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7bda51e In a few weeks she wouldn't just be Eve Dallas, lieutenant, homicide. She'd be Roarke's wife. How she would manage to be both was more of a mystery to her than any case that had ever come across her desk. J.D. Robb
26d3e65 There is no such thing in man's nature as a settled and full resolve either for good or evil, except at the very moment of execution. --NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE J.D. Robb
407848e You have power over a powerful man. His love for you gives you the power, though I suspect there are times the two of you fight like cats. J.D. Robb
cf09fcb hoping for some clue. But he J.D. Robb
fbf3ba5 He knows his father started him on the path of, let's say circumventing the law. That he has a predisposition for violence. He learned how to channel it, as you did. He had a goal - to get out, to have means and power. He accomplished that. Then he found you. He understands where he came from, and I imagine it's part of his pride that he became the kind of man a woman like you would love. J.D. Robb
41858fa You're not going to stay for the thing?" He took a bite of manicotti. "There's nothing you could do, say, nothing you could possibly offer--including deviant sexual favors--that would induce me to be within a hundred yards of that baby shower." "Crap." She forked up a nice chunk of meatball. "Not even if I combined chocolate sauce with the outfit?" "Not even." "There could be whipped cream. And choreography." "An" J.D. Robb
f242221 rooms, and being the NYPS-fucking-D, we have a whole division who gets off on going through electronics, records." "That's" -- J.D. Robb
e9196ec Her hands were splayed against the wet tile, her body pulsing. Water rained over them, hot and needle sharp, as he felt the orgasm tear through her. A kind of purging, he thought. She was still gasping when he spun her around and closed his mouth greedily over her breast. She was helpless against what he brought to her. Each time, every time, helpless, staggered. And grateful. She dived her fingers into his hair, twisting, tangling them in .. roarke J.D. Robb
1da3429 If it matters too much, it can grind you down until you're nothing. I've been nothing. I can't be nothing ever again." "Who" J.D. Robb
73479f9 You look like a pagan. A pagan warrior queen." He scraped his teeth along her throat. "Naked, glowing, wearing nothing but ropes of diamonds." "I want you inside me." Breath tearing, she bit at his ear. "Hot, hard inside me." "My hands are busy at the moment." He filled them with her breasts. "I'll need help getting out of this shirt." She reached up, tore it open, sending buttons flying. "Well, that's one way." "It's how it works when you'.. J.D. Robb
b5485a5 No problem," Eve said as he crossed to her. "I was just ... Hey -- " She jerked her chin as his hand cupped it, but his fingers held firm, turning her left cheek to the light. "Your face is bruised." His voice was cool on the statement, icily so. His eyes as they flicked over the injury betrayed nothing. But his fingers were warm, tensed, and jolted something in her gut. "A scuffle over a candy bar," she said with a shrug. His eyes met hers.. J.D. Robb
9987080 An appointment for what?" The singer caught his attention. He cocked a brow, watching her roll her eyes and gesture. "Unless she's having some sort of seizure, I believe the vocalist is signaling you." Resigned, Eve glanced over, shook her head. "She's a friend of mine." She shook her head more emphatically when Mavis grinned and turned both thumbs up. "She thinks I got lucky." J.D. Robb
3572991 I love you." His eyes met hers briefly, and it was there. The simplicity of it. The enormity of it." J.D. Robb
219666e He just took her mouth again, spun her again--twice and toward the bed. She considered putting up a fight, for form's sake, but just wriggled back enough to scowl at him. "I'm working." "Not yet, and you're mostly naked. Such a fine look on you, one of my favorites." "Then why is that closet full of clothes?" "Because being an understanding sort, I appreciate your insistence on being fully dressed in public." naked J.D. Robb
cb1af6b Just Roarke, as far as I know. Big money there. Kind of guy that touches shit and turns it into gold bricks. You've got to start reading more than the sports page, Dallas. J.D. Robb
42d553d You'd enjoy flying more if you'd learn the controls." "I'd rather pretend I'm on the ground." Roarke sent her a quick smile. "And how many vehicles have you wrecked, had blown up, or destroyed in the last, oh, two years?" "Think about that, then imagine it happening when I'm at the wheel at thirty thousand feet." "Good point. I'll do the flying." "Do that, ace." J.D. Robb
e2ea2c3 Trina and her consultants will be here by four to start setting up." "Joy and--what? Who? Trina? Why? What have you done?" "You said no silly games, and no strippers," Peabody reminded her. "We're doing the full-out girl party. Champagne, decadent food, body, hair, face treatments. Chick-vids, presents, gooey desserts. Big girl slumber party, followed by champagne brunch tomorrow." "You mean . . ." The shock was sharp and cruel, a stunner b.. peabody roarke J.D. Robb
1c7fadd We have a Homicide, and a Code Five in number Eighteen-oh-three. J.D. Robb
5cf53b9 What are you smiling at?" she snapped at Roarke. "I'm a man, and I'm sitting here having coffee and cookies while two beautiful women snarl at each other. Being a man I'm required to wonder--perhaps imagine--whether there will soon be physical contact. Clothing may be ripped away. Why wouldn't I smile?" J.D. Robb
d93bac8 Eve." He took both her hands, brought them to his lips. He wanted to gather her up, cover her in something soft, something beautiful. He wanted to hold her until every horrid memory was washed away. "What you are is a miracle." J.D. Robb
a1fd34c Idle hands are the devil's workshop." "Why? They're idle when you're sleeping--does he set up shop then? Are we all supposed to stay awake using our hands so the devil doesn't make stuff? What if you broke your hand? Is he doing his workshop thing while you're waiting to have it fixed?" J.D. Robb
9aa3a60 He took a money clip out of his pocket, pulled off several bills. "Take it. It'll save you time." J.D. Robb
52af53b When he came to fear and detest you, it was worse. He ordered three hits on you that I know of." Roarke continued to stroll. "There were five, actually." "Why didn't you ever retaliate?" "I don't need the blood of my competitors. Or even my enemies. He was, for some years, nothing to me. But he should never have touched my wife. I'd have done him for that, if you're interested. For putting a mark on her." "You didn't, and he lives." "B.. J.D. Robb
1dfe396 He loves me. Roarke, I mean. He loves me." "Oh, so very much." "Nobody did before. Before Mavis, she just wouldn't give up and leave me alone. And Feeney. But he'd feel weird saying the whole love thing, so . . ." She mimed zipping fingers over her lips. "But Roarke doesn't feel weird about it. He's full of it, the love, I mean. And when he loves me, things that never worked in me did--do. It was easier when they didn't work, but it's bette.. roarke J.D. Robb
911fbb3 Are we running hot or something?" Peabody demanded. "So a person can't take a minute to have a cup of coffee and maybe a small bite to eat, especially when the person got off a full subway stop early to work off the anticipated bite to eat." "If you're finished whining about it, I'll fill you in." "A real partner would have brought me a coffee to go so I could drink it while being filled in." "How many coffee shops did you pass on your endl.. friendship humor coffee-lovers J.D. Robb
939fbe6 Roarke wondered if she thought of how many more would be hers--victims and killers. And knew, as he knew her, she did. J.D. Robb
1e52f4a How do you know that? You couldn't have finished the book." "I skipped to the end." "You..." He closed his eyes as he drank more wine. "Some things are unforgiveable." --Roarke, Dallas, Roarke" J.D. Robb
8670c03 Two library visits in one evening. Why, it could become a habit. J.D. Robb
45aa8a4 Eve found a street slot--small miracle--and decided it was worth a two and a half block hike in the snow. She imagined some cheery optimist would call the wind bracing. She hated cheery optimists. She J.D. Robb
8d1c21e Why aren't you tired? Why don't you have to have a protein shake?" "Because I had a decent lunch and a little tea with biscuits a couple hours ago." "I was chasing a killer a couple hours ago." "Maybe if you'd eaten something you'd have caught him." eat J.D. Robb
4e78d91 Well, it's stupid, and it's no wonder people are perpetually fucked up, as nobody can depend on something as basic as February. Which is already screwed up because it insists on having less days, then adding one like a little prize every four years even though everybody wants February to get the hell over so we can move on. J.D. Robb
5d1287a It matters, Eve, that you came from monsters. Matters," he continued, gripping her chin in his hand, "because, coming from them, you chose to make yourself into a woman who hunts the monsters. Not for vengeance, as would surely have been my choice, but for justice. I built a house. You built a hero." J.D. Robb
b4b7830 What do you mean SOS?" "Same old shit, Dickie. It's always SOS with you." J.D. Robb
5368a17 You love them. The fives and twenties and the profit margins, overheads, the trading fees and tax-free fuckwhats." "I love little more than a tax-free fuckwhat." "How does anybody keep track of money anyway, when it's zinging around all over the place? This guy puts it here for five minutes into pork asses, then whap! he kicks the asses and slaps it into gizmos, then shuffles some of that into peanut brittle." "It's never wise to put all yo.. J.D. Robb
53e7e62 Your heart runs deep. It is...choosy. It is careful, but when it's given, it's complete. J.D. Robb
3b035a1 Eve." He waited a beat. "I once stood in a field in Ireland, alone, a little lost, and wishing for you more than I wished for my next breath. And you came, though I never asked you, you came because you knew I needed you. We don't always do what's right, what's good. Not even for each other. But when it counts, down to the core of it, I believe we do exactly that. What's right and good for each other. "There's no rule to that, Eve. It's jus.. J.D. Robb
571561b Why do they stare? They're always staring. Like dolls," she said as they walked into the building. "Or sharks." "I" J.D. Robb
a34b7db Ordering pizza--for your division--and more for the E and B team. And don't give me any bloody grief about it. I'm a bit on edge here as I couldn't get through the bloody, buggering door for more than five minutes--and that was after Feeney started on it before me. And my wife about to be blown to bits on the other side." She knew the fear, the soul-emptying terror of it. She'd felt it for him a time or two. All she could do now was try to .. J.D. Robb
a3218fd No way that was a act. She really is that gullible. She really is dumb as a sack of moondust." "Yet very sweet." Eve rolled her eyes toward him. "I think you have to have a penis to get that impression." humor J.D. Robb
93fddf7 Divorced him--hired a fucking shark lawyer--excuse the language." "No problem. Cops hear words like lawyer all the time." Fanny" J.D. Robb
5a9a836 She smiled at him, very sweetly. "What is it about asking you Catholic questions that gets you all jumpy?" "You'd be jumpy, too, if I asked you things that make you feel the hot breath of hell at your back." "You're not going to hell." "Oh, and have you got some inside intel on that?" "You married a cop. You married me. I'm your goddamn salvation." J.D. Robb
6718b4a Hey, sweetheart. All alone in this palace?" She arched a brow when she felt the hand on her bottom and turned her head slowly to stare at McNab. He went red, then white, then red again. "Christ! Lieutenant. Sir." "Your hand's on my ass, McNab. I don't think you want it to be there." He snatched it away as if scorched. "God. Man. Shit. Beg your pardon. I didn't recognize you. I mean..." He jammed the hand he sincerely hoped she'd allow.. possessive-hero wife husband J.D. Robb
0371616 It's a mistake to be too much one of your own as they'll never see you as fully in charge. J.D. Robb
46d9c00 Did he put hands on you?" "Not quite. I think that was going to be next, but O'Brian drew him off. Before that, Clifton got pissy I wasn't telling him whatever he wanted to know and accused me of being an ass kisser. I responded that I have yet to have the privilege of kissing your ass, which I rate as the best--female variety--in the department." "That sounds like a pucker-up to me." Peabody snorted. "It was worth it. He went all puc.. J.D. Robb