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639555d Time doesn't heal, whatever they say. It's how we use the time that can heal. J.D. Robb
18c8c8f Summerset-"I see you've destroyed another police vehicle. Perhaps you now hold the record." J.D. Robb
a71ec16 She started to pull at the chain, but he closed his hands over hers. "It doesn't go with my suit. Eve, a gift is not supposed to make the blood drain out of your cheeks." Suddenly exasperated, he gave her a quick shake. "It caught my eye, and I was thinking of you. Damn you, I always am. I bought it because I love you. Christ Jesus, when are you going to swallow that?" J.D. Robb
ccfe703 Don't leave me again. God. God. Don't leave me again." "I didn't" "Part of you did." He moved her back, and his eyes swarmed with emotion. "Part of you left me, and I couldn't stand it." roarke J.D. Robb
5fb7fca I don't mind being a suspect when the corpse is a shit-for-brains fuckwit, but if I'd killed her it would've been bloody and loud. And I'd have enjoyed it too much to keep it to myself. J.D. Robb
c21128d Tell him I took the cat J.D. Robb
82e35cb Mavis.' He paled a bit. 'Eve, tell me you're not going shopping with Mavis.' His reaction brightened her mood a little. 'She has this friend. He's a designer.' 'Dear Christ.' 'She says he's mag. Just needs a break to make a name for himself. He has a little workshop in Soho.' 'Let's elope. Now. You look fine.' Her grin flashed. 'Scared?' 'Terrified.' 'Good. Now we're even.' Delighted to be on level footing, she leaned in and kissed him. 'No.. J.D. Robb
fb5ec11 Three weeks hadn't changed Cop Central. The coffee was still poisonous, the noise abominable, and the view out of her stingy window was still miserable. She was thrilled to be back. romance humor j-d-robb science-fiction J.D. Robb
ae4a0e7 I have to say you don't look anything like a policewoman." Maxia's perfect eyebrows arched as she gave Eve's dress a quick scan. "Leonardo dresses you, doesn't he?" "No, I usually do it myself." leonardo eve-dallas J.D. Robb
d34e00c Roarke, I'm working on it." "On what?" "On accepting what you seem to feel for me." He lifted a brow. "Work harder," he suggested." roarke J.D. ROBB ( NORA ROBERTS)
f94dd8b Marriage isn't for the weak or lazy. It's work, and it should be. What would be the point otherwise? marriage J.D. Robb
b0f24bb Wow, colorful. I think the kid's head plowed into me. He came at me like a mortar. Pow! Skull meets tits. Tits lose. J.D. Robb
83f5dd1 I think I've just lost five pounds in fear sweat." Peabody mopped at her face. "Now I want a cannoli. I don't know why." With a laugh, Roarke shifted to grin at her. "I'll buy you a dozen, precious." "Cannolis, for God's sake." in-death-series jd-robb peabody roarke J.D. Robb
c1f8212 He wanted to heave the glasses against the wall. Break them, break everything he could reach. Beat it, rend it. He stared out the window, imagined the city in flames, consumed to ashes. And still it wasn't enough. roarke J.D. Robb
f925f90 Eve: "You already own half the universe" Roarke: "Why settle for half when you can have all?" eve-dallas roarke J.D. Robb
1bd9390 I don't get it. Scratch, bite, squeal, slap. Why do women fight like that? They've got fists. It's embarrassing to our entire gender. J.D. Robb
4f06f99 Life has very little even ground. life even-ground fair fairness J.D. Robb
8b365ba No, it had never been like this for him before, with anyone. Of all the women he'd known, she was the only one he was compelled to be with, driven to touch. Beyond the physical, the basic and apparently unsatiable lust she inspired in him, was a constant fascination. Her mind, her heart, her secrets, her scars. He had told her once they were two lost souls. He thought now he'd spoken no more than the truth. But with each other, they'd found.. J.D. Robb
df8d258 It was the first day in the life of the new lean and mean Peabody. An hour later, she lay on the grubby floor wheezing like the dying. Her quads and hamstrings burned, her glutes wept, and her arms couldn't stop screaming for mama. "Never doing this again," she announced. "Yes, you are," she corrected. "Can't. Dying. Can. Will. Help me, I think I broke my ass. Wimp, pussy. Shut up." peabody J.D. Robb
34db8ad How can I love you and not be afraid? You're my life, Eve, my heart. You're asking, you're wondering if I ever worry, if I ever fear, that one day Peabody or Feeney, your commander--a cop who's become a friend--will knock on my door? Of course I do. J.D. Robb
1600255 After they left the office, Peabody shoved her hands in her pockets. "These nicknames are pissing me off." "But you're not I'm-Too-Good-to-Pee-Body. Harris is." "It's damn name. And now I have to pee. It's like my bladder has to prove something." "Pee at the bank. Consider it a deposit." humor peabody J.D. Robb
d1d32ce Eve)"Hold on. You have to give them a gift for moving?" "Uh-huh. Plus they're shacking, so it should be a couple thing." She (Mavis) ate another canape, fed on to Leonardo. "Why does there have to be a gift for every damn thing?" Eve complained. "Retail conspiracy." Roarke patter her knee. "I bet it is," Eve said darkly. "I just bet it is." J.D. Robb
56534a9 No one's indispensable. Except you to me. J.D. Robb
ef697c4 I'll wait. By the way, sex-me-up shoes?" "I was following a theme." "Well." Reo turned her ankles, looked down. "They are pretty fabulous." "They are," Mira agreed. "I was going to say the same about yours. What a terrific color." "Could we not talk about shoes in the box that still smells of evildoer?" "You started it," Reo reminded her before she turned back to Mira." reo in-death-series jd-robb eve-dallas J.D. Robb
dbb2fe6 There! There it is again! What language is that?" From the bed, Roarke shifted. "I believe it's known as rooster." With the weapon at her side, she stared at him, slack-jawed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" "Not a bit. It's morning, more or less, and that's a cock signaling the dawn." "A cock?" "I'd say. I don't think Sindead and her man want you to stun their rooster, but I have to say, Lieutenant, you make a fascinating picture." She heave.. signaling-the-day rooster J.D. Robb
78d65bb He sipped again, more deeply. "Is this an interrogation, Lieutenant?" It was the smile in his voice that rubbed her wrong. "It can be," she said shortly. "As you like." He rose, set his glass aside, and began to unbutton his shirt. "What are you doing?" "Getting into the swim, so to speak." He tossed the shirt aside, unhooked his trousers. "If I'm going to be questioned by a naked cop, in my own tub, the least I can do is join her." ".. J.D. Robb
5c388dd I'm not trying to box you in. I'm just trying to live with you. J.D. Robb
d72fa6a She didn't want the medi-techs. She wanted a fucking candy bar. [...] She reached down [...] and chose a Galaxy bar [...] "I'm going home." "You didn't pay for that," Francois shouted after her. "Fuck you, Frank," she shouted back and kept going." humour J.D. Robb
0744103 You're not perfect, and that makes you just exactly right. J.D. Robb
4292d83 You sleep here?" "I don't intend to sleep tonight." He interrupted her gawking by pulling her up the two stairs to the platform and tumbling her onto the bed. "I have to check in by oh seven hundred." "Shut up, lieutenant." "Okay." With a half laugh, she rolled on top of him and fastened her mouth to his. Wild, reckless energy was bursting inside her. She couldn't move quickly enough, her hands weren't fast enough to satisfy the craving.. J.D. Robb
cbe8d2e His mind's always on something else. He'd live in a ratty cardigan, and he's always worrying holes in the pockets of his pants. He can never seem to find his wallet or anything in the refrigerator. And just when you think he's not paying any attention to what you're saying or doing, he comes up with exactly the right answer or solution."", [J.D. Robb, Celebrity In Death""People""who expect perfection in a mate miss a lot of fun--and sweetne.. humor-relationships J.D. Robb
8db9955 Pop quizzes were killers. Like ambushing assassins they elicited fear and loathing in the prey, and a certain heady power in the hunter. J.D. Robb
1703e55 Far be in from me to dictate how you should assuage your guilt. Do you have a lot of it?" She bit his good shoulder. "You're about to find out." She toppled them both off the bench and onto the mat. "Well, ouch. I take it guilt doesn't bring out your gentler side." roarke guilt J.D. Robb
1034b05 Any hot plans for the weekend, Peabody?" "My usual, flicking off men like flies, breaking hearts, crushing souls." peabody J.D. Robb
43479ef those who love suffer when who they love suffers. J.D. Robb
93202c1 Where's the hooch--for Dickhead?" "Fourth-floor gift room." She stared at him for ten silent seconds. "We have a gift room?" On a half laugh, he shook his head. "One day, darling Eve, you really should go through the entire house. East wing, fourth-floor tower." "Okay." Since she wasn't completely sure where that was, she walked to the elevator." humor roarke J.D. Robb
857b396 I like your style, Lieutenant Dallas," he said when they'd fought their way to the car. "I like it a lot. And by the way, I don't think I'm in love with you anymore. I know I am."-Roarke" roarke-humor J.D. Robb
fc37900 Sit up, and no whining." "I don't whine." "Rarely," he agreed. But when you do, you make up for the lack of quantity with quality." J.D. Robb
644d694 Eve engaged her On Duty sign and stepped out of the car. Immediately her ears were assaulted with a blast of music. Christmas carols pumped, full blast, into the air. She decided that people ran inside, ready to buy anything, just to escape the noise. escape eve-dallas J.D. Robb
bac817f She had an insult waiting for Summerset, who she knew would comment about her being home early. She'd say it was Mortician's Day, and she'd taken off in his honor. Quick and to the point. J.D. Robb
2894faf Christ, she missed him outrageously. Disgusted with herself, she ducked her head under the spray and let it pound on her brain. When hands slipped around her waist, then slid up to cup her breasts, she barely jolted. But her heart leaped. She knew his touch, the feel of those long, slim fingers, the texture of those wide palms. She tipped her head back, inviting a mouth to the curve of her shoulder. "Mmm. Summerset. You wild man." Teeth nip.. J.D. Robb
fbd7ce2 Sir." Several expressions passed over Peabody's face before it went carefully blank. "That's a lovely dress, Lieutenant. Are you premiering a new style?" Baffled, Eve looked down, then rolled her eyes. "Shit. You've seen my tits before." But she set the communicator down and struggled the bodice into place. "And may I say, sir, they're quite lovely." "Sucking up, Peabody?" "You bet." J.D. Robb
00dfebd So he found her. Most people would have said she was relaxed. But then, Roarke thought, most people didn't really know and certainly didn't understand Eve Dallas. He was more intimate with her, closer to her mind and heart than he had ever been with another. Yet there were still pockets of her he had yet to plumb. She was, always, a fascinating learning experience. She was naked, dipped to her chin in steamy water and perfumed bubbles. Her .. J.D. Robb