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238e7c6 I want a homing beacon on your vehicle." "There will be." "No, I want one on before we leave the grounds in the morning. I'll see to it." Give and take, she reminded herself. Even when--maybe especially when--give and take was a pain in the ass. "Okay. But there go my plans to slip off and meet Pablo the pool boy for an hour of hot, sticky sex." "We all have to make sacrifices. Myself, I've had to reschedule my liaison with Vivien the Frenc.. homing-beacon roarke J.D. Robb
09d929e I'm sorry. It's Hard for me. I do love you," she said quietly. "Sometimes it scares me because you're the first. And the only" He held her there until he was sure he could speak, then eased her back, looked into her eyes "You've chaged my life. Become my life." He touched his lips to hers, let the kiss deepen slowly, silkily. "I need you" -- J.D. Robb
4e4e0be I'm still picking pockets--I just do it as legally as I can. Being married to a cop limits certain activities. roarke J.D. Robb
b44b6d1 She was singed, bleeding, bruised, and furiously alive. furious J.D. Robb
5711edb And you're not going to tell me she didn't make a move on you. At least test the waters." "The waters," he said, "were not receptive." "If they had been, I'd have drowned her in them already." roarke J.D. Robb
90e8e2e Hotter than a fuck in hell. J.D. Robb
c89d661 You are who you are. I know you. You believe that? "Yea but--" "You're Eve Dallas. You're the love of my life. My heart and Soul. You're a cop, mind and bone. You're a woman of strength and resilience. Stubborn, hardheaded, occassionally mean as a badger, and more generous that you'll admit." J.D. Robb
7663b89 I love you, Eve." She looked away from the sun, the ocean, and into his eyes. And it was wonderful, and for the moment, it was simple. "I missed you." She pressed her cheek to his and held him tightly. "I really missed you. I wore one of your shirts." She could laugh at herself now because he was here. She could smell him, touch him. "I actually went into your closet and stole one of your shirts--one of the black silk ones you have dozens .. J.D. Robb
6ce4421 I want a riot laser," Eve snapped at Peabody. "Full body armor." She yanked a six-inch combat knife from its leather sheath and watched with glee, as its wicked serrated edge caught the sunlight through her little window. Peabody's eyes popped. "Sir?" "I'm going down to maintenance, and I'm going locked and loaded. I'm taking those piss-brain sons of bitches out, one by one. Then I'm going to haul what's left of the bodies into my vehicle a.. J.D. Robb
a941844 Okay. Look, why don't you take care of the half a million things you've been letting dangle in Roarke's Empire of Everything?" "Catchy title. I may use it one day." humor roarke J.D. Robb
40a5562 You saved me, Eve." He watched her blink in absolute shock. "What you are, what I feel for you, what we are together saved me." He kept his eyes on hers as he kissed her." saved-me J.D. Robb
76961f5 Eve, did you marry me for my money?" "You bet your ass. And you'd better hold on to it, or I'm history" "It's very sweet of you to say so." humor roarke J.D. Robb
96a4523 That was the biggest problem with getting used to someone, she thought. You were lonely when they weren't there. J.D. Robb
0afc6a0 Eve talking to someone on her computer and having trouble with the language translator. ...."I have two like crimes. Your data and your input on Leclerk would be very helpful" Marie pursed her lips and humor danced in her eyes. "It says you would like to have sex with me. I don't think that is correct" "Oh, for Christ sake" Eve slammed a fist against the machine....." J.D. Robb
0f385ea When she brought Mira up, Eve gave Roarke another glance. "Don't talk to him," she warned. "He can get bitchy when he's in this deep. I don't know if we have any of that tea stuff." "I had it stocked, and I don't get bitchy. Bloody, buggering HELL." Eve just rolled her eyes and got the tea." humor roarke J.D. Robb
8ffe605 I'm going to see if Morris has a spare spine lying around you can borrow if you're scared to speak to that high-heeled, smug-ass bitch, Peabody. humour peabody J.D. Robb
37e65a1 Hold on a minute." She leaned out the window, shouted at the messenger who'd nearly sideswiped her vehicle with his jet-board. "Police property, asshole. If I had time I'd hunt you down and use that board to beat your balls black." "Darling Eve, you know how that kind of talk thrills and excites me. How can I keep my mind off sex now?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
34b58c6 She thinks you married me for power," he said as they walked on. "Renee. As that's what she would've done. The power and the money is one in the same to her." "She's wrong. I married you for the sex." He grinned. "So sure of that am I that I work diligently to hold up my end of it." J.D. Robb
031fef7 You think they've killed before?" "I'd bet your ass on it" "Why my ass?" Eyes slitted, Peabody jabbed a finger in the air. "Because it's bigger? Because it has more padding? That's hitting below the belt." "Your ass is below your belt. I'd bet mine, too, if it makes you feel better." -- J.D. Robb
616d431 Into the night, in the dark, he lay beside her, listening to her breathe. He knew the varied and sundry reasons a man would kill. But none were more fierce, none were more vital than to hold safe what he loved. J.D. Robb
c71e3f9 he wouldn't mention, now or then, the illegal nine-millimeter automatic he had in his pocket. Why distress the woman you loved with minor details? J.D. Robb
055ed59 Now he felt temper snapping at the nerves. "If you can't be comfortable in the house while I'm not here, you can barricade yourself in this apartment. You can damn well barricade yourself in it while I am here. It's up to you." "Yes, it is." She took a deep breath and turned to him. "You did this for me." Annoyed, he inclined his head. "There doesn't seem to be much I wouldn't do for you." "I think that's starting to sink in." No one had.. J.D. Robb
a5d366d I'd rather be screwed up with you than smooth with anybody else. love J.D. Robb
80aae17 Why doesn't it bother her? Seriously, it doesn't. She's not putting on a front. She's in a serious relationship with a guy who has sex with other women for a living, and it doesn't matter to her." "I married a cop." Roarke smiled at her. "We all have our levels of acceptance. He was an LC when they met, just as she was a doctor, and one who often works in dangerous areas of the city." She shot him the same easy smile. "So...if I'd been an L.. level-of-acceptance louise eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
379f6e1 Goddamn Summerset. I've told him to leave my car when I park it." "I think he did." Peabody flipped on her sunshades, pointed. "It's blocking the drive, see?" "Oh, yeah." Eve cleared her throat. The car was just as she'd left it, and fluttering in the mild breeze were a few torn articles of clothing. "Don't ask," she muttered and started to hoof it down the drive. "I wasn't going to." Peabody's voice was smooth as silk, "Speculation's more .. speculation peabody J.D. Robb
d780b4b You have to trust or you're only living half a life. J.D. Robb
f4a085d I want to keep you, till the end of days. fiction mystery J.D. Robb
2063639 Why?" Eve leaned forward. "Sincerely, I've always wanted to know why anyone buys multiple pairs of shoes at a time." "If I have to explain it, the joy is lost." J.D. Robb
1c7925e Who's with her?" Roarke asked, though he already knew. It was just like her. "With her? Oh, ah, hmmm. Webster." Silence fell, a clatter of broken bricks. Peabody folded her hands in her pockets and prepared for the explosion to follow. "I see." When Roarke simply turned back to the screen and continued, she didn't know whether to be relieved or scared to death." scared-to-death roarke J.D. Robb
064c697 Nobody's that naive," she muttered. "Nobody's that guileless." "He's from Nebraska." Peabody scanned her pocket unit. "From where?" "Nebraska." Peabody waived a hand, vaguely west.... "They still grow them pretty guileless in Nebraska. I think it's all that soy and corn." J.D. Robb
b53d4c6 Why?" He tilted his head. "That's a tricky one. Could it be your serenity, your quiet manner, your flawless fashion sense?" It did his heart good to see her quick, amused grin. "No, I must be thinking of someone else. It must be your courage, your absolute dedication to balancing scales, that restless mind, and that sweet corner of your heart that pushes you to care so much about so many." "That's not me." "Oh, but it is you, darling Eve... J.D. Robb
98230cc He shook his head and eyed Roarke. "You don't look like a cop." "I'm not and thank you for noticing." J.D. Robb
54760d3 The security officer smiled and said, 'Good afternoon, ma'am,' to me before I gave him ID." "It's a sick world, Eve." He resisted taking her hand for another squeeze. "A sick, sad world." humor j-d-robb eve-dallas roarke j.d. robb
5f9c458 It's an exceptional thing to have someone in your life who knows and understands you so well. Who loves who you are. A very exceptional thing. J.D. Robb
e958698 I will give you more pain than you can imagine. Your brains will leak out of your ears, and your bowels out of your ass. I will cause that to happen without leaving a mark, and every cop here will swear you died of natural causes. J.D. Robb
6726d07 Peabody, you never cease to amaze me." "One day I'll tell you about my granny and her five lovers." "Five lovers isn't abnormal for a woman's lifetime." "Not in her lifetime; last month. All at the same time." Peabody glanced up, deadpan. "She's ninety-eight. I hope to take after her." lovers grandmother J.D. Robb
379d287 When you find nothing... it means you're eliminating what surrounds the something. J.D. Robb
0aed0fb But Roarke doesn't feel weird about it. He's full of it, the love, I mean. And when he loves me, things that never worked in me did - do. It was easier when they didn't work, but it's better when they do. You know? love J.D. Robb
4e75fe3 Just shut your mouth, you ignorant twat." "Aw, Dallas, he called me a twat. How come you get to be a bitch, but I only get to be a twat." "It's the rank," Eve told her. "You'll make bitch one day." "Thanks. That means a lot to me." eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
01b0105 I'm not going anywhere." Gently, he stroked her back, cradled her head. Was there anything more astounding or more frightening to a man, he wondered, than a strong woman in tears? "I've been right here all along. I love you, Eve, almost more than I can stand." "I need you. I can't help it. I don't want to." "I know." He eased back, tucking a hand under her chin to lift her face to his. "We're going to have to deal with it." He kissed one.. J.D. Robb
386f2af I'm not putting up with this," she continued. "You can't even go out and buy a solar system without worrying I'll fall apart. How are you supposed to get anything done?" "Actually, I'm not in the market for a solar system right at the moment." J.D. Robb
293b680 She turned toward Roarke's office, then stopped in the doorway. He was at his console; captain of his ship. He'd drawn his hair back so it lay on his neck in a short, gleaming black tail. His eyes were cool, cool blue. The colour they were when his mind was fully occupied. He'd taken off his dinner jacket, his shirt was loose at the collar, the sleeves rolled up. There was something... just something about that look that always and forever .. J.D. Robb
dd52608 I didn't want to tell you I'd been scared, much less why. I guess that was stupid." "It was." "Aren't you supposed to say something like 'no, it wasn't. Blah, blah, support, stroke, let me get you some chocolate'?" "You haven't red the marriage handbook's footnotes. It's another who does that sort of thing. I believe I'm allowed to be more blunt, then ask if you'd like a quick shag." "Shag yourself" marriage-handbook roarke J.D. Robb
b8a167d What kind of a maniac needed over five thousand plates? roarke J.D. Robb