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cb2b6de Aelin sighed. 'This place has been shut down for months, and yet I swear I can still hear the music floating in the air.' music rowan queen-of-shadows Sarah J Maas
762fc57 You do not fear. You do not falter. You do not yield. Sarah J. Maas
2c10c93 I missed you... I lied when I said I didn't. From the moment you left, I missed you so much I went out of my mind... I kept thinking about how you might never know that I missed you with only an ocean between us. Sarah J. Maas
478b3c0 They key was not to panic-panic made you stupid. Panic got you killed. Sarah J. Maas
70827e7 A ver si os sirve de leccion,maestro de armas --dijo pasando por delante de el--. Ponedme a luchar contra hombres de verdad. Quizas entonces me moleste en emplearme a fondo. Sarah J. Maas
1ad21d0 For a moment, I saw that set of paints Elain had once bought me with the extra money she'd saved. The red, yellow, and blue I'd savored, used to paint that dresser in our cottage. I had not painted in years at that point, had not dared spend the money on myself...But Elain had. Sarah J. Maas
1339feb Thank you," Archer said again. She kept walking, listening for any sign of him moving to attack her back. "I knew you were a good woman," he said. Celaena halted. Turned. There was a hint of triumph in his eyes. He thought he'd won. Manipulated her again. One foot after another, she walked back toward him with predatory calmness. She stopped, close enough to kiss him. He gave her a wary smile. "No, I'm not," she said. Then she moved, too fa.. Sarah J. Maas
f9cee52 Perhaps she was waiting for me. Perhaps she had ordered the woods to open a path. Sarah J. Maas
8ff6e87 He picked up the small painting of the frozen forest and examined it again. "I've had many lovers," he admitted. "Females of noble birth, warriors, princesses ..." Rage hit me, low and deep in the gut at the thought of them--rage at their titles, their undoubtedly good looks, at their closeness to him. "But they never understood. What it was like, what it is like, for me to care for my people, my lands. What scars are still there, what the .. Sarah J. Maas
4a71549 Monster. And yet... For her friends, for her family, she would gladly be a monster. For Rowan, for Dorian, for Nehemia, she would debase and degrade and ruin herself. Sarah J. Maas
591cbb5 You do not get to pick and choose which parts of her to love, Dorian had once said to him. He'd been right. So painfully right. Nesryn Sarah J. Maas
cf820a5 The voice was at once the night and the dawn and the stars and the earth, and every inch of my body calmed at the primal dominance in it. Sarah J. Maas
d3fe5ef A city lay out there, that I had barely observed or cared about. I wanted it--life, people. I wanted to see it, feel its rush through my blood. No boundaries, no limits to what I might encounter or do. Sarah J. Maas
8daf08e Not bad," Rhys said, peering over my shoulder. He'd appeared moments before, a healthy distance away, and if I hadn't known better, I might have thought it was because he didn't want to startle me. As if he'd known about the time Tamlin had crept up behind me, and panic had hit me so hard I'd knocked him on his ass with a punch to his stomach. I'd blocked it out--the shock on Tam's face, how easy it had been to take him off his feet, the hu.. Sarah J. Maas
5fb7ca1 Aelin didn't know when she started crying, when her body began shaking with the force of it. She had never said such words- to anyone. Never let herself be that vulnerable, never felt this burning and unending thing, so consuming she might die from the force of it. Sarah J. Maas
698c31e Son or no son," the king snarled, "I am still your king. You will obey me, Dorian Havilliard, or you will pay. I'll have no more of your questioning." Sarah J. Maas
baf40a6 Perhaps allowing them to be friends was a horrible, dangerous idea. Sarah J. Maas
c2096a3 She stepped aside, dodging him with maddening ease. Grave lunged again. But faster than he could follow she ducked and slashed her sword across his shins. He hit the wet ground before he felt the pain. The world flashed black and gray and red, and agony tore at him. A dagger still left in his hand, he scuttled backward toward the wall. But his legs wouldn't respond, and his arms strained to pull him through the damp filth. "Bitch," he hisse.. Sarah J. Maas
8d99481 Many happy returns," she said. She'd had a little speech prepared, but now that they were here, now that his eyes were so bright, and he was looking at her the way he had last night ... all the words went right out of her head." Sarah J. Maas
e534a7d She moved like a midnight storm. Sarah J. Maas
0d14e0a If you can learn to endure pain, you can survive anything. Sarah J. Maas
6f79e27 She's been a ghost for years now, anyway, her heart full of the forgotten dead. Sarah J. Maas
d98b924 As she reached into her cloak for her own hidden dagger, she realized he might have been handsome were it not for the promise of violence in his pine-green eyes. Sarah J. Maas
b598b74 There was such glittering darkness in her, an endless rift straight through her core heir-of-fire Sarah J. Maas
ed46ca9 To escape death, she'd become death."-- page 294 Crown of Midnight" Sarah J. Maas
4e580fc He made her want to laugh and sing and shake the world with her voice. Sarah J. Maas
5314f13 Rowan waited, knowing she was gathering the words, hating the pain and sorrow and guilt on every line of her body. He'd sell his soul to the dark god to never have her look like that again. Sarah J. Maas
1931018 Her clothes were dirty, but fine enough to mark her as a thief's target. So she'd carefully examined her ale, sniffing and then sipping it before deeming it safe. She'd still have to find food at some point soon, but not until she learned what she needed to from the Vaults: what the hell had happened in Rifthold in the months she'd been gone. Sarah J. Maas
49f257e Keelie was still breathing, Manon realized as they neared, the wind tearing at her face and clothes. Keelie was still breathing, and fighting like hell to keep steady. Not to survive. Keelie knew she would be dead any moment. She was fighting for the witch on her back. love petrah manon-blackbeak pg527 Sarah J. Maas
ddabaf5 She felt the words dangling there, felt herself dangling there, off the edge of the cliff. She swallowed. But Rowan had caught her each time she had fallen- first, when she had plummeted into that abyss of despair and grief; second, when that castle had shattered and she had plunged to the earth. And now this time, this third time...She was not afraid. Aelin met Rowan's stare and said clearly and baldly and without a speckle of doubt, I lov.. Sarah J. Maas
58f0b94 I laid my hand flat on the table. "I can eat, drink, fuck and fight just as well as I did before. Better, even." Cassian chocked on his water." -- Sarah J. Maas
4952321 What got under my skin," Rhys said, his breathing a bit uneven, "is that you smiled at him." Sarah J. Maas
66a7aeb She pulled a small box from her pocket. "There's one more task," Aelin said, holding the box out to Lysandra. "You'll probably hate me for it later. But you can start by saying yes." "Proposing to me? How unexpected." lysandra Sarah J. Maas
842e6d4 So Sorscha lifted her head, even as her mouth trembled, even as her eyes burned, and stared down the King of Adarlan. "You destroyed everything I had, and you deserve everything that's to come," she said. Then she looked at Dorian, whose eyes were indeed wide, his face bone-white. "I was not supposed to love you. But I did. I do. And there is so much I wish . . . I wish we could have done together, seen together." pg546 sorscha Sarah J. Maas
9344c8c Then I would have torn apart the world to get you back. Sarah J. Maas
9af945c Find the evil in the castle ... But the only truly evil thing in this world is the man ruling it. Sarah J. Maas
1abcd00 All of us who fight here today do so with someone standing invisible behind us." Asterin's gold-flecked black eyes softened a bit. "Yes," was all Manon's Second said as her hand drifted to her abdomen. Not in memory of the hateful word branded there, of what had been done to her. In memory of the stillborn witchling who had been thrown by Manon's grandmother into the fire before Asterin had a chance to hold her. In memory of the hunter whom.. Sarah J. Maas
b2fe712 Celaena jabbed the cue, and hit the ball with such force that it zoomed toward the back wall of the table, knocking three colored balls out of its way before it collided with the number three ball, sending it shooting straight for a hole. It stopped rolling at the edge of the pocket. A shriek of rage ripped from her throat, and Celaena ran over to the pocket. She first screamed at the ball, then took the cue in her hands and bit down upon t.. Sarah J. Maas
f78456e All of this time, I thought you were just some pretty girl from Bellhaven who stole jewels to get her fathe's attentiin. Little did I know that the blond-haired girl was Queen of the Underworld. Sarah J. Maas
01c6658 His summons was answered quickly this time. Yet it was not Gavin who emerged, shimmering, from the night air. Dorian's magic flared, rallying to strike, as the figure took form. As Kaltain Rompier, clad in an onyx gown and dark hair unbound, smiled sadly at him. Sarah J. Maas
b63a495 Something to remember when fighting me, Sardothien," he panted. The sun caught in his golden-brown eyes. "Hmm?" she grunted, lunging to deflect his newest attack. "I don't lose." He grinned at her, and before she could comprehend the words, something cut into her feet and-- She had the sickening feeling of falling. She gasped as her spine collided with marble, the rapier flying from her hand. Chaol pointed his blade at her heart. "I win," h.. Sarah J. Maas
6b61817 She did not know how long she fell with them. But then there was a rushing, roaring below--a frozen river. Whispers and foggy light were rising to meet them. No, not rising--this was the bottom. An end to the abyss. And an end to her, perhaps, at last. She didn't know if the Valg princes' hissing was from anger or pleasure as they slammed into that frozen river at the bottom of her soul. pg450 Sarah J. Maas
9f0667f As she walked through the foggy streets toward the ramshackle docks, Celaena had prayed Yrene Towers wasn't foolish enough to tell anyone--especially the innkeeper--about the money. Prayed Yrene Towers seized her life with both hands and set out for the pale-stoned city of Antica. Prayed that somehow, years from now, Yrene Towers would return to this continent, and maybe, just maybe, heal their shattered world a little bit. yrene-towers Sarah J. Maas
f56b9ca They alighted on a little plateau covered in purple and orange wildflowers, its grasses hissing in the wind. Abraxos was practically grunting with joy, and Manon, her exhaustion as heavy as the red cloak she wore, didn't bother to reprimand him. manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas