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de02991 While having a strong character foundation may not sell newspapers, increase TV ratings, or make a person famous, it's essential for building a life that is meaningful and matters. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker relationship-quotes susan-young trust Susan C. Young
2bf0f50 Have you ever known a person who was highly intelligent, yet their lack of character destroyed your impression of them? Even though they may have been accomplished, articulate, and knowledgeable, their words became impotent and irrelevant. communication-quotes communication-skills confidence first-impressions integrity motivational-speaker relationship-quotes susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0da53bd Your expertise elevates your impressions to an entirely new realm. When you have paid the price, earned the right, and done the homework to be called an expert, people will be impressed. branding communication-skills healthy-habits motivational-speaker quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young success-quotes Susan C. Young
74ec7c1 Every time you speak, you are using your voice to connect with others, whether it is in-person, on the phone, or in a recorded message. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f8808c6 The Art of Action explores specific action steps you can take for personal and professional transformation. Start by taking the initiative to be kind, courageous, and polite. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
57a68e7 Become a 'good finder' and seek to acknowledge the best you see in others. communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence-quotes motivational-speaker-susan-young quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
cabb5c7 Is your voice value delivering the image you wish to convey? Is your voice coming across as smart, friendly, and positive or ignorant, rude, and negative? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
e59b4dd The way you deliver the words you say becomes your "vocal image. This "vocal image" can make or break your first impressions, impact your communication, and determine how people respond to you." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3667cf1 What can you do to ensure that your voice value translates into impression value? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c7438c5 Every professional voice coach worth their salt will bring you back to the importance of tone, pace, and pitch. While these concepts were introduced earlier in The Art of Body Language section, we can now elaborate and take a deeper dive into how you can use your voice to improve your communications. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
b6b0985 It is generally believed that nearly 40 percent of your first impression will be set from the tone of your voice. Your vocal thermometer can be more impactful than the actual words you use. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a5401d9 Your tone of voice can be conveyed in both the words you speak and in the words you write. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
3a43835 Your tone can represent the character of your business, the strength of your resolve, and express the depths of your convictions. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
16727cc Does your tone match your intention? Is your tone of voice confusing or clarifying? Are you coming across to others as you had hoped? Once you begin to notice your tone, you can adjust as needed to make it work in your favor. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
afe26e9 Heed Your Speed. Are you a fast or a slow talker? Be mindful towards the person with whom you are speaking to ensure that your message is being comprehended, understood, and absorbed. If they are listening at a slower rate than you are speaking, disconnect can occur. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c92f565 Align your voice value with the tone, pace, and pitch of your listeners will help you connect on all levels. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
45f7623 Have you ever paid notice to the full sound range of your voice? If you have ever been in a chorus or a singing group, you already know that they will separate the group based on each singer's pitch and assign their roles accordingly. While my speaking voice has a soprano pitch, my singing voice is a lower alto. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
862be52 A high-pitched voice may sound less authoritative, more youthful, and less experienced, whereas, a lower pitched voice may be perceived as being more authoritative, confident, and credible. It is unfortunate that listeners will make assumptions based on these differences before even knowing the depth and value of your message. Play with your ranges and find a comfortably low pitch. Practice it to see if it makes a difference in conveying mo.. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
c2536bd When your speaking style is clear, confident, and concise, your listeners will perceive you as such. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
fb0f27e Developing your eloquence and enunciation will reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation and misunderstanding, making your delivery more powerful. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
4687ca1 By speaking in a competent and confident way, your message will sound more relevant and appropriate, reflecting you in a favorable light. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
7ace065 Variety is the Spice of Life. Voices come in all shapes, tones, and sizes. Some are compelling and effective, while others are grating and agitating. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
bf42ca7 The list below begins to illustrate how different personalities can be assigned to different vocal qualities . . . * Warm * Loving * Breathy * Gravelly * Dull * Nasal * Rough * Hoarse * Gruff * Melodious * Whiny * Sultry * Twangy * Energetic * Shrill communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8604540 Your Signature Sound. In music, voice value is categorized for singers, composers, and listeners. Whether a performer's voice type is soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, or bass, they all have unique characteristics that make them unique and impressive. You, too, have a signature sound that is uniquely yours and makes you stand apart from the crowd. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
8b8f099 Neen James ( is an eloquent and successful international speaker who stands at four-feet-eleven with a rich Australian dialect and a high-pitched voice. For years, fellow speakers with good intentions told her she needed to take voice lessons to lower her pitch to give her more depth for a compelling stage presence. With complete confidence and loyalty to her uniqueness, she ignored the naysayers and her amazing signature voic.. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
38d2120 Most people are familiar with the rich, resonant tones of James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman. Their signature voices bring strength, authority, and lyrical enjoyment. Are there aspects of your voice that you can capitalize on to make a great impression and be simply unforgettable? communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
5f7f35e Think of the times that others remembered your name and used it kindly. How did it make you feel? When you use someone's name it makes him or her feel recognized, appreciated, and special. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
af09b0d A Sign of Respect. As our world grows more casual, we observe a tendency for everyone to use first names rather than surnames. "It is a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Young," has a completely different connotation than "Nice to meet you, Susan." communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c4fab65 What determines whether the usage is acceptable or inappropriate? If you want to make a great first impression with positive impact, it is essential that you know there is a difference. communication-skills customer-service-quotes employee-engagement first-impressions-quotes motivational-leadership-speaker motivational-speaker-susan-young professional-development quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes Susan C. Young
c0d29ba By your practice of active listening, everyone involved benefits because you . . . * are more engaged and engaging; * demonstrate that you are interested in others and what they have to say; * make others feel important, respected, understood, and appreciated; * improve your memory and retention; * affirm to others that you are an authentic, caring, and compassionate person; make a great first and last impression communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
f2be2fd If the skill of participatory listening came effortlessly and easy for everyone, there would not be so many misunderstandings, communication breakdowns, irritations, and frustrations. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
a7d8f45 Active listening is key to all healthy and effective communication, however, it doesn't necessarily come easily. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
2fcd6f2 Through the years, I have heard that the average person speaks at about 150-160 words per minute, but can listen at a rate of about 1,000 words per minute. What is going on during all that extra mind time? * Our minds are racing ahead and preparing for the next thing we are going to say. * We are preoccupied with other thoughts, priorities, and distractions. * Our subconscious filters are thumbing through our database of memories, judgment.. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
7529e2c While active listening is crucial for optimal communication, we are faced with a dilemma which can perplex even the sincerest and engaged of individuals. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
acdab84 You can have the perfect message, but it may fall on deaf ears when the listener is not prepared or open to listening. These listening "planes" were first introduced by the American composer Aaron Copland (1900-1990) as they pertain to music . . . 1. The Sensual Plane: You're aware of the music, but not engaged enough to have an opinion or judge it. 2. The Expressive Plane: You become more engaged by paying attention, finding meaning beyon.. communication-skills customer-service-quotes healthy-conversation motivational-speaker-susan-young positive-first-impression-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susanspeaks-com Susan C. Young
152348f More people continue to be and do exactly the things in life that prevent them from getting what they want or from waking up excited about their day. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
cf141e3 Since your mindset can make you or break you, how is it going? Is it representing you well or does it need a complete overhaul? build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
366d012 The Law of Cause and Effect is as active in your life as the Law of Gravity. It teaches us that for every action there is a reaction. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
f8d9596 If you do nothing, you'll have nothing. If you do something spectacular, you will have something spectacular. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9bd2866 Do you yearn for loving, loyal relationships? Be that for others build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
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3a40c45 If you want to enjoy confidence, engagement, positive feedback, connection, and reward in your relationships, start being and doing what it takes to make it happen. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
0ff1614 Create and nurture a mindset that works for you rather than against you. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young
9bc514c Strive to be optimistic rather than pessimistic-- forgiving rather than a grudge holder. build-confidence communication-skills mindset-quotes motivational-speaker preparation-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes susan-young Susan C. Young