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7c60de7 I think she was a god... I never learned her name. She only left a note with two lines. "For wherever you need to go - and then some. The world needs more healers." - Yrene, about Aelin" Sarah J. Maas
bac4625 Deep inside me, rising with every swirling flake, a sparkling, crisp power stirred. I was High Lady of the Night Court, Sarah J. Maas
f20495a We need hope as much as we need bread and meat," he interrupted, his eyes clear for a rare moment. "We need hope, or else we cannot endure." Sarah J. Maas
9ed5a05 He forgot Gavriel and Lorcan as he bolted for her--the gold and red and blue flames utterly hers, this heir of fire. Spying him at last, she smiled faintly. A queen's smile. Sarah J. Maas
37ef712 All Rowan now had to offer his queen were the strength of his sword, the depth of his magic, and the loyalty of his heart. Such things did not win wars. love rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
f893629 We're all broken," Mor said. "In our own ways - in places no one might see." inspirational feyre-archeron sjm mor acotar acowar truth-of-life Sarah J. Maas
ad77928 Remind me to give you a salary raise." I choked on a cough. "For what?" "For the sage counsel--and the other vital services you provide me." He winked." -- Sarah J. Maas
9af79ed I think I fell in love with you," Rhys murmured, stroking a finger down my arm, "the moment I realized you were cleaving those bones to make a trap for the Middengard Wyrm. Or maybe the moment you flipped me off for mocking you. It reminded me so much of Cassian. For the first time in decades, I wanted to laugh." "You fell in love with me," I said flatly, "because I reminded you of your friend?" He flicked my nose. "I fell in love with you,.. Sarah J. Maas
d1f1c08 Perhaps you should consider your difficulty in getting past Wendlyn's naval defences to be a sign that you should stop playing at being a god." "Playing?" The King smiled, his crooked teeth glowing yellow in the firelight. "I am not playing. And this is not a game." Sarah J. Maas
325eb7d He ran a hand through his hair. "What I have to be tomorrow, who I have to become, is's not something I want you to see. How I will treat you, treat others...." "The mask of the High Lord," I said quietly. "Yes." He took a seat on the bottom of the stairs. I remained in the center of the foyer as I asked carefully, "Why don't you want me to see that?" "Because you've only started looking at me like I'm not a monster, and I can't s.. Sarah J. Maas
8acc155 So is this what you do with your lives? Spare humans from the Treaty and have fine meals?" I gave a pointed glance toward Tamlin's baldric, the warrior's clothes, Lucien's sword. Lucien smirked. "We also dance with the spirits under the full moon and snatch human babes from their cradles to replace them with changelings-" acotar feyre lucien Sarah J. Maas
0c1ac5a I will never stop being grateful to have you in my life, either, Feyre darling. And no matter what lies ahead"--a small, joyous smile at that--"we will face it together. Enjoy every moment of it together." rhys forever Sarah J. Maas
ec1c142 Even as an immortal, there was not enough time in life to waste it on hatred. Sarah J. Maas
3b6a49a I name you Elentiya, 'Spirit That Could Not Be Broken. Sarah J. Maas
2bf01cd I began shaking my head as if I could unsee it as Lucien and Tamlin stepped into the light. Sarah J. Maas
5f1cbbd You dare glamour me?" he growled, his violet eyes burning as they bore into my own. Lucien just pressed me harder into the wall." violet-eyes rhysand lucien rhys glamour Sarah J. Maas
8e8097c I'd forgotten that human minds are easy to shatter as eggshells," Rhysand said, and ran a finger across the base of my throat. I shuddered, my eyes burning. "Look at how delightful she is - look how she's trying not to cry out in terror. It would be quick, I promise." mind-reading rhysand feyre rhys mind-control Sarah J. Maas
011480c Aedion fell to his knees in the sand as Wendlyn's armada spread before them. I promise you that no matter how far I go, no matter the cost, when you call for my aid, I will come, Aelin had told him she'd sworn to Darrow. I'm going to call in old debts and promises. To raise an army of assassins and thieves and exiles and commoners. And she had. She had meant and accomplished every word of it. Rowan counted the ships that slid over the horiz.. Sarah J. Maas
8777864 Why can't I be High Lady as well? Sarah J. Maas
e497c6e The king standing before them gaped as the shield of flame died out to reveal Aelin and Dorian, hand in hand, glowing like newborn gods as their magic entwined. throne-of-glass-series dorian-havilliard queen-of-shadows sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
3bb29de She shook off his grip. "I am what I am, and I don't particularly care what you think of me." "Well, I care what you think of me. I care enough that I stayed at this disgusting party for you. And I care enough that I'd attend a thousand more like it so I can spend a few hours with you when you aren't looking at me like I'M not worth the dirt beneath your shoes." love cute-moments sam-cortland celaena-sardothien quarrel cute Sarah J. Maas
01a1b7d Lorcan rolled his eyes, and Aelin deemed that acceptance enough as she asked them all, "Did anyone bother to sleep?" Only Fenrys lifted his hand. Aedion frowned at the dark stain on the stones. "We're putting a rug over it," Aelin told him. Lysandra laughed. "Something tacky, I hope." "I'm thinking pink and purple. Embroidered with flowers. Just what Erawan would have loved." The Fae males gaped at them, Ren blinking. Elide ducked her head .. Sarah J. Maas
0e44371 Faeries began calling foul play, demanding Tamlin be released from the curse, calling her a liar. Through the haze, I saw Rhysand crouching by Tamlin. Not to help him, but to grab the- "You are all pigs - all scheming, filthy pigs." Then Rhysand was on his feet, my bloody knife in his hands. He launched himself at Amarantha, swift as a shadow, the ash dagger aimed at her throat. She lifted a hand - not even bothering to look - and he was bl.. rhysand feyre rhys fight Sarah J. Maas
7ddfab7 A hand brushed my back. Then Rhys groaned, "If we're all here, either things went very, very wrong or very right." Cassian's broken laugh cracked out of him." Sarah J. Maas
1ff4618 The music broke her apart and put her back together, only to rend her asunder again and again. Sarah J. Maas
5c12f7e It's already ended badly. Now it's just a matter of deciding how we meet the consequences. elain-archeron feyre-archeron elain Sarah J. Maas
b995b88 I let a little bit of the wolf show. ianthe wolf Sarah J. Maas
ac6a59c But just remember that this fear of yours? It means you have something worth fighting for - something you care so greatly for that losing it is the worst thing you can imagine. Sarah J. Maas
7b2f129 She and Chaol would never be a normal boy and girl, but perhaps in that world they could make a life of their own. She wanted that life. Because even though he'd pretended nothing had happened after the dance they'd shared last night, something had. And maybe it had taken her this long to realize it, but this man--she wanted that life with him. Sarah J. Maas
bcfad0a Tamlin isn't your keeper, and you know it." "I'm his subject, and he is my High Lord--" "You are no one's subject." "I will say this once--and only once. You can be a pawn, be someone's reward, and spend the rest of your immortal life bowing and scraping and pretending you're less than him, than Ianthe, than any of us. If you want to pick that road, then fine. A shame, but it's your choice. But I know you - more than you realize, I think - .. Sarah J. Maas
1ba4296 Alone in the hallway, Celaena watched the shadows cast by the torches. It hadn't been the mere impossibility of a relationship with Ilias that had made her pull away. No; it was the memory of Sam's face that had stopped her from kissing him. sam-cortland celaena-sardothien Sarah J. Maas
69ef0ef The queen hadn't even bothered to say good-bye. She'd just dashed for the injured Fae warrior, his name like a prayer on her lips. Rowan. love rowan sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
4b1f154 And he wondered if Aelin was somehow watching the archipelago, and the seas, and the skies, as if she might never see them again. dorian-havilliard Sarah J. Maas
60e1ab5 figure--tell me you like chocolates. You do, right? I remember stealing a box from your room once when you were out killing someone. They were delicious. Sarah J. Maas
cb7770c Ansel smiled, a winning grin. "Half of them are on their way there now. Ready to join with Terrasen. The country of my friend Celaena Sardothien, who did not forget it, even when she was in the Red Desert; and who did not stop looking north every night that we could see the stars. There was no greater gift I could offer to repay her than saving the kingdom she did not forget. And that was before I got her letter months ago, telling me who s.. pg558 Sarah J. Maas
0218b6d She brought her mouth close to his ear. "My name is Celaena Sardothien," she whispered. "But it makes no difference if my name's Celaena or Lillian or Bitch, because I'd still beat you, no matter what you call me." She smiled at him as she stood. He just stared up at her, his bloody nose leaking down the side of his cheek. She took the handkerchief from her pocket and dropped it on his chest. "You can keep that," she said before she walked .. throne-of-glass Sarah J. Maas
d58c16b But she'd also promised Ansel that she had twenty minutes to get out of range. Celaena had fired after twenty-one. Sarah J. Maas
b80f053 So, yes, I was jealous of him--because it will always be easy for him. And he will never know what it is to look up at the night sky and wish. Sarah J. Maas
6358331 Her rage took her to a place where she only knew three things: that Chaol had been taken from her, that she was a weapon forged to end lives, and that if Chaol was hurt, no one was going to walk out of that warehouse. Sarah J. Maas
9ed9e99 I knew another women who lost as much as you. And do you know what she did with it-the loss?' He could barely stop the words from pouring out, could barely think over the roaring in this head. 'She hunted down the people responsible for it and obliterated them. chaol throne-of-glass-series chaol-westfall aelin-galathynius tower-of-dawn throne-of-glass aelin-ashryver-galathynius Sarah J. Maas
77950e9 Manon rose in the saddle, sliding a leg under her, body tensing to make the jump ahead. And she said to Abraxos, touching his spin, "I love you." It was the only thing that mattered in the end. The only thing that mattered now." manon-blackbeak sarah-j-maas Sarah J. Maas
6a38cd7 Aelin would have been beside herself with glee. Sarah J. Maas
c022232 Well, I care what you think of me. I care enough that I stayed at this disgusting party for you. And I care enough that I'd attend a thousand more like it so I can spend a few hours with you when you aren't looking at me like I'm not worth the dirt beneath your shoes. Sarah J. Maas
5e8fcf8 Kaltain Rompier had just turned the tide of this war. Dorian had never been more ashamed of himself. He should have been better. Should have better. They all should have. pg548 kaltain-rompier Sarah J. Maas