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f5874d6 Friendship cannot live with ceremony, nor without civility. --LORD HALIFAX J.D. Robb
c7abf8e mood out of her. He slipped J.D. Robb
3bf9669 When you love somebody, they've got to know who you are, even if you're not exactly who you were. J.D. Robb
95b03d3 Should, he thought, was a disturbing word. J.D. Robb
76497d5 Members of one family of the fruit fly are called peacocks because they strut on the fruit. J.D. Robb
3a5060d So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, And Death once dead, there's no more dying then. --WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE J.D. Robb
b84ec91 brandy to sleep at night. J.D. Robb
e677a12 from a bow, and had J.D. Robb
fa0a0a6 Looks like, and sounds like, a hell of a party. J.D. Robb
3de4f7b confrontation while lounging in bed. J.D. Robb
d6ed145 Maybe if they played those poppy, jingling Christmas songs on an endless loop in the tank it would be enough. J.D. Robb
b2cc503 the table, heaved them to shower glass and petals J.D. Robb
29b415d She'd have put it behind her, Eve thought, but it was always behind you. In a corner, in the dark. Squatting there behind you and chuckling in its throat. J.D. Robb
2709c58 anything to see. I want uniforms canvassing again in the J.D. Robb
d75d406 victims' diaries again, cross J.D. Robb
3bd95c5 Watch the road! Don't look at me, look at the road. Except it's not really a road. It's a track. What are these damn bushes, and why are they here? J.D. Robb
1267709 There was the betting pool with life insurance. I bet so much a month that I'll live till I die, J.D. Robb
221ab17 the thighs. "He has Kellie Lowry in here as well. You were quite right about them using the same gym. He even took a few yoga classes with her. He also has several files" J.D. Robb
f017b9c the ground--she was a little thing, barely a hundred pounds--until the lack of oxygen had her going limp. J.D. Robb
15b4022 Music on," he ordered, and the swelling sounds of the aria from Carmen he'd already programmed into the entertainment system filled the room. Gorgeous, he thought," J.D. Robb
89894a0 Was there anything more astounding or more frightening to a man, he wondered, than a strong woman in tears? J.D. Robb
436ea1b skanks, J.D. Robb
1218825 shit assignments on." "Your faith in me is touching, Dallas. Chokes me up." She hissed at the computer. "Or maybe it's the fact that you've got yellow sheets in here from five years ago that's choking me. These should have been downloaded to the main and cleared out of your unit after twenty-four months." "So download and clear now." Eve's smile widened as the machine hacked, then droned out a warning of system failure. "And good luck." "Te.. J.D. Robb
f8f0bc7 younger J.D. Robb
62df272 I have reason to believe vigilantes grow to like their work. That power, unchecked, will corrupt its own agenda. That violence, given impunity and approval, breeds more. J.D. Robb
6d4140a Mattie hurried in, carrying a lowball glass of amber liquid with a twist of orange on a small tray. Like a skilled waitress she set a cocktail napkin on the table beside Jefferson, put the glass on it. J.D. Robb
f88dcda But it was too late as Eve had an armful of chubby baby in foaming, lacy pink. Blonde curls in pink ribbons danced as Bella bounced. She said, "Gah," and grinned. "Okay. God. Okay. Why are you always smiling?" Eve demanded. "What do you know?" J.D. Robb
e67be3e Your book is bloated and self-indulgent, J.D. Robb
ecbcb0e Here J.D. Robb
c22c538 Dial M for Murder in my book, same director. And that J.D. Robb
d11bc93 The daily life of kids was a strange one, she thought. You got hauled to various locations, dumped there, hauled out again at the end of the day. During the dump time, you formed your own little societies that might have little or nothing to do with your pecking order in your home life. So weren't you constantly adjusting, readjusting, dealing with new rules, new authorities, more power, less? No wonder kids were so weird. J.D. Robb
22d598e She caught the crazy-eyed look in one about the size of a small horse, wondered vaguely why anyone would want a dog they could essentially ride around the house. When she made the mistake of meeting those crazy eyes for a split second, it danced its great gray bulk in place, then charged, dragging its squeaking owner out of her chair. In defense, Eve slapped a hand to her weapon, but the horse-dog covered the ground like a sprinter, heaved .. J.D. Robb
5406a67 senses. Rather than trust her reflexes, she programmed for auto. And J.D. Robb
8123e9c We'll take the laundry in for anal. J.D. Robb
72a2862 Red's just dark pink when you think about it." When" J.D. Robb
4ca2268 A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. --HENRY ADAMS J.D. Robb
fe6a27c Roarke." She had to admit, maybe just this once, she enjoyed being swept up and carried off. "Yes." "I always thought too much emphasis, in society, advertisement, entertainment, was put on sex." "Did you?" "I did." Grinning, she shifted her body, quick and agile, and overbalanced him. "I've changed my mind," she said as they tumbled onto the bed." J.D. Robb
695fea0 Out of the dark, out of the delicate mist, the lady rose up. Torch held high, face serene and somehow kind. Lights glowed in her, around her, charging her with brilliance, with purpose. And how many, Eve thought, had seen that welcome, that promise, when they'd crossed an ocean to a new world? A new life? How J.D. Robb
6dc413b You gonna eat, you should eat good." From" J.D. Robb
8278648 Can you work in a stop by the Miras' sometime today? J.D. Robb
28087b9 I'll tell you that whatever you feel for anyone, however much love's inside you, there's more of it when you have a child. You can't understand it until you've experienced it. And it doesn't change as they grow into men, into women. It just grows with them. It should be me in there, and not my boy. J.D. Robb
cc7950a I was rough before. I'm sorry." The apology, so quiet and unexpected, embarrassed her. "Forget it." She shifted away, drained her cup, set it aside. "I won't forget it; neither will you." He took her hand, lifted it to his lips. Nothing could have pleased him more than the quick suspicion on her face. "You won't forget me, Eve. You'll think of me, perhaps not fondly, but you'll think of me." "I'm in the middle of a murder investigation. You.. J.D. Robb
197eecc I need to see you again." Her pulse jumped, as if it had nothing to do with the rest of her. "Roarke, what's going on here?" J.D. Robb
39405be Or the ploy Dahmer used--that classic had proven to do the job in all the decades following. Lone woman struggling to lift something heavy into the back of a vehicle. Can J.D. Robb