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02fb631 Get ready to do just that." Eve grabbed her coat. "Oh my God." Reo made a hum of almost sexual pleasure. "Really?" Keeping some distance, Eve shrugged into the coat. "Seriously, sex noises over a coat?" "It's ... delicious." "Don't lick it. Once," Eve said, knowing damn well she wouldn't get past Reo without it. "You can touch it, but just once." J.D. Robb
7d3a183 The man loves you with everything he has, everything he is. Eve, that means you can hurt him. marriage romance love roarke J.D. Robb
6dd47fc People who expect perfection in a mate miss a lot of fun--and sweetness. J.D. Robb
b750a4f We're the blue line, sir, and that will resonate on-screen. But Peabody is the face, the very human element. And she would symbolize who we are, contrast sharply against what Renee Oberman is." He rubbed his chin, and his lips curved a little above his fingers. "You can carve out an angle like that, an excellent angle, and believe the idea of your ass in the chair someday down the road is terrifying?" He waved off her response before she co.. J.D. Robb
8164a1d Why does there have to be a gift for every damn thing?" Eve complained. "Retail conspiracy." Roarke patted her knee. "I bet it is," Eve said darkly. "I just bet it is." J.D. Robb
86e7a73 I don't remember, and I don't want to remember. I've been a victim, and once you have, you need to do whatever it takes not to be one again victim J.D. Robb
fb8177e She'd barely stepped in, taken that first breath of cool, clean air, when Summerset, Roarke's majordomo, appeared in the foyer like an unwelcome vision. "Yes, I missed the dinner," she said before he could open his mouth. "Yes, I'm a miserable failure as a wife and a poor example of a human being. I have no class, no courtesy, and no sense of decorum. I should be dragged naked into the streets and stoned for my sins." Summerset raised one s.. J.D. Robb
b2c3324 She was debating calling the lab and pushing for her tattoo when Peabody poked her head in. "We got--Hey, doughnuts." "You'll get yours. What have we got?" "Marc Tuluz. Want him in here or the lounge?" "Here's a puzzler," Eve began. "If we're in the lounge interviewing him, how many doughnuts will be in this box upon our return?" "I'll bring him in here." J.D. Robb
d21c3b3 Following Peabody's distracted gaze, Eve had her first view of Jess Barrow. He was beautiful. A painting in motion with a long, shining mane of hair the color of polished oak. His eyes were nearly silver, thickly lashed, intensely focused, as he worked the controls of an elaborate console. His complexion was flawless, tanned to bronze set off by rounded cheekbones and a strong chin. His mouth was full and firm, and his hands, as they flew o.. J.D. Robb
a161b7e I can't be in your place as I don't have a fat, knocked-up ass to sit on. Yeah, you asked me for a major, and if you want to come through on it, you'll sit down, shut up, and let me work. Bitch. mavis J.D. Robb
ce9a88b There's nobody on the job, nobody with a badge I respect more than you." - Eve "You never were a rookie," he told her in a voice roughened with emotion. "So I saw good, solid cop the minute I laid eyes on you. I gave you a hell of a foundation, kid, a lot of seasoning and pushed you hard because I knew you could take it. You put yourself here. And I'm proud." - Feeney" feeney J.D. Robb
d8d8f84 Did she know, could she know what it meant to him when she turned to him, when she opened herself to him like this? In absolute trust. Her strength, her valor remained a constant wonder to him, as did her unrelenting determination to defend those who could no longer defend themselves. These moments, when she allowed her vulnerabilities, her doubts, her fears to tremble to the surface compelled him to take care. In these moments he could sho.. romance love roarke J.D. Robb
d0e6bfa Do I get a bonus for letting him grab my boob?" "Your boob, like the rest of you, belongs to the NYPSD. Besides, McNab's going to ride you like a racehorse first chance. That's your bonus." "You brought up sex and McNab!" "This once, also your bonus." "I've got this outfit at home Dolly would wear. I'm going to put it on tonight and--" "You didn't earn that big a bonus." J.D. Robb
f6c5def Eyes on hers, he flicked her shoulder. Her mouth fell open. She started stomping the floor. "What in God's name are you doing?" he demanded. "Trying to kill the giant tarantula, because the only reason I can figure you just fucking flicked me is because there was a big, fat spider on my shoulder." humor J.D. Robb
be99aa4 She slid off the table, but didn't object to having his hand support her. "Where's my ice cream?" "You didn't behave, so there'll be no treat for you." "That's just mean." -- J.D. Robb
49f2060 Reaching into his pocket, he took out the amulet Isis had given him the night before, slipped it over Eve's neck. "What's this for?" "It looks better on you than me." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Bull. You're being superstitious." "No, I'm not," he lied and set her plate in with his before he shifted and began to unbutton her shirt. "Hey, what are you doing?" "Passing the time." His hands, clever and quick, swooped down to take her breast.. J.D. Robb
1b61aca The huge cat, Galahad, was draped over the back of Eve's sleep chair like a drunk over a bar at last call. Since he'd spent several hours the night before attacking boxes, fighting with ribbon, and murdering discarded wrapping paper, she left him where he was so he could sleep it off. J.D. Robb
6ac584f He held up a hand. "You've come perilously close to being written up for insubordination, Lieutenant. I expect better control from you, and have rarely had the need to remind you of it." "Yes, sir." "Moreover, I find myself insulted both on a personal and professional level that you assumed I had or would approve an asinine schedule that pulls you off a priority." "I apologize, Commander, and can only offer the weak excuse that any and all .. J.D. Robb
3273903 And how does my aide come by this information before I do?" "Well, you know . . . pillow talk. See, sex--in this case--is an advantage to you. McNab said they'd get through faster, but at data clubs like that, the units are totally clogged. But he's on it and it's his top priority." She cleared her throat when Eve made no comment. "Should I still contact Captain Feeney?" "Oh, Feeney and I appear to be superfluous at this point. You and McPe.. J.D. Robb
7efa52d U.N.? As in United Nations?" "No, U.N. as in Unidentified Numbskulls." J.D. Robb
75d5900 Oh, come on. People see ghosts all the time." "That's because people, by and large, are whacked." J.D. Robb
b5596da He may have gotten spanked by a barbecue grill, but on a desk unit, he was a king. J.D. Robb
49d9201 If we don't make it, I love you and blah, blah, blah." He laughed, and shifted so his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "I'll say the same. It's been a hell of a ride so far." J.D. Robb
ec21083 I've eliminated everything else. This is what's left. And when you've eliminated everything else, what's left should be true. J.D. Robb
cb05d95 I crossed the line." "The line shifts." Now he gave those shoulders a quick, impatient shake. "If the law, if justice has no compassion, no fluidity, no humanity, how is it justice?" J.D. Robb
5a1df9a Why do people live in places like this? There's nothing here. You see all that sky?" she asked Roarke. "You shouldn't be able to see that much sky from down here. It can't be good for you." J.D. Robb
1596306 He wore command as he wore his suit--a good fit with clean lines. J.D. Robb
46d2c6a I read this article about how what you wear under your clothes is all about what makes you feel empowered and in control. It's the Under You. J.D. Robb
fd8b1b0 Is there any exceptionally beautiful woman you haven't slept with?" "I'll make you a list. So, you knocked her down." roarke J.D. Robb
837d1d2 I've never understood the appeal of anything referred to as 'hash. J.D. Robb
a53b703 The surface can hide a great deal of turmoil. J.D. Robb
49c47cc You've got a point. But I like it better when the bad guys are just the bad guys." "There's always plenty of them to go around." J.D. Robb
efc073a What the fuck was that? Is it like that vid, with the people and the pods and the dupes?" "Oh, that's a scary one. It's sort of like that. He's in love." "What with?" "Who," Peabody said with a laugh. "Apparently he met somebody a few weeks ago, and he's in love. He's happy." "He's fucking creepy, that's what he is. I think I like him better when he's a dick. He kept smiling." "Happy makes you smile." "It's unnatural." J.D. Robb
765bd03 There were times during the weeks and weeks - months really - of planning, of selecting, of working out all the tiny details, I felt impatient, even annoyed with myself. There were times I doubted, times I nearly lost my courage and my focus. It's too easy to become discouraged when no one values your skills and your efforts. J.D. Robb
39ab55f Cakes of rice are not a snack. I suspect them of evil deeds for this alone. J.D. Robb
f9adbab Murder did that. Took lives, crushed others, changed still others forever. J.D. Robb
77265b1 You can't make this shit up. J.D. Robb
cf34947 There was Ireland in his voice, dreamy wisps of it that could, unexpectedly, wind around her heart. J.D. Robb
591792c You have shoes to match." "I do?" "You do, yes, and go with diamonds. Leave the color to the dress." "Which diamonds? Do you know how many you give me? Why do you do that?" The aggrieved sound of her voice amused him nearly as much as giving her diamonds. "It's a sickness. I'll get them for you once you're dressed." She said nothing, and stood where she was as he selected a dark suit from his forest of suits, a slate-colored shirt, and a st.. J.D. Robb
60dc79f Speaking of chocolate, what kind of cake are we having for the shower?" "I don't know." Sincerely shocked, Peabody jerked around in her seat. "You didn't get cake?" "I don't know. Probably." Because the idea of the shower, what she had to do, hadn't done, should do, made her stomach jitter, Eve squirmed. "Look, I called the caterer, okay? I did it myself. I didn't dump it on Roarke, I didn't ask--God forbid--Summerset to handle it." "Well, .. J.D. Robb
27cfe24 To have birthed and bred her, beaten and raped her all for selling her to other scum. What god made such creatures as that and set them to prey on innocents? J.D. Robb
acc100e Chip Robbins, how many times have I told you not to yell out for me unless you're being stabbed with a pitchfork? J.D. Robb
5116e54 Roarke leaned over, J.D. Robb
e78b496 You know, a lot of women would get pissed off at having their husband star in their aide's purient little fantasies." "But you're bigger than that, Lieutenant. I like that about you." J.D. Robb