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d815156 Months of crawling out of that abyss he'd shoved her into. Sarah J. Maas
670d54a But Aelin suddenly said, "Thank you." Nesryn paused, somehow knowing the queen had spoken to her. Aelin put a hand on her heart. "For all that you're risking - thank you." Nesryn's eyes flickered as she said, "Long live the queen." nesryn-faliq Sarah J. Maas
1d4d2a1 Cassian had named about two dozen poses for Nesta at this point. Ranging from to The latter was his particular favorite. Sarah J. Maas
b48d10f They'd been forged of the same ore, two sides of the same golden, scarred coin. She'd know it when she spied him atop the execution plataform. She couldn't explain it. No one could understand that instant bond, that soul-deep assurance and rightness, unless they, too, had experienced it. But she owned no explanations to anyone - not about Aedion. family love the-ashryver-cousins aelin-ashryver-galathynius bond Sarah J. Maas
5f2beaa Magical things rarely age as normal objects do. Sarah J. Maas
aa44ae8 They couldn't break me because ... because they never touched that innermost part of me. They never even guessed. But I hid it ... I've hidden it because ..." She tilted back her head, looking skyward. "Because I live in terror of my family finding out--and shaming me, hurting me about this one thing that has remained wholly mine. This one part of me. I won't let them ... won't let them destroy it. Or" Sarah J. Maas
f9906a8 You gave me the truth today, so I'll share mine: even if it meant us being friends again, I don't think I would want to go back to how it was before--who I was before. And this..." He jerked his chin toward the scattered crystals and the bowl of water. "I think this is a good change, too. Don't fear it." Dorian left, and Chaol opened his mouth, but no words came out. He was too stunned. When Dorian had spoken, it hadn't been a prince who lo.. dorian-havilliard heir-of-fire Sarah J. Maas
c03da5b After a moment, his father looked up from the list and surveyed her. "Well done, Champion. Well done indeed." Then Celaena and the King of Adarlan smiled at each other, and it was the most terrifying thing Dorian had ever seen. "Tell my exchequer to give you double last month's payment," the king said. Dorian felt his gorge rise- not just for the severed head and her blood- stiffened clothing, but also for the fact that he could not, for th.. chaol dorian Sarah J. Maas
cedfa07 Most men, she'd decided, were bastards of varying degrees. Sarah J. Maas
6b2f1b0 Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With my knives. Sarah J. Maas
ced9f0b Hisli's tail flicked to the side as the arrow buried itself in the sand just inches behind her rear hooves. But Ansel didn't dare look over he shoulder. She kept riding, and she did not stop. Celeana lowered her bow and watched until Ansel disappeared beyond the horizon. One arrow, that had been her promise. But she's also promised Ansel that she's had twenty minutes to get out of range. Celeana had fired after twenty-one. celeana Sarah J. Maas
42c5146 She smiled at last. And damn if it didn't kill him, the quiet joy in her face. They had walked out of darkness and pain and despair together. They were still walking out of it. So that smile... It struck him stupid every time he saw it and realized it was for him. pg526 rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
1674df6 Aelin willed the blood in her veins into black fire. Aedion - her focus was on Aedion, not on the tyrant seated at the front of the room, the man who had murdered her family, murdered Marion, murdered her people. If these were her last moments, then at least she would go down fighting, to the sound of exquisite music. It was time. One breath - another. She was the heir of fire. She was fire, and light, and ash, and embers. She was Aelin.. queen-of-shadows Sarah J. Maas
5d611c1 The world slowed to the beat of an ancient, ageless drum. Celaena behold the room. The blood was everywhere. Before the bed, Nehemia's bodyguards lay with their throats cut from ear to ear, their internal organs spilling out onto the floor. And on the bed... On the bed... She could hear the shouts growing closer, reaching the room, but their words were somehow muffled, as though she were underwater, the sounds coming from the surface above... nehemia-s-death Sarah J. Maas
30b100d The power did not belong to the High Lords. Not any longer. It belonged to me - as I belonged only to me, as my future was mine to decide, to forge. Sarah J. Maas
fd8504b You might be my mate," he said, "but you remain your own person. You decide you fate - your choices. Not me. You chose yesterday. You choose every day. Forever." Sarah J. Maas
a972c61 If it grieves you," he said, the words caressing my bones, "then I don't think it's absurd at all." acotar tamlin Sarah J. Maas
bcc24f2 No flicker of amusement, no hint of fear. The woman could give Rowan a run for his money for sheer iciness. nesryn-faliq rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
653cbb4 surveyed the cabin around me, the surfaces I'd painted nearly a year ago. I was promised a wall, Rhys. A pause. A long pause. I've taken you against a wall before. These walls. Another long, long pause. It's bad form to be at attention while in the birchin. My lips curved as I sent him an image. A memory. Of me on the kitchen table just a few feet away. Of him kneeling before me. My legs wrapped around his head. Cruel, wicked thing. I heard.. Sarah J. Maas
85b3721 Manon didn't move as Glennis lifted the crown and set it again on Manon's head. Then the ancient witch knelt in the snow. "What was stolen has been restored; what was lost has come home again. I hail thee, Manon Crochan, Queen of Witches." Manon stood fast against the tremor that threatened to buckle her legs. Stood fast as the other Crochans, Bronwen with them, dropped to a knee. Dorian, standing amongst them, smiled, brighter and freer th.. Sarah J. Maas
c8e8369 The quickest way to a man's heart is through the fourth and fifth ribs. court-of-mist-and-fury queen-maas sarah-j-maas acotar Sarah J. Maas
7b2b0df She just prayed Sam wouldn't get hurt. In the silence of her bedroom, she swore an oath to the moonlight that if Sam were hurt, no force in the world would hold her back from slaughtering everyone responsible. Sarah J. Maas
c8b753d Immortality is not as much of a gift as mortals would believe. It can breed monsters that even you would be sick to learn about. Imagine the sadists you've encountered--and then imagine them with millennia to hone their craft and warped desires. Sarah J. Maas
f4f5dfc Rise," Darrow said, "Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen." terrasen throne-of-glass kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
35eba6f The Crown Prince tipped his head back to the sky and roared, and it was the battle cry of a god. Then the glass castle shattered. Sarah J. Maas
ba80fcd You are my Fireheart rowan-whitehorn Sarah J. Maas
00baafe Ten years of shadows, but no longer. Light up the darkness, Magesty. light darkness the-ashryver-cousins aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
a744564 I need help. Getting into the bath." "Do you, now." His voice was near-guttural. Elide bit her lip, her breasts becoming heavy, tingling. "I might slip." His eyes drifted down her body, but he made no move. "A dangerous time, bath time." Sarah J. Maas
10ab370 Because," he went on, his eyes locked with mine, "I didn't want you to fight alone. Or die alone." And for a moment, I remembered that faerie who had died in our foyer, and how I'd told Tamlin the same thing. "Thank you," I said, my throat tight." rhysand Sarah J. Maas
c263b90 The Court of Dreams. The people who knew that there was a price, and one worth paying, for that dream. sacrifice friendship inspirational price Sarah J. Maas
47af119 Marriage is a legal contract -- it's not a sacred thing. Sarah J. Maas
cb7a88f And then she went to save her cousin. Sarah J. Maas
3736883 He supposed he'd learned that strength could be hidden beneath the most unlikely faces. Sarah J. Maas
0fa043c Alone in my bedroom, I realized I couldn't remember the last time I'd truly laughed. introverted depressing laughing lonely sad Sarah J. Maas
eb27ef9 Aedion yawned--the lousiest attempt at one Rowan had ever seen--and excused himself. wingman aelin rowan Sarah J. Maas
6430004 We do not look bad, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on.' 'What if we go on only to more pain and despair? What if we go on, only to find a horrible end waiting for us?' 'Then it is not the end. Sarah J. Maas
d7a9a92 Rhys brushed the hair from my face. "It's all part of the game, Feyre darling. Who to trust, when to trust them--what information to barter." "Do you enjoy it?" "Sometimes. Right now, I don't. Not when the risks are this high." His fingers grazed my brow. "When I have so much to lose." I" Sarah J. Maas
65906db Some swore the cats had been caught pawing through the pages of open books - reading. Sarah J. Maas
0f628e5 Aedion touched her shoulder. "Welcome home, Aelin." A land of towering mountains-the Stagehorns-spread before them, with valleys and rivers and hills; a land of untamed, wild beauty. Terrasen. And the smell-of pine and snow.. How had she never realized that Rowan's scent was of Terrasen, of home? Rowan came close enough to graze her shoulder and murmured, "I feel as if I've been looking for this place my entire life." -- home Sarah J. Maas
fedca69 Because I made a . A promise to my friend that I would see her kingdom freed." She shoved her scarred palm into his face. "I made an unbreakable vow. And you and Maeve--all you gods-damned bastards--are getting in the way of that." She went off down the hillside again. He followed. "And what of your own people? What of your own kingdom?" "They are better off without me, just as you said." His tattoo scrunched as he snarled. "So you'd save .. pg164 nehemia-ytger rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
a1d0863 So she's not with him?" "No." Otho shrugged. "That's strange." "Why?" Chaol had the sudden urge to strangle him. "Because it looks like he's in love with her," he said, and walked away. Chaol's eyes lost focus for a moment. Then Celaena laughed, and Dorian kept staring at her. The prince hadn't once taken his eyes off her. Dorian's expression was full of--something. Joy? Wonder? His shoulders were straight, his back erect. He looked like a .. love dorian-havilliard Sarah J. Maas
73f7844 A white-tailed hawk still flew overhead, and it swooped low to brush its star-silvered wing against her cheek in farewell before it turned back with a sharp cry. Sarah J. Maas
cec7e5b She'd entered a city made entirely of leather and paper. Celaena put a hand against her heart. Sarah J. Maas
1f396f3 Then Manon Blackbeak whirled and brought Wind-Cleaver down upon her grandmother. Sarah J. Maas