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4ba9215 Manon's stomach went from her throat right out her ass, Sarah J. Maas
fa7fbb5 Is there a purpose to this visit, or may I return to my book? Sarah J. Maas
09d8b19 Where is Aelin." What had he done, what had he done-- Pain sliced Lorcan's neck, warm blood dribbled down his throat, his chest. Rowan hissed, "Where is my wife?" Lorcan swayed where he knelt. Wife. Wife. "Oh, gods," Elide sobbed as she overheard, the words carrying the sound of Lorcan's own fractured heart. "Oh, gods ..." And" Sarah J. Maas
d7defb1 It was her turn to frown. "Where are you going?" I kissed her cheek, breathing in her lilac-and-pear scent. "I have some errands that need tending to." And looking at her, walking beside her, did little to cool the rage that still roiled in me. Not when that beautiful smile made me want to winnow back to the Spring Court and punch my Illyrian blade through Tamlin's gut. Bigger male indeed. "Go paint my nude portrait," I told her, winking, a.. Sarah J. Maas
394c4f1 I didn't think saying good-bye would be so hard. And with everything that's to come-- We'll face it together. To whatever end. love queen-of-shadows sarah-j-maas goodbye Sarah J. Maas
5558dde Cauldron save you. Mother hold you. Pass through the gates, and smell that immortal land of milk and honey. Fear no evil. Feel no pain. Go, and enter eternity. death eternity Sarah J. Maas
6690cd2 Prince Rowan Whitethorn, of Doranelle. Former commander to Queen Maeve, and a member of her royal household." Yrene could have sworn the blood drained wholly from Arghun's face. "Aelin Galathynius is to wed Rowan Whitethorn?" From the way the prince said the name ... he'd indeed heard of this Rowan. Chaol had mentioned Rowan more than once in passing--Rowan, who had managed to heal much of the damage in his spine. A Fae Prince. And Aelin's .. Sarah J. Maas
f1c4b60 Perhaps the Darkness was another world, another realm. Perhaps she'd gone to the hell-realm the humans so feared. She hated Death. And Death could go to hell, too- manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
2bb69cb I've never taken a woman on a beach," - Rowan Whitethorn" beach-romance sex-on-the-beach eos empire-of-storms throne-of-glass rowan-whitethorn sarah-j-maas tog Sarah J. Maas
ade2a29 Tomorrow will be better. It might be only a foot more than today, but it will be a foot longer that you can run Sarah J. Maas
030ccd0 I wished him peace and happiness, but I did not wish to see him. Speak with him. Deal with him. Not for a good long while. Perhaps forever. Sarah J. Maas
2821cc0 The library looked as it had always had: dim, cavernous, achingly beautiful in its ancient stone architecture and endless corridors lined with books. And totally silent. Sarah J. Maas
07f74d8 He took my hand, interlacing our fingers. "We can make whatever rules we want. You have every right to question me, push me--both in private and in public." A snort. "Of course, if you decide to truly kick my ass, I might request that it's done behind closed doors so I don't have to suffer centuries of teasing, but--" young-adult love rhysand feyre Sarah J. Maas
69c1e95 There will be a monument," she said to Abraxos, to Manon. "Should you wish it, I will build a monument right there. So no one shall ever forget what was given. Who we have to thank." Sarah J. Maas
33c733e Nameless is my price," the king said. Aelin went still. "Nameless is my price," his father repeated. The warning of an ancient witch, the damning words written on the back of the Amulet of Orynth. "For the bastard-born mark you bear, you are Nameless, yet am I not so as well?" He glanced between them, his eyes wide. "What is my name?" "This is ridiculous," Dorian said through his teeth. "Your name is--" But where there should have been a na.. Sarah J. Maas
b6d8102 Why are you crying, Fireheart? Sarah J. Maas
505fb4c Elena hated them, then. Hated the gods who had demanded this. Hated herself. Hated that this was asked, all these bright lights . . . pg606 Sarah J. Maas
2db0d14 To the stars who listen, Feyre. To the dreams tat are answered, Rhys. Sarah J. Maas
f2abecc I wished my human heart had been changed with the rest of me, made into immortal marble. Instead of the shredded bit of blackness that it now was, leaking its ichor into me. Tamlin Sarah J. Maas
d4315fc Adarlan could take their freedom, it could destroy their lives and beat and whip them, it could force them into ridiculous contests, but, criminal or not, they were stil human. Dying--rather than playing in the king's game--was the only choice left to him. Sarah J. Maas
d413f93 Celaena had a sudden moment of clarity then, as her hair ripped from her braid and the wind tore at her clothes. Of all the girls in all the world, here she was on a spit of beach in the Red Desert, astride an Asterion horse, racing faster than the wind. Most would never experience this-- would never experience anything like this again. And for that one heartbeat, when there was nothing more to it than that, she tasted bliss so complete th.. the-assassin-and-the-desert Sarah J. Maas
e88e7d0 He wasn't coming. He wasn't coming to get her. She should be glad. Should be relieved. She was relieved. And yet ... and yet ... Sarah J. Maas
95e3c8b Lysandra had entered and passed out in her bed with no explanation for why or what she'd been doing beforehand. And since she was utterly unconscious, Aelin had just climbed into bed beside her. Sarah J. Maas
f962752 It was like dying a little every day. It was like being alive, too. It was joy so complete it was pain. It destroyed me and unmade me and forged me. I hated it, because I knew I couldn't escape it, and knew it would forever change me. And that witchling ... I loved her, too. I loved her in a way I cannot describe--other than to tell you that it was the most powerful thing I've ever felt, greater than rage, than lust, than magic. Sarah J. Maas
ff65076 If they let you out," Kaltain said, both of them staring into the blackness of their prisons, "make sure that they're punished someday. Every last one of them." Celaena listened to her own breathing, felt Chaol's blood under her nails, and the blood of all those men she'd hacked down, and the coldness of Nehemia's room, where all that gore had soaked the bed. "They will be," Celaena swore to the darkness. She had nothing left to give, excep.. kaltain-rompier promise Sarah J. Maas
bb20872 She stopped as a map of Erilea appeared. Maps had always interested her; there was something bewitching in knowing one's precise location in relation to others on earth. maps Sarah J. Maas
a62bcce The winds shifted, and Abraxos rode them, rising higher into the sky, the darkened kingdom below passing by in a blur. Changing winds--a changing world. Perhaps a changing Thirteen, too. And herself. She didn't know what to make of it, But Manon hoped they'd all survive it. She hoped. hope pg642 manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
4da1040 It was an effort not to peek over her shoulder. Don't you even dare, a voice hissed in her head. Sarah J. Maas
7815326 But Celaena had stood in front of the that wooden door to the bedroom, listening to Yrene wash her clothes in the nearby kitchen. She found herself unable to turn away, unable to stop thinking about the would-be healer with the brown-gold hair and caramel eyes, of what Yrene had lost and how helpless she'd become. There were so many of them now--the children who had lost everything to Adarlan. Children who had now grown into assassins and b.. pg115 the-assassin-and-the-healer yrene-towers celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
833b718 The words were casual, but that was panic in his eyes. Not-- not the controlling fear Tamlin had once succumbed to, but...genuine terror of not knowing where I was, i I needed help. Just as I would want to know where he was, if he needed help, if he vanished when our enemies surrounded us. Sarah J. Maas
c6c497d We're not going to hell, Aelin," he said. "But wherever we go, we'll go together." Sarah J. Maas
2d7e804 The Queen of Terrasen was in a fighting pit in the slums of Rifthold. Sarah J. Maas
c898fc2 Odio a esa clase de mujeres. Estan tan desesperadas por llamar la atencion de los hombres que con gusto traicionarian y perjudicarian a sus companeras de sexo. !Y luego decimos que los hombres son incapaces de pensar con el cerebro! Por lo menos, los hombres hablan claramente. Sarah J. Maas
d98b38a Luck and glory. I wouldn't mind a little of either of those things these days. Sarah J. Maas
c3b4809 I ate in silence, listening to the rustle of his clothes being donned, trying to think of ice baths, of infected wounds, of toe fungus - anything but his naked body, so close ... and the bed I was sitting on. Sarah J. Maas
0f0c49f That I would never be a gentle grower of things, or someone who burned like fire-but that i would be quiet and enduring and faceted as the night. That I would have beauty, for those who knew where to look, and if people didn't bother to look, but only fear it ... Then I didn't particularly care for them, anyway. Sarah J. Maas
22a4731 Yo era un liviano trozo de pelusa de diente de leon, y el era el viento que me agitaba sobre el mundo. literary-quotes fantasy-fiction Sarah J. Maas
fae727b Punish them all. Sarah J. Maas
d95d6e3 He felt as if there were something inside him that didn't fit in with their merriment, with their willing ignorance of the world outside the castle. Sarah J. Maas
da45c96 But these days ... she didn't know what she needed. What she wanted. If she felt like admitting it, she actually didn't have the faintest clue who the hell she was anymore. All she knew was that whatever and whoever climbed out of that abyss of despair and grief would not be the same person who had plummeted in. And maybe that was a good thing. Sarah J. Maas
10e0685 Maeve went as still as death while Celaena lifted the ring between two fingers. 'I think you've been looking for this for a long time,' Celaena said. 'That does not belong to you.' 'Doesn't it? I found it, after all. in Goldryn's scabbard, where Brannon left it after grabbing it of Athril's corpse-the family ring Athril would have given you someday. And in the thousands of years since than, you never found it so. . . I suppose it's mine by .. Sarah J. Maas
984e0d8 I felt, more than saw, my sister go still as he approached. Her throat bobbed. "Are you just going to hold that chicken all night?" Cassian asked me from the table. Scowling, I stomped toward him, plunking the platter onto the wooden surface. "I spat in it," I said sweetly. "Makes it all the more delicious," Cassian crooned, smiling right back. Rhys snickered, drinking deeply from his wine. But I strode to my seat--nestled between Amren and.. Sarah J. Maas
6b4f999 Her whore I might be, but not without my reasons. rhysand Sarah J. Maas
1dfc9c6 Mor opened her mouth, laughter dancing on her face, but Elain asked, "Could you have done it? Decided to take a male form?" The question cut through the laughter, an arrow fired between us. Amren studied my sister, Elain's cheeks red from our unfiltered talk at the table. "Yes," she said simply. "Before, in my other form, I was neither. I simply was." "Then why did you pick this body?" Elain asked, the faelight of the chandelier catching in.. Sarah J. Maas