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a4ba755 Alis's lips thinned, but she said, "The next time that fool Lucien gives you advice on how to trap the Suriel, you come to me. Dead chickens, my sagging ass. All you needed to do was offer it a new robe, and it would have groveled at your feet." Sarah J. Maas
47bb097 Aelin wiped her hands. "Well, that's over and done with," she announced, and strode to the desk and map. "Shall we discuss where you all plan to march once we beat the living shit out of this army?" koa throne-of-glass sarah-j-maas tog Sarah J. Maas
ff4b1c2 He scanned the skies beyond her for the Thirteen, for Asterin Blackbeak, undoubtedly roaring her victory to the stars. Manon said quietly, "You will not find them. In this sky, or any other." His heart strained as he understood. As the loss of those twelve fierce, brilliant lives carved another hole within him. One he would not forget, one he would honor. Silently, he crossed the balcony. Manon did not back away as he slid his arms around h.. Sarah J. Maas
c7164b9 What about Ianthe--and Jurian?" Rhysand's powerful chest heaved beneath my hand as he blew out a breath. "Reports are murky on both. Jurian, it seems, has returned to the hand that feeds him. Ianthe ..." Rhys lifted his brows. "I assume her hand is courtesy of you, and not the commanders." "She fell," I said sweetly. "Must have been some fall," he mused, a dark smile dancing on those lips as he drifted even closer," Sarah J. Maas
4bc0ade I know you can look after yourself. But I worry because I care. Gods help me, I know I shouldn't, but I do. So I will always tell you to be careful, because I will always care what happens. Sarah J. Maas
8794f9c His short black hair gleamed like a raven's feathers, off-setting his pale skin and blue eyes so deep they were violet, even in the firelight. brutally-beautiful sarahjmaas rhysand retelling Sarah J. Maas
762cf48 I see her slipping away, bit by bit, because you shove her down when she so desperately needs someone to help her back up. Sarah J. Maas
e8093e8 She could forgive the girl who had needed a captain of the guard to offer stability after a year in hell; forgive the girl who had needed a captain to be her champion. But she was her own champion now. champion Sarah J. Maas
4a4b74f the doors to his father's council room were thrown open and Celaena prowled in, her dark cape billowing behind her. All twenty men at the table fell silent, including his father, whose eyes went straight to the thing dangling from Celaena's hand. Chaol was already striding across the room from his post by the door. But he, too, stopped when he beheld the object she carried. A head. The man's face was still set in a scream, and there was som.. choal dorian Sarah J. Maas
32011f2 No, he had to remember she was an assassin with the blessing of a pretty face and sharp wits. She washed her hands with blood, and was just as likely to slit his throat as offer him a kind word. Sarah J. Maas
f27d235 I wonder if the gods have weighed the costs of that storm. And deemed the casualties worth it. Sarah J. Maas
a1d2ff2 She lifted her face to the stars. She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, heir of two mighty bloodlines, protector of a once-glorious people, and Queen of Terrasen. She was Aelin Ashryver Galathynius--and she would not be afraid. Sarah J. Maas
d91a10c I smelled jasmine first-then saw stars. A sea of stars flickering beyond glowing pillars of moonstone that framed the sweeping view of endless snowcapped mountains. "Welcome to the Night Court." nightcourt rhysand Sarah J. Maas
301921e He tried not to think about last night--how the brief touch of Celaena's fingers through his hair and on his face had sent a pang of desire through him so strong he'd wanted to grab her and pin her on the couch. It had taken all his self-control to keep his breathing steady, to keep pretending that he was asleep. After she'd left, his heart had been pounding so hard it took him an hour to calm enough to actually sleep. Sarah J. Maas
30eedcc Tell me what I must do to atone; tell me to crawl over hot coals, to sleep on a bed of nails, to carve up my flesh. Say the word, and it is done. But let me care for you as I once did, before ... before that madness poisoned my heart. Punish me, torture me, wreck me, but let me help you. Do this small thing for me--and let me lay the world at your feet. Sarah J. Maas
e5841f1 Aelin slumbered beside him, her breathing deep and even, yet again wearing one of his shirts. Some primal part of him snarled in satisfaction at the sight, at knowing she was covered in his scent. love pg514 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
4b81eb9 he realized that here, amongst the dunes and stars ... Here, in the heart of a foreign land ... Here, with her, he was home. Sarah J. Maas
022c6af But she squared her shoulders. Straightened her spine. "My name is Celaena Sardothien," she whispered, "and I will not be afraid." Sarah J. Maas
caae92b A minute of pleasant conversation, and then the territorial Fae bullshit comes raging out Sarah J. Maas
5637de4 Better to die with my chin held high than groveling like a cowering worm. Sarah J. Maas
1d73e81 Spirit that could not be broken. You do not yield. She would endure it again, if asked. She would do it. Every brutal hour and bit of agony. And it would hurt, and she would scream, but she'd face it. Survive against it. Arobynn had not broken her. Neither had Endovier. She would not allow this waste of existence to do so now. Her shaking eased, her body going still. Waiting. Maeve blinked at her. Just once. Aelin sucked in a breath--sharp .. Sarah J. Maas
17eafde Rolfe unlocked the door, muttering, "This had better be worth my time," and stalked into the awaiting dimness beyond. Then stopped dead. Even in the watery light, Dorian could perfectly see the woman sitting at Rolfe's desk, her black clothes dirty, weapons gleaming, and her feet propped on the dark wooden surface. Aelin Galathynius, her hands laced behind her head, grinned at them all and said, "I like this office far better thank your old.. rolfe dorian-havilliard sass Sarah J. Maas
74e3067 There you are. I've been looking for you. Sarah J. Maas
29c381b Rhys said, "We will walk onto that field and only accept Death when it comes to haul us away to the Otherworld. We will fight for life, for survival, for our futures. But if it is decided by that tapestry of Fate or the Cauldron or the Mother that we do not walk off that field today ..." His chin lifted. "The great joy and honor of my life has been to know you. To call you my family. And I am grateful--more than I can possibly say--that I w.. Sarah J. Maas
09b6545 I couldn't get out; I couldn't get out; I couldn't get out. Sarah J. Maas
881330c Is that ... chocolate cake?" "I thought you might need some." "Need, not want?" A ghost of a smile was on her lips, and he almost sagged in relief as he said, "For you, I'd say that chocolate cake is most definitely a need." She crossed from the fireplace to where he stood, stopping a hand's breadth away and staring up at him. Some of the color had returned to her face. He should step back, put more distance between them. But instead, he fo.. Sarah J. Maas
4341ef2 He studied the warehouse door. "I wouldn't put it past Lorcan to return the favor you dealt him tonight. He forgets and forgives even less easily than you do. Especially when someone threatens to cut off his manhood." "At least I said it would be a big mistake," she said with a fiendish grin. "I was tempted to say 'little.'" Rowan laughed, his eyes dancing. "Then you definitely would have been dead." Sarah J. Maas
d5a83af You forgot to say 'please. Sarah J. Maas
0058e34 Dorian said, "So here we are." "The end of the road," Aelin said with a half smile. "No," Chaol said, his own smile faint, tentative. "The beginning of the next." -- Sarah J. Maas
58f1cc0 She opened her eyes and found him watching her, his face a mixture of pride and wonder and such open affection that she could see that far-off land where they'd find a home, see that future that awaited them, and that glimmer of hope promised happiness she'd never considered or dared yearn for. the-assassin-and-the-empire sam-cortland Sarah J. Maas
404d26e I want to share this bed with you, though," I breathed. "I want you to hold me." Stars flickered to life in his eyes. "Always," he promised, kissing my brow, his wings now enveloping me completely. "Always." a-court-of-wings-and-ruin acotar acowar rhysand feyre rhys Sarah J. Maas
a4107c0 Maybe teach the others who were like me: broken in places and trying to fight it - trying to learn who they were around the dark and pain. Sarah J. Maas
edecd50 Daggers and blades, quivers and bows. I scratched my head at the heavy, wicked-looking mace that Rhys had somehow dumped beside the desk without my noticing. I didn't even want to know. Though I had no doubt Cassian was somehow behind it. Sarah J. Maas
c69bfba Lysandra's smile grew. "I like your fangs," she said sweetly. Aelin choked on her grape. Of course Lysandra did. Rowan gave a little grin that usually sent Aelin running. "Are you studying them so you can replicate them when you take my form, shape-shifter?" Aelin's fork froze in midair. "Bullshit," Aedion said." lysandra rowan-whitethorn aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
7353ade You gave Briar over to them?" We fell into step back toward our own camp. "Az explained the state you found her in. I didn't think being exposed to battle-ready Illyrians would do much to soothe her." "And the Winter Court army is much better?" "They've got fuzzy animals." I snorted, shaking my head. Those enormous bears were indeed fuzzy--if you ignored the claws and teeth." Sarah J. Maas
f916139 You bought chocolate--as far as I'm concerned, you're my new favorite person. lysandra chocolate haha Sarah J. Maas
29edc75 Dance, Feyre," he whispered." acotar tamlin Sarah J. Maas
d4e8b5f That sounds a lot like, ' I have more secrets that I'm going to spring on you whenever I feel like stopping your heart dead in your chest. the-ashryver-cousins aelin-ashryver-galathynius secrets Sarah J. Maas
ae6aafb If Rhysand was Night Triumphant, I was the star that only glowed thanks to his darkness, the light only visible because of him. I Sarah J. Maas
92ecd22 His words were coated with glorious boredom Sarah J. Maas
308a149 It didn't excuse what he'd done. Even if he'd...saved me-I choked on the word-from having to refuse Tamlin. Having to explain. sarah-j-maas rhysand feyre tamlin new-adult-romance new-adult Sarah J. Maas
0a19b67 Rhys looked up, his face gleaming with tears. He went still as I leaned in, kissing away one tear. Then the other. As he had once kissed away mine. When my lips were wet and salty with them, I pulled back far enough to see his eyes. "You're mine," I breathed." rhysand tears Sarah J. Maas
ebbe4f4 Last night... I'm sorry if I was too forward with you." He paused. "Celaena, you're grimacing." Had she been making a face? "Er- sorry." "It did upset you, then!" "What did?" "The kiss!" ... "Oh, it was nothing," she said, thumping her chest as she cleared her throat. "I didn't mind it. But I didn't hate it, if that's what your thinking!" She immediately regretted saying it. kissing Sarah J. Maas
6713df1 Nesryn Sobbed, tugging and tugging. Sartaq smiled at her gently. Sweetly. In a way she had not yet seen. "I Loved you before I ever set eyes on you," he said. "Please," Nesryn wept. Sartaq's hand tightened on hers. "I wish we'd had time." A Hiss behind him, a rising bulk of shining black Then the prince was gone. Ripped from her hands. As if he had never been." sadness love sartaq-urus sjm nesryn-faliq tower-of-dawn Sarah J. Maas