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e07e565 The music folded over itself like batter being poured from a bowl, one note atop another... Sarah J. Maas
221b2ca To the stars who listen, Feyre. To the dreams that are answered, Rhys. Sarah J. Maas
2727041 I have a friend. He is to be Lord of Anielle someday, and the fiercest warrior in the land. dorian-havilliard Sarah J. Maas
4115f74 Where do men find it in themselves to do such monstrous things? monstruous Sarah J. Maas
42b8aba Arobynn hit her-her ribs, her jaw, her gut. And her face. Again and again and again. Careful blows, meant to inflict as much pain as possible without doing permanent damage. And Sam kept roaring, shouting words that she couldn't quite hear over the agony. The last thing she remembered was a pang of guilt at the sight of her blood staining Arobynn's exquisite red carpet. And then darkness, blissful darkness, full of relief that she hadn't se.. sam Sarah J. Maas
3e454d2 Rumor has it she was your Champion this fall. Do you wish to deal with this?" Dorian said smoothly, "You will find, Rolfe, that one does not deal with Celaena Sardothien. One survives her." ... Aelin and Aelin looked at each other. The one in black grinned up at the newcomer. "Oh, you ARE gorgeous, aren't you?" ... Aelin and Lysandra fixed the warrior with an unimpressed look that would have sent lesser men running." Sarah J. Maas
3ff08c9 She never bothered to look down. Sarah J. Maas
c615bd1 You would be surprised by how closely the healing of physical wounds is tied to the healing of emotional ones. Sarah J. Maas
797abaa His smile faded into something awed, something......reverent, and I reached out to cup his face in my hands- To find my skin glowing. Faintly, as if some inner light shone beneath my skin, leaking out into the world. Warm and white light, like the sun-like a star. Those wonder-filled eyes met mine, and Rhys ran a finger down my arm. "Well, at least now I can gloat that I can literally make my mate glow with happiness." Sarah J. Maas
6db641d The Queen of Flame and Shadow, the Heir of Fire, Aelin of the Wildfire, Fireheart . . . She burned through each title, even as she became them, became what those foreign ambassadors had hissed when they reported on a child-queen's growing, unstable power in Terrasen. A promise that had been whispered into the blackness. pg522 Sarah J. Maas
549e4ac She paused, frowning at him. But his eyes drifted to the small wooden door just a few feet away. A broom closet. She followed his attention, and a slow smile spread across her face. She turned toward it, but he grabbed her hand, bringing his face close to hers. "You're going to have to be very quiet." She reached the knob and opened the door, tugging him inside. "I have a feeling that I'm going to be telling you that in a few moments," she .. Sarah J. Maas
8698b1b Because I am from Terrasen and believed my queen dead. And now she is alive, and fighting, so I will fight with her. So that no other girls will be taken from their homes and brought to Morath and forgotten. eos spoilers Sarah J. Maas
ff1b537 She had believed she could love Sam and not pay the price. Everything has a price, she'd once been told by a Spidersilk merchant in the Red Desert. How right he was. Sarah J. Maas
346ff7e Those two in the antechamber," he added, eyes sparkling, "might not be on that list of people you should bother knowing, if they keep banging on the door like children." Another pound, emphasized by the first male voice saying, "You know we can hear you, prick." "Secondly," Rhys went on, "in regard to the two bastards at my door, it's up to you whether you want to meet them now, or head upstairs like a wise person, take a nap since you're s.. Sarah J. Maas
46d5380 You and this city helped wake me up--helped bring me back to life." His eyes flickered as I smiled up at him. "I will fight with everything I have, too, Rhys. Everything." He" Sarah J. Maas
702810e His eyes gleamed, and he buried his face between my breasts again, hands caressing my back. "I love you," he breathed. "More than life, more than my territory, more than my crown." Sarah J. Maas
7fa1153 I'll kill you! Sam had screamed it at Arobynn as the King of the Assassins beat her. He'd roared it. In those horrible minutes, whatever bond had sprung up between her and Sam hadn't broken. He'd switched loyalties- he'd chosen to stand by her, fight for her. If anything, that made him different from Ansel. Sam could have hurt or betrayed her a dozen times over, but he'd never jumped at the opportunity. Sarah J. Maas
6ec6259 Tarquin turned from the table, just as the tent flaps parted for a pair of broad shoulders-- Varian. He didn't so much as look at his High Lord, his focus going right to where Amren sat at the head of the table. As if he'd sensed she was here--or someone had reported. And he'd come running. Amren's eyes flicked up from the Book as Varian halted. A coy smile curved her red lips. There was still blood and dirt splattered on Varian's brown ski.. Sarah J. Maas
7b97a5d Rowan Whitethorn is a legend. And so is his--what do you call them?" "Cadre," she said glumly. "The six of them ..." Aedion loosed a breath. "We used to tell stories about them around fires. Their battles and exploits and adventures." She sighed through her nose. "Please, please don't ever tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it, and he'll use it in every argument we have." -- rowan rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
285e294 Everything hurts." Falkan grimaced, rubbing at his leg. "Remind me never to do anything heroic again." Sarah J. Maas
28f84ef I did not mind stepping out of the shadows, did not mind even being in the shadows to begin with, so long as he was with me. My friend through so many dangers - who had fought for me when no one else would, even myself. Sarah J. Maas
d1f43a7 Do you lie awake at night to come up with all your witty replies for the following day? Sarah J. Maas
62ad568 I just...Leave a note. Or tell me next time.' 'Would you have let me go if I had?' 'I do not LET you do anything.' He tilted my face up, Mor and Azriel looking away. 'You are your own person, you make your own choices. But we are mates-- I am yours, and you are mine. We do not let each other do things, as if we dictate the movements of each other. But...I might have insisted I go with you More for my own mental well-being, just to know you .. Sarah J. Maas
e5c2268 Long live the queen. nesryn-fariq queen-of-terrasen Sarah J. Maas
b3165d6 I blinked at my mate. Then grinned, not bothering to hide the savagery within it. "Hybern has no idea about the hell that's about to rain down upon them, do they." "Here's to family reunions," was all Rhys said. Then" Sarah J. Maas
b711524 I heard what you told him," he said. "That you thought it would be easy to fall in love with him. You meant it, too." "So?" It was the only thing I could think of to say. "I was jealous--of that. That I'm not ... that sort of person." Sarah J. Maas
bf5b67e If it's any consolation," Rhysand confided to him, "she would have been the one for you - and you might have gotten away with it. A bit late, though. She's more stubborn than you are." rhysand tamlin the-one rhys stubborn Sarah J. Maas
b4cc82b There are different kinds of darkness," Rhys said. I kept my eyes shut. "There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful." I pictured each. "There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good." Sarah J. Maas
0587881 The feeling that passed between them, so powerful there was no language to describe it... It was not mere friendship, but something born of and strengthened by it. rowan-whitethorn Sarah J. Maas
04dc96e Wasn't learning to lose gracefully part of your training?" "No," she said sourly. "Arobynn told me that second place was just a nice title for the first loser." Sarah J. Maas
07f80ec So Aedion leaned in, and kissed Lysandra, kissed the woman who should have been his wife, his mate, one last time. "I love you." Sorrow filled her beautiful face. "And I you." She gestured to the western gate, to the soldiers waiting for its final cleaving. "Until the end?" Aedion hefted his shield, flipping the Sword of Orynth in his hand, freeing the stiffness that had seized his fingers. "I will find you again," he promised her. "In what.. throne-of-glass lysandra kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
8a654aa I once lived in fear of other people. I let other people walk all over me just because I was too afraid of the consequences for refusing. I did not know how to refuse. Sarah J. Maas
93fd2c6 When you shatter the chains of this world and forge the next, remember that art is as vital as food to a kingdom. Without it, a kingdom is nothing, and will be forgotten by time. I have amassed enough money in my miserable life to not need any more--so you will understand me clearly when I say that wherever you set your throne, no matter how long it takes, I will come to you, and I will bring music and dancing. Sarah J. Maas
ce60d7b She said softly, "You make me want to live, Rowan. Not survive; not exist. Live." He didn't have the words. Not when what she said hit him harder and deeper than any kiss. So he climbed into bed and held her tightly all through the night." Sarah J. Maas
e57e414 An unspoken question arose in those green eyes. Aelin? She ignored the silent inquiry, unable to bear opening that silent channel between them again, and surveyed the powerful lines of his body, the sheer size of him. A gentle wind kissed with ice and lightning brushed against her wall offlame, an echo of his silent inquiry. Her magic flared in answer, a ripple of power dancing through her. As if it had found a mirror of itself in the world.. young-adult koa throne-of-glass sarah-j-maas tog Sarah J. Maas
74b1cc5 And death at Nesta's hands ... I wondered if they'd have to invent a new word for killing when she was done with Graysen. So Sarah J. Maas
63dabd7 The silence was suddenly too charged, his face too beautiful in the light. silence sam Sarah J. Maas
bf793d7 There were many, many debts to be paid before she left Rifthold and took back her throne. Starting now. Fortunate that she was in a killing sort of mood. revenge Sarah J. Maas
9787448 Aedion shrugged. "I find pleasure in both, depending on my mood and the person." One of his former lovers still remained one of his closest friends--and most skilled commanders in his Bane. "Attraction is attraction." pg562 bisexuality Sarah J. Maas
a63ff47 That was all Celaena needed to hear before she tossed the ring to Maeve, before Rowan rushed to her, his hands on her cheeks, his brow against her own. "Aelin," he murmured, and it wasn't a reprimand, or a thank-you, but ... a prayer. "Aelin," he whispered again, grinning, and kissed her brow before he dropped to both knees before her." Sarah J. Maas
2fd6efc This could be . . . a very bad idea," I admitted, my grip tightening on his hand. "Oh, it most certainly is," Cassian said with a faint smile as we continued down and down into the heavy black and thrumming silence. "But this is war. We don't have the luxury of good ideas-only picking between the bad ones." the-prison feyre-archeron cassian Sarah J. Maas
7176250 Gently, he pulled my hands away from my face. Gently, he took my cheeks in his hands and brushed away my tears. I didn't care that we had an audience as I lifted my head and beheld the joy and concern and love shining in those remarkable eyes. Neither did Rhys as he murmured, "My love," and kissed me. I" Sarah J. Maas
82f82c7 Sunset's Passions," he read, and opened the book to a random page to read aloud. "'His hands gently caressed her ivory, silky br- " His eyes widened. "By the Wyrd! Do you actually read this rubbish? What happened to Symbols of Power and Eyllwe Customs and Culture?" Sarah J. Maas