638 Holy gods. He'd frozen the whole damn lake. He was THAT powerful? throne-of-glass rowan-whitethorn heir-of-fire hof sarah-j-maas tog lake gods powerful Sarah J. Maas
6984982 Will you be ashamed of me if I admit that I'm not sure I'm ready for that sort of battling?' He took my face in his hands, kissing me once. 'Never. I can never be ashamed of you. Certainly not over this...If you eevr wish to fight by my side, it will be my honor.' 'I feel like a coward now.' 'No one would ever think that of you--not with all you have done, Feyre.' A pause. 'War is ugly, and messy, and unforgiving. The soldiers doing the fig.. Sarah J. Maas
6ef71ce Is this necessary?" I said, gesturing to the paint and clothing. "Of course," he said coolly. "How else would I know if anyone touches you?" He approached, and I braced myself as he ran a finger along my shoulder, smearing the paint. As soon as his finger left my skin, the paint fixed itself, returning the design to its original form. "The dress itself won't mar it, and neither will your movements," he said, his face close to mine. His teet.. high-fae high-lord rhysand feyre paint touch faerie Sarah J. Maas
7c16084 But it was Azriel who said, his voice like cold death, "Be careful how you speak about my High Lady." Sarah J. Maas
8e0fa1e The creature took Aelin's face in its hands, and her sword thudded to the ground, forgotten. Rowan was screaming as the creature pulled her into its arms. As she stopped fighting. As her flames winked out and darkness swallowed her whole. love pg445 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
c93eeaf She also didn't fail to note the hand Lorcan kept on Elide's back. The glow on the lady's face. Aelin could guess well enough what that glow was from. Even Lorcan's dark eyes were bright. It didn't stop Aelin from catching Lorcan's stare. And giving him a warning look that conveyed everything she didn't bother to say: if he broke the Lady of Perranth's heart, she'd flambe him. And would invite Manon Blackbeak to roast some dinner over his b.. Sarah J. Maas
0ae32fe Feyre Archeron." A labored breath. "I told you--to stay with the High Lord. And you did." Sarah J. Maas
17ec4f7 I tugged on the hem of his shirt, and he rose onto his elbows, helping me remove his jacket, then the shirt beneath. A bruise marred his ribs, an angry splotch-- "It's fine," he said before I could speak. "A lucky shot." "With what?" Again, that half smile. "A spear?" My heart stopped. "A ..." Sarah J. Maas
798274a Saying those words made a sharp, quick panic rise up in her, an aching pain that had her throat closing. "You left me," she repeated. Maybe it was only out of blind terror at the abyss opening up again around her, but she whispered, "I have no one left. No one." depression pg276 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
1b01515 Aedion - every breath she took seemed to echo his name. Aedion, Aedion, Aedion. aelin-ashryver-galathynius queen-of-shadows cousins Sarah J. Maas
a1e3b27 You look rather pretty today, Sarah J. Maas
0ef326e I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. - Aelin, to Lysandra Sarah J. Maas
e0849c0 I will consider it. - Endymion, Princess Sellene Sarah J. Maas
edd2c8b Lorcan had been wrong. He had been so wrong. And he could not entirely regret it, not if Elide was safe, but ... Aelin had refused to count. Cairn had unleashed his full strength on her with that whip, and she had refused to give them the satisfaction of counting. "Where" Sarah J. Maas
c9eddf4 All those years, what I did for them... And they didn't try to stop you from taking me." There it was, the giant pain that cracked me in two if I thought about it too long." Sarah J. Maas
8ae0b69 I smiled at the thought - at how handsome they would be together. If the warrior ever stopped loving Mor. I doubted it. Azriel would likely love More until he was a whisper of darkness between the stars. elain mor Sarah J. Maas
8d313c8 But there was no place like this in the world. Not so serene. So loved by its people and its rulers. Sarah J. Maas
136bc26 Rhys clinked his glass against mine. "To the stars who listen--and the dreams that are answered." -- Sarah J. Maas
dc39638 A pulse of surprise, of wicked delight against my mental shields, at the dark, membranous wings I knew were now poking over my shoulders. Every icy kiss of rain sent jolts of cold through me. Sensitive-so sensitive, these Illyrian wings. Lucien backed up at step. "What did you do to yourself?" I gave him a little smile. "The human girl you knew died Under the Mountain. I have no interest in spending immortality as a High Lord's pet" feyre lucien Sarah J. Maas
2d8f742 Elide found herself not at all afraid as Lorcan caressed her lips with his own. Not afraid of anything as he did it again, kissing one corner of her mouth, then the other. Such Sarah J. Maas
ccddf9e He studied my face. "There are a great many things that I wish to do, and don't get to." Sarah J. Maas
cb75776 Yes, she would go--to Rifthold, to anywhere, even through the Gates of the Wyrd and into Hell itself, if it meant freedom. After all, you aren't Adarlan's Assassin for nothing. Sarah J. Maas
df170a5 That flicker he could have sworn he felt in answer, like the fluttering heart of an ember. Unleashing a cry that set the world trembling, Prince Rowan Whitethorn Galathynius, Consort of the Queen of Terrasen, began the hunt to find his wife. Sarah J. Maas
3eb2531 As I lifted the ash dagger, something inside me fractured so completely that there would be no hope of ever repairing it. No matter how many years passed, no matter how many times I might try to paint her face. More faeries wailed now-her kinsmen and friends. The dagger was a weight in my hand-my hand, shining and coated with the blood of the first faerie. It would be more honorable to refuse-to die, rather than murder innocents. But... but.. Sarah J. Maas
24400bc You told me Dorian would fix the world, make it better. But if he's gone, if we made the mistake today in keeping him alive, then I will find another way to attain that future. And another one after that, if I have to. I will keep getting back up, no matter how many times those butchers shove me down. queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
ec08c5f Count, or we'll begin again with each stroke you miss. You decide how long this goes on for. Unless you'd rather Elide Lochan receive these strokes." No. Never. Never anyone else but her. Never. But as Cairn walked slowly, savoring each step, as he let that whip drag along the ground, her body betrayed her. Began shaking. She knew the pain. Knew what it'd feel like, what it'd sound like. Her dreams were still full of it. No doubt why Maeve .. Sarah J. Maas
5a9dc78 Maybe you should...go." "Why? You seemed so insistent that I train you." "I can't concentrate with you around," I admitted "And go... far. I can feel you from a room away." A suggestive curve shaped his lips." rhysand mate Sarah J. Maas
6b2257a Rhys released my chin. But as he lowered his hand, I gripped his wrist, feeling the solid strength. "It's a shame," I said, the words nearly gobbled up by the sound of the city music. "That others in Prythian don't know. A shame that you let them think the worst." He took a step back, his wings beating the air like mighty drums. "As long as the people who matter most know the truth, I don't care about the rest. Get some sleep." Then he shot.. Sarah J. Maas
3d367d4 He shrugged. "Try thinking of me--how good-looking I am. How talented--" "How arrogant." "That," Sarah J. Maas