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c9bdc7a Gold winked at his wrist as he pressed his choice for two coffees on the AutoChef built into the side panel. "Cream?" "Black." "A woman after my own heart." Moments later, he opened the protective door and offered her a china cup in a delicate saucer. "We have more of a selection on the plane," he said, then settled back with his coffee. "I bet." The steam rising from her cup smelled like heaven. Eve took a tentative sip -- and nearly moane.. J.D. Robb
fef0577 As she read over Eve's shoulder, Mavis let out a low whistle. "Not the Roarke! The incredibly wealthy, fabulous to look at, sexily mysterious Roarke who owns approximately twenty-eight percent of the world, and its satellites?" All Eve felt was irritation. "He's the only one I know." "You know him." Mavis rolled her green shadowed eyes. "Dallas, I've underestimated you unforgivably. Tell me everything. How, when, why? Did you sleep with him.. J.D. Robb
2894c7a She shifted her grip on him so her arms linked around his neck. "I love you." And kissed him, soft, slow, deep. "I love you. I love you. I'm just going to keep saying it," she told him as she pressed her body to his. "Racking them up, so I have a supply built up for when I forget to say it. I love who you are, what you are, how you talk, how you look at me." Her lips roamed over his face, down his throat, along his jaw, coming back to his.. J.D. Robb
2e4a955 You know how I love being referred to as your fancy piece." "Sometimes you're my love muffin." He managed a strangled laugh. She could, at the oddest times, surprise him." J.D. Robb
b829336 When a man is clever enough and knows his quarry well enough to choose such a time and place to propose marriage, well, a woman was a goner. J.D. Robb
55ee755 A nice-looking boy pays attention, says the right things, looks at you just a certain way. You're not smart anymore. J.D. Robb
341c1d1 Your view on this is narrow. That's how you're built." It didn't feel narrow to her. It felt right. "Marriage is a promise. That's one of the ways you talked me into it. If you break one part of the promise, it's going to crack other parts." J.D. Robb
5c53ba5 All these women. And Trina. Trina," she repeated, with considerable passion as she gripped his shirt. "And gooey dessert and body things and chick-vids. All night. Slumber party. Do you know what that means?" "I've had many dreams of them. Will there be pillow fights?" She spun him around so his back hit the door. "Don't. Leave. Me." "Darling." He kissed her brow. "I must. I must." "No. You can bring Vegas here. Because . . . you're.. J.D. Robb
ccf838a I'm driving." Roarke's hand paused as it reached for the car door, and his brow winged up. "It's my car." "It's my deal." They studied each other a minute, crowded together at the driver's side door. "Why are you driving?" "Because." Vaguely embarrassed, she dug her hands in her pockets. "Don't smirk." "I'll try to resist. Why?" "Because," she said again, "I drive when I'm on a case, so if I drive, it'll feel like -- it'll feel official ins.. J.D. Robb
9068142 She didn't want the medi-techs. She wanted a fucking a candy bar. humour J.D. Robb
100008d I had that hole in me, that empty space. I could have lived my life with it, content enough. I wasn't an unhappy man." He kept his eyes on hers as his thumb brushed lightly over the back of her hand. "Then, one day I felt something--a prickle at the back of my neck, a heat at the base of my spine. And standing at a memorial for the dead, I turned, and there you were." He turned her hand over, interlocking fingers. "There you were, and it al.. roarke J.D. Robb
4daab6b You know what, Peabody? Justice means a little more to me than a pretty gold star on my record or some fucking captain's bars. And if you want to go run after lover boy and stroke his ego, no one's stopping you.' Peabody's jaw twitched, but her voice was even. 'I'm not going anywhere, Lieutenant.' 'Fine, just stand here and look martyred because I--' In midtirade, Eve stopped, sucked in her breath. 'I'm sorry. You're a goddamn handy target .. J.D. Robb
2f39c8a No screen?" She nudged him away, scanned the walls. "Seriously? What kind of place is this?" "The sort where people use bedrooms for sex and sleep, which is exactly waht I have in mind." To prove it, he tumbled her onto the bed. It squeaked. "What is that? Did you hear that? Is there a farm animal in here?" "I'm fairly certain they keep those outside. It's the bed." He tugged her shirt over her head. Testing, she lifted her hips, let them .. whoopee J.D. Robb
b51adde Sometimes a well-placed lie saved friendships, and sanity. J.D. Robb
94f1a8f She rose. "I'll just go get the wine." "I'm not interested in wine." She walked away, tossed a glance over her shoulder. "You will be. When I start licking it off you." J.D. Robb
9b50001 You think I don't know, that I don't understand what that cost you. But you're wrong." She couldn't keep her voice steady, gave up trying. "You're wrong, Roarke. I do know. There's no one else in the world who would want, who would need to kill for me. No one else in the world who would step back from it because I asked it. Because I needed it." She turned, and the first tear spilled over. "No one but you." "Don't. You'll do me in if you cr.. J.D. Robb
c6537cd What you have with her will save her. Just as it saved you. J.D. Robb
8ae37e9 Drinking doesn't make problems go away. Just because you can't remember them doesn't mean they're not there. J.D. Robb
d077aa6 He'd tended her wounds, as she had his, and knew she healed well, healed fast. His resilient, hardheaded cop. But there were parts inside that tough, disciplined body that remained fragile--perhaps always would. And those vulnerable places pulled at him to protect, to comfort, to do anything he could to spare her a bruise or blow. The vulnerability undid him even as the strength brought him pride. And the whole of her brought him love beyon.. J.D. Robb
86f698d I think possibilities often come unexpectedly, and what you do with them, how much you're willing to risk for them, can change your life and make it more than you ever imagined it could be. You J.D. Robb
aac0f6d With a sigh, he pulled out his link. "What are you doing?" "Ordering pizza -- for your division -- and more for the E and B team. And don't give me any bloody grief about it. I'm a bit on edge here as I couldn't get through the bloody, buggering door for more than five minutes -- and that was after Feeney started on it before me. And my wife about to be blown to bits on the other side." She knew the fear, the soul-emptying terror of it. .. J.D. Robb
ead6577 She woke to the scent of coffee, and wondered if that was how mornings in heaven smelled. J.D. Robb
a0d7bda She broke off a piece of bacon and offered it to the cat who sat staring holes through her. "For him, this is makeup sex. That's all you get," she said when Galahad inhaled the bacon then affectionately butted his head against her calf. "Just FYI, if you let another man rub up against you, and I sniff it out, you won't be able to buy me off with bacon." He handed her the syrup pitcher so she could drown her French toast. "So noted." marriage J.D. Robb
24ac498 Love swamped her. It always seemed to come in huge, unexpected waves that left her flailing helplessly. J.D. Robb
3f60bc2 It all jibed, and the books would close on Jasper as death by misadventure. Unofficially, Eve labeled it death by stupidity, but there wasn't a place on the sheet for that particular observation. - Lt. Eve Dallas on a drunk fall off the roof funny-as-hell drunken-behaviour dark-humor J.D. Robb
087515c When it's my turn, don't do this. Recycle the parts, burn the rest. J.D. Robb
00ce2b6 If men had to wear heels, they'd be outlawed across the land. J.D. Robb
57a0f90 I've got data incoming. Do you want me to transfer it to my portable unit?" "No, you stay here, finish the runs. I shouldn't be more than a couple of hours. When you're done with this, I want you to go find a hammer." Peabody had taken out her memo book, nearly plugged in the order, when she stopped, frowned up at Eve. "Sir? A hammer?" "That's right. A really big, heavy hammer. Then you take it into my office and beat that fucking useless e.. J.D. Robb
24650d1 Real responsibility means doing what's right, even when it's hard. J.D. Robb
f690811 Roarke: "Pull yourself together, Eve." He was already in a business suit, his hair shining and sleek... Eve: "How come you already are?" Roarke: "Because staying in bed half the morning unless sex is involved is a waste of time. Since you didn't appear to be cooperative in that area, I started my day with coffee instead" J.D. Robb
8d77f6e You've got to take time for you, or your internal organs get all shriveled and your skin goes saggy. I read all about it. Anyway, Trina's got some outrageous new body paint." "No. Absolutely. I don't do body paint." Mavis rolled her eyes. "For me, Dallas. We know you. But I think you should give it a try one of these days. I bet Roarke would really go for the Gold-Dust. It does amazing things for the boobs. Makes them sparkle." "I don't wan.. J.D. Robb
6aa4265 There's always a way out. You just have to pay the price, whether it's money, status, the emotional hit, or all of that and more. Cheating's cheap and it's lazy. J.D. Robb
07e394e As Sean seem determined to shadow her every move, she concluded that young boys were much like cats. They insisted on giving their company to those who most feared or distrusted them. J.D. Robb
f279041 It's lunacy out there. Christmas makes people insane. And that bit about goodwill toward men? It sure as hell doesn't apply to retail. J.D. Robb
bc30aca You changed my life," she said again. "At least part of it. I'm beginning to see it's the best part of it. I want you to know that. I want you to remember that when we get back and things settle into routine, if I forget to let you know what I feel or what I think or how much you mean to me." Touched, he pressed his curved lips to her brow. "I won't let you forget. Come to bed. You're tired." J.D. Robb
cadea54 You know, I'm really trying to cut down on this stuff. But..." Peabody ripped into the pack of cookies. "Thing is, weird, McNab doesn't think I'm chubby. And when a guy sees you naked, he knows where the extra layers are." "Peabody, do you have some delusion that I want to hear how McNab sees you naked?" She crunched into a cookie. "I'm just saying. Anyway, you know we have sex, so you've probably reached the conclusion we're naked when we'.. J.D. Robb
863e389 Women are the worst. They zero in on some guy. Oh boy, he's the one, gotta get me that one. So they do. Then they spend the rest of their time trying to figure out how to change him. Then if they manage it, they're not all that interested anymore, because guess what? He's not the one anymore." Peabody was silent for several moments. "Somewhere in there is a lot of good sense." J.D. Robb
431f11e Cops and food, she thought. Put them in the same room, invite chaos. J.D. Robb
600774f Do you always drive this way?" "What way?" "As if we're trying to outrun an earthquake." J.D. Robb
49ceb28 The man is a genius, and geniuses don't have to abide by the same rules as the rest of the world. J.D. Robb
fa70469 Anyone who deliberately makes someone else feel less, feel helpless? That person is a coward. They're the weak ones, the shameful ones. What J.D. Robb
0a82781 She took a small device out of her bag, slipped it into her pocket. "Micro recorder?" Roarke clucked his tongue. "I believe that's illegal. Not to mention rude." "I don't know what you're talking about." "And unnecessary," he added. He turned his wrist, tapped a tiny button on the side of his watch. "This one is much more efficient. I should know. I manufacture both brands." He smiled as the car stopped at the edge of a small clearing" J.D. Robb
8c017d5 Santa exists in the hearts of all true believers. J.D. Robb
c2122ba Don't be a sore loser.' 'It's hard to argue with a woman when she's got her knee on my ego.' 'Good. Now I'm going to have my way with you.' 'Are you?' 'Damn right. I won.' She cocked her head and reached down to strip off his shirt. 'Cooperate and I won't have to hurt you. Uh-uh.' When he reached for her, she gripped his hands and pushed them back to the mat. 'I'm in charge here. Don't make me get out the cuffs.' 'Hmm. An interesting threat.. J.D. Robb