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3d70179 Love without trust? It's not love at all. love j-d-robb J.D. Robb
d0fca3a You go in, I go in." "Listen---" He took her face in his hands. "You go, I go. That's non-negotiable. If we're to get blasted to hell or poisoned into lunatics, we do it together." "Crap, Crap. You have to look less rich and gorgeous." God help him, she made him grin. "I'll do what I can." J.D. Robb
c887ae5 I got you a present." "Did you?" "It's a book of poetry--romancy stuff. I thought, 'How schmaltzy is that,' so it seemed like the thing. Then I screwed up and left it in my desk at work" present roarke J.D. Robb
6d63eae I said, you're the beat of my heart, the breath in my body, the light in my soul. romance J.D. Robb
f5a836b You're arrogant, domineering, egotistical, and disdainful of the law." He lifted one amused brow. "And your point would be?" smartass roarke J.D. Robb
609269f That's a lot of vegetables. "It is, yes, and if you eat them like a good girl..." He lifted the silver lid on another plate, revealed a small pizza, with pepperoni arranged into a smiley face. She tried to give him a stony stare, but the laugh won out. "You think you're cute, don't you, pal?" "Adorable." "In this case, you can have adorable. Ow!" She managed the stony stare when he slapped her hand away from the pizza. "Vegetables first." roarke-humor roarke J.D. Robb
30632cc You tell Roarke you were tagging me for this? Or is he going to get riled up so I have to kick his ass again?" "Oh, is that what you were doing when you had to be carried out of the room unconscious?" "I like to remember it that I was just getting my second wind." -- webster second-wind roarke J.D. Robb
cc04d80 Pull yourself together, Detective. You're embarrassing yourself, and more imprtant, you're embarrassing me." "They're going to do it outside. In public." "So the fuck what?" "Public," Peabody said, head still between her knees. "You're being honored by this department and this city for having the integrity, the courage, and the skill to take out a blight on this department and this city. Dirty, murdering, greedy, treacherous cops are sittin.. eve-dallas mcnab peabody roarke speech J.D. Robb
5d1ea9b Hey. Hands off.", "Please. Please, please, soooo pretty. Lemme just have one little touch." "Peabody, isn't it embarrassing enough you're wearing pink cowboy boots, again, without standing here drooling on my coat?" J.D. Robb
3ade58b You need a medic, Lieutenant." "In a minute. Let me ask you something." "Ask away." Having nothing else, he tore part of his ripped sleeve to dab at the blood on her shoulder. "Do I come charging into one of your board rooms when you're having trouble with a business deal?" His eyes flicked to hers. Some of the fierceness died out of them into what was almost a smile. "No, Eve, you don't. I don't know what got into me." "It's okay. This onc.. roarke J.D. Robb
a36b3d5 You're earlier than expected, and appear to have gotten through the day without destroying any article of clothing. I must note this event down on my calendar." "Bitch when I'm late, bitch when I'm early. You could go pro on the bitching circuit." summerset J.D. Robb
ed0c638 God is dead and I am his replacement. god J.D. Robb
7e87e6d A banner hung over the break-room door, facing out so any who came in would see the sentiment: NO MATTER YOUR RACE, CREED, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, OR POLITICAL AFFILIATION, WE PROTECT AND SERVE, BECAUSE YOU COULD GET DEAD. J.D. Robb
38a3489 I changed your life." She looked down at the peach they shared. "You changed min. I'm glad of it." And back into his eyes. "Every day. I'm glad of it. I'd like a pond, and maybe something to sit on so we could watch the creepy, interesting fish." "That would suit me very well." She linked her arms around his neck, laid her cheek on his. Love finds a way, she thought." J.D. Robb
93efcbd Officer down. Officer down." "I'm an officer now, am I? That's insult to injury." officer-down roarke J.D. Robb
5f6c384 That Chippendale is a coffee table, Lieutenant, not a footstool." "How do you walk with that stick up your ass?" She left her feet where they were, propped comfortably on the table. "Does it hurt, or does it give you a nice little rush?" "Your dinner guests," he said, curling his lip, "have arrived." "Thank you, Summerset." Roarke got to his feet. "We'll have the hors d'oeuvres in here." He held out a hand to Eve. She waited, deliberately, .. J.D. Robb
2bf32a4 Assaulting an officer will earn you one to five, Roarke. That's in a cage, not cushy home detention." "You're not wearing your badge. Or anything else, for that matter." He gave her a friendly nip on the chin. "Be sure to put that in your report." roarke-humor roarke J.D. Robb
1f05d9b For a moment, she let herself forget about the business at hand and smiled at him. "You know, Roarke, you're kind of cute." She realized it was the first time she'd really surprised him. His head came up, and his eyes were startled--for perhaps two heartbeats. Then that sly smile came into them. The one that made her own pulse jitter. "You're going to have to do better than that, lieutenant. I've got you in." "No shit?" Excitement floode.. J.D. Robb
f8013f9 Maybe they're out doing the tango and drinking tequila shots." He sent Eve a grin. "As we will be when we reach their age. After which we'll come home and have mad sex." "For God's sake. This is on the record." "Yes, I know." He stepped off with her on Var's floor. "I wanted those future plans to be official as well." on-record future-plans roarke J.D. Robb
3158bbb When a guy's in the hospital, he wants toys." "When a guy gets a splinter in his toe, he wants toys." J.D. Robb
63827fb She came before she could stop herself, a small pop of release. Panting, she ripped the goggles off and found Peabody gaping at her. "It wasn't a walk on a quiet beach," Eve managed. "I could see that. What was it, exactly?" "A couple of mostly naked guys and a big satin bed." Eve blew out a breath, set the goggles down. "Who'd have thought she relaxed with sex fantasies?" "Ah, Lieutenant. Sir. As your aide, I believe it's my responsibility.. J.D. Robb
50dedc5 Please, Eve, these public displays of affection must stop. I have a reputation." "Keep it up, ace, and I'll give you a public display of affection that'll have you limping for a week." "Now I'm excited." smartass roarke J.D. Robb
be9b8d5 I had that hole in me, that empty space. I could have lived my life with it, content enough. I wasn't an unhappy man."..................... The tears came now. He watched them drip down her cheeks, wondered if she were even aware they leaked out of her. "She was part of my life. You are my life. If I have a regret, it's that even for an instant you could think otherwise. Or that I allowed you to." -Roarke" -- marriage sadness fights regret J.D. Robb
396d4b3 A pity it was so early in the day and I couldn't treat myself to the roller coaster. we'll have to come back, you and I, and make up for it." "Sure, when I've lost my mind and want to rush screaming through the air in a little car." J.D. Robb
51e557e I'm fine right here." All patience, he bent down until his face was close to hers. "What you are is hoping to get drunk enough so that you can take a few punches at someone without worrying about the consequences. With me, you don't have to get drunk, you don't have to worry. You can take all the punches you want." "Why?" "Because you have something sad in your eyes and it gets to me." roarke j.d. robb
c32f70b DeBlass's eyes darted left and right. His breathing grew hard and fast. "My client does not acknowledge ownership of the weapon in question." "Your client's scum." The lawyer puffed up. "Lieutenant Dallas, you're speaking of a United States Senator." "That makes him elected scum." J.D. Robb
bf0dd6e That's a 'Fuck Me' car and you know it." ~ Dallas "Well, yeah. Maybe. But it's got to be fast." ~ Peabody" J.D. Robb
fe6fbed My late unlamented father taught me one valuable lesson. 'Boy', he would say to me in the thick brogue of a champion drunk, 'the only way to fight is to fight dirty. The only place to hit is below the belt. J.D. Robb
333a2b9 I've decided being eaten alive by anything is my last choice of causes of death." "What's first choice?" "Kicking it at two hundred and twenty, minutes after being sexually satisfied by my thirty-five-year-old Spanish lover, and his twin brother." "There's something to be said for that," J.D. Robb
be9ee39 Eve: "She completely eye-fucked you." Roarke: "I know. I feel so cheap and used." Eve: "Shit. You got off on it. Men always do." Roarke: "True enough, which is why we're so often cheap and used." suspense J.D. Robb
918b346 EVE: I have work to do. ROARKE: I know but it can wait. I have something to show you. EVE: In the bedroom? She looks Roarke up and down. I've seen it. It's nice I might take time to play with it later. ROARKE: You're to good to me. roarke J.D. Robb
c6c63e9 She drew in a shuddering breath. "I love you." And let it out. "God." The emotion that swept through him was like a summer storm, quick, violent, then clean. Swamped with it, he rested his brow on hers. "You didn't choke on it." J.D. Robb
4e7b42e Have McNab take the edge if you need one. Can he handle bad cop?" "He does it really well during personal role-playing games when I'm the reluctant witness." eve-dallas peabody J.D. Robb
41e726f She raised her eyes to his. They had both come from misery, she thought, and survived it. They had been drawn together through violence and tragedy, and had overcome it. They walked different paths and had found a mutual route. Some things last, she thought. Some ordinary things. Like love. J.D. Robb
0b11c1a At least this time, with this murder, she knew he had an alibi. At the time Cicely Towers was having her throat slashed, Roarke had been fucking the hell out of the investigating officer. J.D. Robb
409c758 Roarke cares very much for Beth and for me, and a few select others. But loves? I'm not sure he'd let himself risk quite that unstable an emotion. J.D. Robb
45dfc35 I was having the surreal experience of having myself show myself around my office and bullpen." "Oh! My desk. I could've sat at my desk. I could've sat at your desk." "No." "It's a vid set." "Even then, no." -- J.D. Robb
5a0aa25 The worst, the very worst requirement of friendship, in Eve Dallas's opinion, was sitting through an entire evening of childbirth classes. What went on there--the sights, the sounds, the assault on all the senses--turned the blood cold. eve-dallas J.D. Robb
429b4c3 Can you imagine what I wouldn't risk for you? You can't, because there's nothing. There's bloody nothing" - Roarke" roarke J.D. Robb
c4989dc By the way, Dallas?" "What, Peabody?" "That's a lovely tattoo. New?" Eve clamped her teeth together, strode toward the door with as much dignity as she could manage. "See?" She jabbed a finger into Roarke's chest as they walked down the corridor. "I told you I'd be humiliated by that stupid rosebud." "You've been drugged, slapped, tied up naked, and nearly killed, but a rose on your butt humiliates you?" "All that other stuff's the job. The.. J.D. Robb
2f03447 Try to look like Peabody." "Sorry?" "Serious, official, yet approachable." "You forgot adorable." "Peabody is adorable." "She is from my perspective. Besides, I was talking about me." eve roarke J.D. Robb
7bb364c What did she say?" Eve asked when they got into the car. "Here's love, she said, to hold until next we meet and I give you more." J.D. Robb
dfde41d Eve: "What do you want?" Nadine: "A man of amazing sexual prowess, great sensitivity, stupendous abs, and the face of an angel. Toss in a wicked sense of humor and stupendous wealth, who adores the very ground I walk on. Oh wait, you already have him." J.D. Robb
ec80a8b The whole point of love is that it has no reason. It just is. J.D. Robb