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09cf9e4 But he knows me better than I figured. He knows she matters to me." "And he'll count on that messing you up. You gonna let it?" J.D. Robb
0386ded Her eyes met his in the mirror. "When I take her down, she's going to pay for this." Eve tapped fingers lightly over her jaw. "And she won't look so fucking pretty when I toss her in a cage." "Girl fight? Can I watch?" "Pervert." She stepped away, into the shower, and ordered the jets on full at a blistering temperature." J.D. Robb
46e314f They are not to be scarfed, the cinnamon sticky bun, but savored. J.D. Robb
2f02ee3 Ah . . . listen. It's better for your case, and your fancy lawyers would back me up, if you and I aren't seen running around together. Primary investigator and defendant. It doesn't look good." "You mean I can't--" Mavis shut her mouth, regrouped. "All right then, we won't go running around together. Leonardo can work here. Roarke won't mind, will you?" "On the contrary." He took a satisfied drag on his cigarette. "I think it's a perfect so.. J.D. Robb
ccb11c8 Hastings hunched at the rickety table in Interview Room C, doing a pretty good job of looking bored. The dribbles of sweat along his temples were the only sign he was feeling the heat. Eve dropped into the chair across from him, flashed a big, friendly smile. "Hey. Thanks for dropping by." "Kiss my white, dimpled ass." "As tempting as that is, I'm afraid I'm not allowed to make such personal contact." "You kicked my balls, you oughta be abl.. J.D. Robb
cafed79 Jesus, Peabody." Amazed, Eve slid out into traffic. "You checked out her ass?" "I check out everyone's ass. It's a hobby." "Get a new one. Like . . . bird-watching or something." "Bird-watching? In New York?" J.D. Robb
071fc61 I slept in myself, didn't get up until about nine." "Has anyone looked outside, checked to see if the world is still spinning on its axis?" "At which time," he continued dryly, "I had a workout--I had souffle, too. Then, before I came down here to enjoy one of my gifts, I worked about an hour in my office." romance roarke sweet J.D. Robb
289dbc0 Mind the faeries," Brian said with a grin. "Christ, it's been years since I stepped into a country wood. Roarke, do you remember when we skinned those Germans in the hotel, then hid out for two days with travelers in the wood down in Wexford till the heat was off?" "Jesus, I'm standing right here," Eve pointed out. "Cop." "There was that girl," Brian continued, unabashed. "Ah, the sultry beauty. And no matter how I tried to charm her, she o.. J.D. Robb
d202610 Great sweater, by the way. Cashmere?" Baffled, Eve looked down at her navy turtleneck. "I don't know. It's blue." J.D. Robb
9d1dda6 She took his mouth, gave it a nice little bite as she ground against him. "There you are," she murmured. "Well, you've left me no choice." "A cock's always ready to crow." He laughed, wrapped his arms around her. "Crowing's not what mine's ready for." "Show me." She went to work on his trousers. Amused, aroused, he watched her. "In a bit of a hurry, are we?" "I've got to use you and get back to work, so no dawdling." dawdling use-you J.D. Robb
e18824b You should get dressed up, go dancing, drink grown-up cocktails, and have sex as much as you can before you're dead. J.D. Robb
991a4ee They needed each other. Two lost souls, he thought, taking a moment to walk to the tall windows that looked out on part of the world he'd built for himself out of will, desire, sweat, and dubiously accumulated funds. Two lost souls whose miserable beginnings had forged them into what appeared to be polar opposites. Love had narrowed the distance, then had all but eradicated it. She'd saved him. The night his life had hung in her furious an.. romance roarke J.D. Robb
e3e0264 A man can be pulled in by beauty and not see beneath it. J.D. Robb
0ae5e28 I figure it doesn't work that way. It finds you, and it grabs you by the throat and you can't do a damn thing about it. J.D. Robb
3fd9da5 Stop that." Mortified, she reached out to slam the door shut. "Somebody could come in." "Then stop squirming," he suggested, and gently peeled back the bandage. He nodded in approval. "You did a decent job." Even as she hissed at him, he lowered his head and touched his lips to the cut. "All better," he said with a grin just as the door opened. Peabody gaped, flushed, then stammered out, "Excuse me." "Just leaving," Roarke said, patting the.. J.D. Robb
eb7f912 Idols always fall, Eve. J.D. Robb
2962519 Eve supposed everything about Nadine looked mag, from her sweep of streaky blonde hair to the toes of her jazzed shoes. She had a foxy, angular face, observant green eyes, and a slim body that curved appropriately in her on-camera suit of power red. She was smart, she was sneaky, she was cynical. And for reasons Eve imagined neither of them fully understood, they'd become friends. J.D. Robb
9d88153 Edison, Oedipus, platypus. Whatever. J.D. Robb
401302a No. Nature, nurture, both matter, both form us. But at some point, at so many points, the choices we make, the paths we take, they define us. You made yours. She's made hers." "Yeah." J.D. Robb
4c9c7a0 She brought out the first-aid kit--ever-efficient Summerset--and sat to tend the wounds. "Jesus, I really went at you. That's bad enough, but scratching and biting like a girl. It's mortifying." "You got a couple of punches in, if it makes you feel better." "I'm a crappy person, because it does a little." "Rang my bell once." "And still a little more." She looked up at him. "Do you ever wonder who the hell we are, that somehow we'll be okay.. J.D. Robb
67161c8 She strode away, steeling both her heart and her belly against the hurt. It wasn't just the body, she thought, that could shatter. And it wasn't only fists and pipes and bats that could shatter it. J.D. Robb
0c42af2 People who act like assholes get treated like assholes J.D. Robb
2510a79 She considered, as she never had, that she could install Roarke's real and excellent blend in the break room. But then she rejected the notion as temporarily sentimental. J.D. Robb
98868af mostly suck--it's the law of averages, I figure, especially when you're on the job. Then you cross paths with people like that. Bad shit's happened to them, seriously bad shit, but they still come out of it decent. J.D. Robb
ad6fac0 But getting the sinner where justice deemed he belonged was the trick. It required a system. And the system demanded its rules, techniques, manpower, organizations, and loopholes. And the occasional seminar to educate and inform. J.D. Robb
af812f0 People tended to shop and frequent restaurants in their comfort-zone. J.D. Robb
110a7be A good cop, a smart cop, closes cases and locks up the bad guys. J.D. Robb
f15c905 Most people, however clever, however controlled, never hid it completely. There were chinks, clues, habits. At some point, the real person showed through the facade. J.D. Robb
6ca7166 He turned her into his arms as they stepped into the studio, ran his hands over her hips. "I missed you. I miss spending large quantities of time with you." She felt the heat kindle between her thighs, hotter, lustier than the moment called for. Her breasts tingled with it. "I missed you, too. Why don't we figure out how to cut the evening short, go home, and fuck like rabbits?" He was hard as iron. As he leaned down to nip at her ear, he f.. J.D. Robb
9f8a8eb Cops are good at keeping secrets. J.D. Robb
8098e76 Marital discord, she decided, was like some sort of low-grade fever that threw the whole system just slightly out of whack so you couldn't manage to function at full capacity. J.D. Robb
bcc06fb propped up a little as her eyes adjusted. She hardly ever got to watch Roarke sleep. Most of the time he rose before she did. And sleep for her tended to be wandering in lucid, often disturbing dreams, J.D. Robb
be8f5db That works for now." Eve's stomach began to clench and jitter. There were tears swimming in her aide's eyes. Peabody's lips were quivering. "What are you doing?" she demanded. "Nothing. Sir." "How come you're going to cry? You know how I feel about crying on the job." "I'm not crying." And it appalled her that she was on the edge of it. "I just don't feel very well, that's all. I wonder, sir, if I could be excused from the briefing at sixte.. J.D. Robb
1d6c51f In any case, what would be the point of having all that, and you, darling Eve, if I can't have time with you, away from your work and mine?" "I could probably take a week." "I was thinking four." "Four? Four weeks? That's a month." His eyes laughed over the rim of his cup. "Is it now? I believe you're right." "I can't take a month off. A month is like . . . a month." "As opposed to what? A chicken?" "Ha. Look, maybe I could st.. J.D. Robb
56523ab Eventually you'll be next. Eventually you'll disappoint him, and he'll feel betrayed by you. Idols always fall, Eve. J.D. Robb
b485115 Did Morris put anybody on Coltraine, specifically?" "Clipper." "Die-For-Ty? Talk about the sex. How come so many death doctors are wholly iced?" "A mystery I've pondered throughout my career." "No, seriously. Clipper's like ummm. He's gay and has a partner, but a yummy treat for the eyes. His partner's an artist. He paints people, literally I mean. Body painting. They've been together about six years." "How do you know all this st.. J.D. Robb
86b183d He's not your type." Peabody's face clouded exactly as it had when Eve had rejected the perfume. "How come - I like looking at his type." "Sure, but try to have a conversation with him." Eve dipped her hands in her pockets and rocked back on her heels. "Guy's in love with himself and figures every woman who gets a load of him has to go moony eyed - just like you're doing. He'd bore you to death in ten minutes because all he'd talk about is .. J.D. Robb
ae1cdf3 You know better than to blame yourself." "Knowing better doesn't always stop it." J.D. Robb
9392ce9 You have a point, but love can also cause you to see things as you prefer to see them, as you want them to be. J.D. Robb
78f2ef1 Damn it, Roarke, he's going to come back and poke at me, and try to make me drink one of his weird brews. I just need a hot shower. Let me up. Have a heart." "I do, and it's yours." J.D. Robb
73dd107 Religion was a riddle to her. Believe this, and only this, because we say so. If you don't you're buying a one-way ticket to everlasting Hell. J.D. Robb
a773c31 Drop the fucking weapon, you fucking motherfucker or I'll fucking scramble your fucking brains. Hands up! Hands where I can fucking see them, you fucking cocksucker. You fucking breathe wrong, you fucking blink wrong, and I will fuck you up. J.D. Robb
82aa775 A cop did better cynical and suspicious. J.D. Robb
d6728e1 For some a gift is only a symbol of their own superior position, which makes it not a gift at all. J.D. Robb