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63f8493 I took his name, Erawan spat, writhing as the words flowed from his tongue under Damaris's power. I wiped it away from existence. Yet he only remembered it once. Only once. The first time He behelded you. Tears slid down Dorian's face at the unbearable truth. kingdom-of-ash Sarah J. Maas
ab12f0c There are other ways around it, she had added with such quiet venom. We might not be able to deal with him, but there are some friends that I made across the sea ... Sarah J. Maas
1546613 For him, that's what battle is. A Symphony. Sarah J. Maas
867261e Do you even know how to laugh? Sarah J. Maas
0cb9c11 War--war was coming. And they might not all survive it. war survivors Sarah J. Maas
75b5cf8 When your people are lying dead around you, don't come crying to me... leadership death Sarah J. Maas
0e729a5 Celaena stared at the dark, tilled earth, a chill wind rustling her veil. Her chest ached, but this was the one last thing she had to do, the one last honor she could give her friend. Celaena tilted her head to the sky, closed her eyes, and began to sing. Sarah J. Maas
e404920 The next time, Emissary, I'll come say hello. Sarah J. Maas
c3bb29c We do not look back, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on." There she was, that queen looking out at him, a hint of the ruler she was becoming. And it knocked the breath out of him, because it made him feel so strangely young--when she now seemed so old. "What if we go on," he said, "only to more pain and despair? What if we go on, only to find a horrible end waiting for us?" Aelin looked northward, as if she c.. pg521 chaol-westfall Sarah J. Maas
9172ab2 Never get to see that half smile. Never get to hear his laugh, never get to hear him say her name like it meant something special, something more than being Adarlan's Assassin ever could. She didn't want to go out into a world where he didn't exist. So she watched the light shift and change, and let the world pass by without her. Sarah J. Maas
0ddc9a7 Aelin had felt it before: a thread in the world, a current running between her and someone else. She'd felt it one night, years ago, and had given a young healer the money to get the hell out of this continent. She'd felt the tug--and had decided to tug back. Here it was again, that tug--toward Manon, whose arms buckled as she collapsed to the stone. Her enemy--her new enemy, who would have killed her and Rowan if given the chance. A monste.. manon-blackbeak Sarah J. Maas
51c782c It's never made any difference to me when it came to you. I'd still pick you. I'll always pick you. Sarah J. Maas
f546b4a To listen to what I'd heard - as if I'd already learned everything I needed. freyre listening knowledge Sarah J. Maas
4f87328 Aelin would likely laughed to see him now. The man who had stumbled out of her room after she'd declared that her cycle had arrived. Now sitting in this fine room, mostly naked and not giving a shit about it. funny chaol-westfall Sarah J. Maas
95dcdc6 Cassian set me down at last. "What'd you get me for Solstice?" I smacked his arm. "A heaping pile of shut the hell up." Sarah J. Maas
f70f5f0 She wouldn't mind working with him - but not in the way Roland meant. Her way would include a dagger, a shovel, and an unmarked grave. Sarah J. Maas
9b67b76 He didn't object as she took up a place at the head of the tub and dumped some of the tonic into his short hair. The sweet, night-filled scent of jasmine floated up, caressing and kissing her. Even Rowan breathed it in as she scrubbed the tonic into his scalp. "I could still probably braid this," she mused. "Very teensy-tiny braids, so - " He growled, but leaned back against the tub, his eyes closed. "You're no better than a house cat," she.. Sarah J. Maas
97fc864 I will bow to no one and nothing but my crown. Sarah J. Maas
69b8058 I said, "Don't you have other things to deal with?" "Of course I do," he said, shrugging. "I have so many things to deal with that I'm sometimes tempted to unleash my power across the world and wipe the board clean. Just to buy me some damned peace." Sarah J. Maas
6d155a0 She bellowed the last word with such soul-deep hatred that he felt it like a punch to the gut. Sarah J. Maas
840e4d1 I lifted a hand toward that darkness, and met with a soft, silky material--his wing, cocooning and warming me. I traced my finger along it, and he shuddered, his arms tightening around me. "Your finger ... is very cold," he gritted out, the words hot on my neck. I tried not to smile, even as I tilted my neck a bit more, hoping the heat of his breath might caress it again. I dragged my finger along his wing, the nail scraping gently against .. Sarah J. Maas
90d6c77 His eyes blazed with hunger that matched her own, and she kissed him again, tugging him into her bedroom. He let her pull him, not breaking the kiss as he kicked the door shut behind them. And then there was only them, and skin against skin, and when they reached that moment when there was nothing more between them at all, Celaena kissed Chaol deeply and gave him everything she had. chaol-westfall Sarah J. Maas
57eafd5 My name is Sam Cortland... and I will not be afraid. the-assassin-s-blade throne-of-glass Sarah J. Maas
6254478 want you out of Velaris," Feyre breathed, her voice shaking. Nesta tried--tried and failed--not to feel the blow, the sting of the words. Though she didn't know why she was surprised by it. There were no paintings of her in this house, they did not invite her to parties or dinners anymore, they certainly didn't visit-- "And where," Nesta asked, her voice mercifully icy, "am I supposed to go?" Feyre only looked to Cassian. And for once, the .. Sarah J. Maas
3d41c6a Shivering, Elide rose. He seemed bigger with every step. But that wing remained extended, as if she were the animal in need of calming. As she reached his side, she could hardly breathe as she extended a hand and stroked the curving, scaly hide. It was surprisingly soft, like worn leather. And toasty, as if he were a furnace. Carefully, aware of the head he angled to watch her every move, she sat down against him, her back instantly warmed. Sarah J. Maas
b4f00a4 Shit. He was in such deep, unending shit. time throne-of-glass-book-4 throne-of-glass-series throne-of-glass rowan-whitethorn time-passing Sarah J. Maas
77a28c1 I put a hand on my chest, leaning against the wood panels of the stair wall. Rhy's hand covered my own a heartbeat later. "That's what I felt," he said, "when I saw you smile that night we dined along the Sidra." Sarah J. Maas
d32eeae It might have looked beautiful, had she not known what corruption and filth dwelt within it. And what monstrosity ruled over it all. Sarah J. Maas
2fba8c2 And in the distance, so faint I thought I might have imagined it, a beast's roar cleaved the land. Sarah J. Maas
0292331 She wriggled the demon's fingers a bit more. "It'd make a good back-scratcher." Rowan only frowned. "Killjoy," she said, and chucked the arm onto the torso of the Wyrdhound." -- Sarah J. Maas
665e402 And now, the very thing that had earned her the right to call herself Adarlan's Assassin would be what sealed her doom. Sarah J. Maas
7da35e9 For the first time in a damn long while, Lorcan had no words for what he saw. Sarah J. Maas
9dd6bac Tell the others," Aelin breathed, trying to find the right words. "Tell the others that I am sorry. Tell Lysandra to remember her promise, and that I will never stop being grateful. Tell Aedion ... Tell him it is not his fault, and that ..." Her voice cracked. "I wish he'd been able to take the oath, but Terrasen will look to him now, and the lines must not break." Elide nodded, tears sliding down her blood-splattered face. "And tell Rowan .. Sarah J. Maas
4bff8d7 El valor del corazon es algo muy infrecuente. Deja que te guie Sarah J. Maas
51b7f4e It is not such a thing, is it - to die for your friends. Sarah J. Maas
433e040 Fleetfoot just zoomed on by, a blur of gold. A moment later, when the little librarian came waddling into view and asked if they'd seen a dog, Celaena only shook her head and said that she heard something--from the opposite direction. And she told him to keep his voice down, because this was a . His eyes shooting daggers at her, the man huffed and scuttled away, his shouting a bit softer. When he was gone, Dorian turned to her, brows h.. crown-of-midnight dorian-havilliard Sarah J. Maas
80b8b25 I know it's not much--" "No one has ever done anything like this for me." He shook his head in awe, looking back at the greenhouse. "No one." "It's just a dinner," she said, rubbing her neck and walking to the table, if only because the urge to go to him was so strong that she needed a table between them." Sarah J. Maas
fb67e11 Do not mistake my silence for lack of feeling. I have good reason to keep my thoughts to myself Sarah J. Maas
017bb0e Did you mean it? What you said." He held her stare. Let some inner wall within him come crumbling down. Only for her. For this sharp-eyed, cunning little liar who had slipped through every defense and ironclad rule he'd ever made for himself. He let her see that in his face. Let her see all of it, as no one had ever done before. "Yes." Her mouth tightened, but not in displeasure. So Lorcan said softly, "I meant every word." Sarah J. Maas
b76f5b9 Sam was gone. Reality opened wide and swallowed her whole. She didn't move from the bed. Sarah J. Maas
36f0787 After another moment of quietness, he asked, "Why did you do it?" Arobynn's attention drifted back to the wagon, already a small dot in the rolling foothills above Rifthold. "Because I don't like sharing my belongings," was his only response." Sarah J. Maas
64ee6fa But here- tonight... the benefits outweighed the costs." "Is that also what you told yourself when you went into my mind? What was the benefit then?" Rhys pushed off the door, crossing to where I sat on the bed. "There are parts of your mind I left undisturbed, things that belong solely to you, and always will. And as for the rest ...." His jaw clenched. "You scared the shit out of me for long while, Feyre. Checking in that way.... I couldn.. Sarah J. Maas
1f932a3 I was merely observing; I have no agenda." He looked at his hand, still touching hers. "Where did you get that ring?" She contracted her hand into a fist as she pulled it away from him. The amethyst in her ring glowed in the firelight. "It was a gift." "From whom?" "That's none of your concern." He shrugged, though she knew betterthan to tell him who'd really given it to her - rather, she knew Chaol wouldn't want Dorian to know. "I'd like .. jealousy dorian-havilliard crush hands flirting Sarah J. Maas
73086ce She had always been drawn to the untamed, wild things of the world. Sarah J. Maas